~~IOt , . ail n. VOL. VI. No. 8 8. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1896. Foul. P GEE-3 CENTS. IM-11M9SS 1 E M aI 1:= + LOW PINCETONI DOES IT. clss as chairman andte president 1 ONE GUTA RULES GOVERNING HONOR SYS- numss iga'hist the accused, shall be Is enough for one person toMN TMATHTCLE . tae first an hen testimoeny taken I'l play on at one time. One ' asPoeaSucs in Prvet- tll. TLhe Accused shall then b~e j1 guitar is not eniough, howr- NI called separately anld allao-cd to miake sliteve, in Cribbing-History of Movement tettti e1er, to supply "3,0Otlnedby ricetn Mn. his statemlent, peenigwitnessies 1 dents.' That's why we have ____OutlfeinisdefyerPllincittonc aMdtl. S constantly in stock several 1 Time articles in force at Pirincetoti ns'tmyh 'icdly it I dozens of gutiars of variouls IAN (ntrollin the hioiier systeim of ea-mcieso iecnniicadad inakes and pries.mnaion ir as ollws.ciommn the eimderc teaccodgtdti- in~in r sflo :vso hnrnee codnt 1e BETTER LOOK AT OURIt. Art. i. Sec. 1. There shill he a coimi- lwai dne 2 . FM.GUTR.mittee conlsittin ' sx nIlenibers who Se. .Five of time six voles shall Ni It's good as its name. NN shall represent the student-body antdl to necessary to conviciota. STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., deal wvith1 all cases ievnlvitg iota- Sec.4 All evitdence possible shall ltS RNS. lf in fteHnrSse.b rcrdi vr ae n nn NNrtW Sec. 2. The tocottors of this cent- ca-t'nt shall ainian he tied, t secotnd - -itttee shall be the presidetits tt ltotf o the etteof'ie excepatit S [fourt classes Itt two others, on"eit the light of newat-dttlimtportnt cvi- tiemtiet' of liie'sentior class and one Btence. 0. jn[DA IIt I a tiber of Mlte junior class. Art. V.S'c. 1. Violmtliotts of time Se'c. i>. Tlhe pitesidet of the sttitor Honttor Systemitshamll coinsist ittatly OF' OURl -lass ttltie chamit'ttmmtt oftthe tctmi- attemtpi t t eceive assistattce ftott tInittedthetprsid'sent of thu iotr writttntidstlotr tromtanty fpersont tt G R E A Tl' ilass he clerk. hsppr ri n tep ogv Art. If gttves the tthfotiby wvhichi assistatnce, whiethetr the oi(ttiso dtiitg tt'etabove mtetioncd comittlee is htms tcotltedt'this oneaperit 'otr nitt. S O E elected.~ 'its r-tlt' holtds vhethter or list the Art.It. Sit'. I 'l,1me cottiitteet-txanitiittioti is ini prttgtess-tlt is, shrtill ttavet' he wer to mtttttitontie nti'mlixallpIsitlirs. have betn hatidmil in. S L !acupetrssronls avitnesss a .Se 2. Atty tttmtti tot sigilitig the cotattuct a formatmin tvstigation, att intt tlcee lmicplcfdttponti Iti'exattuituatioti Of Ladies' Gents', Misses, case ~of .a tonvictiot ~ai'll l'iitittde cttii -iltm i ltterfige itti' rlis Boys' and Youths' Fine ttitsimtt1ttit' ti'filo-ttr ' wltiille Itimtxatiafiiitbyi. ttuit miii-so Shioes. 1-tiotit- st-Itncase of violaitititon i bethi. th sin sit, lhe' uillfit'rettotleid JACOBS & theIotnot Systm by a metmbe't-of to lthe' i'iiittiii'i'fit- iticstgtiii. J 3~ ALLMAN D1 the menostjutiior or sotitomtore' ilass. Art. VI. 'Te several t'olntttttilcs Ilthetenltyshall btiecomentttitdatiotn strill ketptarectiridif alltart's attti P. S-See our elegant line slto itclty of his separtittntromut ttriiinii their sirsion2s, awithotit iti n- of Patent Leathers for dress. collig, e it thei'adititiniteixtremtilotting mintes itt the accuetdt, also a THEFTS AT YALE MUSEUM. EXHIBITS AND RELICS TAKEN BY A GRADUATE. Guilty Man Conresses and Returns the Property-Influential Priends Make Losses Good, A sensationa as crealed iat Yale tliiaersitv this weekm when it wasildis- covered thimt thtefts tamoutiitg to the :attit of $10i,000Ianiti probambly mitch itore, have beeni itadte trout the hPea- body Museum, tutd that Ite tiet Is a grmtdttate of the University anidtoatiian wvho has beeni prominentut in, Now ltvin citr-li's fur soitle timie. Theltefittsa veot'extitededover a contsiderable' ueriotd otftiane, intl the exact imounit ot themo will Iptobably neer et'fi'kniown, is, lie yiotutg Inian wvho tool:ei' exhibits atnt relics front ~;the tmttsittmithas forgolfiii It' exact titlumer of plecs tat i' toolk. The thefts cover aitieriodt of at least two yeatrs, and, althtotighothe tact Ittvali- isfile limttleries, speieni'tsoftinierals atid airon- !leadts wave i issitg ig ts