THE U. OF M. DAILY. MIHGANGENT it SKATES, KNIVES AND RAZORS Ti me Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. Havlag purchased the fall lene ofsa sine rstates, knivs andI razors from Henry EAST. WEST. Scars & bon at a discount of 50 percent, teeao offer them at the same discount, Mlaland Ex-__3 50 Mail-______ 88 Arjm I . 7 . F ® F N. Y. Special---. S.001 N. Y. Special.---. 7 300J U S T O N E.-H A. 1 L P O P Eastern Es-S- SI1 N. S. Limited.--. 9 21 A. M. P. M. A good pair of akates worth 70c, now l5e. A niee poehet haifa at from 8c to 35e. Atatic Es-___7305 Pacific Es.---12 15 A good razor at 50c, others The, $1.00, aad $1.25. D. NExpress.---- 5 40 Western Exs-__2 00 G. R. Express _..1S S5 Chi. N t. Ex---15 28$ CO P N 'F r iue 0.R x------555 . W. R, H. W. HAYES, 56, 58 mnd 60 S. Main St. 'Phone 164. G. P. & T. Aft., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor( 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $5 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Money to loan on personal property. On and offer Feb. 4 all our $1.50 U. of M. Pine, will be sold at $1.00 to protect our pattern. RAILROAD. Time Table, Jan. 12, 080. 7:214 a. mn. 07:411 a. m. 512:2 p. m, 1:4 a. m. 4:15 pm, 9:21 p. m. All trains daily except Sunday "Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. H. S. GREENWOOD, Aent W. H. HENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypulantl from Congrems st., 7:108:5 and 11:0a.m.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, 5:d5, 9:15 and 10ed5 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 and 11:301 a. in.; 1:15, 1:41, 5:310, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 P.. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Cungrest.. 1:30, 3:30, :00, 6:30 and 0:00 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction,:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:0e and 9:30 p. m. Caru ran on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents; cooed trip tichets 25 cents. Wxi. F. PAKER, Supt. STUDEBNTS T If 700 weant good reliable life insorasnce call on Fred T lvlcOmber. office No. 1, S. F~ourth a~ve. NEW DTACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PHXOTOCR.&PXERL! ANN ARBOR. MICH. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY & CO'S. 20OS. State St., Sager Bloc. I arge Line of Fine Pipes, Tohareos and Cigars. 1896. 1896. SECOND SEMESTER ULM MUaM New and Second-hand will be sold to stu- dents at special reduced rates At Sheehan's LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS AT BAL GAINS. OUR NE9JW SPRING SAMPLEBS Have arrived. The largest and finest assortment aver showna iniAsia Arbor. Suits from 514 to $1 0. - Pasts from $4 to S12. We hksow that we casn please you ansd'twill please you to looh at our samples before buying st~rieg furnishings. FJ. Glen, The State St. Tailor, F.2095S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, ICH. Examinations in Law Dept. AT THE 'GRAND OPERIA HOUSE. _I i , f Exaionattious, in the law de1i'lt-lel- gorrison's "Fasusl' is by all odds iiireWM ARNOLD'S JEWELR( STORE. snent will tbe gitvei Frida~y ilioriili best and11 m1ost favsorabtly knowifspsiee- auit will Dbe conitinuth lrossghinexts~t tilaieprodleucti oe-fore lie. enteir- lo p20 n c . STATE weeck aicrordinig to lhe follocwing iaiiiiest-lovitig world toddiy, sirsc ifs TOP& STREET. ++ latptrtesetation hebel. siring thie Call on them for scelei: numbersityietos Ator rrisii':"Faust" Fine Lunches, Escllliilatiol"s ii the' 1aw detet hasll biseenl roll iiilily hi-for', lie puics' Fine Chocolates, sill begin Friday mlorninlg iandl will in evely prinilltu ciitliif'tiecountry and Baked Goods. conitinule thirough nesxt wreek accordlinig iti11i18beenciivsliersll~y Succ:essul. It Try Our Lunches. to the fsllowiaigschedule: is liipuirpose ocitlr. AMorrisor i i-re- Year " cai6t~rteeilig it, to mnake tlii peiiiliiclioni'Grand Opera IHouse.rGasDnags erays ndotaoefo l teso h 7, 9 a. ?n., (ode Pleadinig, Febtruiry ela~ill:- 1ilieiit so tbrilliaintly endsF i ev F b ,9..i. xrodnr ea tm owr neai h rge-o h 2 Frday eb.7th. culi's, l:i'Orulaxy 0, 2 p. ill.;: Eeal stage wcith.litIliing sip~lnVid:: 1: Sri- A Productiun Celebrated Throughout thie tProperty, Febhrutary 101, Ido.ini.; (o"il-itlll f:11li':r stii 11 :11 u ng hSeai so1 ~~ ~ b 1 lu':i~hert ilircugli lihe senses of .ign aild ~ Q P i S I' iii.; fedelirllJttrispirudenc-e, Februa~ryTE Original Monster Production of EOI ]'!LA: ILAE12, 1(0 a. ini.; Equity jtrsprudeclie, T)ICht. 