TILE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST NO VELTY IN GENTS' SUiTNGS AND FANCY VESTING IN '96 Jos. W. Kollauf, Xerchant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. SPAIDI NG'S rt g~4 Educaional ~ u. M ~L[TIC FIHUM !l Souvenirs of TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS A comloete set, cotprioiig Baseball, Fot- bill, Tnsnis and Golf plaers ando a Bicyclist. iloeset to iy ,dres, i the'Gited Stites o Cdi upon the reept stf t0 A. G. SPALDING7& 1BIO., Nw Yris, Cicag, VIIPIdl. Lurges tMafatc esofI issyles]ad Ati- leso. Goods so the world. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Orgizsed 18t3. Capitl, $00,00. Surplus and Profits, $40,05 Transacts a gracral bankig busiess. Fereig, excneseb eougtanddsold. Frit letes of tcreit P. BACiHPen. SW LARKSON ashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK Capital Stok, 5f00001. Surplus, $15,00. Resorees, S,IlhpOW. Organised unsder the General Baking Laws 0f this Stte. Receves deposits, bys and sells eselossgon hepicipl iteof the United States. Drafts csed upon proper idetificatio. Sfty deposit oes te ret. OIrreces: Cristia Mach Prs; W. D. Harriman, ice-Prees.:GChas E. iHiscc, Cashier: MI. J. Frite Asitat Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 4S S. State St. OAN Possibly your gym. suit S is in that codistion. If so exchange it for a new one at MK WHO'L[S ~CIeEmporium' 11 W. Washington St. ANN ARBOR. DO -YOU SM1OKES?a 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - 5 7 Full Value Cigars for---- ---25C 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - - 25c 4 Owl Boquct Cigars for ---- ---25c 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 25c Lowest Market Price by the Box. DEAN & COMPANY. Closing Out C We have left a fair stock of all sorts of e WRITING TABLETS whtich can be closedout as follows : 44 South Main Street. Crum Makes a Suggestion. ALBANY MAY GET IT. MAiMMUMn UU rsbt IAbOLtI, a GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC A. S. Iossy . 75E. is sur1vyiglit Talk of Moving Union College from GOOD WRITING TABLET, - $C lielents, ,\lssisilonoal. CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C li's'tl ls1sypstr, i95 I), is firtlet iuti l Tllier. hs11(011ii1i1it01r list'tiitifor BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C lltlitsid SIiti. tosss'lilsesitlisosil'olsgs'to ituIiWRITING PAPER BY THE QIJIRE OR LB. Asitli sos'A. lBrowneI. 51lii ltuiii,. tremove' fts't''tllt'gte lrtssti St'ii ' This stock will not he replaced. '87-9IS, is ti1ill iirlos illifitt le 'ict<1teI. Albasny, buti stli ss:; t("t'iiilthso st Colne qutick for first choice. l':liltsl Iiet ilii lttlltl leitilog 'st i''s lil'.~ ii Itisi', Argus Printing ~ ue Stisotd. ~~~~~~~~~('rilllttll. Itisa felt Olte stoss is 11- _____________________________ T'fl ar'tlsll it llljt ld1155 ToIti (.lliii' 1ssin sie ts'essaeis lsst ollie, toe MOORE & W vETM:'O10R:E, ('Clsb s til1 l d llf io isio's'rt'llse ls theossiet't'litsi y is Mulln;ist':hiie cofi(g;. slil sills'lst'e e(lst'isssiisifithe liiic- At .ltsmssi refutse joss ist itstilyesntil B S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., olsf11esisise s'i' SissylaitttvWihert it sts li' looIlsessi. CORNER OF WILLIAM, Fushes' osill its' t IssIlil' scottett i Fin et' stoloriisse trffis-e 55:15 r to til , islN os o rs' sf1 tgst~i o t l i( ' e s1t eIsl'' st, frieze :,eitrio'lo1:111No tsslstiittss sobu fte sir' tiliigto ,te «Wlit:'Altssssy UNIVERSITY -TEXT - BOOKS! lfsee will t'be tarl. ffers' 5u1s«-sol thn steo lie-'s New and Second-Hand. E. II. Relly. Islstl yeari soill tll I'.,ol'sss t i strvs ft'escone;;g'. 1I5 t i t'blit'5' ii.Note hookessod offser ttudents' Supplies. snosw ' tisi S w\itls te Illiitis, Sts't'l hitte' ~e i rs si d i'st ts FttontaissPests, 'see Ststsoserey, Sporting o\VN'r, 11,-t her Nvllll b li ob Godsetc., swhichs they oiler at thse lowest Wortt'sV. is ettillns' ts' wootk s-si '.5ito isls 'lt'' tllseilil ri ces.