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January 29, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-01-29

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~4+i4~ ~riiiHS~TJ1RY OF Wi L
Wrinkle eiiiaitated fromts ib (,o-
'ublished 1)aily (Sundasy excepted) daring Vltol eii f\~io 1

OFE. 'L' iemes builiding N. Minlst5., opposite
post Office.
C. D. CARlY, Qe. L. J. F. TuO'NIAS, '97.
S. E. KSAPPCN, '9s. G. iR. Soct, '99.
WN. W. lisnEs, '98, Id. L. Ocbonen, 'o8 L
G. I3. 1AIiSO5, '96 L.
L. . 9WALKERs, '96.
L. A. Prt'it, '96 G. 91. Heath, '96 P.
C. A. iouglhtol, '9il D. G. E. Shermian, '99S.
R. 17. Back, '99) 91. iH. 3. Gamsmon, '98 Id.
F. A. inier '9011. R. 9t. Reilly, '0)).
R, C. Faulds, '9)91. J. 1L. Walsh, '98 91.
Susannah iticihardson, '98
The subscription price of tihe Daily has
been reduced to $1.56 in odvonce for thc rest
of !he year. Leave subscriptions at the
Daily office or iwith 9'. C. Meye, U. Id
News Stand.
T.hroughlii ilidverteni'1c ii artirle
in ycs'tcrday's Dailly refcrrinig to the
forllaliolt of a women's crewc at Cor-
nel990asiiot creditetd to the C'orniell
Daily Suit, frolmiwhicrhu 1ap11r it 99a9
The OberinIitviow is ('itiledt to
duse creit 1aslihe'firstt(if tihi' ollgI'e
papsilo 0111f , o s'anniounilc his folio'-
Tue r'o-edctliona:l fratertnity wich'i
hass for s111110tile carried on a strug-
gling existen(oceoiltheti(n9ii'lr 't9' ef
Mlieiiguii, bas belln up11 o11 tic-'
cotust of till facnllty's 11(1tilily.
'The list of miagizo'ii's, ilaili""ledlIin
ainothier' coltumnl, 99111611the lihrary
comitlter founud it 11cr 79019'to diropl
conta1ins5 9withotut dotubt neasrly 1111
those 9'wih ire reooiartil'l 119stiiLardi'
liagazines. 9With till'excetion lof
perh'apls, "Pot'sLlore" ltheyllie foundll
upoon the tabhh's(of every reuliog roomil
oft 1911y'consequencelltP an th' rounltry.
91 seemis unfortunoate thast they mtio
be baniishledlfrbhmtthe readilig roim
of a great tiversity.
ssse these miagainles are to the slit-
dents. The fact that both the c'ur-
rent numbers and the hound volumies
art-iincessantly called Ifor so0vs thiat
they inet isieed thast should be1 sup-

in tiell' siof I893. tBotle's t'1itl'1l the
1611 (If Hl. i1. Sinli, whoil becamlie tbus-
Itilbhrt 1L. W~gti('17 and 990990A. Wil-
111111(099110 secure'd, 105artists. 'The
tirst Wi'inkle i'tolstuedl siidei'te'of
6O91. 1, tii'epape1r beiiig (da1ted1ontihin
0(1 the supe'rstition thacth116' itlt69
bringo the 9w)1109 (f itick. Wagnei
drew't9'the cove-r, whileiia Ii ofes1'1nlls
did 1110 c009erolitioilifor the ousoide
lage. Thiere 99lis 110 milelic aigel, ior
9911s there 0one' uitil the I'll liks-tiilg
lillibel' 991611 .\Waglner fouiid aotig-
ge'liorniinlth111'increasedl1nnibe °of
1 o0veb119r 155:3illolosrve i' a (l-
111015 991019might bet' he result solii
thiei' incrtseold nuiiibers esultine at
till 0711111' rill'for tt'11101t, llnyea~r.
bers of 11th eiiiijo (191b).eomp19rise' the
Wi1th the Thain1ksgliinumiliber thi"
haslard hadti made()'a0discovery- in thir~t
hield (If 990rk whlirch add~ed it011.1016611
to till'slieiii1'c of their column11,, for
I tocton 6'. 119-111's 1111111a' pears-('iro1911(
1prise. Itt'wa1s 9(111uth'le 0119911t itl16
time, 1but9 110 flitn9ixtsm 111(9 111a19 991
made~lt him a lot fav'orite Nwith till'
for his famiiliarin iitialosswith eve'ry
10 tiel~t' i sdtff it 111h' s1111.'tilil'.
,Wrinklt' beganli60o 59111im s in oltlir
favor. 'fill police hadhito be 6-1111(1
upon111t1o1k01611thel' erowd(s 1)a111froiotille
sIlo 11119)011 oiiste110.1llmoeiy bowc
so1 flusta01161the ho~oi d.of eist s- s
biosughit 11109wtowel for lt'e collosilig
force. The first numliber in Mcccli 071.99'
1191111 115'195111t ni m11115gedlitor,w99111
99. 11. Ke-iho go, 'J.;, 19 n(e9 ieiiiber of
1111 ibordl.
'hfilirst 9'ear's oaord99115 very' 1in
dei sieii'.So0iiitchi s0o11111tlt'e fallty'
slolietiiles toobl11 l.handi till' nafter
andiioil severali occasions 0111'odriiore
of t111'editors99(10, "tiltit'e carplet."
1 9110 s espe1A11l'yinoticeit. Oil otie or

