THE U. OF M. DAILY. jGLHIGANGEN~WAL SKATES, KNIVES AND RAZORS 2d Semester. Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1l95" lairciepurchasd thefulllineof ae skaeskniesadrzsfom ileery EAST. P . WES.A ' tis C -:ont adiscounteof5;!percn: w o frte m itte smediscunt, UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING, Malii andE-5_ 350 Mail J------83) U S ST O- A IF . (,+ P . N. Y. Secial___ 50N NlY.HSpAiLl P70(P JF. Opposite LAW building. Eastern Ex---10 12 N. S. Limited 5 2922 A.M . . A;odpai fsae ot onw3e iepce nf tfo et l TERMS $5 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR, Atlantic Ex____ii3 Pacific Ex---121 Anodrzra,5cotes>,'10,ndX.. D. N. Exprems---- S s0 Western Eax___eeel t i ehes2i t iidW G. R. Esxpress __11 05 Chi. Nt. Es----10 2 A OM A Y H KNECRE BILLIARD ML 0. W. RescuesLE, H. W. HAYES, 56, 53 and 60 S. Main St. 'Phone 164. 0. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Act., Aec Arboir WHOLESALE CIGARS F J.Glen, The State St. Tailor. TBCO N IAETS 1 I Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. ]DO -YOU KINOW Monytoiiyslessneoi perseeal proertyO. ____. Tiit w caliesave yeufroe $3tol$0oneeevery Suitor Overcoa, bohetiofusWe ds r 1 Wewereciieoiseliup itieibsinies,eandiiowsereofiiie spcei. 'Twili pay youteiiieisat eur sampies befere buyingelcseithece. fl - R9 lAILROAD. 20 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR. ue ale au ?,186aw as NOTH. OTH 59. -- 7:22 a. m. *7:4 a m. Commeeunicationi, AT T11,GR NlE)P+I.V tTE CANES *12:20 p. m. 11i:46a. im. 75ID ilI 0.1) , 4:15 p. m, 9:21P. M. liie ever i epuui, brigllt a i ia-FOP PALE AT All tralna daily except Sunday llictir V.. ef AM. Daily: Ili leiree'ilstllo *asutetweeceAsS Aebeaed Telede ilyim lie lrcgl or iii- litle Iciii ego o liiisiilsliii WM.> ARNOL D'S JEWELR 'STORE. ony ilyupes hog or(-l hsrrs e eino ~ins hs WAR. S. GREENWOOD, Agentliiiilis W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Teledos 0. iiiiisi push theii iiiaerofi'ir n e e.sse tason, stitli chill grealeridiencesli ANN! ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY ol -ii' uiiilii sil llCtiel ailelri'th.oe ii uu b liiwelrfirienve eestuu Tlitirsdey' evi'iiiiig.1,a1.:;0. oil the iii- Fne Cell ea them lee Thesv rferi'firone, nerielmili nto FineLunches, TieTbe >ct 7 85 a letmre, wiiithuvcwnderimng ssiui'ili'r inlOite ~Ill:' Fine Chocolates, Leave Ypsilanti Ifrem Congress St, :58-ill flr n ftoefu'111 -adBkdGos and 11:00 a.mi.: 12:45,2:15, 5:00', 6:45, i:15 and ~ce i ieiie i hs oelii.adB kdG os iLeave Ass Arbier Junctien, 7:40, 9:15 andeded iiien u olilrii'0ciiiuta:isv',thliIr ~l. leantwl:'hluliii heu.lci elebraited Try Our Lunches. 11:10 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30,7:15, 9:45 and 11i:15)b2 lfu w ud b n fteZos °rlw ooso olas baci pr vii ThM.cllr ( " Cranad Opra ouse. SUNDAY TIMIE. ire tiaips eerenowife i fire slihoul n[l it l"Te sliestry C irieuseislira Leave Ypsilanti f rem Congreset., 1:30,3:30, JANUARYt 41(woftesptol- p :00,06:30 aed 0:00 P. M. scri iilie liall. "'liii (5Cuntry ('irreus." THURSDAY, A1 A o OJ( LeveAea Abeean isnn04:0,ArboiiriiaiiJlunction, ii he ii Miil2:00lii,4:i00,5:30,'slii' O Eme EOi, ' "yiF0 7:00 ad9:30pp m 'm. pate vice ii. t hea- .icool te chilpilli°r> lisO Emr .. ianei riialad ny e Cars easesn city time Pare: sisgle ip 15 ,, groiate RiiiraditCmedy ilium,, ceas; roandtrip tickets 25 cents. ieiiiieii of i, eiiginis by 1Prof. Polly-is sitii "'ile 8Counltry '1.1 usi" Wm. F PARER, Spt. +'lor Donande siicolofisotlIiiThe Littil .ted m il far is hnevo1liii0aitioliii s licenI1n( l lieis ire swithi"The (Coitriy OWith the XWoedtefi ST D NT' (irene." BEATRICE, The Phenomenal Fancy Ifyeu wantgoodlrelialeiilife iiucie al'c . en~hii. It a liii 11trio ii iii:thestimileiiis liih eFor D(,lie' iilriis, senis1iiioll'Dancee. cof 'Ii~eiie elies t iii' lat ifliuiri iiiisiii (5Ci iiti' 0 111iies:iit t1.11115. i ill b sm i i o111 llls TWO Doi'teCinfosindthis ii spiiep Iwithi Fourthi ave. 11 PT S!,Liyiiothee Alil'lesaiill'litosof" let is iiv11111,ill'.eIll'sl takes ,v I' cit- (,wiii "'lie' (ountry1wCirene." th e eieutifliBATRC-ivtP er toii veillcspady I-i wht it 'le) 8'ollll'v I'ireis' means. Tsp to Forget th~e latie siidTheni:You'ii Iic- HUNTER BROS., B E. LIBERTY ST. ill li i liiio ofthliveiss.lio ilhe iiur or itmebe Ii' t! Skates Concaved. is u :1 n u I i eTe 1.I.