THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFFICE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS C. D. CAsy, Gr. L. J. . Tiovsa,'97. S. E. KoArre, 'O. G. i. Pixie.'i. R. C.FAULS~n, '50 M. INAGONG EDITOR . 1B. 1A55555510, '0 L. BU5ISINES M5ANAGEIR L. C. WALEPOa,'li. ASSOCIATE EDTORSS L. A. iratt, 't. . M. leat,'90 P. . A. Iiouglton,'91t D. Susnahs Rich'dson,'9 W. W.lughes,'985 F. L tielmer,'95 L R. C. tc, '05 hl. i. B. Gammon, '08 M. F. A. Miner 'O6II1. R. R. Reilly, '9. . E. Sherman, '99. The sohcrilti s' price of the Daily has been reduced to 51.00in advance for the rest og the year. Leave subscriptions at the Daily office or swith P. C. Mleye, . ogit Nes aStand. Ml1ilgas's sincere synipaitly is ex tenedito Is io Stte tC iviersity. lihe legislatollee of ht state is in session. The' is atprosectsit a nmetig of file East ind .Nest iniintercslsgiae diebale osii if a contest of tis ids is arranged bs'tssen (ollsmbiaantd ('hi'ago, aso is isoposed, it wiill attrsct cosisdersibleintoerest. T'Il~ic 'itss''ity of ('hicagoi iMaronisCommenictts upio this as follows: Colsumbiai College' los iformally challlenged theliiv'isersiy of ('icago to a siebte to ticled this spring. This meniss that the debite, if the challenge be accepteud. will be hlin s Now York ciy. We cnnot 1o ler wise than tos accepit. This is the fist tmle thainitlly wesirni stslitiosls beesn caillledtodeifelbiy aliii ast cr11 college, andI tie debate wstldl at tract great attentiuin. 'fle lroositiol which Colnnmbia will sa~e wiill be alsaitedi siptiuty by the sienbers of rise Usniersiy swho take anisterest ill tse debates. In one of 13,1o seios soodss Wrinkle sakes the folowing sggestion: The (G1ce Club, it is asnosncid. cered $401) by its recest trip. Wrinkle would like to see tisinsony giens into the athielic fusd-sr rather, kept to the endc of the easono to defray loses, if there are ny-and thes, if lhcre sre proits, the tolaosinst givesn into that fnd. It is a wiell known fact that the (lie ansdtBnjso C'lssbs sre comsprised of tile wealthy15 cams of stuuents, whose peuniary personal loss in tlis re-paet Wonld not he greiatly noiced by thems. 't'oe so- ey in .a, lumptswoldl do the iatletic boardf considerable good at tle 011011 Iug of the baseball season. Since the smussical clubs are rich in the smulles ainid apiproval of fair d in- sell In all parts of the wet, it.nsgt be miore apropiate andf it would as suredly be ae tisely for thesn to pro. sent nsae of te inanil surpus to the fud for the wonen's gynasium. if comupetent management will count for anything, tie baseball season will undoubtedly e u suces. Manager Shields is osse of the hsadest workers Golfing Contestn. ot flt{iisei orsatDiehshdi ly i'ennsylvanian.] all the experiesnce sieces;,iry-Is .essafble The Visnited State's Golf Asoctii ims to arrasnge every detail, sshile is is ma~kig ans effourt to arisige n isten. record oss the 'Warsity diamssond ~gives collegiate series of gassmes betweese05-- amiple proof that he has thle executive; eral 'of theo leading colleges for niext ability. As-istasit Mlaiager Hughes yeasr. As Yale'asid Pritncetossniready has been connsectesd wills University 1shave gelf cdubs asid msany Harvard uthledtics les than a year, but ixltha tine he has dose two yers' work. 'The great stride forwrd which Mici-. gast smade iii football last seasoss e-1 tailed] atsmch greater amsonst of wek on those who cotroled its detisy thsasn is tusuaslly accredited to them. As treasrer of 11he)asocitin Dr. Huoghles probably carried moree of fe wiorkt'posnsibiity of thelaslt seasoss than was asstssied by ay other hain,sandt that his wrk was well sone is showns concistively by his fisal re- polrt. CHICAGO'S BALL-TEAM. It Will Make An Eatern Trip Thin Year The ('hicago bsebal tams have sde- tided to go EasllethIis seessen Dretor Stasgg has arransged for is series set gaines, leavsing Ciscago on May 20. Playinig tMichigans 011teir firt stp thesy will proceed and essconiter Cr- soil, Harvard, Yab, Princeton and Pennssylvansia, returnsing to set Mis- igani at Deroit on Deoratiosa Day. M. Sagg is confidenif of sccess ad says ffha1 inihis tiro ofpitifchers, Clrk, Nlios and Briown, ic'isill te invisci- be. 