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January 18, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-01-18

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Of III 13'(Wiln

VOL. VI. NO. 7 7.



lilt vi _ 1E1i S FY A I 1.tLFILLED.
Zs enough for one person to ~ TR FTEEEIG
#H play on at one time. One Next Event February II-M, Achille
11l1 guitaor i3 not enough, how- Rvasrdn and M0. Atme Lachaume
III ever, to supprly13,000 Stu- 1# -A Great Crowed Expected.
dents,. That's wihy we have III'oyr"'nl 1'tr
if constantly in stock several " hgh" lay gan di ir
dozens of guitars of various hw-m, Awas never mtore' sr thanl in the
u lnakes atnd prices. i rertrIrtiorlby hehr ilUion trst
BETTER LOOK AT OUR ~III righ1t. P1010tfth' opening tiropinetide an-
'"U. OF M. GUITAR. Irnttlrrerlrr'r by Iirllt that it'th(re sl-ial
1111 not be 'dew un'rrin these)years, bt.
It's good as its name. lit
101 lil acerdinrg to my wo01-d nt," lteI art~
THE ANN ARDOR ORGAN CO,, it grrrat swelling "Arrren" chorrs, elosrig
lol S. MAIN 8"'. I"5hertiro0rio(, tih'gre'rt audileneOwars
!Ltulifterd by tire harrrionyy calledr'irthr
F' or a. Stylis w ei reetor's btons. Thre soloists
S t r-v Mrs. Genrviev-e Wilson, Soirrans.
FULL DRESS OR TUXEDO mrs. -arlrtaii tease,('otralto.
C 111ONAr. Grdrrner . .inson ar)1itolne.
Alr.('Crhrr'es it. Stevr'nrs, Te'nror.
tJosn ' K .1? AI1OI1f IMintelr rli rowSpa
*W . i1.Ui.CsiLL 'l Ior'e t ottr', Sorpranlo,
Merchant Tailor, Mr's iiFrances S. ''raylorr, Ct'rltlo.

Strictly Ihigh gr'ado work at
moderAte prices.
10 E. Washington St.
.JIJ W 0~ ! nnla

and bairrritrrneossoroists were estreckitly
wvr'l rerre'r rarlthorutghl s-rittimnestr'
efetr'woa.lrrst thtror lt iteovr'r-zeal
of thelrr'(he'lstra. 'T'eriuarttte'forrmr'r
1ir e tr'adritl lisrrrts iva' tobl tiged.rrtoi


Ho t ~L ches. I r"spond tO an encorer'0te trtire titne ret-
d iionrt of "('otrre Every One trt.
'T I'ITFYS, 4S 5. State St. irtalli its supporrrt to thrr soloitsoftll'
______________________________________chors showrterd tilbeftr'ietrrl efferts of
N ~otice, iredsworek.Pr'rhrapsthely11 aulmt tro
XTk elbe found istttt, rt t ilres, it 110-5 1lit-
fir' slow ill r'slprndliing to tile directot's
In ordtrno re e oly Stock of bratn. 't'in'"Bartrl" c'hortrs, thtr "Alt-
Fall Woolens, I will offer all Fancy grl" trio athtriill' Attgel" ctorns overe
Stiitings rat ci)st for cishb anti niakotoro thrat oOrriiarily' exeenrt. 'J'ire
roomi for Sprintg Intportations.
All early call weill profit yon. At sttppirt giv'ent ty tite orcirr'siri withr
Sligilt excepstionls wvrs all thait cottlri ie
G . H .VVW IL DI, ri(sirtsL ."Trtliett rll ill all, it wrts a. ire-
The Leading Tailor, "'trnt fM'tilslt' ra ~a
torio whict tile Untiversity Mutsieal So-
2 E0. Washieg-toneSt, Near lState. iytriltCtraittnmyovl
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN e h eoll wa'ts filliedfromtttoel to bat-
ttm by'toeenthutsiastic ratldienlce. It
ILLUSTRAT-'IVE CASES thte tttettdattee at thtese cottcerts in-
-ON- etreases oft tre present rate andrthIere rs
rr~n~Iua nt'brn-l, 1111no reaso0n 113'itshrottlrdfrtll rotf, rt hall
Pr L O~NAL. PR UP fI!T ,bcm o osiiiybtancs
Selected. by. Prof. Levi T. ctty.
Griffin, of the 'Lawy Depart- Thre next nnttrer in tile crourse sell
np, Ire given 'Feb.lt.I by M. Acirille
NO ~ ~ A R ivartl, violinist, attd M. Am
Al1 candidrate' for 'VarilBaehal:
W At a -R S . Team must hand in their name, post-
tip own Oaw Ton. tionnthey or i t'ing for, and rdepart-
UtiveroS.r Bookstore. Opposite CourtlHoune in University. H.andnaones to Ei. V.
10 S. State St. 4N. Mate St. Do'- ts, 44 E. Ann st., or Ed. C. Shiiris.
Advertise.-, n he D il.IsE. .SHIELDS, Mgr,

