THE U. OF M. DAILY. MJG6H IGA NGENThA SKATES, 'KNIVES AND RAZORS TimaTalenRevsedWNoS24T.9 Having purchased ale full line of sonpe skates, knives and razors froms Henry Pa. M wn A. M ears & ton at a discount of 50 per cent, we now offer them at the same discount, Malland a__-_3151Maill -e_____so8 1 0 W W -jm'A Ty F' 0 I NY.Special.---.500 N.Y.CSpecial---- 730J U S T O N TB A LPjapp Eastern Eu---10 12 N. S. Limited.--. 0 25 A. M. P. M. A good pair of skates wortk 70:, now 35c. A nice pocket knife at from Cc to tic. Atlantic Eu .___7 30 Pacific Es .----12 15 A good razor at 50t, otkers 75c, $1.00, and $1.25. D. N. Express---- 5 40 Western Eu.__2 10 G.R. Express ..-1105Ch Ci. Nt. Eu.1028 G s 557 & M O MPANY,& x Furniture. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYSyn, 5 58 and 6Q S. Main St. 'Phone 164. G. P. & T. Agt., Ckicago. Agt., Ann Arbor ______________________________ RAILROAD. Timer Table, Jan. 2, 1104. 72am. 7:40 a. m n"122ogp. m. 11:4 a. m. 4:15 pm. 9:21P. m. All trains daily except unday -"Tainn un between Ann Arbor and Toledo Rely . S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT 1. . A. Toledo . S AMI~ ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 195. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress nt. 7:108:5 and11:0a. m.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, :45, :15 and iC4p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 and 11:30 a. a.: 1:15, 2:45, 5:0,7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 p. m. SUNDAY TIME Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,1:30,3:0, :60,61:0 and 9:00 p.mJ Leave Ann Arbor unctIon, 2:00,4:00,5:0, 700 and 9:30 p. m. Cams run on city time are: single trip 1 cents; round trip ticket i5 cents. WM. F. PAanR, Cpt. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES Railroad + Ticket + Brokers.f Money to loan on prsonsl poperty. RAN DALL Photographer 1.5 Washington Block. lOOP & 00SO..,SAT Call on tem for Fine Lunche., Fine Coo lte, sid Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. Chafing Dishes SOcock Tea Kettles U. OF M. PINS. WMt ARNOLD'S Jewery Sor. iii~in~rnrnCATERER NEW MYACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, VHOTOOCRAV3HERI ANN ARBOR. MICH. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies - AT--' JOLLY S& CO'S. 200e. State St., ager Block. Large Lies of Fine "Pipes. Tobaesa and --Cgars. F. J. Gilen, The State St. Tailor. ]DO YOU KNOW? That we can save you fro in o$010 on every Cult or Overcoat b~ought of us? We do We were brough1t op in the kusiness, and know whsereof we .peak. 'Twill pay you to Iooik at oar samples before Saying elewhere. 20 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR. fifth, she succeeding in defeatinog FOTBL I TEWEST N.orthwestern early iii the season be- The clime of the footballi seoson in the West reoulted in a very gratifyinig ceang- froi that of thoe year tiefore'. Our tenon otandls out1clearly above the rest, chunipions withiout a douotbt, asid the pSositon of the other call be detei'- hnlled withot f avot' 01 prejsuice. This state of affairs isl qite 11 relief; for lost year every college of alny iii- ptortaneie whatsoever ws;s claiming for its tenom the title of chllisisols. 'lace scoson wais otpened in Chlicago 511 Septembitsr 28, by a ;gase lbetsween thne ('hkatg o tniversity ai, lAthletic Club leamns, svhich risuilteci in ae vic'- torly for the 'varsity tby a score of 8 in 0, na ileralote exhiition of foot- basoll on both side's.anod was, closet in1 the same city on Thanksgivinlg day by thse anonuaol ichigan-Chic:go gailie, ssiiieh gave to tihe former the choampit- toiis of 41oc West witotit atosibt. Aliehiigal's ilog list of victories froh he'r Gent gmme withi the Orchsord t.ko' Military Acadeicy up, to the Htarvarsd gasme, in none of which 11cr oppctonenats succeeiled in crossing thle goal hune, lie close defeats of tboth Mihinesotol aiiit Chicaigo, lvib no10rivalin 10the Wiest thie siiglitest cll for suptrelm- icy, mleetinig and deetsiog nil thet large westein teaims, with a fesv cx- fore either team wats in slmeiasnd.on a day when the weather wsn so wtsrin t1h:t1 idaying footbaoll was 5oult of thie tquestion, bttfaili'tlto, keeplspsiio th11 others later oii. Missouari undousbtedl~yload on grioat team, but wan so far off ahd ilso tesw gaitieswills the ilaing toalis, thait she coinnot; be classifiedi. It is. to lie hlopedithastiietyear 0111ei.dissotiri nionagenic'nt svill be oable 1(o lrcalge foe st'verail ganies ssit~i.stonoe of tihe leadters. Oberlin failed: loscoime up In hee standaord of lashtye'ar, anlti -fosr Attel- bsert, wsell, the writer tineslnt thoink tlit they ivililohave ltloeto picturte toakiic cos "'hallllols