THE U. OF M. DAILY ~4++ Published Daily (Sanday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OnFIclI Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS C. D. CARY, Gr. L. J. F. THOMAS, '97. S. E. KNArEN, '98. G. R. SIs. '99. W. W. HUoHEs, '98, E. L. GEsmER, '98 L MANAGING EDITOR G. B. HARsON, '96 L. BUSINESS MANAGER L. C. WALKER, '96. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L. A. Pratt, '96 G. M. Heath, '96 P. C. A. Houghton,'96D. G. E. Sherman, 99. R. C. Buck, '991l. H. B. Gammon, '980. F. A. Miner '96 H. R. R. Reilly, '99. R, C. Faulds, '99 M. J. L. Walsh, '98 M. Susannah Richardson '98 The subscription price of the Daily has been reduced to 1.50 in advance for the rest p ithe year. Leave subscriptions at the Daily office or with P. C. Meyer, U. of Ms News Stand. Memlbers of the faculties who are not regular subscribers to the Daily are receiving the paper on trial at our expense for the remainder of the semester. Those who are convinced by this tral that the Daily is worth $1.25 for the second semester will re- ceive it until comiencement for that price by notifying us; otherwise tlhe delivery of the paper will be discolntin- ued without inconvenience or expense to them. We would like to suggest to ,he Glee and Baujo Club management that they give their annual concert on Saturday evening, Fb. 15. As the concert is now a swell society event, why not make it snore so by giving it at at time when so nany fair vis- itors are with us? And aos it is given for the benefit of the Athletic Assoria- tion, the proceeds would undoubtedly be a great deal larger if it were held on that evening than on any other. This plan las been adopted at Yale, and has proven to be such a success that it has become a fixture. The suggestios niacie by the writer of a communicattion in yesterday's Daily, urging a reform in the present system of conducting examinations, should receive the endorsement of every fair-minded student in the Uni- versity. The honor system has been adopted in a majority of the northern colleges and universiiies, and il near- ly every instance it has proved to be the most practical method. Why should it not be in force at Micligani? In one department it has been an- nounced that the examinations are to be conducted on stricter lines here- after, but this will be doe by means of the old spy system, which does not by any means tend to induce fairness and honesty on the part of the student. If we are to have the honor system here its adoption must come through a movement on the part of the student body in order to assure its permanent establishment, and this action should be taken before the examinations be- gin at the close of this semester. HONOR IN EXAMINATIONS A recent number of the Daily rince- tolian gives the following account of the origin and spread of the honor sys- tern of conductiing examinations, a sys- themw wiih ich ieignl might adopt with profit: This system was adopted at Prince- ton in the mid-year examinations three years ago h-len the present seniors were freshmen. There was no costi- Wition nor court to try cases of viola- tion of the pledge; i fact, no provision whatever was made for such viola- tions, and the faculty, in granting the request of the students in this matter left entirely in their hands the solu- tion of this difficulty, should it arise. The undergraduates realized the re- sponsibility thrown upon them, aOio their hearty co-operation has brought the system to its present success here. Last year it was thought best to pro- vide for a peranent court to try of- fenses, and to adopt a constitution and method of procedure. This was based on the experience of the two previous years when the methods were rather irregular though none the less efica- cious. The plan adopted last year has worked successfully, and now- ids fair to be adopted at most of the Eastern colleges. We quote several paragraphs from an article written for the Yale News on this subject by Prof. Win. Beebe of that institution. "Here and there we find some mouldy, disreputable custom, propped up by tradition and imposing itself on a credulous community which ought to see that it is really dead and offensive- ly in need of burial. 'he most un- savory of these anomalies is the easy tolerance still given to the opinion that a student may habitually lie without detiment to his honor, provided he lie only in recitations or examinations." "A majority of northern colleges now have the ihonor system. In some it is a failure, though probably not so great a failure as the system which is supplanted. The failures it is safe to sy, are those where it has been set on foot by the faculty and not by tihe students. Most of the readers of the News must have seen accounts of the system at Princeton, and many may feel some doubt of the completeness of the success that is claimed for it. Any- one can easily obtain substantial proofs to show that the statements given to the press have not been exag- gerated." * * * "The attempt to be of any use must be made by the students themselves and cannot be made too soon. We who are proud of being among the fore- most in many things, are behind in this." The News in the same issue says editoriyy: It is for the students, with faculty co-operation, to administer the death- may sit about in groups at the exam- blow to cribbing at Yale. We are and inations there, smoking and chatting have been for some time convinced freely, they seem in geleral to act that the honor systen or something with perfect honesty. They have such similar to it should be established a contempt for breach of faith in this here. We are in the midst of examin- particular as even to drive any offend- ations when we can all see tie evils er out of college almost by persecu- of the present system. In fact on sev- tion. Though, however, we must ad- eral occasions in the last few days we have felt that sone men are hardly to blame siho justify themselves for occasional cheating when they are surrounded by professors, tutors and instructors, who watch them as though they were habitual deceivers. No, the spy idea is all wrong. It is only human nature for a man to do whit is right if he is trusted, and to do wrong if hemmed in by all sorts of restraints, detectives, etc." At Harvard, the situation is differ- ent. The following is from the Crihu- son: "The question as to whether it is advisable to have proctors in the ex- amination room was taken up by the faculty about tvo months ago and a committee, of which Professor Shaler was the chairman, was formed to find out the general feeling of the students on that subject. Since then several steps have been taken. Professor Wendell gave it out as a subject for themes and over three hundred were read, of which only two per cent. op- posed the present system. The Prince ton system by which nien are put on their honor and sign a pledge w-as spoken of, but the serious objection is that men are apt to be noisy after they have finished and so disturb the others." A recent issue of the iarvard MoInthly has the following: "At Princeton the system has been so long efficacious as to have become pretty firmly established. Although men mire the manly spirit which these facts show, and though we may wish to see it shown in the sane way at Harvard, yet we must realize that the conditions at Princeton are distinctly favorable and the. conditions of life at Harvard quite as distinctly unfav- orable to the experiment. The whole thing depends upon the strength and activity of public opinion; and one may say, perhaps, that at Harv'ard there is no public opinion, and cer- tainly that here whatever unanimity of feeling there may be never pro- duces unanimity of action, We live here quietly, almost in seclusion, se- don ineeting in a body and never mix- ing when we do meet; our courses separate rather than unite us; and each one -of us demands entire inde- pendence both in his opinions and his actions. Obviously these conditions of our life prevent the development of a college, feeling sufficiently wide- spread and sufliciently vigorous to suppress all cheating at examinations. At Princeton, however, a strong and active unity of feeling is possible, for the classes are comparatively small, constantly together and interested in certain generally prescribed classes of work. Here, then, one finds the main reasons for a success ,it Princeton which one cannot expect at Harvard- nsmaller numbers, freedom of inter- communication and some community of interests." (Continued on fourth page.) Your Money's Worth. The editors of the Daily desire to Call special attention to the fact that the paper will be issued up to commence- ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after the examinations of the second semester can have the Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange- ment enables them to keep fully informed on University affairs during commencement week. The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to the whole University and gives the news of every depart- ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs covering everything of news interest relating to" this insti- tution and happenings in the college world. The Daily will be delivered at your door or mailed to your home address for the rear ainder of the year (until June 25, 1896) for $1.50. Leave your subscription at the Daily office, at Meyer's News Stand, 46 E. William, or with any member of the Editorial Board. 4A