THE U. OF M. DAILY. For a Stylish RULL DRESS OR TUXEDO CALL ON Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, Strictly high grade work at moderate prices. 10 E. Washington St. If you are in a hurry j Ride a Bicycle. If you ar in a great burry? RIDE A AICTOR. The srongesq light wheel on the market. Its simplicity of construction renders it also the most easy running. We use pounds of crucible steel where others use ounces, and the VICTOR costs more to build than any other bicycle. OVPERTAA4f WHEEL CO. Boston. New York. Denver. Detroit. Paiic Coast: } i os Angeles. San Francisco. Portland. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. ' Surplus and Profits, $40,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign eshanges bought andsold. Furnish leters of credit. P. BACH Pres.' S. W. CLARKSON Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stok, $50.M. Surplus, $150,000. Resorcees,$1,00,000 Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OrcEs: Christian Mack Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.: Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: I. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. comE TO US the rest of the year and learn to dance in the latest styles. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 AND 46 S. STATE ST. ON THE Possibly your gym. suit is in that condition. If so exchange it for a new one at MSTA[BL['S CycIe Emporium 11 W. Washington St. ANN ARBOR. EVERY TUESDAY Closing Out Mr. A. E. Rose will be at the Cook House with a Choice Line of Woolens from THE GOLDEN EAGLE CO., DETROIT. Fine Dressers it will pay you to see the line and compare prices strictly first class work. Up-to-date styles. Low- est prices. DO YOU SMOKiE? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - 7 Pull Value Cigars for - - 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - 4 Owl Boquet Cigars for - - 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - Lowest Market Price by the Box. DEAN & C 44 South Main Street. 5c 25c 25c 25c 25c OMPANY. I UNIVERSITY NOTES. A '97 social is announced for Febru- ary 29. The S. L. A. board was photographed at Gibson's yesterday. Charles K. Carpenter, '96, is serious- ly ll with nervous prostration. J. L. Kennan, '99, and H. C. Good- breads '196, are in the hospital, with pneumonia. H. Y. Saint, '90 L, vice president of the Athletic Association, is confined to his bed with tonsililis. The Choral Union ilsprlaeticing twice a week preparalory to the rendition of having left the University to accept an appointment to West Point. The nom- inees were Mr. Turner and W. A. Holzheimer and the ballot resulted in the choosing of the latter. GRADUATE LAW CLASS. Officers Elected for the Year, Yes- terday Afternoon. The graduate law clas imet yester- day afternoon for the election of oi- cers. The meeting was called to order by W. A. Couts, of Canada. Mr. Bland, of Chlifornia, and Mr. Hanna, of Illinoi, were nominated for presi- dent and Mr. Bland was elected on 0 1 "Elijah" Friday night. the first ballot. - Airthur G. Cummer, '96, who is en- IThe remaining oflicers are Mr. But- ler, of Kansas, vice president; Mr. gaged in busines at Northville, Fla., Cary, of Illinois, secretairy. The treas- Christmas in Oak Park, II. urer will be elected at the nest meet- Chcles Baird, '05, ex. football nian- 1g. ager, has entered a law partnership MID-WINTER CIRCUS. with Roger Sherman in Chicago. The management of the Light In- Miss Maiy Ii. Cooley, of 7- 6. Stiite fantry Mid-Winter Circus, to take st., will entertain a few friends in place Feb. 12 to 15, have procured the honor of Mi Cuyler this evening. sisices of ifteei first class irofe sionals and now wish to procure one or C. M. Showalter, '95 L, has returned ltwo aniteur specialties for concert or from Charleston, V. Va., to resume his big show, club swingers, tumblers, etc. studies, with the post graduate law alent call on or address Ross Gran- class, p'er, manager, 6 Maynard at. 73 Henry T. Clarke, quarter back and NOTICE. pitcher in the Chicago Usiversity foot It would be a great acconmodation We have left a fair stock of all sorts of - - WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP.,3 FOR DC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY TIE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST, AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, HAVE A COMPLETE sTOCK OF UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note books and other Students' Supplies. Fountain Pens, Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which they offer at the lowest prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. NEW + TIRiM IN DANCING. GRA/ NGER 'Sr Call at office, Granger's Academy, ground floor,6 Maynardst. Q. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. The finest in the city. Come and see, $11 MAK[S tAMAN MAD, to havehis tooth brush shed its bristles. We sell the kind that the bristles stay in, A new brush if they don't. PALNERS PHARMACY. Holmes' Livery makes a specialty of party oders. Chaperons carried ree. 'Phone l55. SPECIAL. PIETAS & SCHANZ sell Suits and Pants at prices to suit everybody: we also d repairing, cleaning and rssing. Work called for and delivered. N o. 4dS. State St., econd floor. 0M. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth . and Metallic Caskets and Commee Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 12 E. Washington t. U OF M. sHAVING PARLOR and Bath- ruoms. All sppointments eirt clas Imported and domesticcigars.Ladies'artis tic hair dressing and bathing parlors. J.R Trojanoskh a30S. State t W 17HEN YOU WANT your clothescleaend, R pressed, relined or rebound go to Mrs. F'ingerie, over Sheehan's book store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order I TRADE -MARK and baseball teams will enter the Uni- versity next fall. Programs for the Annual Ball have been ordered from Dieka & Co., of Philadelphia and are costlier than ever before. They are iade of white kid artistically decorated and can be used as card holders. At the last meeting of the Engineer- ing Society the followin officers were elected for the second semester: L. L. Newton, '96 C E, president; S. Van Pelt, '97 C E, sive president; O. J. Kraloveck, '99 M E, secretary; G. Hall, '98 E E, librarian. A program and a library committee were also elected. The Michigan faction, of the first year law class met at Newberry Hall yesterday afternoon to elect a candi- dates for their class presidency, their former candidate A. J. Weatherwax, to hear from all of the senior lits who have not replied in regard to cops and gowns. _ V. C. BORST, Chairman. The party taking five tickets from my pocket during rush at School of Music this morning is known. If he will return same by snail to 43 Wash- tenaw ave. he will not be prose- cuted. 77 Sw""n linen paper is a dead vhite. 74 THE OHIO CENTRAL MILEAGE TrIOKET. If you travel one thousand miles during the year you will save money by purchasing a thousaind ile ticket. The best in the market are those is- sued by agents of Ohio Central Lines. They are good over all the important systems including the entire B. & O. system west of Pittsburg, the Big Four, etc. See agents of Ohio Central Lines before purchasing. Price $20; good one year. There is no sbock- in the State ' and few in the United States wIH , KAY & CO to compare with DETROIT, RICH.