TILE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST NOVELTY IN GENTS' SUTINGS AND FANCY VESTING IN '96. Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. RANDAL L Photographer 15 Washington Block. SSPAIDI NG'S. Eductional '. V souveniro TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS A ciomteset comipsin Ba ci ll P t bill 1eni aind G I lpiye s and a [icyclist swil e sent to any addess in tc United sates cr Canad aps the rceipt ci 10 A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New ork, c, Chicago, Philadelhias. Larget Maisafactaes of lcycls and At- lclic Gods i the wold. FIRST NATIONAL BAN. OF ANN ARBOR. Ocaned 19d3. Capital, $100d000. Srplsand Pbeas, $d0,000 Trio-acets a geisral ncusng bsines. Foet echani ges iicahhiand smd unis letters of credii. P BACH Pes S W CLARcKON, Cashier THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stck, x50,00. Srpus, $50,0010. Resources, $100,000. Organzed undecithe General Banking Lawn of this Sta:te. Recie depsit, bys and sels esctaiige n the picipal ciis of the Unted Sisses. Drists irshed upii proper ldentificntion. safty teosit bonns to ree. OFCYitS.o Chsistian actacbe.;W. 0), Harrini iVice-Pes.; Ulas E. Rscock, Cashier: b. J. eiz Asolastant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. oNd THE BUMIN. Possibly your gym. sit is i that condition. If so exchange it for a new one at M SAER'S Cyle Emporum 11 W. Washington St. ANN ARBOR. Spring Style Hats '96 ALL NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN STIFF HATS. ALL NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN FEDORAS You can buy all this week our $1.50 ]PE~DORA.zS AT 98C1. D. A TINKER & SON, No. 9 South Main. Street.l DO0 You SIVOKE ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for -C c 7 Full Value Cigars for--------- ---------25c 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25c 4 Owl Boqucit Cigars for--------- ---------25c 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 25c. Lowest Market Price by the Box. DEAN &COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of -- WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - -15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not he replaced. Comne quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. MOORE & WiETMORE B S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, nAVE A tOMPErTEvSTOscaOF UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note bobks and other Studentes' upplies. Fouiitain Pens, Pine eStioniery, Sporting Goode, etc., which tiey offer at tic lowest prices. I i UNIVERSITY NOTES. Mi. S. Ilowver, '93 D, is practicing at Mlanelield, 1ll, 11. Clack, 'J3 LN is in buainlcon at New Orleants, -Mica. Prof. T. M. Cooley was 1i1nTLansinig Salturdally on Supretmtie('ouctrt uill5.s. Arthiurii. (Clarkson.,ltii-well knoiwnl baseball ilalyer, lhas becis visititag it thle Clii bsi house ite past few clay's. G. S. Williams,, of Detroit will de- liver ano addreess before the Erigiticr- itig Socety o011helietcroit Water Bhoardi Satturday tveiing. All etigin- ecriti stutdets are invitedl to ailetid. A Inumbiler of lawstidents, itt5work- tlly 1o secure tniesof lionetwho will Dletroit, Feb. 22. ii' tickets .ire $2 atnilthieratilroad iteal will be a face TOI TtiHOS1] SINCG CGRANGER'S ACADSEMY. Weo retCteAcatleoiny for social tiit- poisei.,bitt ti riotipttsblmall orntini it: theirootiicto be Itkeic.tiinor o weI btty plants to be pulledb lpart. Granlg- er's Acadeny isn tot at public hiall, sill furtiniig iicltidiig 0t-llttlet, ilants, eci., tire private pccic-cb. Nit matiter to whioh rented, we reeccec the right to oiject to the adisilsioti of percalethint do otot une it rgt THlE ICE IS IDl on lie Atiletic Field. tlikiatnd now is thie little to enjoy it. F. C. ,WEtEBREC . ALL te Uniiversity news: Sob- scribec for the Delii--$1.50 for the cc- otalilder of the yeair. -Subscribe torttic Datily. LoDGE-DIAislt tstiiseToot, Co., Cincinniati, 0 I centstmy s-ate cccr(lie University of Mlihgan, Ann Arbor, Micts., in the con- test for the $1,5i0llailse, sihichs you older to preseist on Mlarchs, 1,1816, to the techni- cal school receiving (lie greatest number of votes. Voters Full Name------=--------. Street No-. . . . ..