VOL. VI. No. 91. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 18 6. FouR PAGE-3 CENTS. i i- ONE GUITAR Ni Is enough for one person to!+ S play on at one time. One N S guitar is not enough, how- if S ever, to suppiy 3,000 stu- I dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several + dozens of guitars of various i S makes and prices. t jBETTER LOOK AT OUR I t U. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN GO., 11 N S. MAIN SIT. J a c o b s &lm- - n 'Take_ Notice. hinordor to redtce sIny stock of Fall Woolons, I will offer all Fancy SSnitings tst cost for cesh and msake room for Spring Importations. An early call. will profit you. At G. H. W I LD, The Leading Tailor, 2 a'. Washingtosn St.. Near 31ain. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ILLUSTRATIVE CASES MAGAZINES ARE NEEDED. FUND STARTED TO OBTAIN THEM FOR LIBRARY. Subscriptions May Be Left at Daily Office or at Library-All Students Should Subscribe. As is welt knowin, the litrary comn- miittei' was obtliged, to itroti isnuimber of the iio potiular periodicals at theelnn fteya eas flc of finsiit. The need for th ese periodi- eals has tbecoise miore ait iimore ap- parent suit so the tDaily lhisdecieed to inaugusrate a iiubcipttioni list by wiels the necessary amsount iiay be secureid. By this means the msagazines cans be obtaisned willsbsut slighlt cost to ('eth reader. It is holied tlthat lii- deists geiellty wilt resonid promnpilly so the lbt,.4e in be ordtered at onu'. Suibscriptions msay tbe lhnded to the eilitor-in-chief or to the slanagili ediitoir orliley nay bi' left at the Daily ofice any eveninig or (deposied ini the Daily box iin the resdisig roiiis of thec genersl library. The list as it inow staiids, is asi follows: [The U. of M. Daily, - $15.00 J3. A. LeRoy, - - - 1.00 P. C. Xeyer, - - - 1.00 WILL RECEIVE NO GRINDS. Castalian Decides on a Now De- parture. .'he ('astatiass boarit has decited. to aibasidons lihi1)1(3childish deparlinit of pei'sonal grinds, anin l its plasce will put a colteciosi of sketchies of humor- o(shiicidenfs of -University life. Tis moansis that flayito list wais thie short plersoiiai roasts that base been a feat- iire in the past, but it does inot ineami that they have donse illiy with es-cry- thinin sthe nature of grinds or ti lt1- cisurn. If aniyoiie knlos-s a laulghalte story os' asmusinsg charascter thit c an be written ilts a sketchs, they are de- sirons of receiving this, as a contfribu- floss to tile grinsd department. Thle grindt boxes for ouch contributions sre iso the 0matn hall. Banquet of '95. 'hes sl'meb's of the class of4'1tt wo are stilt issthis University hlId a slest- Writings of College Students. C ASPAlt WHITNEY HIERE. fRts-sier Johnsin is Amierican University Masgaziiie]I EASTERN ATHLETIC AUTHORITY A itistiisgisi'.ieit trofessorusis a,'cll- VISITED THE UNIVERITY. legs slot: far froiss New York,,'ity once Will Address Athletic Representa- saild to mil'thist the studeitsis ini thsi'tives of Western Universities at sI'glists ussiversitie's, s-here hei' hail Chicago on Saturday. Stnliel' s; ellas n Aine'lc, wre t'asp rit W. Whitsney miadeta iflyinig a moss- serious' lot of younisgisless, iesi visit lii AnnisArbor yesterdaly, spetding iif gresiter intlellectuasl iindepensdensce a coulte lit hours: on use campssuss. Its lisssshellsllr~sillills ii ssi cl-is goling throsughi the west to look over loges.ie cited the smovemsent thath tlltcOfiifii5stsileuto of Ofor, ad tok Is n~ile -f lu'h susbject ini Detroit last slight at the Detrisit elub. thatunierstywhih afecedthein- "My nisosions in the west is two-fold ti'llei'fuls life of Englansii, sid said ini its naitursi," saist'Mr. Witiey. tha til'isitissies f Ofirstsisit"I'iest, I will spleaks of siy besefor ('asistiristg' hail so fsar de'velopethidle tperssnalcontact wills the sslassigers. of chsaracterigtics 1051 lowers of many of aheisi hsclee.Ihv the great IEglislisoei that their fs-ist- eit es oieo lesai ir till' careers wire often cor'retly pe- ldytters fr'oii others,, slid I ,si convinscedt ttei't i'isi us' sisvirslylii' Ittthey sirenowiisv stronigly wsithi Whet'he'lir or slot tuhisiompaisonsis juist, suersstesi , inltheir writinigs in ea te er ntel ppsdt miy view of tse case lasf fall. On Sat- the college tapstireixhibit si lick of in-ssrdaiy I will inset Ilisiss iso Ciisigo, iteii'isi'it liosghlstiisreslt; teiandstwill fles ititidess. thesisill full on best stories lire those built uphon letsi.Te'wilb eteet imiditls; lts'iressasys are gesicrally cttler'es''-iyofMcigas ur drapshed skeletonis of a tirofessor's lie- - due, Nortlw-estersi, Univ-ersity of tire, 55st un' lifject Itel' btiiMilmesshis, Lake Forest, tUsiversity of go ontsite of their text-bioiiks or cut- WIscosisin, University of Chilesigo, and hsturat lreadinig. So far l ipulicisdques one1 or two. tlsem's. Their pulrpolse in hLios sire 'on-ernled 01' affastrs ioVfbi' insanttha ar +Amin th gratthus losiisg loelii's is to fiirniilsst insasi thst ire tirili ths Ua)rules for thie governmsent sit their ills- sntsiuie wrddwi'isitulicli ssiolidbeiif tics illItsi future tha~t wiltltie sw-orns lirst imiportaisci' 15younlsg mseisoo1101tfo becme ctve itzen, or ollgeto asidt obeyeut by ill alikse. hs hie'iiis' s-his'citzen, ur olhgerusles w'illtie biased onsthsetasterid uea, studets, judtging frositheir pliica- si ill~~t urtliiti ral tions, siigiit as will be livinigill thii' siisg of this scopie ofIthi spsort ini lis dasys of this Mexicas is-a:r. tnesisiths west" tration of this is this sillire' ignorisig of the struggle fur indleieidece' iiat Yale at Henley. i's niosyi goisng oss in Cusbta. A's lisa-ie's It hiss beess theisnitesntions if tileVista cau~se that sills bighit 'xpec'st wou1lT'uivei'si.V float fClublos rii i. -ON- ing Saturday smornsing and decided to PRSNeniiiioldthteir banquiet on Mlacis 13. J. L.. P ~ )IIL PROPERTY, Loris was elected toaustma~ster. lInvita- lians will be sent to all msembers of Selected by Prof. Levi T. the class w-ho can be reachsed. Griffin, of the Law Depart- menit, Graduate Club. N W 0 ' K aO .AL E The graduate club will meet at this -AT- residence of Prof. Alt. L. D'Ooge, '7 ~- ~ S Wastenaw ;avenue, SaturdaT at 7:30 XJES[.IXS y,1 p. m. Prof. It. S. Garhart will read a paper upon "The Humanistic Influence, Up Town, Down Town, of Science." A-1l graduate students Universlty Bookstsre, Opposite Court House it S. Slate St. 4_N. Main St. are invited to attend. lire this symispaiyI of younmg Asossris'ssmis -a neigibiimg ptootle fighltimg,Iad. fighting well, for freedtoisiigaisist as cruseh lind supeirior eneni- such yet ousr 'olle'ge imienlars'cointenttto gosis re- wvifiig otlier pi'ople's literasy crhti- cissis or cultivatiing a. feveriosh excite- iseist s-ier footbtsll galles. This broadh mainiess tiat prompited's Hamilfon, sshii'maonily a studi'st sit Coliuisbia, to thsusIsis way ouonsthis platformsandmo meaki. a stows-h that tiurne'itthis indif- ference of thue crow-i into glowimig p~atriotism, is la'tssit ini our c'olle'ge studiemts tosday, or we ohmshl uave chubs of Cuban symspatlizes in every college ansi3thes president would be kept busy checking thse outbursts of filibustering sophioniores ands the deep- er machliiations of mors matured seniors. F ifteeni tf the senior eingineers went' to Grand Rtapids today to assist in testing the new pumping engine of this Grand Rapids waterworks. Subscribe for the Laity. 'uimtest swithItitls yeair's winnesur of this '(Oxfor-'m iriutge Umiii'srshhy ilce, but owsing to this imipossibiity of fix- img up~ons a late whiceh -s-old be cons- venient to bioth, this V. t. tB. '. his sticideid to eniter a, crew in thisHnlehy RosyahtRegatta of h806. The rgtts wiltl stakehici' in th seuondulwe(,s of Julhy, smut Vsse'ssr---i'froisimanoswon -i-iill stevote aisths efforts tinpeptarinsg Sfor thms contfest.-Ytsle Asses. Prof. Mechem In Popular. trot. Mechem iniuishiedhibstectusres on Wills ansd Admsinsstration to the rsenior lay,-hss, yesterdtay. This woo af'rof., Mechem's last. appe1aransce before Ethse chassuitd in response to calls, far a speecs he sol' feelingly of thseir asso- Lciations during this last two years, and in biding farewell to thischas- was tmucs affected, leaving flue platform Sfollowed by the feeling and hearty ap- eplause of the clas. UNTIL COM-MENCEMNENT - The Daily for $1.50.