THE U. OF M. DAILY. MCHIGANcGiNTAA Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. BAST. WEST. P. M. AM Mail and Ex.._...850 Mail-......8 38 N. Y. Special... 5 00 N. Y. Spcal .... 7 390- Eastern Ex.----10 12 N. S. Limited... 9 25 Atlantic Ex.....- 730 Pacific Ex.....12 15 D.N. Express.... 5 40 Western Ex._2 00 . i. Express ...11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex..... 10 2 G. R. Ex....5 5 . W. RtUGGLES, H. W. HAES, G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt., Ans Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, Jan. 12, 159(0. sORTH. fSOUT,. 7:22 a. m. "7: at.m 12:20 p. m. 1:40. m. 4:15 p. M. 9:21 p. M. All trains daly except Sunday Traino run bletween An Arbor and Toledo Rny . S EENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT 1. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypilant frees Congress St., 7:10.8:45 and 11:00 a. m. 12:4,2:155:0, 0:45, 1:15 and 10:45 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:0, :15 and U:0 a. i.; 1:15, 2:4, 5:0, 7:15, 1:45 and 11:15 P. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Cogrex st..1:30, :0, :0, 65:0 and 9:00 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Jncto, 2:00, 4:00 5:0, 1:001 and :0 p. m. Cars run on city time Fare: sigle trip 15 cents: round trip tcets 25 cents. W. P. lAKER, Spt. THE KINDERARDEH BILLIARD ALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Money to loan on prsnal property. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. TOOP & Co., STREET__ Call on them for Hine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Bakesd Goods. Try Our Lunches. Chafing Dishes 5 Oclock ea Kettles U. OF X. Pis. WMt ARNOLIS eselry Stre. I A~fiST BEER, 20E. Wash ngt. St EW MACMINE SHOP HUNTERROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. Bktes oncaved. Experimental Work. 1eqiest Readers of the Daily will con- fr a favor on the ditors by men- tioning this paper when dealing with advertisers. Gibson & Clark, PHOTOGRAPHERS 12 W.1. H URON . ST. SKATES, KNIVES .AND RAZORS flinsg purchsased the roll lise ofesaspxe skats,bnives and rao: from llrnry etars & Sto at a isessot of fit percent, we nowoff~er thsemsa t thse sdiscount, ,J U STIPONB I -FHIA LP FOFPF. A good pair of xscstes worth 70r., sow 35b. A shce pocket knife at from 8: totOr. A good razor at 50c, others 75c, $1.00, and 61.25. )&&OE & COOMPANT, Furture. 56, 58 and 610 S. rahn $t. 'Phone 164. F. 4. Glen, The State St. Tailor. DO YOU KNOW? That we ca:n save you frosm $3510910 son every OSsit or Onercoat b~ougbt of: Ous? We do We wre brsosght n Isle the husiness, and knsow whereof we :peak. 'Twill pay you to lest at ouresamples before haying elsewherss. 20 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR,. PERIODIALS TETEIBRARY I Library Note. Albsty. tIrtg. Linln-n Soetty. Jonrud. I.cnis tiollO. Lonisons. l~itrritoees ('eiiratlllt Il. lmsig. Wtekly. ltrrI1)Igesl. N. Y. Weekly. literary News. N. Y. Mast I.ittssry Wsrlsd. Bltoi. Fortlilylsily. Xlale.MstetlUniiver"4i13'M:ity. '- Mtainels Bugle. lockhsnd. Qsulr. Md~lofordsoM!,1-aziine. Ulaiitsgo. 7Mos. Gift. Msathinaitiase PsAinalten. iLtilsig. 8 lltll m 1'ls ist'alr. i1lelaings'ssl'Aveiis'sslogis et slllisosis. Mercltk'a s laii'el tslst~jst. N. Y. Ill- monlth~lly. UGfft. Mlhol'bastl Review. N. Y. B~i-Inisnllly. Slit'liisan Allslsnll. Ann Arbsor. Mos. i) snumblers. (lifl. Mtiehigsssi Pslitical Scicietsmwrsoti iss. llkslit'2 SebolsssModsserator, 1.sillg. '20) iumbers a. 0year. (lift. I1i-Moisnasry Ileisirll. 