g he t . of RIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1896. FOun PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 82. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, F i l t ONE GUITAR a Is enough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is- not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- dents. That's why we have I constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various i makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR U. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name.- STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., rs S. MAIN ST. A 5 ATTENTION! Take advantage of the Money Gettiog Sale!, TWO WELL-KNOWN MEN. REV. T, DeWITT TALMAGE AND BOOKER T. WASHINGTON SPEAK TODAY. Latter Lectures in University Hall at 4 P. M. Before Oratorical As- sociation - Dr. Talmage Comes This Evening in S. L. A. Course. Rev. T. De Witt Talmage who lec- tures in the S. L. A. course this even- ing on "My Journey Around the World," w'as barn in 1832. le coin- pleted his education at the University of the City of New fork where he gained a reputation as an orator. His sermons are published weekly by inore than 3,000 newspapers and are read in all parts of the world. Ie is now pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Washington, D. C. Dr. Taliage's ability as a lecturer is so well known as to need no connendation and it is safe to pre- comes here under the auspices of the MICHIGAN WILL TAKE PART Oratorical Association. Members of this organization will be admitted on presentation of their tickets, while for others a, nominal admission fee will be charged. Concerning Mir. Washiigton and what lie has aecompli'lhed, John Gil- mer Speed says in Harper's Weekly: "There has risen in this section (the "black belt" in Alabaimalan influence as potent for good as that of the po- litical demagogues was for evil. 't'his influence is exerted by the Tu.kegee Normal and Industrial School, which was started in a very humble way fourteen years ago by a young colored man who had just been graduated from the Haipton Institute. This young sman, not yet n middle life, went to Hampton from his Virginia home in a state of absolute poverty; but his forlorn condition did not long conceal from the teachers at Hampton that he possessed great carnestness and force, and whatimight appropri- BOARD OF CONTROL DECIDES PROFESSIONALISM SHOULD BE DISCUSSED. Advocates Holding Convention of Western Colleges - Michigan's Delegate Will Go Instructed-Oth- er Colleges Favor a Meeting. At the last meeting of the board of control the subject of holding a con- vention of western colleges to lay down rules for the government of athletics, was brought up and dis- cussed. It was the sense of the meet- ing that Michigan should be repre sented at such a, meeting and her dele gate would be instructed to vote for a rule which delined a professional as one who engaged in coaching or played for financial gain; this rule, however, not to apply to persons who had done such a thing previous to the action of the convention. All of the western colleges seem io be in favor of the move and it is prob ately be called a genius of common- able that the convention will be called TILL-sense. He worked his way through at an early date. Hampton, and as soon as he was grad- WILL GO ON AS USUAL. -iuated General Armstrong recommend- ed Booker T. Washington for the prin- Annual Ball to Be Conducted on cipsalship of the industrial school for Last Year's Plan. -AT- colored outh that was to be started The action taken by the Regents eat Tuskegee in Alabama. Wednesday evening in granting the /4 "Untried as an administrator, and petition of certain of the fraternities llwith feet reserces sve those he to be allowed equal representation at \could create, lir. Washington went to the A'nnual Ball has taken the frater- the field of his labors in the summer iities who have hitherto managed that of 1851, and at once began the work H See our SWOW Window. which is now se cai-reahig i it social function somewhat by surprise. f influence. He had a broad conception No lmeeting of the comniittee5 in of his mission from the outset, and charge has been held since the Regents T ake N otice. asEV. T. DEWITT TALMAGE. lie therefore laid wide and deep gave out their decision, so no official diet that his audience tonight will test foundations for the great institution opinion as to what action will be .. . hichunder his direction, has now Inorder to seduce my stock of the capacity of te hell. Tise entire hbeen reared. He knew by personal taken, can be given. It seems to be Fall Woolens, I will offer all Fasucy proceeds from the sale of the sisegle experience and by observation that the opinion of the menebers of the Sitings at cost for cash and make admission tickets for this lecture will there were very few colored youths committees, however, that the "Junior room for Spring Importations. An early call will profit you. At be given to the fund for the Womeui's in the South with the means to pay Hop" fraternities will bow to the de- gymnasium. for a four years' course at school, no cision of the Regents and permit their G . HI W I L. D, - Asermon preached by Dr. Talmnage matte.t bhowchea neo fre adnermined younger rivals to have booths at the in Liverpool, England, affords an ex- in the beginning that tuition, at all ball and to display their emblems over ample of the enthusiastic receptious events, should be absolutely free, and them. The threat that they would 2 E. Washington St., Near Main.lie has received. It was described by that, if possible, he would arrange that hold the ball at Detroit and not in thePaICHIGo Protestant Standard as follows: Ihs pupils could wark out at least a this city is regarded as an idle one, UNIYE IIT OF WIIbAN. part of the living expenses.Gener "The scene which presented itself Marshall, of Boston, advanced $8,000 for such a step will not be taken, it in Hengler's Circus, Liverpool, lost with which to buy a plantation, and can be authoritatively stated. No ILLUSTRATIVE CASES Sunday evning, was one never to be on this Mr. Wioashington established a change will likely be made in the com- -ON- forgotten while memory lasts. Fromu selool, so that he was able to take ad- mittees who have charge of the affair floor to ceiling every available spot of vantage of an appropriation of $2,000 as sucl a change at this time would a year made by the State of Alabama that vast building was crowded for for the education of the blacks in this be fatal to the success of the ball. In well-nigh an hour before the time ap- section. the future, however, each fraternity, Selected by Prof. Levi T. pointed for the commencement of the The first school year began with one as well as the independents, will be Griffin, of the Law Depart- service, and thousands on thousands teacher and thirty pupils in a dihapi- given representation on the commit- menthad again to be refused admittance dated old church and an adjacent tees so that- the event will became in shanty. In June, 1895, the fourteenth NO 0 N BA". LIE for lack of room." school year closed with sixty-six teach- reality whet it has een for years pact --AT- ~- ers and superintendents and nine hun- in nane-a distinctively class affair. Booker T. Washington will lecture dred and fifty-nine pupils. The prop J. H. Norton, '82, is principal of the TT- ' in University Hall at 4 o'clock this erty of the school consists of two thou- afiternoon, telling of the work of the sand acres of land and forty hul'tings, Lake View High School at Chicago. Up Town, Down Town. Tuskegee Normal and Industrial eiSther completed or in process of erec Wm. Meldier, '93 E, is with the Universit Bokstore, OppositeouritHouse School, of which he ix president. He tion by the students themselves." - Bell Telephone Co. at Saginaw, Mich. 25.Oae5. 4N. Sas S. ' ony es es emevs