THE U. OF M. DAILY. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Football Supplies a Specialty. "4 ?l Every requisite for the seys, Sweaters, Shoes , Caps },- Belts, Stockin usMrrills Nose Mas, Rutee Mouth- 7e- Piece, Shin Guards, Head Harness.-Spaldig Ofleisi Intercollegae Footall mst e used in all Match - Games. Price, $5 0. r Spaldig'O~fllcial Football - s. Guide-New lRules-Picures - of all te Leading Players. -Price, 10 ts Handsomely Illustrated Footbal Catalogue sent Free. wNer York, Chiag, hildephla. !GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. Twelve years of teaching in Ann Arbor ,wth a tol of 6<3 pupils lst seaso area zcofciet guarantee as to or ability to teach dancing as it should be. All classes are un- der the personal instruction f Mr. sd Mrs. Ross Grager. Member of the America sNatloei Association of Mlasters of Dcig. For iformation regarding classes and terms call a tiscosfice, grund dsor 6 Maynard t. Ciclas t Molec Stores o Mailed. MOORE & WETMVORE 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST, CORNER OF WILLIAM, HAVE A OMPLTr TccioOC Or UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note boos anti oter Students' Supplis. 'Fountain Pes, Fine Statioery, Sporting Gods, etc., shick they sufer at the lowest prices. Cal and see us before Purchasing. THE BOOK OF ATHLETICS AND OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS, NORMAN 1. BINHIAM, JR., Captai of te Mtt Hae Tean, 19;). This untqeo boolk is an athletic symposium cotrbtedto bysell-non aamatesrs, e- prts aod clieesm-cap itais. iavars, Yale, and other leading colleges are repre- sented. Foottall, basell,. tentdls, golf, crichet, hurdlinig atd trash athletics, yacht- ing, stating, bicycintg, etc., are prctically anld suggestvely treated. Oe o., cloth, Se., pofuseicyilstrated, 51.50. For sale byall bobkslers. THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, 92 Pearl Stret, Boston. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stck, $.-A.00. Surplu,$110,000. teurcees, $1,0J,00. ,Organzed under the General Banhttsu Laws of tis state. Receives deposits, buys and sels echange on te pincipl cities of the United State. Daft cashed upon prper ':identification. Slsfety deposit boes to retL O3reccos: Christian Mlac, Fes.; W. D. B rman Vis YcePr's.: Chas EHiscoc, ,ashier M S PrtzstAssitot Cashier UNIVERSITY SCHOOL FOR DANCING B. lt. AaSTs.r !lits. NttLII L. TLRt, 27 Thumpsuts St. '. . Bloc. "THE FINEST IN THE LAND" Give it a trial and youI will always use it. SOLD ONLY BY M. d Staebler Wlie iX. W-btigton st. Phoe No. 8. Ys-s0.C . R. PhneN.0. Nole's Star Clothing 35 South Main Street. If a .man wants to Jbe dressed well and comfortable he wants one of our Fechhimmer, Fisher & Co.'s The fit is unequalledl, the workmanship perfect and the prico within the roach of all. Come in and let us tell you all about it. LA MPS That have perfect combustion and do not smoke or smell: The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfection Stu- dent, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all niekel plated, with latest improvement. We sell what we advertise and guarantee quajity of goods, mod are never undersold. I m Take A Look BAS sm, lid ensible erviceable tylish wift suling Shoes DEAN S& COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. r UNIVERSITY NOTES. GOOD FOOTBALL PRACTICE. The U'iiersity Ihospitall is fat fll-i 'Varsity and Reserves Are at Work log i11. With Vigor. E. IL. Alisir, '953 L, is praetcicin., lass- ill Ditroit. After presliminalry praoctict' yesterdaey Thit'fre'shiiiaiidenital clisssiousltosit afte'rnooni theItwo teamlls linedtip is 30 ziie'iilirs. follos: Oh' 0) CS'yiel~l, )3 2.l octi- Srily-tlreciileaf ainii 'ryvn, iends; at Slleloyglia. W is. Di' 01 I. Lca, 'O 3. s lcltes ~Villa antI Yont, tackles; Roaikes 1a114 ketrs~l Nw c''o'v Itciliiiigt', gu'ds; C'arr, collier; F.P. T.'Cosbty, jcunior tiresideit of '9061 lolioc's, tquartic bock; Rlooiiiiiguboii, Il, lois nt.lreturnis yii r. fusll basck; IRichalrds 1and1(Ilrates, lialve's. (On iscoutu of illntess, Dr. florlna n I Ilservs-Dickeis aniOPlmers, e'idss; will 11not iioduc't his cililic ~loy.' Hiss Pi'arl C'slty, 'l)3. is l'lll-lii1 in Joshiisonenitd (riini, tackles; Wosili1- thochigh cclissiilat Inhgle'woodsllIII,; Oba-ckr suitdiBaker, ,;gcwardis:tisonii TPhe Polillical Iqiuality cltib sill ime tsenter; Dtuffy, qtelir; SteKenczic, ftil lit NewberryHail tomoiirow iafternioonlli hok; 'ersisr and11Drumhelille'i, hlvles. lit 3 o'clock. Both tealsplaliyed withimichcimiiie (C. E. De'l'uy ~ 11M. i-., is profs'ssor if iiichiaicial entginesrinig at the' ('yli- snailland11115l501ha01101l011y111 viousVitl A miietii of t' hs' 'lbS lsos'oiatiit'hlii'aCrsity's line ssiithgtod site sos-io, studentlos will lbe'h111111at thleictureP butouittd io litle -withi Oth'r 110cr- ro Olllthisiaft'inoon ct 4 o'clos-lk. RoistO. P. Eaiiont, li11IC. E., is with f'iiei. ''i criyllt'i l X the' firiii of 'Selhlile & iSclllsiglll,'ilgame at tblockinig tandtackling. ;cincsrs aisil Contractoss, ('hic-ato. llrc't'ileuf. YuIla lsllil hikeshelldtip Dr. A. It..Johinsisi, '015\1, lhis tokc; the 'Vlarsity left:sideli'nl goodsh laps' lii' ibiaciif Dr1. 11tlylosllls 11s 115- 5510110 ill suirgery intd will10qu0izltee esclsf noig 510'tscca~ ;ju11011gofstackle's. C'arr ga1ve'plaice'to .J1h11 AmuolegtheIlic intill'lt '96O L si. b oll ill cnterland io tetth plyedlaifeairly m1issed1 this gill- are'F. 31. Hall, H. 1I t brong gamle. Heninilger milelil"somei Shanonill, I'. IL. Llaing, J. 11. huih, A. god ol illi the RorSe'-c's' hle, be- II. Husnt antI1It. L. Ltysler.. Th'e' lawsstudltetsare'alireadly be(giln- sitesm :iiiikg Ia log runll