THE U. OF M. DAILY sit 4 +Pdl Published Daily (Snday excepted) during the College year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN O0rr~E: Times building N. Pain St., opposite post office. EDITORIS C. D. (,Any', Gr. L. . 1?. Tot, '7. S. E. KArcE, '5. G. lt. Osss. '9. W. W. IlcoonS, ',P, . L. Goassino, '8 L PIANAGTNGe EDTORt G. iB. ikesssoo, '5L. BUIi'NESS MANAGERP L. C. WAfs, '5. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L. A. Prtt, 'tO . P. leath, 'P. C. A. loughto, 'PSI. .P. Psherma, '0). R. C. Buci, 'PP P. i.13. Common, '50PM. Fs. A. Mier '16If. IR. .teily, 'P. Pt, C. Faulds, '1)1 P. J. L. Walsh, 'P8 M. Susannah Picadsos. '8 Tiesobsciptin pice o the Doly hs been reduced to 1,1.5( is adace o the rest or the year. Leave sbscriptios at the Daily office or with P. C. Peyer IU. o P1 News Stood. Unniiecesai'y reisrin I the curret Wriinke: Notice toIthe Pubic:k '[Plc ouig men'iwvho rs' cesedt of scisorig Jil, ES from thiii'i'icktani Juidge' iuiiibeis oiifDe ini lueinity hal ae innio waPy coneted ithviiiWrinke. If any arguiiento cni Pe adsaice. agalst thie'aopioni of Phs'hoiorsi'p- tellsof examinaions oP Micigan wexxi shsoulidlike' to se itheiii roducsd. Ceri- tainly, thir n ibleinohinlg udicred- itablie to a imaniini his statemientl."P -ave neithei' acied udioelositly nor assisted oiyoie elsinishieloest pac- tlees ihuringg Plis eamniatio," aid that f05 all that tile hioio'spstemsire- quire'=.Any imehodlof hosesp' aPiloin msay learin, wh'lie le is in the Utivie- sity xwi l roe imsus'snsily 1m1re beieicial Po himosafter lhe'leaes co- lege thasit siplomsagraied. broncli thie trickiy dieiity whiciheso5manyp Americans misitke' ot' aosesetial to Sncces. We hve eeyting to gain anit nohisnsg Islosei ute dop- 11i1n of the holisiiyesiec lire. For the Womer's Gyrnasim. Recent sbsriptions to the fend for the Woimesn's Building are as follow': Delta Gansiia, $30. Mosaic Cib, of Jackson $10. Mrs. Eliza IR. Snidterand, $10. Alpha Epsilon Iota, $1. Talimage lecure iroceeds $120. The foloswing have subsribed $1 eacis: Traverse Ciy Woman's Cnu. Mr.. Dir. S. M. Harley. PMs. F. WV. Kesey. Seiior Medical Girls. Mis Masy vWillianms. Mrs. N. S. Hoff. Mss Doras Hedden. Miss Agnes Morley. Plea Mlary Loomis Sis Margaret Thasin. Mi's. Glardiner S. Lanmson. Prof. G. A. Henchi. Prof. J. C. PRolfe. The Daily will keep you up-to-date on everything regarding the Univer- sity -$1.30 UNTIL COMMENCE- MENT. HOW PRINCETON DOES IT. (Continued fromi First P'gec.) ini Januaryo' t''rieq'steliii' fienly Pa at- Posy theiiito be put enotireip lyin lthir hoinor i in'ecoing nmidyear exa.iiiin- auio. 'flue reopon,_t of thle eiors, Ploug, hePlop irobabollyintended: it 10 aply olyp to theiir claiss, wae granted Pop liii'facultyp'o 50 sto ineloude the wvhosle college. 'i'lie studensts all Piut of eourse ithep must holve wit. of lie fair ene, lthaPlihir nasmses misip nrsoes joist the saiie a c vhe a it - oe- s'printedin iigildledltypie iniohe P'al- ili'it brings ciloirge. ladiumii. All hounsies'luo'thie'ishuldi -Ness as10toow the exainaiutions lar'('beithis by lom't'onii oiicnoeist. lit conduictedl.T'['li rst peartetlit'iitroi-.not 11110decimial of Ptic six plunks, of ore mierelp' gave out liie' issers., saeulte ideevotee at the foit of fashbiosi five' or liinlillii's Ito ani-.svir cu-shSloltil he allowed to slip ito tie lieu's andithele'ilft liii roomi. It se linings of thiiir pockets. 