THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOTHING FIINER IN THE LAND T 11AM LVERSL AUG11 BROS. FINE SUITS ANDOVR AS Manufactured for the present season, are only sold by us. PRICES: Suits from $15 to $20. Overcoats, from $15 to $24. E.'& W. Collars and Cuffs, Cutter and Crosette Neckwear, High Class Furnishings. WE SELL THE BEST $10 MACKINTOSH- IN THE WORLD. 375s. Main St. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. RCH I -AN G( Eni9AL Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. EAST. WEST. P. M. All (Mail and Ex -3110 Maill - 5______843 N. Y. Special--- 5 N N. Y. Special...- 7 30 Eastera Ex---10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 A. M. Pacific Ex---11 57 Atlantic Es-___7 47 P. M. D. N. Express.... 5 40 Western Ex.--2 00 GO. R. Express ___11 S5 Chi. Nt. Es.---10 18 GR.Ex .-----557 0. W. RUGoGLES, H. W. HAYES, SC. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. AgI., Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Railway. Taking effect Sunday, April 7,1894. Trains leave Ann Arbor sn Central Stand- ard time. NORTH. S0UTH. 8:07 a.m. *7:15a. m. *12:25 p. m. 11:30 a. m. 4:15 p.m 9:05p. m. Going Not at 9:15 a.m. Going Sooth at 8:15 p. m. Trains Sunoday run betwecn Toledo and Hamburg Junction only. *Trains runabetween Ann Arbsr and Toledo A~ll trains daily except Sunday. R. S. GREENWVOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. BY. Time Table, May 26, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congroesl., 0:00, 8:00 and 31:00 . m.; 12:45, 2:35, 5:00, 6:45, 9:30 anod 11:08p. M. Leave Ann Arbsr Junction, 7:1)0, 8:30 and 11:30 a. in.; 1:35, 2:45, 5:30, 7:35, 30:08 and 31:00 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congressnnt.,1:30, 3:30, :00, 6:30 and 9:008p. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 and 9:30 p. in. Caurn run on city time yarn: single trip 15 cents; round trip tickets 35 cents. WM. F. PARKER, Supt. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE -AT- "JOLLY & 0O18. Removed to 38 -5. State St., Pager iBlock. Hout and Colld Lunch. ns at All Honurs. - The modern stand- llard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Aivertise Your Wants in The Daily. i t Harvard Improving, Hlarvard dcfeated Amhelrst on Sol- tiler'sfild Saturdasy by ii score of 2 . to 0. 'fhe offensive 3110d dfens~ive work of Harvardl 0a10a3 greatlmioprove- oslent over a wccklioN. 'The bac1k-s 0w111 at 1118 lilt' and arounid thc endt with a rush anaiil sways 1113:10gains. In thr sccondel half several sifts wer' 19:3(18on 3Harvardl sldtoff side lays113 wiere frcquent. Amheirst also lost ;rond:ol:biy' fumb~linlg lthe.11l1. For Aiiihirst Hlli, Pratt, Ty1cr anid Whit- iicy did(god work. C. Brewefort: Harvard81 (id0(1111e greaitspinlitill, maskinsg 0110 rtniof thirty yards1. Siners Wanted. 1110 vesper tclass,0(1 caled, eill meeot fori work Ttuesday it 3 p. in. 10 Itoom: 24. 'ibis course10s011011to :111 s1nn(rs who 0311 reand11181010wills ordliinry fai-lity anid who 11(ss00s good voices. Thic pr ograili for tile se'llieter will inc.lunde a great vairiety of standanrd. satcred1 works, slid affiord1s 1110niuuiil 1:ilorttuliily of becomlin~g icquitud wvithi church mul~sic of thie higliest grad10, Aos sttd ii tieaone ittr- mescnt this 10 a twoliotir c00:100. A. A. S IA N Il fir. S'RItCTLY A SCHOOL. Gtra:lnger's school of da~nncing xwiltbe 1ru11strictly :as a 00110(l1(110 11(111 givenl). We wiii confine ourselves to thie me11thod11of instructionl 01s01 in 01u1 school to advanice 'the pupil as fanst :as possible. In form~inlg ouir class. es strict atteion