THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGANGEl'rTff(A You NEED _a 2d Semester. Time Table (Revised) Nec. 24 1895.A ....1 'I -..r. ET..M. WEST. A MA ]dll D ress~~ S u it~ UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING ian. x__ 0Mi ______ Y. Special_._-. 5505 N. Y. special-__. 7 WI We MAKE THEM to ODROpposite LAW building. Eastern Ea- 15.. 12 N. S. Limited.... 51 Atlantic Es.__73D Pacific Ex ---.12 0From $35.00 UPWARDS. TERMS $5 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR, 0. N. Express... 5+0 Western Ea.I_ 200 e. R. Express---ii5 Chii. Nt. Es.5___5 18 Sl rStnLndo ietDesWrtd H~i.E_____ E . 557iko ai ie f ietDesWrtd THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL 0. W. RLESoe, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor' SEE[MR. A. E. ROSE AT COOK HOUSE EVERY TUESDAY, WHOLESALE CIGARS (! ( TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. i-,7j__ THE GOLDEN EAGLE COI, DETROIT. Railroad + Ticket + Boes _________________________________________ Money to loan on personal property. AT THlE GRAND OPERA 1hOUSE. Hemersyl.I RAILROAD. The first preesentation here of 0110 of ttoini 96i Loawftnoi Cilasiist Tm alJ.bd19. the moot recenlt yet already one of th wIsteene f attato 90 the -Is NORTB. SOTH maot fa~olls of Ameri1 can eoiiiie StrCus lersnes i TenltCv 7:221a. m. n7:4 a. .Sa oreetraneta rmn A E all:lS p. m. 11:406 a. m. operas RIob bloy," takes place Mloo- Tull otseii ewstef O AEA 4:11 p. m. 9:21P. m, dayeeig The faime of its ral All trains daily eeps Sonday cln eveiiiiy reahlincy isrtmu. Trains ranbetweeoAnArbor andToiedo pheiioinals rti of 250 con tecutivc'RODS ny n ilsey o (elie iog omrg rmit-eJWLfSOE R.SREENWOOD , Agent slightts Iin New York city, iiay be staid WrM. ARODSJW -(SOE .H. BENNETT e. P A. Toledo 0.' to bo world-wide. Sinice the "fRobinl unhleard of thlings andt emilt soundics ______________________ 1-toct ws prcesentett ton London enider that are no) only woinderftil in their T flO 91 flf 0 SAT ~ANN ARDOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. tenmof"aulacn"vry Inolaid sine etness, leet deeiledly cniqure iu u.STREET. + + work of these collabIorators is tiwaited and1 Suising.0il Every nlote of hils Call on them for lalyingo 1had1 in it Sochtethlilg 01) daill' Fine Lunches, Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. nhbroid withila1 keein anltliiationl a leas nil i li'i~hiliehd Fn hclts Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:10.,S:4a in tiis 011111ry. lnc'idenlis il it a~~y, thy aehi apluew hot tit and 11:00a, in.; 12:45,21:15, 5:00, 0:41, 9:15 and lie mlenltionedt that '1101 Rloy" will (e aeimiiltii'utlolsOl.and Baked Goods. 10:4 p.m.-stnAerie.TyOrLnh. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,91:15 and pirobably he prtesented io; 1110 Efngill Hsi dli ser. TyOrLnhs (1:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:49, 5:4 7:11, 0:45 and 11:15 metropolis nett sjriuig either ty the Hiscrihe for the Doily. .m. SUNDAY TIME. -presenlt comnl~iy or oiie secially or rand_ Opr H ue Leave Ypoilanti from Congrennnt.,1:30,3aM, gaiied. :05,'6:50 and 9:00 P. m HRDY AUR 019 Leaye Ann Arbor Jounction, 2:0,d:0,5:30, The WVliiley Opeirc Comnpaly 110111- RI*P*AN'SJ THRDY JAUR 30, 7:0ad93 .m.896,0pole t edn rtss c fEme .VnsOignladol e Cars run on city time Fare: single trip l hes10ietu;is;eligatsso' gitimate Rairood Comedy romas, cents round trip tickets 25 cents. , eopy as high a rankc us any oni tile WM. P. PARKER, Supt. itght; oitss't astage aod (lieial broil- The modern stand- The Lim-ilted Mail TTUDENvTSarried for tie entire puiece is erel- With the Wonderfol ST DE T ited ll],(1 beiiig superbly gletire gque xI ard Family Medi- BEATRICE, The Pnom inol Fancy If son wane good retiabte life insurance casll an:1 colllllensl lie ill its llistoricrl an11Cd.u es te W o' cnfndti t na s so heed T ALoOmbe, ofie \o. ,S ie:Crs te w nd thi , n