THE U. OF M. DAILY. SPALDl N'S Educational z TL[TIC EIHS ! / Souvenirs of TWENTY YEARSAI BUSINESS A competeicset, cmprsg Baseball, Foot- bal, Tennis atnd Golf players and a Bicyclist. will be ssi to any addess in the Uied States or Cnada npon the receipt oi 10 cents. A. . SPALDING- & BROS., Nesw York, Chiag, Philadephia, Largest Mtanufacturers of Bicycles and At- letic Goods in the world. If' you are in~ a lhurry Ride a Bcycle. I If you aore lin a great hurry, eRGDE A VICTOR. g Y The strongest light wheel on the 'market. Its simplicity of cnstrucion renders it also the most easy running. We use pounds of crucible steel where others use ounces, and the VICTOR costs morn to build than any other bicycle. OV.ERM.'AR WHEEL CO. Bosie. SNeYork. Dener. Detroit Paecic Cosc: o to, Aegls. San Frscisc. Prtlnd. h FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organied 153. Capital, $100,000. Srpus and Prefits, 840,00i Trssacts a general bankingg bsnes IForeics eshasges bought andsoldFamnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARSON Cashier THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $5,00. Srps. $10,000. iResorces, $,10000e. Organized uder the General Banking Lawn of this State. Receies depositn, by and sells echange on the principal cities or the United States. Drafts cashed non proper Identifiation. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OFFICERS: Christian Mack Fes.: W. D. Barrimsan, Vice-Fees.; Chas Ns. icock, Cashier: to. J. Frit Assistant Cahier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TPUTTEE'S, 48 S. Mtate St. ONs TrHE BUM. Posibly your gym. suit S is in that condition. If so exchange it for a new one at M SIR[LERS Ccle [mporium 11 W. Wahigto St.. ANN ARB3OR. Spring. Style Hats '96' ALL NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN STIFF HATS. ALL NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN FEDORAS. You can btuy all this week our $1.50 ]IEDORZAS AT 980. D. A TINKER & SON, No. 9 South Main. Street. DO You SIVOXES? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - = 7 Full Value Cigars for - - 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - 4 Owl Boqus t Cigars for - - 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - Lowest Market Price by the Box. DEAN & C4 44 South Main Street. 5c B - - - 25c - - 25c - - - 25c - - 25c OM PANY. t UNIVERSITY NOTES. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON. A. Pratt, 95, in te'achiing at Maininte. Celebrated Negro Educator To 11. .1. Downey.,' 13 M. is pr ieiiigat Speak Friday. Otta~wa, 111. Booker 1'. WVisioin'toii, the cele- Eiigciii'(anniett, 't).-, sot ('ticago, is h'ated liege-seduoeator, ciii lec ture visiting ili thle eity. stouter the ausisOof till'Oratorical 'iTic eaig of tti-serl itions is ettig Associfotionin iiUniiversity htal Frielhig on2iii trot. Rolfe's tltorace class. afterniion at 4 iteloi~k. lMr. WVsinig- A. S. Puisewa, ' 14 L, is tsl'aeinlg in ton lecturcet in Detroit iat niigtt tos a Chicago. Ice ha ,tin ofticee in thelctrte audicnce. Ice is tpres,;ident of tiii titiamnbct of C'lomnercebiinog. Tuiskeg ee Norioittl :iid Isdstiial Mr. Franoeis Pauiltis, iinstruictor ii the School at Ttiske'ee, Ala. Also Arbor Ai't School loan orniaii'tta. 'Varsity Bane Bail Practice. skctch chass froii lift' which. will meet The cage on ths' groundildoor o~f ibe evcry Friday.Gyilisb'isiitsytr'tactfo Prof. IE. Caiipbell will illivser an a- tilt. ensutby rpre o itresn before thoe Itnliiie rliog Society, hbattery plractice. A larget back'i4ois Stutrday eveninlg, ast S o'clock, oil the lte of wire 3010 caiivas, lion been husng. Thirs'e plate's with liii regala- dex-elopint of the copper ilidaistry in iondsac nr lof aebe the lUnitedstStatt'o. Oii lsaielliks fhr ie Frank 1IL Smoith '(13. ' 15 L, ha, beeii Iplteed in liii'fdoor, ind sthflt'regular se-anon is fast approactinag all cni otleloing a esv siiyn inAilis rbor.dates 1mu0sf senid in their iiainenanti He aniouonicenstat the class of i'