THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGANG NT Z YOU NBBED -.- 2d Semester. TimeATable (Revised) Nov. 24 185. P. . 895 -A. A Ful11l iiDress Suit UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING~ Maland Ex-5.350 Mal ------ 8 38 N. Y. Special-5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30WeM ETHMtOR R Opposite LAW building. Eastern Ex--i0 12 N. S. Limited.-- 9 25 -WeMK TH MtORE Atlantic Ex -- .7 3 Pacific Ex.-_12 i5 From $35.00 UPWARDS. TERMS $5 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. D.N.Express... 5 40 Western Ex--200 GR xrs .1 5G. R. t xEx.-__ 57 Silks or Satin Linled of Finest Dress Worsted.THKIERRENILROAL 0. w. RUGGoLES, H. W. HATES, TEKNE6RE ILADHL G. P. & T. Ago., Chicago. Agt., As Arbor :a SEE MR. A. E. ROSE AT COOK HOUSE EVERY TUESDAY WHOLESALE CIGARS Aw y TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. TH GLDNm uEMO.aulhII Railroad + Ticket + Brokers.. Moey to loan os peronal property. A Musical Tt At Frieze Memorial e RAILROAD. ~ra - Chafing Dse Time Table, Jan. 12, 0556. The music loving peoeple of An Ar- An adience which fille every bit y} NORTH. SOTH. bor have had an opportnnity dring of available space in Frieze Meorial IaKtte 7:2a.m. *7:0 a~m. ocokTaKtl '12:20 P.m. 11:48 a. m. the first few days of the prsent hall listened ts ths fanlty eneict U. OF M. PINS. 4:15 pmi, 9:21 P.m. Altraiss daly except Sunday week to enjoy an exceptional and ias t ight and at tines grew uite WM. r( ARNDOLD('S beoennslroran.oldonost enjoyable treat. Tie Damroscl entusiatic ini its apilase. R.H ENT . . GA.ENTOD, Agent Opera Co., headed by Such artists as The BeethoveniSonata wos exceed-JelrSte: W. . BNNET G P.A. oleo O Kafoky, (adki, Alvary and Fischer ingly well rendered by Miss Jaffe and loop Cffl11 S. STATE .sANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. played in Deroit Moiday anooluTes- Mjr. Zeitz, tile allego soivoe moveg U 9STET + + day and un Talot on Wednesday. A Tent being al eseiloly billint Call on then orlo Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. nnmber of Ann Arbor people went in piece Of work The live Nomn Fine Lunches, Leave Ypsilanti from Cosgrems st., 7:10, :45 to Detroit, where "Tasnnlisoser," "Die Songs, asoslng by Aar. Gaodne S FandCocoaedds, and 1:00 am.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:5 as and BkdGos Loeave Ass Arbr Junction, 7:40, 9:15 and Wi^alkr;" and "ie Mlerstersilger" tasosn, sowe. that getlenans Try Our Lunches.. 11:0 a. i.; 1:15, :45, 5:30, 7:5, 9:45 and 1:1 Were given, wile, a prty of over two Voice to good sovaltage. Te tree . m. SUNDAY TIME. hundi~red went by special trin to To- nnmbes on the piano by Mr. Alberto Grand Opera House. Leave Ypilatifrom Cogress t.130 33a0__ :0 6:0 asd 9:00 p. m ledo Wednesday eveniiig to witnss oass were well received, aoiolafter Leave Ass Arbor Junction, :00, 4;00, 5:30, theodu-Ito f "01 'nri t he tieele entio f 7ett I hllde AT R A , / ll q / 7:00 and 9:30 p..pineino oenoia e b s 0 0/s 0oooeS TU D Y JA.N 25 Cars run n city time Fare: single trip 15 beautifl new Valentine Theater in No. 12, lie waotlieod to i ..,ondt to cents; round trip tickets 25ces. A nog Even, EngagmnoftaFuy WM. F. PARSER, Supt. that itcly. Te factth1tsfhhoc onmpany san eoe. Mr. Zeitosrid,5 