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January 18, 1896 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-01-18

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Mail and Ex-_330 Mail - 8------- Mr. A. E. ose will be at the Cook House with a Choice
N. Y. Special...._150 N. Y. Secial.... 7 35
Eastern Ex---1 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25ieo ooesfo
DON. Express.... 5 40 Western Es.___230x
Atani E ...73 acfc x,---1 5TE O DE AGLE CO., DETROIT.
(;. R. Express ._120(Chi. Nt. Es.-- 10 28,
G. P. & T. At., Clicago. AgS., Ann Arbor Fine Dressers it will pay you to see the line and compare;
4prices strictly first clas work. Up-to-date styles. Low-
Ia~~~ 4 ~~~~ coet prices. _____________
PERIODICALS AT THE LIBRARY ile u. Plysielgie. Leipsic. Mfonth-
Tmr Tabie, Jan. 1, 196. Archives do Physiologic Norlale et 0150110 Eriellng. Leipsic. J 10111-
NonTH. SOUTH. Patilologique. Paris. Quar. es a year.
All trains daily except Snday Petersburg. Quar. nd Fortscllitte in ter Gsa nuten
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo AtO.i MJiilWe~y rvieie onral of the Amlerican A ooia~ so-
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, ift. elati01. Chicgo. Weekly.
Bitraege zr Iatllologisclln Anat- Journal d lAnltolue et d10 a Ply
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. ilelOu. ur Algemeinen Pathiologi. siologie Normale et Patilologhle.
Leave Ypilant from Conress St., 7:10.8:4 Tella.. Paris. Bi-Ilolltly.
and 11:0a. m.; 1245,2053,t6:45, 815 and Brie iiieej'cinciiC
10:45 i. m.Aelneiilicl Wcesllit Jornal of Anatomy111111Phsiolgy
Leave nn Arbor Junction 7:d5,915 and 0.y
1:30 a. i.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30,7;15, 9:45 and 11:15 Boston Mfetical anti Surgical Journial. London. Quar.
SUDYTM.Weekly. Jornall of Comllpartive Mediie and
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,1:30,3:30, Bamn. London antI N. Y. Qua. Veterinary Archives. N. Y. Mlouti-
:00, 6:30 and 9:0 p. m.
Leave Ann Aror Junctlon, 2:0,4:00,5:30, BritslI Medical Journal. Lodso.ly.
7:00 and 9:3 p. in.
Car run on city time Fare: single trip 15 Weeky. Junlo osaieNuooy
cents: rond trip tickets 25 cets. g'
Wam. F. PARSoE, Spt. Blletin of tle Americn Acatemy of Cincinati. Quar.
THE KINDERBARDEN BILLIARD HALL Medicine. Eastol,1Pt. Gift. Joral of Cutaneous ant i G-lto-uri-
Butlletin of 1110 Electro-Therapeuitic nary Diseases. N. Y. Moth~l~ly.
W O E A ECIGARlS Laboratory. Ann Artor. tQu:r. Journal of Experimental Medicine.
TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Bletin Of 11:e J1o1ns0lopils Slog:- Bltimore.
Railroad + Ticket -+ Brokers. tal. Bltimore. Gift. Journal of Pahology andi Bacteriol-
Money to loan on pesonal property. Canlada Lancet. Toronto. Motly. og. dslug.
Celle. Lierre-Louvain. Irreg. Journal of Physiology. Cambritge.
R AN A L (811(1 blat f. i-hkeriologi u. tar Eg. Irreg.
ustukundte. Jeia. Weekly. Joral of 11:e Royal Microscopicll
P h1-iQt o g r a p h e r C: nrlblat f hu l. Berlin. Soiety. Lono.louttiued:y
Weeckly Dr. (G. C. Huber.
15 Washington Block. Cntlallatt f. 01210c e eicin. L.0:1- Klinishe Zeit-und Stritfrgen. Vien-
p i.Weekly.n.
STREET. SAE llltf.ti eicliehl is-Lncet. Lollon. Weekly.
Cali nte for snsclaftel. Berlin. Weekly. AMedicl Age. Detrit. Sem:i-othly.
Fine Lunches, Celtraiblatt f. Physiologic. ipsdj ledic04al11Bref. St. Louis. Mlotly.
Fine Chocolates, fid VielSra. Fortightly. oli~t~ yD.Dae .Y
and Bake Goods. Colll1tes-teldus de l a Societe dt iCo eicl ~leil ~llI oi~y
Try Our Lunches. .MdclBlei.Pia tuhy
logi. Paris. Weekly. Gift.
L t~nverMetic~tlTi~leS.Mnthlly. Meiall News. Pila. Weekly.
C hafing Dish s Mt.Aeicali tecort. N. Y. Weekly.
SDcuklaKettes Deutscise Medicixisrle Woclensclrift. Miedicl lIeview. St. Louis. Weekly.
2:011)510 1111d2Berlin. "MAedical StndarL tChicago. 'Mothy.
ft .AROF X INS Dit'"eZetclrf fe C Arrge edical :nlSurgical Reporter. Plila.
WM weAryOLSL..Detsc;;Archivirfuer Klinisle Mes- Weky
JaerSor DettlsMc 12111. iso Novitetn. Leilzig.
20N EIh~I . GE ashing Dublin Journal of -Medical Science Alerrei Medical. Pris. Weekly.
tn Mobrtll. toatsefte fuer praktiscle Deriato
NE~ m &cin~ ~ OpEdiebrisMedical ournal. Montly logi. Hamburg.
~lecticll Egineerng. N. Y. Wekly. Mornplolgiscles JsIhlhucl. Leipzig..
HUNTER BRS., 9 E. LIERTY ST. At 1letro=Tlerap. Lab. Mlle~elrMdcnsh tiad
Sktes Concaved. E:leet~icl World. N. Y. Weekly. uigen.
Experimental Work. .At Eleoto-Tlenlp. Lab. Melclelr Miediciile Wolle-
____________________ orteritte ter Mfedcil. Berlii. sbrft.
R q e tSemi-monthly. Natioial Medical Rvie. Wash.
Dalywi..on Gaztte Hlebdomlataire de Medele et Monthly.
fora vora ofthe EeiChrrurgiemeParlo. eurologisees Cetralb'.at. eizig.
Boniang onth gior y ~D-Good Health. Battle Creek. olti- Sniotly
tng.tkis 'paper hen daingSm otr
with..adgertiper. Iy ift. Nw York Medial Journal. Weekly:
Hiarper Htosital Bultil. Dtroit.Pldl11 o~lnc eky
Giso .& l rk 2itPhysIcian and "Surgeon. Dtsoit and
ttr ygeniscle Junseau. Berlin. 24 n rbr onhy
P GOBAHRI nber na year. t'rager Mlediciiiche Wceseait.
Index Medics. Revue Mesuelle des Maladies do
12 WA. H U ERO N S6T. Interationale Soatsschrift f. Anato- inuilice. Paris.