will be' given t01: personnel of the same. All class continence 0till wevek. Office grounid floor (U Maynanrd ot.,0110,1)10o1k 0est; ot htle St. stores, opp1osite School of Mu-. sic buitling. Graniger's Academy is not a, public hlnl. X38 At 4 N. Fifthl ave., very niicely fui'- ntsbed froilt suite roolils, furinace beal and bath. Also table board for a lim- ited numober. Gunther's Chicago Caindies at A. B. Mumnmery's Drug Store, corner Fourth ave. and Washington St. Course 3I (in Latina xvriting) will be given Tuesday anod Thlursday at I o'clock instead of at 11. JOHN C. ROLFE(. All track athletes are reqnested to re-port to me at the atbletic field be- tween 3:30 and (3 every day to work for the fall field day, October 18. - D. R. STUART, Asst. Capt. tisteribute enr advertise- ment in part paymentfor a high grade Acme bicryc.lewhc we send them on approval. No work doneuntil the bicyclesarrlves and proven nan:ye onolohe Young Ladies samle0terms If boy scene insapply tbey must be welleceom- mended. Wrile tor partilarse. ACME CYCLE COI'IPANY, ELKHART, IND. The New Model No. 2 Improved American. $8,00 Typewriter! IS NOW READY. The latent model of the first success- ful low-priced typewriter. Now ideas, improved. costraction, better finish, :and greater spoel. Sold by 11:mak eos direct at:: price sliplily sbovec the manl- uinotneing cosxt. Sen~d toe cata:lognce and let- ter iwrittenl with: i. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER CO., Room 27, 265 Broadway, N. Y. Vory plasant roomis at 30 Chord:h st. Furnace hneat. A foxy boarders desired. 30 T. O. &C. By. K. &X.RBy.- TSolid througtrain51slbetoeen ToIcldo, Ohio. anid Clharleston:, .VaV.1, via Colmbns, the short and only direct route. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Kenton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. Ponmery, 0. -Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Vs. Newport News, Vs.. XNorfork, Va. And :11lsoticasiern points. tiegant drawoin~groon:crs en alli through:trains5. For futeir infiormaion call oi:yiour local Tick~et. Ageet or wie MIOULTON HOUK, GCml tat'. Act.. Tioledo, 0. W. A. PETERS.,SMichigan tass.A'-ent Iletroif, Mich. A Request, -Renders of the Daily wilt con- fer a favor on the Editors by men-- tionintg this paper when dealing with advertisers. FALL GREETIING. hniin 81tolder 1.0W p; sece'aes t ordier iso up;,ien-ciin sintoilrer $.7. Clreaniog, iyeing, Presilngoand Repairing a specialty FORDHAM & GLEN, Mlerchaot Tailor, 20 S. State se., Anno Arbor. Good Hoard $2 per week; 7 Maynard it. T.ry my board. 24 Courses of Study for University Students f f f THE BIBLE CHAIRS. ++ + Theo folloxving Courses will be offered during the year:-. 1. The Life of Christ. 2. The History of Israel. 3. The Gospel of John. 4. The Book of Acts. 5. The Epistle to the Hebrews. 6. The Philosophy of Religion. 7. The Life and Letters of Paul.' 8. The Maecabees anid the Herods.' 9. Early Church History. 10. History of Missions. 11. Normal S. S. Class. 12. Christian Ethice. The aible iu the greatest text-book of civilization. The interest in Its study grows with limo and was never grouter than at present. No one's education is complete without at least a general knowledge of the word of God. Tho realization of thin fact led to Ohm founding of the Bible Chairs. Classes will be formed in the above Courses, in Newberry Hall, at hours to suit the convenience of students. For full ingormation, call at the S.OC. A.. Building, from 110o4 P. m.. or address the instructors. GI. F. COLER, 30 South University Are., C. A. YOUNG, 40 Madison Street.