Published Daly (Sunday excepted) during
the Collegei year, at
-Orrimil Times building N. Main st., opposite
post office.
C. D. tCARY, Gr. L. J. F. TheOMAS. '07
8. E. KNArrN, '10. G. it. Sisas, '1.
iR. C. EAOIles, '10 M.
Q, B. iiAillI~S(1,106 L.
L. C. WAIstlt, 'M.,
I . A. Pratt,'Ill. C. M. heoath,'St I.
C. A. lisughton, '95 D. Susannuh ltlch'dson,'98
_ W. W. Hughes, '558 . I. . emsmer, '10L.
R. C. iluck. '10 M. 11. B. Gammon,'115 M.
F. A. Miner '115 II. It. it. Rielly, '51.
0i. E.. Sherman, '111.
The subscrptlon price of the Dialy has
been reduced to 51.50 in advance for the ret
of the year. Leave subscriptions at the
Daily office or with 1'. C. Meyer, U. of M
News Stand.
Comlpetitors for ilais 'oia the Editor-
l Boessd of 111e Daily arc reqluestedl
to follow tile style dlrown at 1t11 111a11
of this t'olumnii whien aing r'efe'rt'it'i
to titlies. 'T'hius, "10 1)" sholdi be'
freshmni detal (111s, iind " '98" when'l
r'eferring to the soiphomlore elass of tile
liit'e'ary deipirtmlent. '[Isis style Is 1111
Gilt Hsed by~ ai majrity of lt'e publtea-i
tionis at univirsilies whiieie thiere' 11re
seve'ial isol sir depiartmlentis, and
hass is nuinbt'r of liit'ililt'eo ovs'r this
out silang phlrases, "Ilii,"lawits," "iel-
Ic," eti'.
1Chore aie is foes impirov'ements whiitli
couldbe mad by11 the' Ito lwn of Alto
Arbor, oniii of 111e11 being lt'e aoptionl
of is. mliolernsiystml (of house0( niisiiistr-
ing. 'fie pregsent iiieitiii Is it sourste
of gr'eat ann~oyance'5 tii pers~ons who
hsave liveid 11ere for' niiiuiiber of5 years,
to sly notinug of tile vexation it
,cwuses tio n1ew stndents every foil. As
aus insttnte, 21 Aloniroe street Is oil iiie
cornter Of 'Thaiyt'r sireet. Wilei the
Same0 niumberI of ibety srtet woulid
be ini tielliiock btcweeis Foni'ti anai
Fifth avenues. A change to Ilie Phii-
adeilihia, detiiai syrsteln o1' nunibering
wouldt not to' exipensive and .is respsect
fisly t'omiimenssed to Alayor Wilker
and the city counsil.
The Laboratory In General Chem-
Istry Is Too Small.
Prof. P. C'. Freer regrets Cie t'rui-pleti
tinatrtel's Is whvich1 ts' students in
genu'rsI claenlstry have to work. Thesre
are fifty-th~r'e students who, use lihe
laboratory, whle there are aw''o'ulo-o
l tions for but forty. Tweive apioht'
ceaots foi' work In Ihis braocs hadst to
b trn('d nsvny for Want of room.
Tisere Is it nigvensent, on, foot to iave
hils laboeratory opened In the msomp
lure begnning with thne seconld senx-
Advertise In the Daily.
Fresh Laws Will Make Another
Another Attempt to Elect Officers.
'[le first yea'law class wsili11(11d
,thei' forhi imeeting for the pi'10e
of elecinig their cass ofit'trs Strdy
morning t 9:0. AttetllreIpr'v-
toiss meetings held for thle iso e pus.
pose th' filefiicl'fstions swert'sotIeve'n-5
ly diideritedhat n1oiresideniltoiidibl
elect'ed. As Ite llristire ro0)111ihis,
bit''iigrasited 10oithin this 1t1111'wihi
tie (odiionI 111a1 they transit their
businscosqusicky lusd Iquily.I t is
e'xpeced.ithinthIle ct'dti r'it-
offer hiss'r'igation isid Itius iuike
111e'511(sitlltcy lare1 litlilgunfation,
'I. A. Ilosieiiiir, esern facion,
The One Given By 'Park, Davis &
Co. Hld By Dr. P. L. Shuman.
InI Illsinei'view wihi Prof. P.1'.
Fret'todisyheimntioed lt'ePske,
Davis & C'o. fellowship of $5001 a fihi,
which iis'elii lt presnti by iDr.iP. L.
Slheainil. ill. SieriiaileftfiAim
A5rborI 181111),iaftr sudyingohoitsi-
try hert'and went IoSMuniti where lit
t'onlit'iedutder Professor lalyt'.lie
tok the degree of Ph. i. is 18t5, lini
ireturn'ed('tlo 1t11'unvrsity inloret'r'to
wo0115-itt chemialrsiesarth unldr this
'I'm' iadvantage'-of 511c11fellowships
t) h 1, Jlivtrii'is apiarent iiiiit.i
it is sincre'ly10to ed111 ttoter
Mlithigani enels will folowe the gels.
