THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICGHIGAN GENTI L Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. Mail and Ex----3105 Mail.------8 38 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special-... ,7 0 Eastern-Es.----10 12 N. S. Limited.-_0 25 Atlantic Es.---7 15 Pacific Es.---12 I5 D. NEspress.---- 5 40 Western Ex----2 00 G. R. Express ---11 0S Chi. NI. Es.---10 28 0. W. RUssLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arborf Nj L.NN ABI( . RAILROAD. Time Table, Jan. 1,05896. 7:22a. m. *7:40a. m. *12:20 p. m. 11:40 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 9:21 p. a.. All trainse daily escept Sunday *Trains ran between Ann Arbor ad Toledo enl. .H. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ! t t' R Good Tailoring At Moderate Prices. That's the basis of ou(sliba- iness. No better Garments tban ours. No larmer stock to select from. Our Spring Stock is Unusually Large. Mr. A. E. Rose will be pleased to show youa our samples at the Cook House evcry 'Tuesdlay. Suits to Order from $20.00 Up. THEr GOLDEN EAGLE CO., DETROIT. AT THER GRAND OPER,4 VIHUSE. T[le .stock co~iipaiiy systeml,15011 tliedl to oiperal, is very macli in vogue in Englaild, buit iti liss ieveir beeii brougiht to smcli lorfeelioli 10 iiithis ecountry duiring lio past two, seasonls ii i-isoergaizilonlof the Whlitne(y Ope'raComipany. Withi, we, belifeve, ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. but on~eecelielln, every operatic stock compaiiy senit to this c'ountlry froin Timend Table, Oct. 27, 1895.: hasili si been a. filure, here. Not- Leave Yslnt rm Congress st., 7:10. 8:45 able, :1 1(perhps teefirst. W1ll liihe and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 and lippearallee s0om1 yeair-,lgo, of ills kilp- 1Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40, 9:15 and lispi rompany whirlh treseoatedt 'Is 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 1:45, 5:40, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 G;osloliers' fir the first tinise in iis p. m. SUNDAY TIME. country. So lamesnitale0Av21 its 12(1- Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,1:aS0iI:10, sire liat tile opel-a, 0110 of 11(e ilstl 00, 0:30 and 9:00 p.. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 1:00,4d:00,5:311, boifulfeviser wvrilten by Gilbert asiid 7:00 and 9:30 p. m. Sillin haIssliever sint-e' ie-snisir- Cars rua on city time Pare: single trip 15 ' cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. ceSsfolly revisved, 'ven by thse be:st of WM. F. PAnKEn, Supt. Ame~iricanscomspais. Thiscrcsoiii fori STI.DENI'T'ST this slate oif afftiirs is thsat gooud voices Ill:' 0(1rare 'in Elialiolthat lbe11:s- If yes want coed reliilie life inesurancercall se-,or:o01 iii' lbeoimes. of nleesosity a. entFedaT Mtnbler, otheeeso.1, S. Flourths ave(. '-stablaid Istock coiipaniy 1musteof lul in1011ssity, be 0110 of iisediocrity. NEWJ XACHINE SHOP tonthis 0comitry een ourthosoruisessire miadie illp of vices whseeihcnniot lie HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST, inliilcd abroadl, isgliol: etioriuses Skates Concaved. beinsiginotoriously baid. Tis~i, to5:some Experimental W~ork.1extenit, eI'Xliuls thesp 1lendliisuecoss ____________________________________ wh-isths imit lii. Wlitiiey's efforts o0: EtENTSCIILER?, 01.. 11511 1 tieel; 0 ompan:iy. 52:'011. taiill'ilfromiioi 111117tisthe bst kinownvin i PHOff T0C :RE.! MTAisneiicen eiA-tisoof :e:peal reljlils- ANWAR OR.MI H. tin, whoiii it swolid be ditfiecilt evenl ANN ARBOR IslICH. her to duplicaite, aisd sliiorl:':l thein: {O LU CHE A AL HO RSby iicsorusllihe like of ~viieb ihsisni- H ~ ~ ~ ~ e TLU HSATALH US:ibeforetbean kiiown in igh pea Chocolates and Candies 'fils ls the orgiiniieiti::ii with.i*whirls be d oelightedelwos Yoik for six :ioiilsi, -Ar-- :11:1 40buidesily Itse siose thiroughs J~iLL.' & COS, which lie will lpresetDehoveit aid 208S. Slate St., Sager Block. Smiiths "Rob tRoy~" ini this city. The Large Line nf Sine Pipes. Tobaccos end coilipoisy lissaslso the inlestimassble sal- Cigars. s'sitage of iliving in thi:ir' opeist by Harvard's New Plan. A new'spla1:11i10beinsg trieisit EHar- vairdt noss lin regaird1t:gymstieslex- ereise. 1lehiis thelii'leseiisv:y Gym- nisisituwa s: iiaro'e ort:, fifty feet ini svidlth, hss beensecsedoon lie sides, but left entirely 01111n(1o1l the top1. Here abt it y stsuensItake'their edaily exereis:', r'csardiless oil s:-eall::'. Ti::' pule1lai 1i 5s-vst impiirovemeni:lt 0ver as pooirly vet-ilasedilgyiisiuii::, sisd thie tiresent Ses-ere Aveatihe:r is unot ally dletrime:nt to ti Schme-lsi. .A little isore work ma~ke'slip ftheislosei 1tilmperaituie, :and: 01::-benefit leriveol frosstIis open-i: r exer-is- 1-