THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN rGL~NTRA Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. Maiand Ex-__3650Ml ..u -_..8 38 N. Y. Special.- 5 00 N. Y. Specil-.-. 7 30 Eastern Ex-10 12 N. S. Limited.-- 9 25 Atantic Ex._7 30 Pacific Ex ..--- iS1 D. N. Express .... 5 40 Western Es_. 2 00 G. R. Express ...l1 05 Chi. Nt. E. 58.1028 G. R.Ex.----557 0. W. RGGLEnS, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. At., Chicago. At. Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Tm Tale, Jan. 12, 891. NORTH. OU. 7:2a. m. '7:0 a. m. -12:20 p. mn. 1:4 a. m. 4:1p.m.n, :2p. M. Aul trains daily except Sndy *Trains ran betwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. Hf. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypoilanti from Congrss s., 7:18.845 and 11:W0 a.i.: 12:d5, 2:15,5:0, :45, :5 and 1:45 p. mn. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:13 and 11:30 a. i.; 1:15, 2:5, 5:0, 7:15, :45 and 11:5 SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St.,1:3, 3:3, :0,:0and 9:00 p.i. Leave Ann Aror Junction, 2:0, 4:0, 5:8, . 7:0-and 9:0 p. m. ars roe on city time are: single trip 155 rets: rond trip ticets I5 cents. W. . PAKER, S~pt. STUDENTS t If yes wont good reliblle life isuraeercal: on red T MSlmelr,ofie N o 1,,S Forths ave. NEW MACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9BE. LIBERTY ST. Skates Concaved. .Experimental Work. - RENTSCHLER, PHOTOCRAPH'IER I ARM ARBOR. MICH. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY & CO'S. 20. State St., Sager Block. Large Line of ie Pipes, Tbacs and Cigars. Ifyou ar io, a flurry, j Ride a Bcycle. 10 If you ar ii, a great burry .RIDE A VICTOR. The strongest light wheel on the 0market. } Its simplicity of construction renders it also the most easy running. s We use pounds of crucible steel where others use ounces, and the VICTOR costs more to build thanr any other bicycle. OVMRM~API1WHJEML CO. Botn ee k. tDene. Detrit. 1 } Pciic Coas: 1 SLmsAscic. Son Faems.Portland. # SKAT1ES, KNIVES AND RAZORS ihaving purchased the full line of sampe skates, knives and raoroc from Henry Sears & Son at a disciofunt of 50 ~per cent, we sow oiler them at the samedscot A good pair of skates worth 70c, now 3c. A nice pocket knife at from 8c to 35e. A good rszor at 50c, others 75c,'$10 and Si25. MCIO1 & COMLPANY, Furntu,~re. 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. 'Phone 164. F. 3. Glem, The State St. Tailor. DO YOU KNOWI? Tbhatwe can save you from $3 ts 810 on every Suit or Overcoot bough~t of so? We do WeV weretbrought sp in the boxiness, and know wbereof one :peak:. 'Twill pay you to look at our samples before buying elsewhere. 20 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR.: 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $5 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Money to loan on personal1 property. Chafing Dishes 5O'clock Tea Kettle& U. OF X. PINS. JewelyStore. flflD CO 26 S. STATE TOO & 01'STREET. f++ Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, TO HELP POOR STUDENTS. Several Universities Appointing Committees to Do So. In Sseveral colleges, iiotatoly the -Uhi- veroity of Wisconsin, Colttubia. md Deielyiii.acomimiittee of(the f~ietlity ioseen foriieid foirItie lpurpso f 5,- sistilg iiipetiuioiistuidents to ciii- NOTICE TO '961 L. The constitutioni of 196 L provides hat Itie coolest for choosing class orator shiall occur not laiter than the lasat seek in Ma:rli. gPoemis of those8 comipetinig for classo poet most be handed to (lie class psresienet not later thiain Marcel 1, '9t6. Poemlslire limited in leiigthu to seventy-five iiies. bFur- thiei re sil libeipuilishledslatier. iiloyiieiil. snd also iie goliritiiig p-'UA. 1j.00,00 -sAia. and Baked Goods. SI residlent '9d L. Try Our Lunches.. vanlies of mioney foi thieiin , y0 s.s siter Johnisonl in the Anierleali Tiliver. '98 BASEBIALL MEN.H us. A meeting of the '9S8 baseball t(coin(Grand Opera Ro s. OilyHagaitiefor.l~iiuor. 