'Their work foundlthatthis wusldlnot work as, lbs leisfoi' gloip' not imeta-l. Let theimi111tvo studoe'nts slu~oked, NwIsil'r, slig, 0'l('.. sniP 1ieu' ltho'instructors stap iiilbsnt sesemed Yerpy much.ipleasedl withu the rooml, 110)t in 111y'Wap to -wss:l lei idea a111101it seemsed 0s thoughlile thung im'i o sibt to keeps ordle'i. li(' pledge wouldi Pe t snceosSo fromonthe etart. re'quoiredl t tobe wroittenion0111111 utio- 1lowv'or. aftor threo' or four Pop's of serile ,anol signo'd is as foliowvs: "P examilnations it 5was15commiionlp' 'eport'l-pledgeolilt' honor ' 115aorgentloussnm lthat edl thattbeet'waestuso'ecibboting 1111 odurinig tils 'xamionationPIliave' neithier' c'heoating beo'ing donei, espoocially ini the giv-en 1101' rc'ieveot aiiy3lassistaniec.' lsvwo lowve'u closses. About the mioddlie The stuidensts econv'erse wsith. 0010' an- of theo'twso wveeks +of examoinsalions other'u froeep' aiid o auptl isg theop 01101.1'5was5 lelod iiIOldlC'lapoela as wIesolilels bdo's snoP: interfe'i'' witho to' booetlegthieliko' of wcih foi' else 111101 oik of liii'other' ien.iiin the roomo. unilty of'eentimientlws n10iever' eels 'liii'honior' spstemo los oorkod cvoioocrs loo'reeore. A-,comittee Wvhich .ias :omiposedolof seeoral mciifroiiico f i0 thoc fooir classo's vas apopouintedl st thalt meeto'ing, to invxestigatthelii'umossa1110 charsges of cribboing and to decidon01 theo pusnishmnent of those who110 oohould Poe fotiiidgtuiltpy. 'This. committee in-~ vestigoatoetchargo's against ltwoior thr'oe freshiimein, 11101those founduo"iilly we'ire' maeto lake a sicond exa10mina-0 110011; also iglillist se'x'eral sophioors', oneii of wh'omoisias.5foussdolguiitp'alnotlieo w110 i'eciommeinded Ptoo lie'facutiy for expulosiosn.'Plis111011emipoyoped a;hiss'- p-cc 101101endhesvoreodto isaue the eons' miltie init edos for shandher, ansd later sigiiiesiissrcfiseai 10 abidei'Pop'liii sentence imipsose'd, Po' liii'fsculip' 151 ths comitteile's soiggostiloss. 1Ploox- cxvi', founod it10tobe thie best plain 1o lts's' college t111111 esssn'sight, fearing 105 lie 0101 eolse summilarp' actioss osf ih' esuleisths-'nex ayot. PIn iii'heinali exaisnastionis of thaotiyear andP iniboths thss examsinasstiosoof tPus'set pears'"' t'oninillllte coilssistiss1g oftthe fosur ('Pol" psresidlens.ansd sesieroil othsers 'ons- dluctedh trialso of ime'iichiargedh xxiths chseatinsg sistolseti'rss isens cere re- ipoiresh to tile their exainiations, over, slid sue--a se'nior-wxas expelledh.hList p'cac it xsas fclt inecessarp' to athopot a costsittions asd. to establish a reguslar imethsoid of procedlure in coases of cheaot- lug. and.h the costittitions I scind you1 xxas adbopotedh151that hime.c The commisittee, ws'hen aisy case is, brought to thieis'noticec, exansines firet thso ma15 n makinsg the chalrge andishPse witnessescs'houu hoe isaises. Thsen the shinlschalrgedl is stummsonedaundlie aunh hi~s ~'vlesses sire, examuinied.Th'[ein by a tisorougis examsinationsand is-exan- inatlois of thse parties ois both sidse p tiuths or falsihy of the chiarge is de- cidedcipson auth ifthes' suaisis foiunh to hsave cheated or cribbed the commnittec recouuineisd& to the facility thse pusish- ment in Iis case. The faculty Wsas al- cxays ratified the actionh of use coin- isittee. UOnless a mnan is exhpelledI the college unually knoxes nothsing about [lhe ease or tse punisihmnent. Profes- son's cau bring charges against a mass, fill Prsinscetons. Pt haiisdseitheo'relos- lions Pb'etwes instirictiors aindlstuden'ts smon' fielosy 10111 a. 1man's wxordi6 . Pbe'ii'eedhere inow ss'sit iseversc-as;ho'- fore. Money In Annual null, tor rink 5usle.] Tliii cusborrasesinoppiositilops isnwchich thei Csort les'rinslihsel'f wxhen' his biacls's the Anual Bal1011is odiscern'u- hle too anyionel'soil iuiiiiis s t5 osas' so woiti t'ds'y. Pf ies' o isose as xs':ss'orcs ahaoir's irsotith iss faoro'of lie "fours conitenintg fratersniti's" liii oilier puise scill out limisdiead; aslosh nu theossthor ihands, shusilisi'so muheias liinut It liii-the cpsry Pucissig's sto lt poopslies-isomadse 'it, the fotus'csill proceed to loy the matuter hotfore this fsaculit'andshalvoe the