~55- Li teus IS llt'eiiss i .:\lltss T'11tsllltttt .s'tttiiit taltissts'c511. stites t t't I'Call andsae us before Purchasing. hoiitt1,1lt'. iSltiliiiti a slitrgov ssss.i s'r otf ' Ilwii1t lte llltl't515' le in t'' ttt'11-t he ss- sius2isi, lte loca'sl sells It'ss. n is~ ogFttet, lt'e '('eroitcall b ttt orvtl' will tsl'' lsfstl''s itt sttytt sgsst St t sttt's lts esilig;s sos 'S''lts t he s.lEn's 1T .11;.'d If;ilt 'fums wU gl I ttt' a t-utimitttS . o. e'ss' sl stiltS, a listo tt' tanlt 14'5thlit thir'ty-Sst two sdlil 151551 stltlt'555. otcom'tit. CALENDAR. Harvard and Yale. Sri., J111. ;Iii . S. Willilltls, ogf ) is'FtlD('_l'tstslslsSi's ltlsi test, bes eI't': l'sgist's rig'Sotsti'y. thsv'e'ltss taken rols' lett1t1tt 'ttiltus Sit., Feit. 1-llssltsrt (iSG1d receptions of Hares'aerd an1d1Yatle' Sy st llsses 'srs at lS., 4al~tS . sf''511itt'.tS,11 1 li tsrsrs Sil' lSasss I sso t.,lFeb.I- llg. I ;slft95s 10a..... I l751 ti. sl. Dom1).1,01.,Isb -ilufl At tir ' ''cl ol stliteg sle l 1.i'tI '11 Te's., Isi). 4I llt't'yi Cttoert5 se 'Schos ........ llS 224 ('tsllsttly ililtUnier'sity SHall; a si A itttt 's ' ls'l'l Shool . ... 5:tif 12:>', otf Athiltit'Assttt'i 551. 5hSsts'A lS'Is ....t Fri., Feb. 14- blest Seestter closes. S(,11 s o' 'S stt ...... 11 Frel, SFeb. 11, S p.itt., SUniv'er'sity'Detlicholtts1 1. O2 IHall.--lHon. H enry Wiatterson iln S. L littn11 Shol . ....)5 A. coturse. ' lssey'' llsstiution.... 12 Fri., F~eb. 14, 'Watermaln Gyln-- iumn-Twoentietb AnnultIBatll of S lisse0 :t;,; Palladiuimsfraternities. M101., Feb. 17-Secoiit Semlester be- Dr. Lachman's Work. Sat., Feb. 2i--ltutolon Tenmple Quar- i11hSlel~si lle't'1'i Iteein S. L. A. coure.Ill D.,flulll'195if, h loeittit'e1010 '5 st .111 i tl. worsoinrof. son Rlost's esab- THE ANN ARBOR LIGHT INFANTRY 01lRa0u s Feb. 12 to 15 inclusie. Agttnuineproftssional tircus to 0. H. KEYE~s. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. Thte finest in tlse city. Comne and see, 1I Cough. Syrup S 0 We havie- all kitnts. We kcnw' aoutkoe minsd. We makste it. It's Sy'upofsTr antd Wild tCheery. It's~ #good. Better try itnext time. 0 PALMER'S PHARMACY. 0 Ev eryttody knots Iloimsnehbs the0 finetlsttbacs, Goupes'1 andldelissoy hosrses in totwn. nhoim1fIrons te. THlE 01110 G. NF'IA 1SMILEAGE 'FIS'lttI'F. oestoey sit lustiels, and st sslulbltsllt't If yets travel one thosndlll silcoSit'e s's'tssof isis wore: is ontljunction: dutrinig te yearcyous sill Saivenony sowih Prof. 'Fhis'le. Dr. Lasclstsani by pulrchtasigaithotsandt m Iille tircket. taktes t'ekParke', Das;o& Cfelldows' The best in the nmarketS are itsose is- sipsill tple'of [Dr. Slseet is, -vos sed by agents of Ohio Central Lisnes.itSen ttsoeltOisl-ettr They are geod ever all She inmporant systems including che entire B., &tO0.ship. systemw'sct of tPittsburg, the Big TFhe eommisittee whlichls socharge of Four, etc. See agenta of Ohio Central Stepublica~titto f the Pallasdiom this Linen befere purchasing. Price $20'; slosis telysseisssi good one year. texpsets to havse the senior annls IF YOU EVR VISIT DETROIT,. 01ut before the spring; vacation, And what ;studentl does notyou snake it mistake if you fail So look Tell or twelve students can obtasin through the show rooms of Mtessrs. geod board at No. 17 S. State st., be- Wright, Kay &t Co., on Woolwaril gininlg Feb. 3. 90 oavenue," adjoining the opera house. Lost-A purse containing about For twenty-four years thtis house has $17.50. Finder please return to Laura been a synonym for everything fine Mloore, 56 S. Diy lslon St. 90 in the line of Proc-Ions Stones, Watch- UNTIL COMMENCEMENT' - The es, etc., etc.-Adv. Daily for $1.50. SPECIAL. D IITAS &t StHANZ sell wcits and Paints sit prices to suit everybody:;see also do repatrrs clisenicg asi.'pressing. Werk called for aind de'ivered. No. d8oS. State St., ecotuditoor. 0. SMARTvIN, Funeral Director, Cltbl . ad sMtallic Gaskets asnd "Gammon Coffins. Embsaming a Specialty, No. 12 E. Washsingto Sat. U OF 1A1.SHAVING ItARLOlI and Basth- jV.rosoas. All %ppointmeuts lirst class. Sm ported sand domestiechcicrs. Ladies' artis- tic hatilt dressisig and boathinsg parelors. J. R. Trojanowski '0 S. State St.. W THEN YOU WtANF your clothes ciroend, pressed, relissed or rebound go In Mrs. insgerlecsver tSeehain's bock store. Lab- oraitory anrons madn to order , ; "'LINEN 4 ' UFF $ ALWAYS GIVE ": THE BEST MADE