VOL. V1. No. 894. UNIVELISITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURD)AY, FEBRUARY 1, 1896. FouR PAGEcS-3 CENTS.r ONE IIITARI Is enough for one person to I play on at one time. One 11 guitar is not enough, how- 1041 ever, to supply 3,000 stu- I constantly in stock several H S dozens of guitars of various SI makes and prices. y IBETTER LOOK AT OUR UOFM. GUITAR.,1 S It's good as its namve. i5$ THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., 110 S. MAIN ST. Last D Oy GREAT SHOE SALE! -Of Ladies' Gdents',, Misses, Boys' and Youths' Fine Shoes. JAtIOB0S & ALLMANDI P. -S.-See our elegant line -of EPatent Leathers for dress. ,,.TakeNotice. In Iorder to reduce my stock of F'all Woolens, I will offer all Fancy Suitings at cost for cassh and make Toom for Spring Importations. Au early call' will profit you. At G. H. WILD, The Leading Tailor, 2 E. Washinsgton. St.. Ne~ar Maini. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ILLUSTRATIVE CASES PERSNALPROPERTY, PURITY IN ATHLETICS. PROF. J. C. KNOWLTON GIVES HIS VIEWS ON THIS SUBJECT. The Board of Control Should Have and Exercise Full Power in All Cases-Changes Should Be Made Gradually - All Guilty Parties Should Be Punished. LmicicieaAlumnus.] I I AMOSi C. CLARK IS DEAD. The American Athlete Passes Away at His Urbana Home. Anni., C. (Clark dued athisparents' hieiie in Urbana., Ill., WechieclIay, -11g('cI24 years,. leways grcicoated from the Unirer-sity cit Illiiiois..in 18911 with an enviable recoreu! as an athleei. lHe wa:s the best highcjumere-thel wst hasylprelue'd. is eiC"c'ess in For mcany years thee sinlit lit the igh jciliianid tile hurdles, at- the Uleis-ersily of Mliclii an iy recog- tradted the atteictisii of the Chicago nized bocardl with picoere 1toheist upon.)0Atiletic ' Asoiitieiiand hfor tee'sear"3 the right thing being cdone inecollegelhe was miieiicber of its track teame. REPUBLICANS TO .MEET. MICHIGAN CLUB WILL MEET AT DETROIT. FEBRUARY 21. Many Eminent Speakere Will Be Present-Speaker Thomas B. Reed SWill Be Present-Ann Arbor Dele- gation Given Special Favor. Thie'Milchigcin Clubtii eetsiat Detroit, 1Febreeary 21. lhis yeccr. Their Icemcl- cqulcrters in thce 'cihncer of(coiunclerc~e will be openc all dcay. 'The spi'eking cit the Aucditoriuim seilllie cleriingtile clay cuad lice banqcueet 'sill Iceheld there cit 7 o'clock thact ev enicig. Speakilers cal- readcy lprocmisecd Ire: Gienerail Horaice I'orterc, Ncew York, Cicloicetl,'FredlD. xraict, Nesw'Yorkc, "OuCec ounitry." 'culi'Sncccci W. IP. llelccrn, of iowa, "'lic ecpublicanlit'crty." Heccccy tidy Ee'cins, of 'l''ie'c'sss (seelccct cict choscenc). 'l'Thosc' cot hoshicively lprccomisedclare fivec orc'six icc lnuccbccr, aioncgseliociis Spiecakerl''IThomas, 11. CReel. s:''cblc's seill each bc'sit. for thcirty lcc'c'cns ad llhbie'r'cserviecd to thcose spocrts. Unetil queite rececntly l'i'p01151-l tillity incchelimaictter's rc'stedtwiiithltc' fac'tlties of lice several de'parte'nets ad, escie so(Ilissei'ccatc'ct asp to be withcout force or concsistecy in ctecion. 'l'hetpresent Board of C'ointrcl, withi fccll poer a ct this icestitcticcc las tbenc lt Nwork d-criccg thec'plst.itwe year-', and it maccy be ccf icntcr('st to cud' alumcnii to recall whlet hics breen cccocctlis'elc durllicg thcct ticce. It cas beenI cla rllcuider'stoodl that c'laccges sholdl bh' ecicde grcacdually and11 silli referencce to. existing coaicc- I icil. Thce' cistinectionie twue'en'cclie idealcii d the lircacticcal is soecticmiis scoffeilcit 1b1 ut ic y thcose sehiciarc' caile to carryswell the bueniscof gen- n r'eformi. If aney of lice, alucici fe'el thattheiiiUni'errity clitilorilics"' haccee en tic sclose, ini lie suctjir tlclce' that one'well cmovi's,, ee'illccil elceereicig Icis surr'o'ninlgs, is apet to cmiss hiscimarik. A ride ewithcout seif- liricecit lipublic sietimcent to. eulport it is alittolibeme .obcsoleti' andc woes c Ihlii10no r 'lcit ill. It is lilenscnc, hoc vereec.to. state swithiceirtaincty thate thce senatimnlt cicicig lice sleoleels ieci- lies growen reccicrkably dulriniglice past teeo years icc favor of prity icc ill college sports. Allyc'ationacl re- quiremlent oil liei'sulijeet of athiiei seill be isuppoirted, by thce studeint cocc- lnieciy and gencerally obsie'ecd. 