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February 04, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-04

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g, i4.tLWaitn+
Published Daily (Snday excepted) dring
the College year, at
Oreen: Times building N. Main st., opposite
post offce.
C. D. CARY, Gr. L. Xw. . TnEes,'91 L..
S. E NArres,' l. IG. R. Peso".'l.
W.X. liuc'oees, 'I, E. L.. louEr, '98La
. IIAwS. '8.
. B. iAs~soor, 'lilL
J. F. TooAs, '.
L. C. XAKEne, '6.
L. A. Pratt, '6I G.C. I.eat, '6 P.
S. i. Smith, 'i L. . E. Sherma, 'l.
F. Simons, .10. H. B. ammon,'8 M.
Fi. A. Faci, 'IO. R. It. Reilly, 'l9.
I, C. aulds, '10 l J. L. Xalsh, 'OSIM.
C B. Roe, '8 iD. Susanna IRichardn, '8.
Tbhe subsripion prceo te Daily ha
heens reduced to SLIP0isnadance for the rest
of the year. Leavesbsriptios at the
Daily office or with P. C. Meye, . of M.
News Stand.
Editor of tota's pler,
yX. '. . 'lILAYEiP.')11L.
All peroshoslodiig Dily subcrip-
tisn pods aix' rcqtitsitl 10 rturni
tlheiiito thit' hticiie manallgr' Ihis
'[eneli me DX ililir of thieDaily Xwii
be isuledlFridaly landthi dt'eiiot f the
dtes of the reilailin nuiteiberi isuePI
this semieser Xilile lanlnuc'dlill
that nuniber.
iteiiienyi deserves awilXl proaby
receive is large audiiiece at tLuiiX'rsiy
hol tonight. He 1has5alwiays benil a
favorite here and1 to his polar~ilit' is
aidded the fact 111.ut1thils concert is tie
ilsi: step toward setrilgimoiey for
lip erection of as new grand stand. oD
the athletic lipd.
The ist of periodicas crreity re
ceivecd at ie iniversity librries 111111
lishiedlin lihe DaiyIa slort imo ,ago,
will tbe piniitedini pamphlet form. A
coiiy will be slt to each merniiber of
the Dily publishing Association
(every pid-up sbscriter), lush othes
Xwii be ahic to obtain the list at the
There seems to ho donbt in the
minds of seie sdents an to the rigt
of the coninittees in charge to take the
amunal bal to 'Toledo because lest
city does ino apipen tohes"in Michii
gan. It is arydtIsfBd aiy reasonable
argument wXhihi Xill suport tisiewIPX
of the maitster. The 'i's'litith annual
ball, or Xwhatever it imay he called, in
to be crrii. otelan a prvatie party
isiless Ithe faculty rfuse tlic, necesiry
consent or the oninitees rXerse
their decisioun. As a.ipriX'ate affair tie
managers have the right 10ololi it
wherever they may desre, and no one
wihout a voice in the management of
the ball has any right to object wheth-
er it e held in Mihigan gr Ohio or

of lietinowiruing :olin1101 ot (1 ii
01againe ims uiteinihe lP1st1of
the Xoks oPSMack 'Twaine given lee a
skech of' 111' liumoeis i iin o. XI. of
the Naional tyclopidia of Americaen
' 'Thle iiiversity of (hiago SWekly
comililni'still'ideal and thle irctial
tii a. wsayfltht imakes it a mlodelsun-
let pubicaotion. Is lierary sketches
are rleverly Xwittnl andlits ineXs
serv'ic'e is well arrainged aeeii appears
to he complete.
A ficion pri'iecof $125 ts offered. il
thee Bachelor of Ars to is seehergi :ad-
I lte subPsrierls foi'theP bes orignall
shorl51(or' of 'slt ge' life. The leglo
of 11 ostory f this coites is resrited
to 400)0Xwords, and IMss, 111051bh
stllo tihIle magaine Py ele 1iniiior-
dc o receive clnsli(it'i'tio.
Thiere is soith~ing aboit Onting
whliich brings wich it a stisfactione Io
tiii'average colee 111:1, sldin Iis
thle F'ebruary nueimber is no excepio.
It covi'is stoortinil all pars of the
world.as a fewXXtifles Xillsow:
"Shlootineg of Swvatov, Chins" "Hut-it
ing lt'et'aliforieTiou,"in 'ed "P'd-
dlineg a 'lllliti i lHondrs," apeIar
iii thie cureit numerile, XX'hil Acoss
thie 'esb" "Durk onehie S'aen-
nahi" call "Ihieitieg Plh'Sauiihur ie
Ceylon," come ii the Ma~rci tuting.
'T'he Februasry numebier of thie Mid-
iandl IXonhlyi, an enteerprisig mlag-.
z'ie ubisetdat Deslolies, a., coi-
talus ae it ierestinig article on "lip
Xoiien's Clbs of Micigai," hI' Mrs.
Htattie Senford PRssell, of Hdson.
Mi. A desritioni is gieen of the
work of theXWomen's Lege, and:
portrait of Mlidss OcaiacW. Baes, 'W5
L, appeiers iii a r0111 of thee prei
deits of "the Dtroit XWomeien's clibs.
The Midlndti Moiellly promlises tit
publicatoin in the near futre of an
article oil"SomeePires Womeee of
TueeecurrentiReviewv of PReviewsn say
coiteersning colleg presidens, in ito
depairnient oie fle progress of the
world: "Airopos of theslection of
Presidents Giliean and.Wiiie, it is
Xorthi Xvhile to coesieer, in pausin,
hiowv reniarkable a group of emen are
now serving or have at see recent
ime erved as thie headsn of our leac-
ing Aeericn colleges and niveri-
ties. Perhaps no helen in De country
has expressed insef in a. more
statesnmnlike fashion in support of
the Ameican view of the issues in-
volved iii the Venezuela dispute than
President Selirnan, of Conell, oh,-
thugh orn and eduaed. under lbs
British flag,Pee such men as Presi
dent Angell, of the University of Mich-
igan, President Adans, of the Uiver
iy of Wisconsin, President NortrogA