iie:coo-l g Conoat nn STUDENTS r is onder tie direction of Mr. Walter tet witho (odads cincohi 0)0 andlC o W C no If 00scotgod eloote if isirosc cllDamirosl, of New York, is in isef a Bolln's Capric1, wicho werit givenl 011Fted T .SctUmOher, office No.1, . Suoificieit goiarantee of its excellence il is oslsi trilianit Style. And his big comedy company preseting the Forthsave. funn______ c~iest Play you ovrsaw iyourlife. snot aol who hearod the Operas hre HPYs-T IO NEW MACHINE SHOPfor$0.r0bgstie Daoily to yor dolor isntdwr eihewt hork RAHPYLTL NE ~AHN HO eletuor eiltdwihtesorcfor the etoostolder Of Ohc college yer. And There's a Lugh Is Every Line. HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. of the ceopany bth s individuals ________________ an slItawhole. Soshoopportnnties STU DENTS. Prices, - 35, 50c and 75C. Skates Concaved. coiie tot seldom to Ann Arbor people Tk oradooOokt Experimental Work. antI see perhatps for that reason hi This Old Reliable moeappreciated. BERRfMAN, THE POOGRAPHER PERFECTION THROHI CElUH. SILEGEStisfatio gaateed. 601.. lroSt5. PHOTO CP.PH n !.TH TOI , IIt. MIEAESTUDENT LAMP ANN ARBOR. IGH. If you travel oils tholu no mies COTRELL & LEasADser een ewinag - during the year yout wil sve: tmoney AlbanyN Y fTeehs urpetsee by prhsn a thousanitioleo ticket. orated from the oil The best in the market are those is- Maeso ocnttoserabsltlym C10ltsadCnis stied by agents of Ohio Central Lies. stancs If your deal- Chocoatesand andis er ooes not keep them, .-T-They are gsod over sll tie important capfls pos receipt or .5. ( JOLLY & CO'S. systems inluding the entire BI . 7 UUIJU is P1atedn Lamp, isofid- - 0 208S. State St., Sager Block. system west of tPittsburg, sOthe Bi *.I irhde and chiney r for Yale 'OttHarvard wlIlte sent Io sy, desa ythtso a '9ocorerscetsnhat6an rss Cshs. 2n-t Large Line r 0Fie Pipes. Tobacss and F'ou, etc. See agents of Ohio Cenrl 90'Prncoon uresin sn hatnBas Y,3.6R2t cigars. Lines before purchasing. Price $20; may we not add Michigan '96? good one year. f -- The Daily still keep you uh-to-at Gibson & Clark, aiiia CTIAL LEE if yu ar iq bur011o everythoig regarding the Univer- f'at asity -$1.50 OUNTL COMM1ENCE- PHOTOGRAPHERS. T. . & C. Ry. K. & M. Ry._ Ride a Bicycle. Solid trooghntains etweeso oTo uledo, Ohio Advetis intheDaiy. I H I R N S . short ad only direct route. if you are it)5a great Iburry, Toleo,&0 Toled, O. E NTERTAINMENTS FR 1.25 0thns The strongest light wheel on the AhnO It ipiiyo osrcin Students' Lecture Association. Vat. 0ry O We se ouds f rucbl stel Ticet fo te rstof hecourse have been reduced to Petersburg, Va. an thrbcyl. o .He r W at ron Feb. 1 t Newport News,Va anyAoherallyoe.south.ueawsieuNpoibf.olean ______He rydrawing rosin car on alt throughtris For further information call on your lora O RRAWHEEL Co. Boston Temple Quartet....................... Feb. 29 Ticket Agent or writ e, " a 13soa.Now BR45 ave. et O. ratorical Contfes}t... ......... ............ March 20 EMUTO TEs us.o, O M URelrr. pri.3APETRS, Mihigan Pass. Agent, "Pseius Cst: i VU ~ . .. . ". "... ... "..... Detroit MI. .,..w ee Ant lea. -Sn Franim. Portand. ! Hon. Theodore Roosevelt................. .-April 24lE iOTrrrtCTRR V .'Archbishop Ireland ............................ MayF1.rn i n n 5Eahng