THE U. OF M. DAILY. N OTHING FINER IN THI-E LANID T HAM MERSL AUG11 BR0S. FINE SUITS AND ERCO0ATS Manufactured for the present season, are oniy sold by us. PRC S: S is r m 1 o 2 . vroas fo 15 t E. &c W. Collars and Cuffs, Cutter and Crossette Neckwear, High Class Furnishings. WE SELL THE BEST $10 MACKINTOSH IN THE WORD LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. 37 S. Main St. I MIGHIGAN GEui Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. Malland Ex____300 Maill-______8 43 N. Y. Special---. 5 00 N. Y. Special---. 7 0 Eastern Ma---10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 13 A. M., Pacific Ex --11597 Atlantic Ex____747 P.M. D. N. Express--. 5 40 Western Ex.3--- (890 G. R. Express ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Es.---13 20 GR.Ex .-----557 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Act., Ana Arbar Ann Arbor Railway. Taking effect Sunday, April 7,1894. Trains leave Ann Arbor as Central Stasd- ard time. 8:07 a.m.n *12:251p.mi. 11:30 a.m. 4:1 p.m 9:00 p. D'. Goisg Naith it 9:1a.mi. GiniigSth at 8:15p. m Traina Sunday ras betwcen Taledoanad Hlambarg Jaunctiansoany. *'Urains ran between Ann Arbar and Taleo osly. All trains daily except Saunda'. R. GSREEN W OOD, Agent W. H. HENDETT . P.A. Tleda 0. OUTLOOK VERY FAVORABLE, IW Prospects of a Successful Year We for the Mohool of Music. Employ. Thiis year r1omliise'sto blithe moitiMei suctcsstl year thdi iesi31ty Scoo18(1 tdistribute ofl i'e asyt ejyd hiei sour advertise- 01 MsiclilS i'ijoyd. t hit i 15masts is part payment coc a tieh crude Acne too erly t mak defiite satemnts wk oart cane dtemonuntiltHis ticycle arrives and proves rt'glreii~t dii' t111ll~l'11, as iniils satisfactory. '11er ilnite late 3a1 a rule, frooi thre Young Ladies same t1ers lrioclt erllliei'it, the hllilri'5 I- mndbed. MWteop.riulars. wlrn ce'v'i,'tcid., Prof. Stanley soasloht AC ECLART, ID NY creaisedo thirty pitr cent befuoie 1118tlohe of' thei semnestir. Th'e faculty of liii The NeW 1M odelI of 111sft3ye11'.with the adiltioni of 311. Ale('lellain, assistanit tirofessor of piano- Vt'ry eliiorllaillgl y. fihe ilass is at- ANN ARBOR &~ YPSILANTI ST. RY, lelliy very lalrge, alill 1ma1ny appica~- tionsare bc i-ng-rt'reive'd udaily. Ar- Time Table, May 26, 1$95. ra~l tt for theiii' 8'oral lsnioi: Lease Ypsilanti fram Cangres st., 6030, 8:33 series of Cocer-its arce1101 yet cili- and 110a.m.; 12:4,2:13,5:30, 6:43, 9:33 andPplfdasevrlaestilemn .Lease Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00-30 and 1E1.Iti.cran oeeta h 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:43, 1:30,7:13, 10:00 aiid 11:00 s(l.I) sr'ran iwvr,111 ii . osrics w311lli'b0111' of teliiineirst ce-cr SUNDAY TIMIE. Leave Ypsilanti tram Congress at., 1:30, 3:30, 91einS i Ann Arbor. P'iofi'oir Stall- :00, 0:30 and :00p% m. lyIaearn~telsfrsvrlo Leave Ann Arbor Jusnction, 1:00, 4:00,5130,15'llicltrlgcictsfrccrlo 7:00 anld93 p. m. lc-ri~ i li ci' tiii i 11 Cars run on city time Fare: single trip 13 h rit ntesre uighs'Sa cents: rosnd trip ticleisLO :ciiARERtS pt inFuoehepissmerTeAla IFes'tivls l :1s si'eto tie a griat at- P1PE1t31011 11111andiriiliseslti e0111 surpaiss MAMMOTH STPIPE last year's ~temendus sycenps.i il L~y & COB , 'h'uorsdaly eveing9, 11111soill be fiil- Removcd to 10 0. Slate St., Sagcr lolck. !oweit117foulritliers aithlii'followinig But and Cold Lunrh. 