THE U. OF M.. DAILY. THE LATEST NOVELTY IN GENTS' SWiINGS AND FANCY VESTING IN '96. Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. RANDAL L Photographer 15 Washington Block. SPAIDING'S Educalonal . MIUM1lHF RES ! Souvenirs of c TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS ba ceplete setcmprising Basobali, P. ot- bal Tens n olf players andaBchs will e set to any addess in te' United states or Canada upo te reelpt o1 i0 A. G. SPALDING& BRS., Nw' orkc. Chieg, Phiadlphi. Largest Manfactrers of Bcycle1,and Ail- leic Goods Is the world. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organied 1tS3. Capita, $i00,000. Surplus and Profits, $4,00 Trosacts a general hnking business. Forelo' exchanges oghtandsd. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pis. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK Capital Stock, 65000. Surplus, $150,00. Resurces, $1,0,00. Organized under the General Banking Lawn oft thin State. Receives deposits, bhys and sels echange n te principal cities of the Uited States. Draft cashed pn proper Identificatin. Safety deposit boes to rent. OrreCeas: Christian Mack Pre. W. . arriman, Vice-Pis.;l Chas E. Hisgck, Cashier: A. .. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLU's, 4S S. State St. ON 'THE ]BUM. Possibly your gym. suit S is in that condition. If so excange it for a new one at Mi SIAEBLER'S Cyce Emporium 11 W. Washington St. ANN ARBOR. DO -YOU SMVOKE? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - ce 7 Full Value Cigars for--------------25c C Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25c 4 Owl BoqutCigars for-------------25c 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 25c Lowest Market Price by the Box. _ ._. DEAN & COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. ZT U V VL 11CV11 i V V7 V 'Varsity Indoor Meet. Thle daehil f the'-aniual 'varsity in- door sieet lhss biels set for IFrida y e'venling, Marchli13-. A full prodramn wyill bi g ivell, similar to tnit of last year. lHut-de eveints will lie iddied, buit it baslist been decided wliethier bioxing will, beialiowsd. Two iliformlolminieis, to be kisowvupis the freshimiini ad spimureiiiomeets swill be held at eirtier dites. No aid- ani.lonisfee silil is- liargeitfor these, as5 theyswill iseto-id for lie ipsriose of gi'ltilg lie lest yearat'nditseceond yiear mienliills comip~etitioin fos' liii eenitisIl iii e 'v arsity imiiet. liii fresimmiasi sell uwill behold Fiidaoy I At Webster Hal. Beiforo the Webster Society, last iilid bn B. Brooks Five ms adilimss igain detlilistt lils bearers wi~hm osig. L. 'P. Ilaaiss caimd mpopu were ;rivenlsby .1. A. Oieieosv ili '"'suta's i'O'siliililies." tb- S. A. G(i- aisni 5 "igbugs, Ililillilis ad.iiOtiie- ers ligos," hy'AV. B. tHuisil"College Life.' The society enijoyed llid thhils aisrdl with pileasur11eapparienitly, 'liii' silver illesiilil'discueidklyy Al- bright.,1-asson,. Tuines slid iiONito'iiei iind blipa numsiber ii gieneral debaite. Tins attendaisce Was list 4o larg-e as usual0, hut i'itliiisi1isiii lmadei'upiitiie Closiug Out We have left a fair etock of aV~ sorts of _ WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out an- follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not he replaced. Coins quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. MOORE & WETMVORE 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, nAVE A COMPEEveSTsOO UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. afternoon.,i-i-i. t2.,:iid the slitillie diffe'ien'e. I+. lY. lIonrihass pi Note hooks and other Students' Supplies. F ostaln fless.ndPine Stationery, Sporting more ieit-ill lie held ioa the ifter- chmoseniairshall for the remaider of Goods, etc., which they offer at the lowest prcs. iiooinor escn-i'itof i-iolnrdaiy, Ma~rchlI lthe'term. 7. 'lTeeiwill bo four events in 'ea:1 Will Rebuild Its Rotunda. iseet;, 40 yardns dash, .ilyards liurdle, ronnlig igh iiiiiii:1111 lit:' aul.1'1he Viiversiiy of Virginia spiroposes. 'Thiei-i'will alisoblie n'or loire relaytoIsrebusild its rolisnila, 1that1 WOO s races. 