'T'le teami has commlseced work in rie (Gymslissisliuant will pay se- cltatentioni to batting. To Inspect the Factory. 'fio AnnsiArbor OgaiCo. wiisi to extend. at codial isivitations to all to attetnd theo opening of their newefsc' fory Thusrsduay evening, Jai. 1(91 i. The fake this msen of giving the efiizens of Ansi Arbor, whos have ii- waysosownin ssisteret ii the got'hvf of buislomeis entiepise, ass oppotunsity of gotig through te sew factoy mnd seeisig the poces of orgaimainklg. Matchiworkmuenx 'will be ix his pace ready to exillaiss in detail all the vai- 0o0s tart of thle instueneit, asoulsll are cordiually invited Te factory will be open fromu 7:30 ins the evening utili 10:30. NOTICE. Tue "f'siveeify Selol of Dascisg" wilt teach the 'Gof" Saturday even- ing, fronm 8 10 8:30. Pupils are r- questedf to be promxpt Termsss$5.00 for the rest of (le year. 7 1,000 MILES Always a leader, the Ohio Central Linen mileage ticket, wih lest addi tilonis the best. Covering fle Big Four, B, & 0., C., Hf. & D., Ohio Cn- ical and innumerable other systems, it is the favorite Travelers' Companion. Guitar for Sale-A Grand Concer Washburn Guitr for sale chep. For further pariculars apply at the Hub, 3 ansi 5 i. Washington st. Lst-A Waterman founltn pen Finder please return to 28 . Fifth st. 77 sitn are msemlbers of the Mo-dots Asse- siatioss, golfig cosntests may soosi be- coesiasisosial feafture of thse intfer- soilegiuste shorst. '1THEtAlRt'O)1'TEACHIINGI. It is osns'thung to be a good dasscer, another tts be a gosd ftearlier. Mr. and Mrs.11000 Gsasiger liave studied the set of teachitog dancinig twve' years and hav~e nose ierfected at simsple isiotioif, mwtrisby the average ppis will learntheis'tandsardI sances ini ois ternu. Pupis received t an lime, tile ts'rsssstairtisig wsitli lirs el'sietl. Yoss ili I wtisout esibaxrussmnst as 100 visitors (ptare(nts5 exceted) are adsmiit- test Grasnger's Academsy. '74 ('ASPIALtAN PRIX{:E COMPt1)TIT'toN. (Osi ac'('ount of the siiierosis reqstl fos' exlesiossof timesi'the ('astulilu Prizs euompetitiono Will not close till FROZEN TO THlE BOTTOMI. The ice on t11e Athletic Piidl skating risk is nowssvin betteri shape thansxeter. Skatitig afternioosandioeenings. F. C.t'WEINBERG. CALENDARI. . Fri. Jan. 17, 8 p. in., University HahL-C'horal Union, in oratorio of "Elijah." Wed., Jan. 22.-Regents meet, Thur., Jan. 23_'96 Social at Gran- gee's Academoy. Fri., Jan. 24-Rev. T. DeWitt Tal- mage in S. L. A. course. Wed., Jan. 29, Grager's Academy. -'97 social. Fri., Feb. 14-.First Senmester closes. Fri., Feb. 14, 8 p. in., U~niversoity Htal-Hbon. Henry Watterson in S. L. A. couroe. Fri., Feb. 14, Waterman Gymnan. luin-Twsentieth Animal Mahh of the Palladium fraternities. M1oss., Feb. 17-Second Semeoter be- gins. Sat., Feb. 29-Boston Temple Quar- fette in S. L. A. course. All studeniltsvwho intend to take Latitn 30 (Thle Italic Dialects) next semester are requested to nootify me us ssus as psossible, as the books for tue course must be imiported from Gee- msany. JOOIN C. ROLFE, RENTSCHLER, PHO0TOCR.AFIE T ANN ARBOR. MICH. This space is reserved. for the Grand Opera, House STUIDENTS T If you want good relible life insuran ce call on Fred T. sheOmbor, office No. 15S Fsourth ave. I You ony'sWorth. The editors of the Daily desire to call special attention to the fact that the paper will be issued up to commence- meat this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after the examinations of the second semester can have the Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange- ment enables them to keep fully informed on University affairs during commencement week. The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to the whole University and gives the. news of every depart- ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs covering everything of news interest relating to this insti- tution and happeninogs in the college world. The Daily will he delivered at your door or mailed to -your home address for the remainder of the year (until June, 25, 1896) for $1. 50. Leave your subscription at the Daily office,,. at Meyer's. News Stand, 46 E. William, or with any member of the Editorial Board.