tilr' tBoltes is iii Detroit. a6 memlber of H. Hiarris, of Detroit, Etts9ar5I F'rry9,
th' firmii (f iip p, Bo1(11(0& '111tal, (If Utah. and JohnLa1. tLa\vi6's. of tDcs
('salt alstr.ILorie is a scllor t Mt.ioine, owa.09 1It 1. 19099Bowman1, (If lDes
Smnithi is inll is fitllici's 11199illoffclt' 9MoliesIo wa)1, 99115 elelte'd1It lmembers'
99a10 orgtizedOI' -w99s15 imsl alogt 9 1her'W' haiis9till'helpresetboard 1tiis doing 1lo
iii('Ol'5 'otis of his po-199trslin ik,bhe'~9Without this iroviince of 111l9suarticle.
open'ed'ia9stuiooof his 099111511(1is do- . iiciieuo 0sly 'that Wrinleiris rec-
1110, posher111111 gene16ral1 workin llDe- 'i'19illg good 5s1pport9. Whuenits:1111111-
iroit, shlii keepllig 99',irlul iis ii) (rest tburs 711e' up1 911its 5standardl1it is 9911l
,illills olsi lore1 by tuinig out 9911115floreitceiveid, 1111d 9911(1 it fails shutrt of
Wrliull '11111 9lellmsw iht'old bt trillg-11791 it the 6i6'9 19lt'tii'boy 9bho 's it
him ii l9er' dlltlrs asweh s 9'tii11;oldenicapaleah ereil''cis a1 c'rreond~inhg 1drop
Opini~iooLS abroaud. Mr. Wagne0r 9571s off inlVrbe bolx receits, to tuse the tie-
«9the 11'F'reel'Press for six m hlllbs tirirattternuu. But, as a whle, Wrini-
plrev'ios to resigiliuig lis 9p0osi151on 11isle ci~laisto becii estalihed tsties
.Aitti~to ho ttendt the Detroit Art in1ceige' jouhrnialismlai d,9-w11 , 161lliti,;
School. itarris, 99 iii 99a0,also edlitorills *aiud dow'is, its faluesse ac11116ihs
of Inliandeir, i4tlraihhlatie critic of a Gi- 9'itor ies, feels 611119t19tlhcs tile suppsiort
t'iho pap~er. 99'ilifatuus is ini New 'Yorts. of theut' 1c stutlents and dloesn't caii'
Kellogg, lafter' 9aoruinuer 011(111abroaid. a teedle dc dim for an19'othuer kindi cf
is atthits 1home' ill Jlaksou. (Ofthe(11ohs sttlents' stupplort
hoalrdi Ca'paulis l 1 th'e01119' sietbesidles Its futtire is s llrell for 61110 yeard.
tori)' stil ini colege. 191)t99whether'' next 9'eareit cao still he
'ftuieiboarleas911 organiized i11 1894-5 a v'enture thuat w9i lt ttracet a hoard to
tby .thl''eletioni of 19111 It. Soith 110 de'vote'tiluel'undt huaiii wosetsto itorol.
t'11111111111of thue litera'119'ry committee 1111110rmll otO o b'^semn, Thuo thict
and1 bn' ini's ilimanager. fiue nDow 99910are'to eiarry 'Wrinuleicoti after tis
Iliuo'iuiersof tiell' leai'ii 99-e Fryel't'rhl ''sh hold nowl 099hi'gainitng the tx-
Iti'1s'(1l, ,1rthuiit'Al. ;smithu, Kail1E. tteteluce tta9t111c(1119'991 ti 591611ch1a1
Ha~rrttimanianud.Stuasrt 1. t(=albst-1ithi. tulde(rtaing. Theie9- tt99ettolue 9to
Got'l. It. Bsarker's%1111111' 99110addedtI o this boardi asioon011(111 u hos61009- iltlt-
t111 bulord, Iith till thirdi ltnuber 111111 tudel'for till'wo0r1511114thismemeittIrs of
he1 tbecame11 tihaiiwig edito~r March 28.Ethue Wrinikle6'stafftwo0(1thltiteeto 01e1