'Thiere Iciay lii'rare cases of violationc, whc~ich nicy lie dealt wsithi.'fhe'se ceepres- ect ini every kinic of adiniistra'cel'c wosrk. 'They ire tolprc'v'n'edleilacnd senidcisceire'd thle gucilty iarty s110u110be lpuishecd. Tlcis Biocacd of Coictrol seas cicnc- liillec, to, start cit the beginnicg, for nothling hail been clone idn focrmulating ils lciccwily ?reccerdill11t11ce Iighc jellciwcs(6 fieet 1 ich-i, ocne of the ticst collegiat~e reciris ic Amciricc. lHe seas a Ilcelciler cithtie ucaisersity track ti'clllc 1n189)4, seinieic lhi'es in 11cc lciglcIcilimpanlclulcllc. ii' ewas ill ltce emloily of Heinry Ices.(Colibi of 'Icic-ago, and 5515scllii'c'ilic'liclllcg t1cc. c'iici'Iroc'lieiu citthle Lewieste iiuic, but seas taken swith, typhcidictti'ser, seili raca 1111cctyphloidl pnceumconlia. Michigan's Small Grant. '11ce'followsiig prssilesitclc wis cte itt frociiW'ashcingtonc. D. C., yes- teriday: se-iceorder iI ie. A laiclbir ihaie Sieacor Waltcal has introdutcedilz alrc'cclS' 'i e-itcrc'lat 11cc'Ilacw ilirci- luill to cetccclize' thec'lacicl:g;int5sroled, raan's desk, weir'elotiec's ciii do en. 1b' c'cicgc'es ill aidiof stcate11univer- siti's. Itaic lhis bee'ncc;rive'nc155.000i ac'res forl a, uncivecrsity; echliof t11cc' -,last 86,,080ddel-is; l'Minccnesotai,04itt0; Ala- iaccia, 92,100t, adnd 1)11ccio 651,120,wilec Miclllgclal'rec'ied'lbcut 4(1.0811 citric. P'r eidcnt Aicgcll lccc-' writtec'cc itisc luil I1ci81illcneiicxpi'ssiiigtlce hopeccthat 11cc JIii-chiglccdlegationi seill tc'ednited ill supporiet of thce''callllb ill. "'flis cuiversity," Ice icdcl, "tic- hapcis nciie th11n11most of thei'othcers, nceccdsaditiocial belly since, undehir its e'xtraocrcdiary growthi, its resoulrces hcaveeproved bcooeccmcll." The Iniander's Proposition. The Inlancdrc biocril lias subuctittlii a ticotios lion to the Wiomien's i'cltlcu rl'1ctiv'e to thce iseelini of a, eniic's edition ci t )at lllcgctzili. It huts bceenc ccep''htel dliin011nelhumier sill lie 1111- lishicit by Ao esiiiccStuentils. 'Thec 1riit4 fronil this 1issu', shichl seill Iclobably be tli 'Apcril numthberI, esill he gieven to ltce fund for t1cc''Womceni's Building. Change in Unity Club Program. 'Pl'he scretcarcy o 7of "3.cif4. Icb-tli- icci ('C-b is autholcrizcd'c orcc iviscpacy fori banqueit itlic-kets ticilhasce csignadl Mr. 1'. . 1Irettyiccccc.ewithc thitcI gun- lhc'clih'sccnsenlt, to ricciNe oderds frcimitlco'eswhicacre to cir hrloucgh the counlty oc'ganiaioncc. Annc Arbocr is g~leci -l)eii'-cl favorct usuaclly bcautse of the" cllege siirit, ancdlt11ccrepre- se'ihtilecharcterlclccof hccierlegaiticsn. Passed By Mistake. 'Thci'doiccihlinug lpolicy ocithelcirsict yc'ira e-rwchs se-as tercmicnatecd ccltheic' iiectilig yi'slcrdccy afternhoonl, ini a , manneciir dcct cictl t)'heiir use-ccfault. 'Thc encticig wci cleit cltc'r tie ccfte'rcconclectucre'fec'the1cc lrhcse of alulccitilcg a Wcsliilgle's liirthiday celhcdiitlci'adctalthcough atgreatc icirly of thie clcas faivorcil lpostpinidg tlis 01111ti l rcesidhent Icas been clectiedslid gie-tug hhicIlti' priv'ilegi'of alcpiitilig thec Ccccmmiteeltce mnitoncto cul-e'wClii tempiodrar'y chacirmain to appchoint the commuittee seas passed. Tise motion pdassed partly icy initlalce as mcist of ltce i niiirscilhouighctthey serc vot- inig oca thic motion tic adcjoucrn whiichi a Icolicy ill college atlietic's celdOvery Selected by Prof. Levi T. little done by the wvay of a' camcpaign Griffin, of the Law Depart- of educcationl. ment, INOW ON SALE -AT-- WAHFR'S. lp Tews, Dews Tawn, Univercidy Bookstore, Ocposite Court House It S. Sate St. 4 N.Muds St. The host gradatelass' seill tic cx- amnkIc icn hIternatioucali taev once weeik froci today at 4 o'clocki. ''hie University Sohool of Dancing wvill give a heap year programc party Monday ev-ening to pupils and their friends. Tfhere hics bceli a thacnge in the'te lhidd. Caris ''une'ca program of ltce U'ity('ludb entertrain- acdnoecuncdc-tlcth iolhoeeing cini'uilsrs of, Idelt asuch oni Feb. :13tDr. Wihhtaici A. of chic ccass is hits alhdiilliciits for Campihbell wvill give hitslustratedct c- the coucliiilee: Messrs. Allbot, At- tuesoildtile hceart, chid Ccapt. WV. K. chinscon, Blanchardh, 'ittmccni and N. ('hild~s will tcake ltce apposintmencct set Clsalt. apart for Dr. Camhpbuell. Bert Doty' 95 Y1, evas in towvn a, fees Advertise in the Daily. dlays! this week visiting relcative's.