i F'ourth ice. rg og'ailiteaI iacciracy. The Olul)jccl, Do' cofon PS any otli -Mal.' Eleant Photos or SHOPtoooffes t ostuniqe oporlnn f-" 7 Commn evry-dy ite besutiful BiEATIRICE given to every l ady too M C IES O fofrs te os lli e opotslitd oriin co mmonl attendingeahpromn. N1i~ D AC IN SOPIs t tuig 11(1oreili cstilrO ~ ills of humanity. Try to Forgecet the Date and Then Yo'll lie- w'hish lni Ol;t cefly of th~e Eniglishi member It! HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. ,,ieii dier uniforms of the 'romiantitc w Skates Concaved. uas whn i t diiasing i'i ider. z Prices, - 35c, 50c and 75c. Exeimna Wok rinre C(hiarlite attemphhted( 00 gainii Experimental Work.& This Old Reliable tEhTSonLE f11( ignlder n ths' tieasie of luteW 5 PERFECTION bobSSI3 R wilotig haes in h ieo hthl oi o of tile fair North, STUDENT LAMP PHO0TOORP 11R ?! Itoh 110y. (Of the plist it is oiily necessatry to ilbsonj & Clark, Ifasnever been equal AT ARO.IIH soy that the thou.saiids whuo love the aned office purposes. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURSI thmeeO xitr Wlerio wihe~lll findhy 'HOORPES The burner being sep- UIIIIURAHES 'carated from the ol safe nnder all eses.m Chocolates and Candies illas-tregor aideud a liopeless yet fais- 12 W. HUiLRON ST. stances. If your dealI (1'1ihatilig case aiirbl5prsye. eredees not keep them, -AT- - adialusrri'd;__________________ pon remeti oi ;3. to 'aou of liie ihitsic (lie ipublic hay until this elenant Nishel J7OLLY &t CC'S. _ n .. COTRELL & LEONARD, i'ardL y on ihe first heaing here actelt tile ter- shade andi chimney 20OS. State St., Sager Block, dict of flue Eastern critics-tliat it ts win 1 be sent he any' aressb te sol manu- I~age ineof iuePips, obacosandAlbany, N. Y., factures, Manhattan Brass Co., 555 l 2ctic Lsgfien i. ieThrn ni t one thue imsst catchy stud the most St., N.Y. Cigarn. thosroughily enjoyable that Deltoveuc Makers of __________lhas yet egiven to the poblic. B Flue cast iiculdes twenty-one, anid ' ni "iury Casznstese are a ided by a chorus of scvenhy- fyuaeit. lry Biyce. fie _ndanefleenochsta for Yale '96Harvard T. 0. &C. Ry. K. & M. Ry. Rid a 6 00 MLESO9, Princeton '96 011d Solid through trains hetween Toledo, Ohio Alasa100MLS may we not~add Michigan '965? and Charleston, W. Ya., via Cohumbun, the iAlasaleader, the Ohio Central __________________shert aid osly direct ronte. If you are iry a greant h~urry, Lines mileage ticket, with latent addi- ToledoE0 tions is the bent. Cevering. the Rig Toled, O. *R ID E A V ICTO R . Pour, B. & ., C., I . & D., Ohio Ceo- T a e Yirn toy,O0. The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T k stroges lihKheenShn hie.~...... thens 0. trladinnumerable other systems, it Clmu,0 is the faverite Travelers' Companion. oubuO Tse simpgtliciyAghinfth 'heel baebl tehe Weh ow he -ot Ptla Ant ensVa. Pmr0 market. ocnsrcin'98 BASEBALL MEN. IMiddleport, 0. renders it also the most easy will be held in Room 9) on Wednesday runinng. next at 4 p. in., to elect captain., light and dark Choco- Richmnond. Va.Va " We use pounds of crucible steel lb. NORTON, Manager. lates at 60c lb, Our Old Point Comfort, Va. where others use ounces, and the 0 uigthe second semester the hutsir Williamsburg, Va. VICTOR coals more to build than orButfteea etmsrysilhu ~~ ercups, "TacomaNeprNwsV. any other bicycle. epen to students both forenoon and Paste," Cream Wafers, Norfork, Va. ____afternoon. Those who wishs to secure And all southeaniern poinen. Elegant tables_ shudapyery t. t2cl. r drawing room cars on all through trains. -.~~~~~ talssol pl al.Eca 5 h, ae For furtherisformtion call on your local Co. I. WHFREE CO.verye fine. MOULTON HOUE, Gen'l Pas Agt., Bostn. New Ysrk. Dnvrer. Deiroit TIHE ICE IS FINE W. A. PETERS, Michigan Pams. Agent, Pacic cost: on the Athletic Field rink and now Is _ _Dtot ih ii _____.......-..IF. C. WEINBERIG. AKN'PHARMACY.~ HA GTRE, 0Eo0t