THE U. OF M. DAILY'. MIHIGAN CGi n~ Time Table (Revised) Nov 24 159 EAST. WEST Mal and Ex ..35015Mal .......8 88 N. Y. Special.... 5 t0 N. Y. Special... 7 0 Eastern E..-.10 12 N. S. Limited. 9 25 A. MP. M. Atlantic x.7 30 Pacic MEx..12 15 D. N.Express....- 5 40 Western Ex._2 0N 1. . Express ___1 0 COi. Nt. Ex...10 28 G REx.....__55 O. W. RusoLWs, . W. HAYES, GP & T Ag. Chcags. Agt., Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, Jan. 1, lan. NORT. SOUTH. 7:22 a.m. -7:40. m. -12:20 p. m. 11:4 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 9:21 p. M. All trains daily except Sunday Trains rsn between An Arbor and Toledo ol. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. BY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895 Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:10.8:45 and U:00 a. m; 12:45, 2:15,5:00, :5, :5 and 10:45 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:0,9:15 and 11:0 a. i.; 1:15, 2:4, :30, 7:5, :45 and 1:1 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 1:0, 3:0, :55. 6:300and 9:00 p.m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:0, 7:00 and 9:0 p. m. Cars rsn on city time are: single trip 15 cents: round trip tickets 25 cents. W. I. PASnE, Supt. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket 4' Brokers.' Money to loan on personal property. RANDALL Photographer 15 Wjashington Block. TOO1 W&CO' STREET. +; Call on tem for Finn Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Gfoods. Try Our Lunches. Chafing Dishes 5 O'clock Tea Kettles U. OF X. PINS. WM.-ARNOLD'S Jewelry Slume HANOSTERFERI 2AERERt #NEW MYACHINE SHOP BUNTER'BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. Skates Conclaved. Experimental Work. IZequest Readers of the ;Daily will con- fer a favor on the Editors by maen- tioning this paper when dealing with advertisers. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. ',UTTLE'8,48 S. St to St. SKATES, KNIVES AND RAZOR~S '!Beitraege ztur Gesohichte d~er Pisilo- Hlavisg purchased tbs fsil lines of sampe skates, knives and mozors from Henry islhe des MlIttel. teri. Sluenoftec Sears & Son at a discount of 50 per cent, we now offer tkem at tke name discount, TBeitrege zur Kiunde der liodogermiail- 1. I .i S 0 N {HB A L- TJ0 F I F,).r9. . isorhen Spraclien (Bezzenbcrger). A good pair of skates worth 70c now c53 A nice pocket knife at from 8o 3s543. Goettinsgen. A good razor at 50c, othern 75c3 $100, and $0.5 Iaciedr eteei oanieie M.ACOK COMPAN1~Y, Furniture. Geselwbaft BerlinMo. 563, 58 and 60 S. Main St. 'Phone 164. Berichite der Den ~uen Chemischen The St te ~ T il r. Ge sc sh~f. Berlin. 20 Nos. a yeor. DO YOU 'KINOW? Bilsia. Meriden, Goon. Mo. Tkat we can save yos from S3 to 110 on every Snit or Overcoat bought of i us? se do Biblical World. Clticago. Mo. We were broughe up is the business, andO know whereof we -peak. Twill pay you to look at Bihii0onlai-hic . Landon0. Quar. our samples before ksying elsewhere. 20 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR. Bibliogroaphie de Ia France. Paris. Weekly. Analyst. London. Mo. Bibliographisclier Monotsberieht. Leip. PERIDICALS AT THE LIBRARY Anatoinisciie Hefte. Wiesiwsdeo. zi. Thils list of the periodicals riverssd (eklnd ont.Biblhothecs. IPhilologica. Leipzig.- at the General Library includs asome Quar.~irAuege. ea.lot raaton ofsceisbudoent nigihtly. Bibliotheca Sacra. Oberlin: 0. Quar: iincltide (lie regular annuaS. Anue cCelieLibg)Li-Bibliotheca Zoologicis. Leipzig. Arudemy. Loiidon. Weekly. 