THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFerem: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS C. D. CARY, Gr. L. J. F. TnoMAs, '97. S. E. KNArFEN, '98. G. R. Sms, '99. R. C. FAULDS, '99 M. MANAGING EDITOR G. B. HAnisoN,'96 L. BUSINESS MANAGER L. C. WAIKEr, '56. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L. A. Pratt, 'Ol. G. M. Heath, '55 P. C. A. Houghtan,'96 D. Susannah Rich'dson,'98 W. W. Hughes, '98. E. L. Geismer, '98 L. R. C. Ouch, '99 hl. 11. B. Gammon, '98 9. - c A. Miner '96 H. R. R. Reilly, '9. G. E. Sherman, '99. The subscri¢tOinSqce of the Daily has been reduced to $1.50 in advance for the rest of the year. Leave subscriptions at the Daily office or with P. C. Meyer, U. of M News Stand. There is nothing wrong per se in the publication of a hand-boo:k of the Uni- versity, but when a private enIterprise assumes an "official" character and endeavors to injure the reputation Of established annuals it will receive the emphatic disapproval of everyone in- terested in the University. The 1'alla- dium, Castalian, Technic and Res Gestae are annuals which maintain a high standard and do credit to the departments by whose students they are published. A barnacle like this "souvenir," although well gotten up, is a prostitution of legitimate work which should be painly stanped as dishonorable. Two opinions seem to prevail in re- gard to the U. of M. Daily which the editors desire to correct. The hrst of these is that the paper is run as an advertising sheet, on the same princi- ple as a handbill and that the space which should be given up to news matter can be purchased by a mjdi- cious extension of favors. This is ab- solutely false, no exception being made even when so high a dignitary as the chairman of a class social com- mittee is concerned. The Daily is now running more news by two colunns daily than any other college new - paper in the United State. While the selection of news may not be the best possible from an expert's standpoint, since the editors are amateurs who do this work in addition to their regular University courses, yet it is made in a manner which the editors believe will meet with the approval of the faculties and students of all depart- ment, and is not in the interest of any clique or organization. It may be dithiult to distinguish items of news from advertising matter In so small a paper and in order to avoid any confusion of this sort hereafter all articles for the insertion of which any compensation is charged will be marked as 'advertisements. Matters of a news nature are published for their value as news and not on ac- can practice in the basement and those count of any business arrangemoent. who wish to learn the form in this Anoither impression wIliii appears to linger in the nind of some students is that this paper is a chiritable en- terprise, printed to be subscribed for by one's neighbor. The "sponge" is an individual familiar to evhry college community, and in most instinces he is entirely too familiar. A determined effort will be made to secure regular delivery of the Daily to our subscrib- ers by putting a stop to this sneak thieving. THE '96 TRACK TEAM The same general methods will be followed as last year in the training of the track team, except that more opportunities will be given for com-- petition ad1 the experience it givea, both in indoor and outdoor eselts. The training of the candidates for the team is entirely under the direction of Mr. Fitzpatriek, who will direct mat- ters as far as possible in the gymna- siml and will of course exercise per- sonal supervision over the outdoor work. As for the work in the gymnasium, it ,is undertaken for the purpose of getting the men into condition pysi- cally and developing them so far as practicable before going outioors. There is so little time here when it is possible to go out on the athletic field that most men cannot be got intol shape to do their best, at least without overworking them, if at all. By work- ing in the gymnasium they get the edge worn off, so that when they go outside they do not have to spend the first week or so in getting ready to get down to real training. Then, too, a new man can learn a good deal about form in the various events which will save him mouch time when he gets outdoors. Added to this is the advantage that comes from competi- tion Js indoor events. The general plan of work has been set forth before, but may be repeated. All who intend to try for the short dashes,, the quarter-mile run, hurdle events, high or broad jumps, or pole vault should have practice at starting off the mark three times ia week on the running track. Distance runners should report to Mr. Fitzpatrick at least twice or three times a week, and he will tell them what distance to run each time. Hurdlers can practice at getting the form over the sticks on the 'main floor of men gymnasium at any time. High jumpers can of course practice at any time, and they should aill go into the competition for the D. K. E. cup without fail. There ought to be fifteen or more contestants for that this year. Those who wish to learn the pole vault or practice at it should come early in the gafternaooo, at least before 3:30. A vaulting block is now pro v mland d r. PtzpAtrcl :willbe athere to assist in any way. fhort potters i event should come to Mr. Fitzpatrick or myself at