of the WecsI" a1 leaost list this ye'ar. Thit'Chicaogo Athlic tClublste'oami as o m sooinenlt foictor in west('rn.fosotball, buit failingts ooisav' ay imortant gamooes vit!i the wecsternl colt:'ge's, thoey caiiiiot. bt'compiiared. He defeat by tiie Chicaigs Uivet'rsity teamolwns,(tue chieflhy to 1110 fact ilthllt'eAthlIc Clusb team shail ii'sver liinediuttbefore an11dlnt to thot' 'sai'ty''s ssiueriority. On going East tht AtlolletieCtlsubtploiy- edi gtod foottiall 01100 wacs very sticcess- fiil, lbutth' Boston-tCligo glaic lay~~s- ed at Chicago o11'Thiotnkgiving day 01110 011wiitlsthey basceliceit reptll FRESHMAN ORGANIZATIONS. Names Selected for Glen and Bano' Cluhe. The freslisoson glee' sld banljo clubs are0 aoto mp clelte,'th'eOociieii being picked outt Saturdiaylfter tie prac- tice wvhich wais held at 1 o'clock in R~oim 24. Tie list of names muostt ist be bhanded i to toe Board of Cointrol before it caii be aennuned. The clubs are practiciing twic a week and expect to be iii good condi tion before loug. C. D. Webster, of the Chioraii Union, is acting as teim- pnary director of the glee club. The commnittee witichlohd charge of the s- lection of the men iIreorted that tre we're aboult four applsications for every- place excepting first tenor. Evangeistic Services. Unliversity hal was filedlst nghot to her1Rev. Wolcott C'olkins, (le wcl knowvn revivalist. Dr. Clkins is con- dutinllgtvngelistic srvices tnnoei' tet jtoint auispie's of thoe Stdtents' C'hris. flth Assot-atiol ond.othfle C'hristioii Uion of thit city. Theothiemoe of tie seumon lost night wvas "Thle lquicke-. iog spirit of C'hrist." The oiaker showoned himioself to be nt aii evagelist of the elllotitsll~iltypt, but a mansliof scolaly :attinmenocits wooents not al- losIris shlarltsipi to blind.l 0111 to the Tihe "quic'keningigltrit of ('hrist"Iwa deilarted to bs't'egroat force 1in tie univeret and testimonuy fromi 110en i- netin1 chemiccl, biologicali and psy- cologicol scence wsi given to sows thaot the day of ma~tterialism has:1 pisiset't. Thet'sini'ng undetite hoodirotios oft the 1Rev. Pngh, of Chiscago, was one of the best featres of thoe sevice. 'Thee meietings will contnut, undoe the leaid- crslitp of Dr. Calkioss every nghttOis sweek in t'(olgregt'g illi eletoat. 7:30) o'clock. Bible' radtings will te tciidutoe'lin tue sme pt tlaccesery afternnon at 3. NOTICE. It would be at great accommodation to bear froni all of the senior lito who have not replied in regard to caps and gowns. W. C. BORST, Chairman, CASTALIAN PRIZE: COMPETITION. On account of the numeiross requests for extension of time the Castaiaii Price Comnpetition will not close till Join. 20th, This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House STUDENTS T If yen want god reliable life insurance call en Fred TM~ber, offce N. 1, S. Fourth ave. etononatoseeceisoneingcostion, 0amoun11tsto oalmost inothing, for iefeated by lietopphoents, her claimltheoy.impoorted ohsmoioiy playes that ho supleriority is cleoir anti justifiaible. one swouldhttavse greastodifficulty in hoe second place the contest wa'si recognizinigoany of thle otiginllWIaion. very close-Purdne, Mlinoicoota, Clii- ansly oneoiber of thce clots will aod- t'ago, Illinois anid Northwsetrn 1l11smit tho:taboust ill thinlhaysing 1501 plyed good football and fiiiishendtdone by thefllelioiger, VaiiDsozeii antI about even, but P~urdue leads. I think Brcn. lie team iwais not approeciatetI 1u1thl Amiong the High Schoolis footblsai seen and tlen lie atilhity remlainedllhas develoised remarkblcoy Ind th le unoquestioned. 'True, she suffered de- Hyde t'aek Iiit School teaml~ of Ci foot at tile hsands of Northwssestern, but ecogo ipasseth through oa successful sea- the atter leanm put upia. very uncer- son, wininsg every gsaihse. tails ff1510, playing first class football Wi. Wi. HUt'GlES. one week and boing to pieces thin11,000 MILES. next. Purdue's victory over Mhsoie- Always a leader, the Ohio Central sotaandIllnois he clse gme ithLines mileage ticket, with latest adldl- Michitranlions is the best. Covering ,thse Big lihgngive her thse advaiitage for Four, B. & 0., C., H. & D., Ohio Cen- second place. teal and innumerable other nystems, it Mlinnesoha with lie light team, Chi- in the favorite Travelers' Companion. nags and IlinoiC, linisised tile season THE ICR IS FINE as even as was possible. Nor'thwvest- on the Athletic Field rink and now is en started out porly, suddenly the the time to enjoy it. Mtusic tonight teamn braced up and acquied a bell- and tomorrow night. blunt record, and then dropped to F. C. WiEINBERGS. pieces, going down as fast as the had 'Business men like Swan Line'n climbed before. Wiisconsin comes. Paper. 78J