I'I'05iexa'le~lt of Pate, iDanis & Co.
Commtees Appointed to Sound
The Senior Laws.
At the meinilg of thlien"ilor 1.a11
tiate yestriday 1a tommittie' of Olhree,
omo(sedt of Mtssrs. Kiipp, Aic.
C'askris andSlMirtin, was appino~ti'dito
issist Gtheiiiaiager'of track thleits
for the class5.Till' presiet wsIn
strutesd to Iltst 0ommlitee of Isen,
GIn' for e'at'llsection, to circt'' -
titiois aiiong the nemubers (f hs se-
lion1111d, asct'rtai the sentimet.of
tile'chiossinl regiirtIto is cass e itwo-
'98 Class Starts the Season By
Organizing Its Team.
h'9l 18 D eliss nt today nd tar1
ed bliseisol L .. N. Burke wis elected
catait iaud. Normass Forbes, Imaaiger.
'iTueeit1S'1 las elected the folowing
otters: A. W. Chimterlah, Stise..
prt'ndent; 'Miss Wsiade Huclhssaan
lDieb,., vice prseien; I. V. 'White,
out., treasuirer; D. W. Flint, Pecnn.,
"Prom"' Boxes at Yale.
1l1a..soig o "Trol:' oxes tt Yale
Meo~day' broght a bo1ns of $8 to
011 o ehlot iha aditin toti't.g
regnlaar price of $15.
Able Paper Presented By Or, Wink-
ler Last Night.
'.liit'I'isiioiogieal Society last nigiil
listened'ltto -ain111st1 interesting and~
sstluohurly u(stiits by Assitsttsnt Pr'ofes-
sor Winkler 011 "'hll Dramaetur'gic
l'risiciples of Lenz."'l'he llrof('ssAr
spotk' it iciugihion thellelt'isiswriter'i's
of till'"Stormllasld Stres-s" piodi ofs
the lust t'eintur'y, showsinsg whitci
ss'riters niost influenlcedi LOezin iiis
dramai~turIgic essays. ils deirns.".5were
chasriscterlolA si 11following the istndioi
ing the fixted priniciplets of thse Frt'nt'h
drainilhsitsof 1t1a11 period.
Prof. I~imli is nsoss president of thle
society anid C ... lealter is secretariy.
McMillan Hall Library.
llelihlass Stahll iibrar'y isrs'ceivhsg
She Nattons snd the ladeWInes'1(1 J'.ouir'
nll in isddit toilto 11he'list of 55'lilldiils
h1511115h1'l a, fesv welts ago. '1'be li-
irr'y is open toillall. hiouic, i a. 10.
to 12, 2 1p. ii. to G a1111 7 51. in. tlo :).
Sundrly, 2 1). Iii. to G.
Chemistry Course.
SIr. lhigley soihi sietet ili
1t1o1se'students i5of Conrse 1. in gent'i'is
c'liiisii'yswlos wvere'ablsent fr'oinu till
('linical hbilding, SalturdaI~y,.Jan1. 181,
alt 11 ft. Ill.
t_'A.Si'lAI.AN lPRIZt' Iit)lt''tION.
IOn Witelhilliof the u m iierolus re'quelsts
for' etesio'1ni1 o(f 111111'thle Castaliani
Price CIonipletition wvillIsnot close' tilh
lJis. 20111.
Lost-A Waterlas fousntain, p'n.
F~inderl please retuirn to 28 2 . Fifthl st.
Sunbscribe for the Dailv.
t 14
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on the Athletic FieldI Mink and~ now h4
tise tillge tsoI'njoly it. Mutict' onight
and toimorrow, night.
F. C. W EINtItl.
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Alwalys a leader, the Ohio Central
Lines mileage ticket, with lateet addi-
tions is the best. Covering tse ig
Four, B. & 0., C., II. & DS., Ohio Cen-
trill and innumerable other systems, it
Is the favorite Travelers' Companion.
Subscribe for the Dalily.
This space is reserved
for the Grand Opera
If you wasnt good reliahble life isnsurasnce call
on Fred T. McOmber, office No. I, S.
Fsortis live.
Your. Money's Worth.
The editors of the Daily desire to chall special attention,
to the fact that the paper will be issued up to commence-
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
the examinations of the second semester can have the
Daily mailed. to them without extra cost, This arrange-
ment enables them to keep fully informed on Universityt
affairs during commencement week.
The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to
the whole University and gives the news of every depart-
ment., It is th~e only >iediumn devoted to University affairs
covering. eveything of news, interest relating to thisisti-
tution. and happenings in: the college world.
The Daily will le delivered at. your, door or mailed to you*~
home address for the remainder of the year (until June 25,
1896) for $1.50. Leave your subscription. at the Daily office,
i~t Meyer's News Stand, 46 E., William, or with any memiber