Rtoysl London Gpths lliIl ospital Ite-
p orts.
SI. Lo0u11, Medicall allil Sulrgical Jsournal
St. P'etersh~urger Medicill'iscie Wocli.
e-iscllrif 0.
Sahi:llllig Kliniscehe Voriraege. Leit-
OSeliit's .tlhrbucher dec stt-salssnten
Medlicinl. Leipzig. :Monthlly.
Skandinavisclles Archliv fuer llsysio-,
logie. Leipzig.
Telnnessee State Board of Health. Bul--
letin. Nashille. Monthly.
Texas Medical Journal. Austin..
Therapeutic Gazette. Phlila. lontilly-.
Therapeuti~sehe Monatshefte. Berlin..
Timses slndt Register. Psila. Weekly.
Piniveisail Medicstl Jourinal. Phila1..
Wiener Ktinisc'eetundsohau. Week-
Wieiser Klinisehe tooclleusclhrift..
Zeitst-lrift fuer Iliologie. Muisich 11114
Zeiltscllrift fuer Hleilkunde. Berlin.
Zeitsclhrift fuer iHygienle aiit ifec-
tioiloltanltleites. L.(itzig.
Zeitsclirift fuer Kliniscehe Mleli.
Zcitsolrift fuer Plsy3siologisonlo
(+leis. Strasburg.
Zeitoellnft filer soeiale Medis-in.
Zeits chrift fier sociatl: Metlicin..
This space is reserved
for the Grand Opera
Chocolates and Candies
JOL.LY & 0O9S,
20S. State St., Sager mock.
Large Line ot Fine Pipes, Tobaccos ansd
Take your Kodak Work to
Satisfaction cuaranteed. 6 E. Huron St.
FiI 1P-A-NS 1


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1ard Family Medi-
n ine:t Cures the
1common every-day
ills of humanity.

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