kntwn-tioiithose at tim e dmittf ottie tmumseminio comtlittwtas tiamitm- Ill aouott a.imonthiago. Thein Ot- ttii'l C,. Marsht, pofsru'sor itt mmalm'mtiol- qsoy andlcurtior of trlie gi-tihgical colle- tionm, mandt Profe'ssor Adifisoni -. Verimlnl, cutori r of thme zooloigicaul tolletiton, tte taao ]lemaus.ttfl'timmscmt, laidthtie mtitic be'fore thei'police', smyitag ilimit they himdi bee'tmtunabile to solve the tiinitg that thme thefs.ltad been coin- tuftted tiy sommmee ii'aaho lhtat-acess to the caises ini thte mmseutm andt they soont hit nponi the itdetity ot thethtief. Thle susfpe'cteud man's lioie as setuutulteit mutt ilmarge otumntity, of val- uamble poittery-wa-s tfomudtherm'. UIpoti beiig coniftroni i te -it hits evidetice the gitytitati coittesmed, anti gmave lill all thamt lie hiatt in his possessioti behongiumtig oithe utsi'tmih-lie also furnishiemd descriptiions of a groat mnty of thle relics mnd the aidri'ssos of tnauy of the deleiers to vhsoin lie hiatt disposed of time stolen plromperty. This infortilonm miade a long list ini- cluintg curia healens all o.ver thlis couantr'y atnt abromad. Sitice the 101kic anth the authorities of t hue imseont, have been fbosy recovering the lost ar- -takeNotice. In-orlor to reduceo my stoelt of Fall Woolens, I wili offer all Fancy Suitings at cost for c-ish and nmake roonm for Springr Importations. An early call' tvill iprofit yout. At G. H. V WILD, The Leading Tailor, 2 E. Washlingtont St., Near Mlaie. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ILLUSTRATIVE .CASES -ON- P[RSONAL PROPERTY, Selected by Prof. Levi T. Griffin, of the Law Depart- ment, NOW ON SALE -AT- WAR FR'S. Up Town,. Down Tows, Uiver-sty Bookstore. Opposite Ceurt House 20 S. Sate St. N. Saln St. ast's ofittliilii'mtiiittto aa nmss stem.- iig of thmi' iollegi'. 2md.-Inthtei-msc oit a violationtmftthme IHimnor System inii the fre'shmn clmassIthe penmalty shmut he recomtiuendiationi of suispeniomfor a tine ideterinted by the cuimoutittic. Sec. 2. 'T'he coumfiftec shaullImimmke a single re'port to ltmetfaculty oit mll cases acted uon during oe seri's of exatminuationms, consisiiig of ai brief resume ot evtdence tmaken, their de- cision iii lhe case, .and rem'ouamcimia- fion of the penalty to be imposed. Sec. 3. Thur coummnittee tamust onto- trmoum a mass meetinug of lime college for ther ratific'ationuomittime juniior imeimber' ini January of each year, at wahich meeting Articles fItI. anif V. of tlids eonstitution shall be read. And, at anty time they may, stummoti a mass meeting for instruction or to supsport their action in any disputed qof stion. or to report the namea and case of any extreme offender. A-ft. IV. Sec. 1. The place and these of meeting shall he loft to time chimnan of te comnmittee. Sec. 2. The trial shall be formal and conducted in the following man- ner -with the president of the senior rrd oftmitstice i-etiactionts of ims mee-tings taith res-etitoIts l'hemh oc Systesm. ''hucseret-orids to;'u'thuir ai thu thur consitutiont shallh e h e t'rvediiby flue senuiorm embe'uuiir of time commmitee' oit each yimar. for the instrumctionm ot thamt cotmumitee. Art. VIt. 'l'hItis coinstitmutionm tumy hr mmeideth bymi thre'e-foiurths a-eof those presetnt at autmass metitng of lime colugi'. One of the seior emdiors of tln- fDaily t'riuetomium describes time op- ermatioin of flue uonor system at P'rinsce- ton atnd tells athutit time stumients tik if it, iiitime folloaving letir avrittens to flue Yule Newas: I sbtall be very glad to give you a :soumewhlat brief tuiceount of the honoro system of conmducting examinationss here. I think that probaibly it avill ticles. Nearly x+10,t00wortht.hiss al- help) you to understand the avorking of ready been recovered and it is said the system if I give you an accouttofththemsu wilntloente the establishment of It and the diffi- end, as time friends of the young mast cultes n mkingit sucesssuc aswill make good isis peeulafions to the culi imaingit scces sch ast olr .It is at presenlststllr It ws when the present sentiors The senior lawavL-ss of Wisceonsin wvere freshnmen that the senior class of University is making an effort to so- that year-tbe class. of '93-son in cure ox-President 4larrison for com- (Continued en Second Pageo} mecement.