5 at All Hlours. daltes: Oct. 10, Nov. 7, Dit'. 5, lan. 1(1, F-''b. I6. SwanLinllen copie5stell ini lettt'r RI"PA"N-S tress. .--All suntlohris' suppilliill aMA~ulliry's - The modern stand- DlgSoe a (Finec U. of AH. Stationer'y at Schaol- 12 and Family Medi- lcr's Biookstore, 19 E. WashinlgtoniSt cine: Cures the 22 At 4 N. Fifth 1av-., very tilcely for- cmmon every-day nlishetd frontsuite roomls, funlace heai. -.,and batlh. Asotable boairdfr alm ills of humanity. iteti numnbcr. fra111 12 SADS , GHunt's Clue'ago Clotie, at A. E. Mntiniciry's Drog Store, corner Fourth '139eatitd Washingtonsth,, MARK NOTICE. All freshmllen 3311 intent to pl-iy football thii season atreteuestedl to Ad~vertise Your W antS miet in Room 10 of the nmain buildting, T 1 Wednesuday evenitg the 9th, a:_,7 in Tehe Daily, o'clock sap No. 2 Improved American $8.00 Typewriter! IS NOW READY. The latest model of the first nuccens- ful low-priced typewriter. 7091 ideais, iimprioviei coils)rccion, better 0111011, :1n111greater speedi. Sold b~y the mak-b es diirect at ai price- sltiitly itioce thei'main- tcr wittteoooithiit. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER CO,, Room 27, 265 Broadway, N. Y ter liasanlit100111sat 30 C(i itO st.1 Fu1111e it. t A 1fe5boariiiirs deird 113 30 T.0.,& C.EMy. K. &M. Ry., K Solitrioghtino~sl.b'tween Tioltdo, ODio, addt Calstn,Sn.3VVa,' via Cotlumtus, Ihe, shoad111nlny direct contc. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Renton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. Pomery, O.. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Ricbmond. Va. Peternburg, Vs. Old Point Comfort, Va.. Williasburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfork, Va. And all s1ouother:sTeronpoints. Flegant, draiwntcurollm cars althoghtais Four cthe:1l11191005 jon ciall 011 y009 leal Ticet e-nt iorc i tSc. MIOULTON 111UC, GCi'l Pass. Act., 3W. A. PETERS, 3Michigani P'ss. Agentl, Detroit, IMich.. A Request. Readern of the Daily will con- fer a fa-r on the Editors by mnn- tioning thin paper when dealing.- with advertisers. FALL GREETING. Suitn-otocer 113.50up;oiOiiri1it o ode 3'3.50up-,Tiiuscirsto ozdo.75I. t 11:1::. lyeinn, I n'sin, aiidRtprincie a speilty FORDHAM & GLEN, Meclhan~t Tailior, 211 S 1:ie s0., Ann iActor. Gootd Boa~rtd$2 tper oecl ; 7 'Mayniard st. 'Pry city board. 24 Cuourst s of Studyr for University Students UNDET1HEoAUSPIlCS Or f f f'THE BIBLE CHAIRS. # 'The following Courses 3wi11 be offcretd durinig the year; I. Thle Life of Christ. 2. 'The History of Israel. 3.- 'The Gospel of John. 4. The Btook of Acts. 3. The Epistle to the Hebrews. 6. 'rhe Phihlosophoy of Religion. 7. 'The Life anod Letters of Paul. 8. 'l'he Maccabees andt. thin Herods. 9. Early Chitrch History. 10. Hhstory of Missioiio. 11. Normal S. S. Class. 12. Chlristin EtlicF. The Hitile is the greatest test-book£ of civiizion. The interest in its study grows with time and itas nerer greatcr dtian at pcesent. No ose's educatios is ecomplete withiout at least a general knoltedge of the word at Goid. Thi reralizationi of this fact led to the founding of the ile Chairs. Classes will be formed is the above Coursi's, iti Newberry Halt, at tours to suit the ciinvenience of students. For fall information, call at the',S. C. A.. lBuildliig, from 2Ito 4Or. ?r. or addreos tiheintructors. G. 1'. COLER, lie Snuths Univrrsity Ave. C. A. NOUNG, 461 Madison Streret.