1ll.selts~. Mos. ililllis'ingen 1d(es l'lsiseslli l )s'ul- K~sil AI'rlihlrloglsscltsn Ilsifuts. Allis'us-1{onis'. Mitrthsllungeilauns sie Ntologbsis'l Staltison uNeajpsI. fBerlin. Modetln'I 1: atlgllelAssciation. It'ib- 8 inmsbers o yeas*. SMonltl~s'l'le fuef7115'lie. Viennall. Monlist. t~lilagss. Qoor. Mssullilly llel~tin. (S. (7. A.) Ann Ar. lasr. 9l) siiersa iytsir. (gift. Muse.h'. laieugo. to. Musical C'suir. N. Y. Weekly. Msslessl lecorsl. I'osloss. Mo. Mussicssl!Ieosi. Btion Ito s. Gilt. MU1c'ie-l ise.Lsondon: Mo. ilt. IA'yigsalg Nation. N. Y. Wes'kly. Nationasl fGo}roilsliic .Mlla ;iie.Wash.u Mo. Naluroe '4ovitles. 1Birlr. Semll Nialtssre. London.,Weekly. Nette J.Ialirbsiher filer Ihillo le ands Paetbsooglk. lsel1)zig, ie 'None Zeltsilrift !fuer Miok. Jseiplg. Nteuerelil Sl':llllsi, Die. Marbursssg. Mo. (a Iolisgis' and11Pla s'sslllsogit'. 8S lt:- News'('t'hitlll Quarterly. St. tLollis. (lift. Ne'w 1Edulsation. l N. 1. Alo. Ness Yorlk Aea~lslslosf Sciince. isl- Nines'le'n'llsCenturl~y. Lo:ndons. Mo. NorlilAmsss'ic inl Resview. N. Y. Arl. 7'sssicis' slgli Selxl :dpi Xssiclsils.. Noulveaulll1152sie'll'lleerl'l :1 'riies. Nosvls'lsoAnule~s d S te ml2::alisces. Pasris. AMo. Nusllhstlislt. Mssonro, SIisli. Mos. Gift. :sos. Altllslgisl. 1Ro11e. Slelli- OIll (court1. '1 'icfsgo. 'sVsekly. Gift. O rls'Islsclie ls' iilsiogl':siplie. 111r111. '.''is:' ft.S5SI'. Over'la~ndIloldhy. lSn Franies. issled s;iglgials' Stuislli. sdl~. Q 511r. l'eelsgi'l Peple.11111itlly hN.'T.91M'o. I fretg. Pes'lylvalnia 'Mug. of 11lt. and sit*. Mos. ,' ekl y. P'sslllareuienIs Eis. N. Y. °8:11. 1i1sosolly. (lift. ills. AVs'ekly. 1's1il~s. Acadss. of Nat. :t-i. .lour1. ilud lrsse. Plo~logs". (Aelinges. Qua:r. Ws'ekly, Gilt. Plllssspleal Slag. (Lsssion, Elill- isslrgil 11151 lstii). 520. Phlilossophlicil Resvls'w. lBosto. l. l1 Itliilso)lslslls- Sltslis'st st ti'Is). Lseipszg. quar. Phrenoclosgicail .Jsosrnal. N. Y. M;to. (Gift. PiIysit':ilRevisew. N. Y. M-miontlily. .'1lys(1C11 Socetey or 141oss. Pro- e'oelnigs. Ph tslksliticlie Gaes llsochsaft (lesl11n). Verliustidliisgen. Poet-Lore. lioston. AMo. l'c tilel T In c Quartely. Boctoil. PopularAstron nmy. Northfied, Mintn 1t0 numlbers. (Ift. Prt~t. Itittit Montthly. Iloidayn. (Gift. Princeston ('ollegseBullsetin. Qir. Providlece PIlisie Library Mousthlly Butllin. tssyslosolsitl Reisew. N. Y. IlI- mnthIlly. Publsice Opinion. N. Y. Weekly. Publtlic SchllsJourtia.l, lomilgln, 111. 1.1lllnumters a year. 15Ilili sf' Ci-culr. .Lodon. Week- ly. Pulblishei' W5sekly. N. Y. Qmm:I-Is'lly Jourinas~l of l'loitotiiis. Bo- Qua:rter:Iy Josrnaloftsfhle Gs'ologit'as Society..Loindotn. QuarteIsrly isisrtol of lierosssisial Sis'nce. London. Qua:rerllyJssiirtal oiiPure tansd Ap- jiiedt Si:1211'mltis. iLontdnt. Qua:rterIlys Reiew. Lsstsst. Rlecordl of 'letiniesi ansiSeendsalry Educat:Iion. Lotsnsost. Ii-iiotlilsy. Rilitk-Ils'sstllattl. Belin. Resvues'ds io 1)e Motits. Isioi. Resvue- rltstsDeuro Motda-,ir Ils'sse s.s Ptaris. NenQtiotr. ly SRens' 'tihispilis. tParis. Ms. Rtevuseilniversitire. Paris. 1)nunm- bsess tyet. ILse:istbsMmwumtssniifttst Itiilsls. tlalskfnl-. Qur. lloc'iis'tr Ac'ademoityf Seses. iro- ss's'singst. Romauslai. iParis. tQutartery. Royal:IrishAt-leny. Dunlsi. Ti-ans. actions. Rosyal Stately. Londion. Irsst'edn ioa Rosyal Socilety of Lterature. Losnon. St. Luis Aaemeiy or Siences. Trans- uoelon. (Collsg. School lReview. Chicago. 10 nuilbefs Seis'lwvs..N. Y. Weekly. Settili Gegrapil Msiuylie. ENlllisrg&. Fo. 8101191ishs'vie'w.London. Qur. Serinei', Mgazine. N. Y. Mo. Ssinf~itltle Studien. Beri. Soul News. Pttanted in Kren;,tali- aneind' ChlTinlese. 'Tri-weekly SlIithusoluliCorntributions to Kniowl- slge.- Watsh. Irreg. Slisaia~n1 Mscellanotssts C(olle- bius. Wah, oi.Ireg. Solely of Ililileni Aseoiiology. Lo- don. Prsseedsings. Sotund Curreny. N. Y. Semtl-toott.. ly. (ift. Spettor. London. Weekly. sialiansd Iltewo.Daetseldorf, Sed-l msontily.. Thmisliossisand Iepritts. Uivr sdity of Pennisylvaima. 9 nubers a year. TIravel. N. Y. andI Cincnnat. Mo. 1Unltrih. 20l&otduMo. (I6 o lois naune )