THE U. OF M. DAILY. Do you intend to get a Suit OR Overcoat? -CALL ON- Jos. W. Kollauf, The Practical Tailor. My mnake of Dress Suits pleases the students. Prices very reasonable. (Upstairs.) Ann Arbor, Mich. A 0 . SPALDING & BROS. . Football Supplies a Specialty. Every rcisi.te fer the .- sys9 . te Sheset,rps, MelIts, tehkiags, Mactile Neat Mah ia ter Met- t'',Shi Gu ad, ha lact.spaliga Chute.a latcells'gati lFstall cast hgoie eceinisalt Match CaeP rice, $5 00. ' Spacldig's Otcialietall cur NCieNet Mules-itures l S cofil the leadig lyrse. Pice, 10 ta, itedeacely Illustrated hFetal Catalgue set Fee. New IVork, Chicao, 'isidpla. CHANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. Twelve yeasofa ch ecig i Ace Aher wthtsa ll cf iii pupil ist seasntarae a Etsfltet garsatee as t our aility to teach dancig as it shld h. All lasse ae aun- der the pecsonal instuctin -fli. td 11cs. Ross Grager. Mebles at the Aeca NationalAsceatin aofIMatrs of Dhndeia. Fee informatioa egrdig elasses ant teems call at the oftice, ;rounatlooaer0ifayard t. Crculars at Msh' Staes or Mailed. MOORE & WETMVORE 65S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST, CORNER OF WILLIAM, sAVE A COaPLETE SOCKteOF5 UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-and Nteboaksad ther Scalents Sples. Foac talc Pons, Plne Statiney Sportng Gicad, t., whiche they ofe at the Inwset prles. Call and see us beore Purchasing. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK CapiOttckh.159,0ii. Fultlscttas1510000. Riesasrcecs, $1,it0lAil. Orgaized undecthe Geecal Ratthlg Lwa of this Stt. Receives deoits, bsys ad sells excngeenth te picial ctites af the Ulnitd Stats. iDrafts caed cites proper Idetifieation. Safey iepesit hoes to rt. Orescass: Cristia Mak, Pre.; Wt. I). Ilai an ttsViePr e.:ittas. E. Hseck, sr S J.I Ifzssisctttat Cshir 'Tfl t&iCO S.-STATE U l Il, STREE.++ Cttl as them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baied Goods. Try Our Lunches. Oveinman Whel Co.'s Gym- nltscium Suits are a- j knoWledget THE BEST, All grades ad sies at te lowest M, MStablers ieCe [Emprium, j t lIV. Wasntonatcs5., AssAror. Noble' s Star Clothing 35 South Main Street. If a man wants to lie dressed well anti comfortable he wants one of our Fechhimmer, Fisher & Co.'s - - OVEFOCOATS.- - The fit is une'qullle], the workmaiislip perfect and the pricy within the reahl of all. Citme in and let us tell you alltihacout it. .A.LhAMPS That hiae perfect combustion and do fnot -smoke or sniell: The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfection Stu- dent, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all nickel pilatesd, withi latest improvemeint. We sell what we advertise and golleltitac quality of gioods, anti are never uindersoltd. DEAN & COMvPANY. 44 South 1Ylain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Catalian Board Officers. Drc. A. N. C'ollinis, 5.;i 'A. iilstt.'tisillc 'The li' 't.Ivsitiliatiiiticrl i let'l01es-%v I). 13. Ninth', '.lI:,L, itsisittliti alifwes ilteititihe follohisellyitiiery: Aatt- t'icys illiiie ' ty atiiliedtor, IL. A. Witistiti, I l tlt. Tese itt'sx woen (en ltu- tisoisigr, C. A. \M*,iililtlt); ti 'ltI dent, site isli' ~ O~iiitttienotw nth hsi.ssmantsattiersr't. II. Tnlitiiiii juoniortntihlie int hi fsinait class. tutu (. V.L Lamtont. Thhe seiortienstl s tudits iegin .. .