--"------------ City . . .5----------tate----. --- Voters most be at leant fifeen years old. Ladles cannot vote but may ald in securing votes. NINETY-FIVE BANQUET. Meeting Held to Perdect Arrange- ments-List of Members. At a tmeeting of (lie '9) mein now inl college, ititootm 9, Satrday morninog, it was decided to give a biiquet sttiine 11111e 110Matrchl. Etimnd Block wits elected chairnian, anid Mark S. Knappt secretliry, lt lake charge of tie affahr. Canl and see us before Purchasing. .Ulr. Blockirtoasathtlorizedt 1 l ~tppinttThs-eclascanin dancing, at Grasnge-rsAced- it mmttelilc01 rrantllget ad lwillesy twill meet as gllons: Gentem enecvlus- icily Thusrday evenilegs 8, Saturday mace- dog 10'l ;Ldso this eek. The advisability of ain-in104oclock esidie oclcici-yatry baring co-eds was disetissed, hot inenoiss 41dl)o-k; Lodiesitid Geiitlemen, tiadvsnced practice chassis Ssaturdaiy aind vitew of the snmall nutmbhher of 15Tuesdasy eenincs, 8: 5 oclocki. Sptecial classes aind privei esecosa-i hours not tlied ill legit wsodeheriniii,tto I otherwise en gased. Na visiors admitted. college, hAfeinbershsip carcd must bt htoiwiiatithueidior. hhllhh Ile a ..-1.Fur tiems, etc., call at thicoffive, grond flonac, ltk' h adllt it "shig' shoLlhr. 6n blayned it. 'lie folio))wig '95 ilt-itarc nowI in cit-i 1el7o:okstinlDetl, Boik, oildli, )511 III " YIIO ILt Brok, lomiedCodnDaceOPERA HUSE JEWELER nioinh, tGray, IGihls, llhiilg s, limt, Hlthy, l~Hndy, Iislliiapp idley, PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. lohlil. Lattiir, Li~ster,'iLevasri, 1The fittest in the city. Coulie and see, litrfili, bleDolalil, ilashlll acilt__________________________ Rutin, i. tSaulinig, Slitzhey, TayeLr'SI~L&,E ifanhy. Williaims. There aie t1o510 .7)0& RA E tieni oihl thelhitecary facuhlty, R.wie-tn We save ce-crythineg yotiuwant ini I hts'inilstrctolr !to lalhienlllt its Itnd. tie dru,1e."is Youhisse monoey. -A)Ve're siti e cai-sititse yiouisithi C. R. (Gillls, insItictorcii l hluttfits. 0 ccurgcodstndHiiseyouo a lue CALNDA.fotrcantrnioney. CALENAR. 0 PALMER'S PHARMACY. M\olt.. Janu. 27-Levttlhe by 1lca. ,J. C Fcr entle idriving horses far ladies Ittibtil in Utity ('11ub"ihcre. cceiii and phone Idolmec'Liverty. Juan. 281, Chuchilof Chislt--Fancy Hop Grill. heaidings by \Ims. True- bloot. Cornet solos byNMr. Beebe, of SPECIAL. New York.ISIETAS & SCHTANZ sell Suits and Pants Wed., Jan. 29, Grallger's Acadeny. - at prices to suit everyboidy; sse alco do called for and deflevered. No. 48S. State St., Fi., Jin. 31-G. S. Williamso, of De- ecaiidhhcoe. troit, before Ea~gilleccing Society. M.OMAiRTIN, Foneral Director, Coii Sat., Febt. 1-Hobart Goid receptian .nnd Me~tlic iCaskets anid Common Unoffies. Embaking a Specialty. No. 12 E. at harris IHsll. WashitngtonSat. Mio., IFeb. 3-Giranud Army evening OF Id. SHAVING PARtLORt and lBath- tundetrfdirection ('apt. XW. K. Chitdshin roama. All oppoiments fist class. Li nt Clb corse.Imported ted domestic cigars. Ladles' artis- tityCbcor. tie hair. dressiing and bathsing parlors. J. R. Tues., Feb. 4-ilenlyl Coneert Trojautowoki 10 S. State et.. CsuhhsnyhAyhlti n Uni'etwity (Jail; auspices TATITEN YOU WANT 7your clothes cenend, of Aileic Anocatin. (pressed, relined or rebound gaithenr. of Phegeele, over Shieehans book store. Lab- Fri., Feb. 14-first Semestter chases, oratory aprons insde to order Fri., Feb. 14, 85p. in., Univeamsity Hail.-Hon. Henry Watterssn in S.L. A. course. aU x° Fri., Feb. 14, Waternman Gymnas- ( irum-Tweotieth Annhual Ball of the f Palladiom fraternities. The Department of Stationery and Engraving at Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co.'s, Detroit, produces work which is not excelled in this country. jTRADELi-MAR1,