1Ed1in1111. Itl lrI'9' 99:19 iliit' Ii-.
oAistaiit 1t l111 1'55 thlou l' 9i'l heis.
11619' ill9lu111h. u'u'iiuisie for thisoy9eaar%
991hle 11(11till'howl9intg lt(cex-, it 9911:5
till ye'ar tbefore, still pulleth'(Iiroliglit
i-hur 9'19'r. 99'thereti a hod financuial
Stot'iuu nd11Nv9a10r1o119'for th 6'lituc
of thul ole111171Y9ear1. N19'wiil'mrtltI'
thais year1'9w'erel'ddll ~to thie thocardin
6116 leerioni of Nor~u~mntFlower's, of De-
troit, CGh:o. It. Paonls, lit Detroit, .1.

tnlthlillg btlthethanit a1 boa~rd of 69911119
or mlore, som9e01'Itoz hotiiiog 091r19
iuout -1'urIe to~f 'e'tillsir's catCandt
919- concep'tion of.1 99li tl6-911' 11111 9-191
11t' s-lose' hea'rts irt' 9wrapped up i191l
th' otlrt'eos of thue 0111eg' journalu.
The 9Daily' will beep you 1t9-t~O-dtel
oil e9er'tihiuhg regarin~tig thue 111iv'Ir-
sity - $1.50 UNTIL 0011I900CIO-
lIEN .

Your Money's Worth.
The editors of the Daily desire to' Gall special attention
to the fact that the paper wlli be issued up to commence-
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
the examinations of the second semester can have the
Daily mailed to them without extra coost, This arrange-
ment enables them to keep fully informed on University

Thiereesee-iiuo to he 110 reosa oo to'- 900 O1'lolns w9he'lin til ut iry'09offisu n
thelirldisconittiuar'e htut tile ct'oiilt- gettiiug drawsinigs ready foe the i19001 ' - , 2I11g commenemt wek18T 2 8.

tees 111acR of thu, ec'essary $51)0. 1r
=culid"Ilpioseld thatit ih faet 16110-hut
hat-cbeen 1019 his wise9ly5(b' h9 roll-
pinig 5(omheof thei'peiiodicalisthat to
nlothling hut alcumhlited11019 in5 tiii
pigeon-hiold'sand1( r'etaiinig those hilat
are in conslltat:lse.
A meeting of the '906 baseball teeon
wilt he held ill iRooio 0)on Wednesday
next at 4 p. in., to elect captain,
90. >NORTON, Manager.
Lost-A purse containing about
$7.50. Finder please return to Laura
Moore, 511 5. Division st. 9)0

the artist: foregot poions of tue cos-
thuniilg quilte s lsst'1al to thue tpr~od
l~hlt l'hihncr' of the subojeet's tdOthl.
H9ow9ev-er, the toenilty never enttrely
1(ost hople aiiitt' paper conitnuhed to
this e'ntdtof thie '1ye 0111.9 telhiihilted
this nine mlonths in 16vtblatzeof glaory
w5ithi atCo-mnulebicl'hedt onumlber thiat
99as nsore thaon on esqusal to any coil-
15101d191y. The first yeair oteral edi-
tions were issued lbaanhgfsing,
Chrisltntas, Junior Hop time audi Gomi-
mcencemenst week.
Of those Nvho $he first year looked
to the desInies of the babe in itera-

The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to
the. whole University and gives the news of every depart-
ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs
covering everything of news interest relating to- this insti-
tution and happenh~gs in the college world. g
The Daily will lbe delivetred at your door or mailed to your
homne address for the remrainder of the year (until June 25,
1896) for $1. 50. Le; ve your subs-aruption at the Daily office,
at Meyer's News Stad, 413 E. William, orzwith any member
of the Editorial Bonard.


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