('oetiitii, llitn ltt ti Ai'ts h f work1 itut e stll etill litil t o t'tlyI t te 10 ilissnes lpit stted toelthe- tdty. Itlyii;ckitlthle (hicatgotiA. A. atilis see-ieleg highlipralise for icscworki. ilt. A coiimitte'ti ti i itl Iso Senior Denital Work. Take A Look --AT- r' 9 L'S ervtceeable .B6N MAIN ST Boy all youn aiffed, for precesnt arc] futtre use,alt our LOWEST PRICES We Shall le here for a few days only. Callaghan &Co. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. AT SCHILEEDE'S, 5D S. STATE ST, Y'irc OPERA HOUSE JE E1RiY STORE Getneal startof atchttest,Jw.elyasnd Niselties. lRepa'istin i Wtaleis.Jet- oryoldd Pent, Ring5 sid Sptatcle aspa tialty tashltpaid ftroli olta cilrer C. H. KEYES. You'll Findl they treat you right at Palx~er's 2Phar=8Loy 46, S. Star S., Atn Aor Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUJ'TTLE',S. 48 S. State St. SPECIAL. P IANOS To REl' by the msthttioticfr l1 salt-onecasyltessis adlogttite. 15 Isngalls .t.J.Ceorad. U. OF1. SHAING PARLOR antdlBat- rotitil. All appinitmnsitrst clas lItported and domesetic cias. aes ats- us little dreasing nd bahtitg parloresJI. Tseieeoacki 0. Siat. "T dYOU ItAN~yoeelitsletas'sed psesd,relinedslor reonstgo"oleDice. isigerit;o ves Sisesiase hook store La- oratory aprtons maldeio ode. JSi2II.NPlI ,tak,ta7es ltily of fonti Peni, Stit,:i-' NeleBloos asnd hBinds Bilcheftott2cpwards at 5aOS. State st. DO 0 OIC late fr sns f your tiotes assicookigEvey neat is pepa'ti atd with the smse pints taieg ariesie cocd ivi' il-itt t5 Foest ae, Coice thle boad-l pr iweek. KEEP ver atcceuttikitthe tieatt sa- lags Bnksil tilllg i i tt iol's is t o. igli s iseu tinto 0111' ilsectionsl ocetileti eltar. e ftaittlasits' e e Itli-g tilfls- vori Seetioth e i tg ti siit'o penhsing, whchtishttil-witasttti Meiiltrgy titls'hls l~us 'file ltil'iiseitig itlille 1151ilj:;nose at liii'o ise-siII, eI'. Brser, Iiiiligto tltjl o ulsi 1:lit lts hul, hsslsttnleeti N st tf t Sitsiiltin detision ' is ilegs(' vtl,;t (ilitilil. ous o te ia tin B rowe , C'. Brea r,'lilt' 550to , 5plcat io l e illeandes-loclh a' nee - CAtLENCAIZ. (let. (6-19, Newberry Hittllibie Ill- stituste. (let. :10,58iP. im., Frieze IIltl-Fir"I toi1*i'IIlil. i's-elydtiy. Students to Participate. All studentlase-itlo tre memttbesofl conctu'o tf facteoy5tourse1. tilite I. U. tO. 1-. are invtelsto0 partisi- Oct. I1--'Vtarsity es.AOlitet. Fri., (let. 18, 4 p. in., Atletic ied-'lcl lst n e o essatiiissi ness liig- Octi.Il9-'Vatstis. Etake Foiirest. toroutlw iftrnotonti it1:3t, 111ndslt- Oct. 20i-'Versis'yes. Cass'School. tesftumesmbeiissaxliceqcustedt lto as- NOTIIhhN(l .I1KE0Ill'? 11130(1110(1sitlils' forst iat tielodel''oossacriss C5ENTlRAL. I1EAGlE 'IhK0E"i'. (fros thiesCoiotk louse o or t te little' (Corers lmtort'milehage othant any1tickttrooms111, coltieh'W'tslliiigtitlitind Mtain in lt'e ituisct. V'elsy111totols goodi on scutlrehi. i& 0. syahiemll eect of Pilttsbssu'gh.It. also inlutdsshe li- g Nicely furnied fronit suitelit 851, 4 5sst. (let i s t ited ae on eic 1.'tslitiuton t s., 11ear5camsthn, three ceadtlickiet over all liomhoraltsinihessouthli lcl15ow, egistec i ec ooms. Prices<$20.101; gsoodlsos' yetac. Apply i9 to OutioUsuntcal Agenths, or addressa First fBoor suite ewithi grate, biathi Mouoltoin Ilouik, (x. P. A., 'holedo, ). 101111 tand furncitie heat for relit at 317 A vesry pleasanlt suits of roomss forrForest ave. 350 $2. sloge'atuted, is foc ccii, ci sotht- Whisk Broomssfoc It at dlom- wesstcocrner of Moisroe and 'fihae'°, inrycs. or 42 S. 'flayer. 27 Flute toilet goods aitd brusshes of all Fi'ne 13. of 'Al. Statiouner'y at Scul- inhuds at Munmmery's Drug Store. ler's Booksstore, l190. Washlington st. ITruade at Schtaller's Bookstlore, 19 E. 22 IWoolhiuglon si. 23