of thle Uiversity of MIitlesoloi, and womeni. 111(1sly fturthier'tha:t "it is
11na111'0oth(r'college' hc'ads, froinllesi' wnedia'd 111controled by colla"e olu-
det'ns Eliot 111d1Lowv all theXwaly isocdents, and iafford, ciii arcna iii Nbli
I're'zideiit Jordan at Palo Alto-the undelrgradtet~aIs ilay copceefoe' lt-
counetry lpohsess'5 a grohepo otfiiieieof erseryiioiiors."
high ideas, broad culure storiing pt-1' FU'NNY SKETI'CIES WXANT'ED.
riotism, trainied to. ee eten anid h;rapl- HavSing derided to omit short, tsr-
p'-c vItllleffairs, and( able to rendeir 501111 griinds in ibis lear's book, the
distingliiched Service to this coulrl' (astaliaii Boaerd is dese'Ihhs of getting
OX'i~lIP't'l clile~lthtoh."as iiaiiy hmorouhs sketchiesof tniX'ir-
tiheeex aleduon"Sill'r lift' 110possible. Ifl'Uliovi
lauhhhlable' Incidlent or anmesieng isaroc-
P'rof. L. IL. Dyclie, of the l'niX'er. e hbii hetuivrsl, ii'
city' of Kasas1, contiribute~soil, article hree'zy skcetchi anti putt it ill the Cas-
toil "XX'lruces thiniicg is the Aectic haliaue cointributtion boxes ,in the iiiii
Rlegions," to the t't'brhllry t'tslopoli- 11a111
tanm. "Progress 'howard. the, Age of NOTICE.
the Hoerseless t'airitige," by 'T. A. PDe It Xould he great ;accomnmodations
XXeese ini this umhhibcr is llreflc'dbyPh to hear fromt all of the senior lits Xvho
ali (ofter frolil hle Cosmopolan ofi have not replied in regard to cops and
$800hepi,. oramtrcriih gowvns W. C. BOEtST,
$,3,00 n przesfora mtor arrageChairman,

raice to beheuldin iiNews York next
Decor'atiinDayI. 'l'llP fronet cov'er of
thet t'smooll)h Pin ltiis uioesiht is at-
tracltiX'e anth.artistic and.there is
iislhieug usthi" coentcetsor the lnue.:
of thue contributors, to susggest hill"-
thhim iikeic'chieapeos.
ttofPtie Xestlthere colles 11.1p(r'
iodicail, ini foriim t a gssyzinelet, but iii
equality nmhchsaovIe the imuhlroomu
class of pulicaion~Psvwhichs appar-
etly please thei(priesent fanicy'. Ph
pulhhlishe~s llrhiches of real lierary mlerit
hid doie not seem111to existIimereto t
makei e' cce'ntricity ptublic, for it ex-
hibitsuothiigof thue "X'iX'idh purle
msomset" Xwhichi *wiethie "freshier"
malI'ihuines anidhpaihleuts so wveari-
somee. "'hue Lotu~s," as it is cailed, is
plltllild lit Kuansas City', lie., andt
is aIvtlrioetIa's the onsl' intercolleg;-
iate lierary' malgazuine ini America.
Thee editors of thue Lotus stale that it
is not a medinnm for college stories.
hut for stories by college mien andI

Ten or twelve students can sobtails
good board at No. 11 S. Slate btL, be-,
ginning Feb. 3. BC

YourMone's Wrth
Y u r M n 'sThe editors of the Daily desire to call special attention
to the fact that the paper will be issued up to commence-
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
the examinations of the second semester can have the'
Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange.
ment enables them to keep fully informed on University
affairs during commenicement week.
The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to,
the whole University and gives the news of every depart-
ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs&
covering everything of news interest relating to_ this insti-
tution and happenings in the college world.
The Daily will be delivered at your door or -mailed to your-
horns address for the remainder of tho year (until June725,.
1896) for $1.50. Leave your subsoriptiin at the Daily office,,
at Moyer's News-'Stand, 46 E. William, or-with any memiber
of the Editorial Board.

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