'liii'arraiigi'iints seg'adtlig iroyeit by fire,'qitelicor unerlyli' thsewllle i:'ildsiiilte. samnei'as it. was iefore. Its ri-cs:- 'tlhese ireliiiiiry ie'ls hi''litstciil ilcot$iliit11:li' merlyforAln lb heliteriary diptilr- iiioey isin hand1:1or ill sight.,'liie i-oitsitons d'sri' filtrustees will not restori' the inneix first yea:r and.:1sironit year use::i i tat asbunedii, hut protiose to btild instead. four l'sepliatesrelrs tlepartmntis. esiutle: Reunion of the Law Class of '93. ;90,000;a iphysical laboratory, cos.ting- Gierrif II. Albers, cilr-cuit couriicoin- x+"0,000,t. and1 a building for tile lass milssioner ait Graisd Raptid.; and mini- school, costing x+20,0t0.-Corniell Dillys ber of ts'eilass-classs of hit, has jusat i. issned al directilcy of Shtlsass.. 'T'he'SPRIING LINR Oh' WOOLRNS. woirk tosecarefudly :1111 eiinscieniitisly -We coil estiecial atteintions to Ihe idone and contains tie-siidi' the direr- Gldein Ragle ad. They arcesnws sas- tocy a i'i'iorid of theiiinlarrioges of tig ftherspring hune of W~oolens whirls isienliers if She class anid roil- Is arthea o nyeersow erqalit~y anidvociety. You lire slilisuie attr eineiriiisg liialoways sure of getting ftilsalsu'. 'lass bianqutiasld re'unlion whlich ,Mu'. Rose swill be at the Cool: house will. be hielit oil Feb. 22, :19SS) every Ttiesday with a compllete hune Thesre sic also obiituairyisotices ot of samlllies. 'iTiey imake suits to order JahnHoyandC. ells an huor-aa low as$20-adv. ous "toasts" b~y Amblrosm' C.Bindmnan, 16,000 MILRS. fD. A. Broswn, of Kansas City, Ri1. Always a leader, the Ohio Central and (tliser nyprof ran thpiss.Lines mileage ticket, with latest addi- _____________ tons is the best, Covering the Big CALENDAR. Four, B. & 0., C., H. & D., Ohio Cen- tral and innumerable other systems, it Sot., Feb. 1-1Itobart Guild reception is the favsrite Traveler' Companio. at Harris tHall. asssl s. -s -4Tin of 'l..e 'us:is_,._ THlE ICE IS FINE Csll and see us before Purchasing. THE ANN-ARBOR LIGHT INFANTRY CIRC0U S Feb. 12 to 15 inclusive. A genuiee professional circus to be held ia thin::k. -ealsday matinee. C. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of MW., A. A. H. S. The finest in the city. Come and see. Cou~gh Syrusps0 0 We ha~ve all kinds. We hassev shout one hind. WVe make it. it's Syu fTar asnd Wild. Cherry. It's gold Better try it nest time. $ PALMER'S PHARMACY.$ Ev'serybody knos sHolmes has the Siest hackms, Coupies and driving horses in towna. 'hone him from her-e. SPECIAL. D IFTAS & SCHANZ sell Suits and Pasts at prices Ho suit everybody: we alss do reeairing, cleaninmg and pressing. Work called for and delivered. No. di S. State st., .ecomdlfloor. 0"M. MARTEN, Funeral Director, Coth anl etallic Caskets and Common Coffins. Emhainsg a Specialty. No. it E. Wasingtoi at. U OF Al. SHIAVING PARLOR and Batk- .roois. All appointments Seast class. Imported and domestic cioas. Ladies' artis- tic hair dressing an~d hathinmg-parlors. J. R. Trojanowski 34 S. State at. WI HEN YOU WYANT your clothes cleaend, W pressedrulised or rebound go to Dies. Pinsereover lSheehans b ost store. Lab- seatsry aprons made to order CHICO & AUSKERADE COLLARS ODENA, & PATOKA CUFFS, LATEST STYLES. Room 9. omtain building5. Mon., Fieb. .l--"'riim' itrt"hiy Di'. C'anmpbell,inity lly ub111c1ourse. Tues., Feb. 4-ttcmienyl Concert Company iii University Hall; auspilces of Athletic Association. FiFeb. 14-Fleat Semester closes. Fri., Feb. 14, 8 p. in., University Hal-Hon. Henry Watterson in S. L. A. course. Fri., Feb. 14 Waterman Gymnas- ium-Twentieh Animal Ball of tbc Palladium fraternities. Maon., Feb. 17-Second Semester be- gins. Sat,Feb. 29- Bonion Temple Quar- toils in S. L. A. course on lbs Athletic Field rink and nosy is the time Is enjoy it. IF. C. WEtNEIIG. Ten sr itwelve students can obtain good board at No. 21. S. State :t., be- ginning Feb. 3. 90 IF YOU ETER VISIT DETROIT. And swhat student does notyou msake a mistake if you fail to look through the show, roonue of Slessrs. Wright, Kay & Co., on Woodwaret avenue, adjoining the opera house. For twventy-four years this bous has been a synonym for everything fine in the line of Precious Stones1 Watch- , e, etc., etc.-Adv.