'R A IT S I Iebirutary 1;, 1) a. ili.; Wills Feturry If yost ravrel 0110thiousantii miles - 14, 9 a. iii. dutring Die yeatr you wtill sare ivon5ey All New thin Season. Toes of Magenificena., Secotnd Yeacr Class-Cocky Pleaditig, by purchaoing a thous:tnd tiiie ticket. Scenery, Worlds of Electriesh lSurprises, The entin he iarkt. re toseis- Oceans of Wontderfsl Effects. 1.e'iliy S, 9 5. in.; Ageticy, i-eti- Tebsti$h1Ilrte.teIhs s ary10,2 . I.;Bils ad motsFeb-nued by agents of Ohio Cetrtal Lines. Pices, 35oc,6 5 n hyaego vralteinot ruey 21, 2 p ini.; ils151oles, FD- Teyc ae godioveOlllihieitoprtln rohiy 1, 2p. ii.;('oamo 1.1ccsystetus including the enltire 13. & .C TinOdOeial Plelinig, Februarisy 12, 2?Ip. tm.; heelif system crest of IPittsburg, the Hig' PERFECTION Prope'rty, Febr'uahtry 10, l.; F'our, etc. See agents cif Ohio Cenira TDN A Equtity Juhrispruden'icesrd eFbay1, Line. before pturchiasing. Price $20;' STDN AP geit~r 4 ood ono year. Ifas never been equal- 2 1). mi.; F:ixtuires auth E1ai=:csuetto-ed forre'ading, sewing I ___________________.and office parpoes. J Fer'euary 23, 2 1). in. The burner being sep. arated from the oil t'rtYaT'ltsHI ~iuishihsI El- . JOi fount, It is absolutely ri' hielidat:2 ip. Il.) Elemtiafiry seances. tf yosr deal- League Ball erdoesnt heepthm Lacs', l eblrtlit- 7; Contrac-ts, Febest- LupInI s Ci ecel of .3.501 thais elegant Nicket- atry 10; ''orts, Februtar'y 13; tPerionah will bat further and last lsted Lamp, imetsd- shade and chimney Property, Februai'y 12; Domiilc longer than any other wil l be sent ho any dressbye se manu- IgelgiolOFebuar ii Crlilhiti mke. It ontinsthe factsrers, Manhattan Brass Co., 310 E. 25th best materials and shows Ia:c, Februarys 14. the finest construction The qizzies, for students wchlolhatte, throughout. lissed rsection quizznes will be helil asaia c mu s follocws: E:quity Jtlhm1'idee, this afternoon; ReatlIProperty, toinorrrocw afternoon; Critniiital Laws, 'liursdty afternoon. 'These qunizzes will hie held at 2 o'clock. The sceduule of exatilhations of tie literary dleparstmnit is pinlted in te atlnucemienht. The tue of the exa'iiu- illations of the tiieclical depalrtmlett xill be given in Friday's papl~er. LODGE-DAVIS MACHIaNTOOL CO., Cincinnati, 0: I cast my vote for the University of Michfgan, Ann Arbor, Mich., isnelse con- tent fur the *1.50Iathe, which yos alter to ree et on March, 1, 18h6, to the techini- cal school receiving the greatest number of votes. Voters Ftul Name-------------------------.- Street No. . . . ..--------------- City--------------State.--- ---- TVotens mut be ac least fifteen yearn old. Ladies cannot vote but 'may aid In securing votes. Eivery "official' league ball offered to the public is an imitation of the VICTOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade mark is a guarantee of finest quality. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makerss of Victor Bicycles. COTRELL & LEONARD, - Albany. N. Y~ Makers of Iapsd owes for Yale 'SlIHarvard '16, Princeton'19 and may we not add Michigan '96? T. O. &C.Ry. K. & M. Ry. Solid through trains between Toledo, Ohio and Charlson, WY. Vs., via Coluwbus, the. short and only direct roste. Toledo, 0. Findlay,s O. Renton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athena. 0. Middleport, ( .. Pomery, 0. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williainsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfork, Va. And all southeastern points. Elegant drawing room cars on all through trains. For further information call on your locai Tichet Agent or write. MOULTON HOOK, Gesi Pas. Agt., Toledo, O0. W A. PETERS. Michigan Pans. Agent, Detroit. Mich. HANOSTEnrEN, CTEER