anytime. So far no men seem to be working at this event. The mile walkers will report to Mr. Fitz- patrick each time for instructions, the same as the distance runuers The indoor work is meant to be only preliminary, and all candidates are cautioned against tloing too mIuchl work. At the same time, there is so far not enough regularity about the work. All the men who have done anything hitherto on the track and field should come out at once, and all others, whether they have ever done leges, the management is now trying to arrange games with Un'ion College, of Schenectady, N. Y., which expects to send a strong track team west in the spring, and with California, last year's champions. The latter meet would be a most desirable cne to bring about, as the westerners pos- sess many athletes of unquestioned strength, having won a number of de- cisive victories in the East last year. Michigan and California were to have met in ie past season, but the meet fell through owing to disagreements between the managements over oUe or two technical points. Such difficul- ties, however, we hope to overcome anything in this branen of athletics this year and an exciting meet will be or not, are urged to make a trial the result. There are fourteen events to compete Take it all in all, the truck men will in, and everyone can find something have plenty to do in the coming season lie cat do amiorg the numiboers. J A. LIE RtY. Concerning Michigan's prospects in track athletics for the coining season, little can as yet be said. Judging, however, from the interest which has already begun to be exhibited -e should conclude that a winning team w.1l be produced. True, we lost some of our best athlete, with the close of last year's season, notably Hodgman, twice champion of the west in the 440 yards run, Horton, who ras third in the half mile run at Chicago last year, and Baughuan. But we may expect, with a goodly degree of confidence that these places will be creditably fihed from the host of new athletes who entered the University last faill. The class of 'Il1) has thus far taken the initiative in organizing its track men. Manager Adams reports a list of foety candidtiles and a training table has been started. This isi a most healthy spirit for a class to exhibit, and should be fostered by everyone in- terested in the athletic weal of the University. It is difficult to predict with any degree of accuracy the movements of the 'Varsity men during the coming season, at this early date. Certain it is, however, that the management will arrange one intercollegiate meet, with the possibility of more if circum- stances are favorable. There will also be two or more local field days. First a set of handicap games will be hel in order to test the capabilities of the candidates for the team, and give the management a good idea of the mate- rial on hand. Then the regular annu- al interclass field meet will take place, to determine the selection of the 'Var- sity team. As Michigan is a osesober of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of Anserica, it is possible that representatives will be sent from here to take part in the an- nual games at the _erkeley Oval, New York. The qualifications, however, which would justify such an outlay of resources, are very high and only men of exceptionable ability, and .who are spre to score points would be sent. As to dual events with other col- and under the careful training of Mr. Fitzpatrick and the wise leadership of Capt. LeRoy, no one doubts that they wl do it well. ROBERT C. BOURLAND. MEETING OF DAILY BOARD. A short meeting of the Editorial Board of the Daily will be held at the office Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Its importance necessitates a full attendance. THE OHIO CEN'T'IRAL MILEAGE TICKVET. -. If you travel one thousasnd miles during the year you will save money by purchasing a thousandmile ticket. The best in the market are those is- sued by agents of Ohio Central Lines. They are good over all the important systems including the entire B. & O. system west of Pittsburg, the Big Four, etc. See agents of Ohio Central Lines before purchasing. Price $20; good one year. LAW BOOKS FOR SALE. For sale cheap, 17 vols. Western Re- porter; 14 vols. Lawyer's Reports an- notated; 7 vols. United States Digest, and several text-books.- Apply or ad- dress 18 S. Thayer st. HAT EXCHANGED. The gentleman who picked up the w'rong hat from one of the front benches in University ball, left side looking toward the stage, can return it and secure his own at 82 Hill street. NOTICE TO ORATORICAL CON. TESTANTS. All persons desiring to enter the pre- liminary contests of the Oratorical As- sociation must hand in their nanses, subject of - oration, department and class before Feb. 1, to Bert E. Nuss- baum, 36 N. State st. Three type- written copies must be handed In be- fore Feb. 10, BERT E. NUSSBAUM, Secretary. NOTICE TO '96 L. The constitution of '96 L provides that the contest for cho9sing class orator shall occur not later than the last week in March. Poems of those competing for class poet must be handed to the class president not later than March 1, '96. Poems are limited in length to seventy-five linea Fur- ther rules will be published later. FRED L. lNGRAHAM. President '96 L. Good mimeograph for sale cheap. Inquire at 18 Geddes ave. 79 Adverhsse in the D~a y.