'will be held 0in ooms 9 onu Wedniesdauy straligie, but qu)ite trsie, thast there next at 4 p. in., to elect caili(:ii. SJAN.D25, never h~is teen ani orgaizededffort 010 I. N ORttO1N. MHnger. JAN. 25.AI at lairge scaule o' lassist younig 15100 who OI CN'iAL iL GE A lig Event, Enigagement of that Punnsy THE OI IILTA LAEcomedian, lie wvorkiing theiir wa~y ibroungli college. TCE.- Vlns iiunexpeceteidobistaicles ::re cii- If you travel oine thiound miles 1 oo. W. 'onroe ci::iiaeri'd th~ese Collmnitteeg vii-ill- t-during th~e year miyo ill saive 1 5Ad :o1 o l mpn recwin h iintsely do aiwa:y soil ilh"" by psirch~asinig a thousanioini-e ticket. funniest p1ray youevr sa win yor life. fro "il~lcia relO~," il~ly fTho best in (lie marke't:are those is-''A H APPY LITTLE HOSME " Bona"fiancil rasosy n an ofsued by agents of Ohio Ceintral Liiis wvhoiin "drotp" ev-ery year froiiithleir They ore good over' all the importanit Aid Th~ere's a Lasguh in: Every Liine. classes anil lie college woorldi. If ti. systemls incbuding the entire H. & 0. coisaes 10ohi'elliiers toos tlhaut a cohle;e system west of Pittsburg, thie Big Prices, - 35c, 50c and 75c. studientl is practically cirtai of lit Pooir, etc. See agents of Ohio Ceiitral Lines before purchasing. Price $20; This Old Reliable :bei:sid'iil511r1blsifatgood one year. PERFECTION thi'se lulls' tnk, flei' Oliilli:Oof ilili- trinlaes houd b N- tl hireaed. The Daiily will keels you uii-tii-elaiii STUDENT LAMP oh everything regariig (lie Coiver- Iltiniires'ilof stuideniis iave cloie this stt$.3) I L COSEC-ITias never bees riiuol- and irs yingit ia~t; hat teirshasM1 \j 1 i0 '\'LIL O IIL \1.-ed for reading , p sewing5. ust~llybee a pecmiou < sstocc>forThe bornier being srp- lls:111J hro lreiritl .'is:'ieeor $1.30 Iirinigs the Daily to yoturcdo~irorraed froom th~e oil fount, it is absolutely - time first yi'ar- sr two, anid i thelmel'- fot' the renminder' of liie college ye'ar. safe under all circum- tali prspets, avepreente may astances. If yoor deal- liiiioi'csii55ii'v-iidii11,0 Advertise io the Daily. er dons niot keep them, ian froilnmaking this'attemiupt. Yhis'ousreceipt o1 $3.0 assit~umce lay bec~trie~ lio fa-tbitis elnegaint Nickel- a~~itlle ny e arid o? ar-ut1 ( HPaled Lamp. imclud- I uiiaya agmetad imny other CTEL&LOA shade.'and chimney, oilil:be sent to aniy address by the sole rau eomiendblethigs.facturers, Manattan Brass Cu., 438 E. atuh eoimimsaie(107.Alhany, N. Y~, St.,N.Y. D~urinig tie ros seco lseeser thielbt- Mayers of as::,,i orator-y or general chieiiiisti-y will lie optio0stuidents biothi forenioon aidil El- TR L I afternooin. 'Those woowoishm toscurs Cans X UUWI tale-smhosuld ipply early. r; T. 0. & C. Ry. K. & M. Ry.. I'. C. FEER,1IO. for Yale '96Harvard Solid through trains between Toledo, Ohio. '96, Princeton '96 and iand Charlcfeston W.Ya.,via Colembus, the Subscribe for the Doily. may we not add Michigan '968? short and only direct route. 6 ENTERTAINMENTS FOR $1,25, Students' Lecture Association. Tickets for the rest of the course have been reduced to $1.25. Hon. Henry Watterson, Feb. 14th. Boston Temple Quartet ......... .... ............ Feb. 29 Oratorical Contest............................ March 20 Miax O'Rell .. .................................April 3 lion. Theodore Roosevelt ...................... -April 24 Archbishop Ireland........................ May 1l Toledo, 0. Findlay,i1O. Kenton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, .0. Middlnport, 0. - Pomnery, 0. I I Ft. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Vs. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, 'Va. Norfork, Va. And ail southeantern points. Elegant drawing rusm cars on aii throsghtratns. Poe further information call on your local Tichet Agent or n-rite. MOULTON HIOUE, Gen'l Pass. Act., Touedo, 0. W. A. PETERS, Michigan Pams. Agenit, Detroit. Much. IIANOSTERFER, 0 tn t.g gin;