Cster's sisinisg c'oiutenasnce' inil t'e bsket. Thei' ssal xiii pirobsablyp'procieed, nowc'thost the bawlxx is over. Wile hiss no idesire to Piecomse''"mixedl" ini eitheir thet'hasndi shakinigs of thus'osne sie, or thue goiod nastured huosmipies Ihilit 15550115t1 hs grief of Ptst otherss. But tihere is ose tliuiulg thue Jester sdotsidesire to eoay aidthos the psoinut. It is a csellelstab- hishuethfsact 111111 the commsuittees on thu. Anual upiBallI haxve' Pot ibeen doinuos- iiness for' their huealths, althoaughi souls of themi in yellss paset imay have'tusedb proceedhs to paly doctuor Plls.hus othuer wcordls there is muoney inl givinsg tiut' Anusal Bull. tIshein the anuual playp at hesrts is layedl alt there isa "div" left to the psolentates of lust Terpsichiorean event, Sporter huas ai news spuring split ansd Jolly gels oust hundtredl cents on a dollar. Joe's evaniescent dreamusof hav5'ing issbill paid conies; hue sand[hue florist loses nsothuing becstuse thue society bush bios- sonsel at Sporter's. expense. In oilier wvords the adinuistrative agecies; of flue hail have a little mnargins after itso lights; go out aust the catgut ceases to trenmble and the cymubal to sound. Thsere is maoreasonsshpythsisssoisey should stand to their individual cutoit. Tusey are supposed to be the Waird MoAhllsters of the college event that they may linger longer in the asiles liii haho of tilt one but sot thistikhlc of theother, Ltct thetmigirethileir mboneyp'to thei'Womesns's Gin 11at As-osbuihia usy sort soueinews orte soills Pits'feeht uanotsnthic hisupr sogramsu, or to lthe thlet-ic fudtu bat us thec spinisg xeill lucd thitgntle inlunce of Ucle tSon's poislues to posi. AVuiiuise ks ll(hitgentceen of this bsall, ini whioe sometposiions oher meon lhoave loud. a muiitr bol msiines'to ilaci'e ticprocesthis p-cost ho list cretdit of opus'tesec tvo fhusisio. If thr sirtno11 malrinsleft ons riscright slobs'of the hiedgr wens t i's-tu is overu- tutu ht them' mausse ionosx' liii fact oandPthussacuelithieir lindeb- 'suies to tcommibonlfairnesPandtiPaOhtre Colege chiarpy. Webster Society. At thu essetting of listWebster So- ciety tPis eing thblue falowig, pro- gram w seill be prsesed: Inustuental. muissic, Miss NlihetBtown-s; delamais- ios, t. .I'Hlouci; oratiot, J.1.1 Briooki; imupru'omuptus.I. A. Meowsn, S. A. Grhainls, i'W. B. Bilie; desbat, "Res'osslvd '[Thos.thel i utod tate1'sc shuoutiltadopt free coinasge of sis'r at lilt rotioof P10 to1 indespendsent ot actiouby tsp hher noations," ssffirmaivse, 1. It. HIlhiie, J.1D. oses ne'a- ive, .. P. Wsou, G. I. Wike; gel- eral do-tse; repot of critic, Reception at McMilan Hal. Thi' Chrdia n dsitsiitesuor Scity f the P'esbpyterianohucih(w5xilte givens a rs'ception tonight at Mc-MilansbioHal by lthememibers of the iss l'isrsity facutth iat re ini thecPresbpyterian chutrchi. This will ho' a goodt opposr- tuitpy o meet personalpy solube of the Msost prominenucut professors in the tUi- vestyp. Altl suents are iviteod. NOTICE TO ORATORIICAL CON- TESTANTS. All persons desiring to enter the pre- liminary contests of lisa Oraoical As- sociation must hand. in their nases, subject of oration, department and. class before Feb. 1, to Bert hE. Nuss- baum, 361 N. Sate st. Three type- wyritten copies must be handed in be- fore Feb. 10, BERT P. NUSBAUM, Secretary. Subscribe for the aly. LoosE-DAVISnMPCHIEeu'nTOOL.Co., Cincinnati, 0 I cast my vote for the Unversty of Michigun, Ann Arbor, Mich., in the con- test for the $160 lathe, whlichl you oer to lresent on Butch, t, POP, to the techni- cuP school reteiving the greatest number nf votes. Voters Full Name-------------n Street No---............. --- City------------State ..:- Voters must be an least fifteen years old. Laies cannot vote but may aid in ecuring votes.