(hiI.'1 1 i iis Prices - 35c. 50e and '76c. seod 1o o h b i1in-fom ' li.. isiie-: tie I'nits c31 lasit ___________________________ Experimental Work. i iiir1 )55' Tsa i elal RENTSCRLER, I1,0 XV fr11ezeNT. ( m n 'ii H ll toeohisw after- PERFECTIO N - L y s Intercollegiate. ill()i0iiat,:io'locklil. SUET LM ANN ARBOR13. NI.(':S'. 11,. lii ltil lul LiAMP AN ABO.31C. iiiled swill iiiii' aisec'c(i1or ''ellhis hill' -where iie'N553a:eualldiby the' Iflii. ieerbee eqeuil- loge" iiiiii itiiss ti -'()li. ssiiiu a tp'ii n- 51'iloliC illtliei if iiis fblt'r. indcitirfl iic e tpl0se. I HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOAUBSii iiili iiiThisiev burnertd2),OX MLS. bxc55eingoi Chocolates and Candies siiie cisilh liidm'rrl AsasalumcteOi e tra es.e Iiyordeal -AT-- i,. ii mlii itiilty iiey siuess tiiiii ileilis miletagetiOckei,ssith latefstaddi-.Ie does Set lkeepi th~em, -AT- ill- to;li ,lailit the sh w frm tlt ells is itie best. (Covering the I'g uselleceeltt51f ;3.0 colegeto he Varity an th co- tiiee.egant Niciei- I..OL,-.,i'& O S 11111Il ii eiianid li hi'oiu-rel, 1B. & 0., C., It. S& D., Ohio Cen- hPlaedLamp, ieecsi 20. eae 5. Sge Bse, ligei'nhua>is stll is ithe "sarsiiy" tru' llilinuimerale oilier systemse, itilltbte ent t imspidey, pthii factuers, Mauinattan Bruass Ce., 338 EE Oml inofllie Pipre, Tsoiarres andswill play wiili emutsiidi teams.l is the faivorite Travelers' Companion. St., N. Y. _______________________________________ 8'liiegii iilopti'il mlii p)lan last ye~ur. 1TNII \~I :NMMElI NI- The F~ ___________1___1u(i inilug it :i siress ss\ill telihiliml Dmily fsr x$1.50. ~fP~TM itithits yeare Oms-am inenlm. 'envulopmes tim i2ia uaiaiiiRu U**T IIf You aret un a hutrry, ___________ T0&- tPrelimiary araeen'ii'iltseorte'hue i - I 3. K ~ V.R R idie a t3icycle. itI you are in, a great Iburry: 4RIDE- A VICTOR. The strangest light wheel on the market. Its simplicity of construction renders it also the most easy Irunning. ® euepounds of crucible steel I wee tera use ounces, and the. IVICTOR costs more to build than I any other bicycle. OVRIAAM WHEEL CO. IBosetsn.. ew Yack. Denver. Detrsit. Pacific Coast: ~Lo Angeles. San Prancisco. Portlaed.e I'ill1ssl1i-teiut0e debate Case biein c'mleiite':l and3Plinceton chose tuiii' smhi ud lia(' iie' side h uiii io:u e ii meia~ti' stlpslossuud thue i'ompleitieii'- iir'eum t fall tliii'.hgal tenider'iiiti's.'' Foer temiiirist. tmie' inithe lhistory eif elebal hig Pliiicuto oii IO-gratlnaltes ire eligile oli' thelii preiliinar'y trilsl. 'Ills dlecseioin sas arrisudi t, bh aislie ' ic ri'tiing runleu ldmimbeagesetdmpiti whellreity beth iHarsardl a110Priliec- tonllshoieuld lbe coninledhtsosinuerg'ud- nite elebaters. THE ICE IS OFINE en the Athletic Field rink and nosy is the time to enjoy it. F. C. WEINBER.G. UNTIL COMMENCEMENT - The Daily fer $1.50. esiis~c~i~s-isasciisc Coil. Co, SPlid etieeeghuteaines betweeiiToledo, Oio Cincininiati, 0 : iid Charlestn,iuWX. Vs., via Clemlbas, the I 'ast my vote foi' the Univeresity of sheet anid only direct eoute. . ihiganhe, Ann Aetii, ie c h., iiine con-BETWEEms test fue the S1,500 tathe, whichliypuctfee Toledo, 0. to preien on icli, 1, 1806, .tio the techi-i. Findlay,i10. eat schlrleceiving She gfeestetuesber Kno,0 of sotes. BnoO Voters Fish Name. . . . . . ..--------Clumbsa, 0. StreetNo-------------------------A thens, 0. Cp..y ie iddleport, 0. Voters mutt be as leaist fifteii yeaei Pt. Pleasant, .V.Pomery, O0 old. Ladies canniisvoebat imay aid secung vtes. ihod a Petersburg, Vs. Old Point Comfort, Va. COTRELL. & LEONARD, Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Albany. N. Y., Norf'ork, Va. Aed all eoeastern peints. Elegant Makers of drawng resinmec-irsensal thruegh trains. x %Per faether infoematien call on pear local r ~Tichet Agent orewiee CnAncInamnS SOULTON HOUE, Gen1i Pass. Ae . UtJ.U VIU W. A. PETERS, Michigan Pass. Agent, for Yale '96SHarvard CAERER ch '96, Princeton '96 aSli ANflSTE DF! CAEREahi, may we not add Michigan '96? I1 I .JLI[ ton 0 Wshl.