YVr'tVZetselrft f. i'rystrtllrgrrrpriti . Mi-
UtdZr'tserrift f a, riirrrrt m 'tt t tIn . Na-
l'titrri trtr'. ll ses arl wl nt ril
igtr'tltnrrrltDeprrrttmrr'nt.tt'o 'irterrflrr't i'tr'i t.
S'otrtiti. rf ther'Nrat. Itcr'-arirrrr. Le'irzig. s lrtrir'-rr
IspeiZeisi-lrift '. 'tttl0orrlirui. irhiliso
onQnileu Saton P~cod.,pitisi-io reIikt. ltrlle-i'lle. Qltrtt.
Mrrtrtirlv. Zei~7.cthei-ft f. i'rn'irttslr'(ir' 10
Jrorral of My~colrgy. Zioiirf ' ssiilri'1.lrsa
lfritly tWer'rther tri-tesi-.chiti Pycotgeu Py~o
1'. S. BuraofrtAnror'tertt Irtulies. leizg ttrh's
Itrsrrtlin 6tnumr'tisr
-. S. IZ'rrtrlirrgrtr'.01' (too'r'rntrrroit tithi
c~rtius Mnthlytrtail. Qttar.
errtions. l~olltilP'.Zitseirifr f. Al'rrgtr'iele Srrchi-ft-'
[' S. Crrrtges'io111Rr cot'irr'd. slui Kh) o~ii
t- .S. ICinsla~td r'eprts (litar. Ze itnc-irift fI'. ti se'rsr-firrtlir' l ilrr-'
I' S. Ertnerotinarl Itrrr'r. t'tterttrrs. knnn i.f tlrrlnlirro lritk
L' S. Ge'rgrraphircErrate',s, Borrd on. h~tsheg ur
L. . eoogialSuve. Blltis. Zeitselrr ft If. \''iosnrsrelrt tlrir'hero'
I'. S. trmports rrnrrt]'sporrt'. M3trllr
Srngtr. L ipzig. Itinmr's.
1'. S. iSrirrl Iisitte. 'roc'ei'rinrs.ol~sh ar)ucc, ea ur
I,rlngisr-ier Alrzelgri.Leipzig. Semti-
Olitrr. rnontlrthy.
t S Pa Itlent Ofilie.tGazeite. Wee'kly. Eroloisere'nttrtiinlrrt. Leipig. i
U. S. Slate Depit. Burearu of loll an
libr'ar-y. Btletin. Zonrihilis. TLonon. Mothlly. Gift.
Untty 1Piltni. Bonston. Wlyih. Ainiorienn Jonronri of itirritity. Utir'r.
inrteljrttrstrift drrrAstrnnonisr'hr't O
( er'-ellst-lift. Leipzeig. Ameircar tnrrutrro te ire 'rial
V'ieritljrtlrrr'ririft f.Strinrs-ititt V'olk-
Srien'tes. Pilar.Monlrryii3.
wostts-trit f. Lit teratr it, t.tesntiel-
((,,AurAmiicantttIJoralnof ((isten'rtr~s , .
enieStuattSwisscnscrfteni l
irietnlni. T~'iirig. Wssenelinft- onthly. Si-i-lttinli
Sinrtnljiirssr'lir!t't Y.A .m e e, (lift, Bulti.N
ir'tie Ilti ihntiii. Teipizig.'eel.GltAmtereican tplithtlitlolnntiia~t1Sci'ty.
Aign'iiitMrgrzitti' of Hislory ntl Bio.qge satos nul
grrtjlry. tlielrtiint. (mntr'. Atttricirtt 'rtctitimon' rn Neros.
Wenirr's iMtgarziner. N,S.'. Monttlyl.
OA'rstnrnsttrlll.-ior-t) oitiototMoitit
WesmistrReiew Ludn.MothAittialesdni iygice nn'trilirite. P'rris.
ly. lonllt3.
'iXisrotsitt ilisloricarl Soc. 'irceedn- Antirlns drioI ltittit Parst'r. Pais.
iitgs. (ift. rrtontly.
e 'Belinseiitf i~ieirPitnrn-rAtntials of Sttigry. Pilia Mrtthl3.
Btrln.Archly f. Ataomi a. t'ttysirlrgie,
Woita's Journal. Blostoit. Wort~ly, Leipi. Bi-nontitty,
Giaft. A'rriv f. Dertlatnligie to' Sy'iilis.
Wotn'tis(itrr iletl tolVienna an Leipsic.
Jtotttltl, (liftArchly f xtrrritientnll'l'athlogito'
Yale tReviewv. Boston. Qnr. -r Bonn. d eannePyilg
ZeitscrIrift f. Analytiscito ('Ietite. Areliv f Itygi'e. tnMnict and Leip-
Wiesbaden. lBi-nontblty i' rtg
Zitserift f. Atoraniclie Ilenne. Areliv f. mtikrsropisr'Ii Anutoae.
1 liritlntiir'Lijzig. lsto
1Zieltft f. Assyriologie, Weinmar. Bon
Arciti f. Ptthlogislie Anftoattie .
' ZeiL'ilift ter Deiselten Geologis- 'yolge(ihw)Brin
tein Gesn'lshrft. Berlin. (Quar. Arlv f.Yrtngslalkr'tn
1Neitlrift tier Deutirehen Mborgonlact-Aerlil.v .Vraug-irnletn
e lsie Q euar.itt. Lipi Areives Geneales do 'ltdecine.
QnrPiaris. Eontly.
Zeitsclrit f. Deutschies Alterthum u r.tvrIalntnsdoBooic Irn
Detsc-he ttteroatnr. Berlin. Qar. A ,Bi-> tail. d iooi:. Tr
I Ziserift f. die Gsaite Statswis- Aetvso ptatooy .V
senrsekaft. Tueingen. Qar. AciQn ofOhhaar.g. .Y
- eisebhrift f. das Gymnasialovoson. Archives of Otology. N. Y. Qar.
Belnytnhy Archives of Peiatris. N. Y. Ilonil-
Zeislrift f. tnstrunmentenknnde. Ber-ly
litt. Monthly. (Continnid on third page.)

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