7. Biologiaches Centrvalblalt. Leipzig. Advocate of Peace. Btoaton. Mo. Gift. Aunalen der Physik sindcl heinie, and Scios-montlily. ABn~iOesf.Pii.Cio lon. Ieiblaetter. Leipzig. Mo. BlaekwBooods 5Iagazinte. Edinburgh. Aisuoles de Chinuie et de Physique. iao acy. Gift.' AieiPl.ara Wel.Git lis, Mo. ttoliettino odeePubblicozioni Italiaine. Aiiiiies es Mies. arii.Mo. lorene.y.rtoigitly Aiierican Agriculturist. N.YT. Week- Anlsdsdns ai.M. Foec.Frngty ly. Gift. Annales des Scien~ces Natureiles. Bolt- Boston 1Public Library Bulletin. Quiar- American Aniateur Photographer. N. oniqute. Zoologie. Paris. lo. Gift. 57. ootiiy.Aisnali di Mateinatica. Mil::n.Quiar. Bostoii Society of Natural History. Y.'tl.Aerican Ainnais of (lie Deof. Wash. Aiiials of the Aumerican A: ademy of Memoirs. Quiar. Pot and Sec. Science. Phtla. Bi-IBotanical Gazette. Blooiigtoii, Ill, 1 Amierican Aichsitect. Bloston. Weekly. Amoerican (heimicailJouirual. Balti- miore. Monthiy. American Druggis;t. N. Y. Seimi- monthly. American Economice Association Publi- cations. American Econotnfist. N. Y. Weekly. Gift. Anseric::n Eugineer, Ctsr Bsuilder aisd tRailroaid Journal. N. Y. Mio. American Geologist.. Minneapolis. Mo. American Hlistorical Review.. N. Y. Quar. Aiierican History 'Leafleta. N. Y. Quar. American Institute of EleciriclEli. gineers. Tr'antass. 'us. N. Y. Mo. American Jounial of Archaaeology. Boston. Quar. American Jouriial of Mathiematics. Baltimore. Quar. American Journal of Pharimacy. Phil- adelilia. Mo. American Journal of Philology. Balti- imore. Quair. Amlericani Journal of Psychology. Wor- ce~iter, Mass. Quar. American Journal of Science. New Htaven. Mo. American Journal of Sotiology. Chi- cago. Bi-m onthly. "Americon Machinist. N. Y. Weekly. American Meteorological Journal, Bos- ton. Mo. Amefircan' Naturalist. ' Phiha. Mo. American Philsophical Socety.' Proc. and Trans. tmericon Schools. {Olicago. Mow''GTift. Amierican Society of Civil Enzgineers. Trans. N. Y. Mo. American Statistical Association. Qur. Publizcations. Boston. Anales dle la. Universidad. Monte- video. mntiily. Aiinals of tile Astronom~i-al: Obserra- tory of Hasrvard College. Cauib. Ainnais of Bo6tony. London. Quar. Anlnals and Malgazine of NatsirailHis- tory. Londons.'Mo. Annalisof -Maitlls.Itics. Va. itomo. Anthonsy's Piotograishic Bulletin. N. Y. Mo. Archlv fiier Eiitsvickeiungsulecilanik dec orgailisulen. Leipzig. Archly fuer Geocilic lte der Philoso- ipiie. Berlini. Qslar. Arehlv fuer Lateinl.cile Lexikograsphie sind Graminatik. Leipzig. Arciliv filer Geffentliches ltht. Frei- burg. Quar. Arcihie der Pliorincie. Berlin. SJ.Nos. a year. Archiv fuer dos Stldluill der Neueren Sprachen and2 Litterturemi. Braunl- se'iweig. 8 Nos. a year. Archsiv fuer sysleilatisclie Plillosopilie. Berlin. (Quar. Archives d'Anthroposlogie Criininelle. Lyons and Paris. Mi-monthly. Arcilives~de Biologie. Gaud, Leipzig, Psary Archives ole Zoologrie ciperiinelle' et generale. Paris., Quar. Astronomiselre Arbeiteii-der Oester- reichischen Grodnlessungs---commis- sion. Vienlna. Astronousiscise Nairiclstern. Kiel. Astrophysical Journal. (-ilicago. Mo. Astrophysrkalisches Observ atofinln zu Potadam. Publieabtonlen. Athenaeum. London. Weekly. Atlantic Monthly. Boston. Auk. N. Y. Quar. Babylonian-soil Oriental Rtocord. Lon- don. Mo. aooniana. Londoan. Quar. Beitroege zur (lesehiclite der, Deut- schen Sprache anod ttteraltur. (Paul, Mo. Botaniscise Zeitung. Leipzig. Weekly_ Botanisehes Centralblatt. C~assel and Marbuirg. Weekly. Rraistreeta& N. Y. Weekly. Gift. Builder. London. Weekly. Bulletin of the Amoericam Mathemati- cal Society. N. Y. Mo. Gift. Bllletinl Astronolnisqe. P~aris. Mo. Itulotill do Corrcaisondalice HSlleol- qSue. Paris. Irreg. Bulletin Mensuel de la. Societe de Leg- islation Comlparee. Paris. Bulletin of the National Ass4ociation of Wool Manufacturers,. Bostoll. Quar. Gift. Bulletin des Sciences Matheluatiques. Paris. Mo. Bulletin dle la Societe des Ancicos Testes IdrsncitisLParis. Bulletin olde Ia Societe Chimzique de Paris. tFortnightly. Bulletin of the U.- S. National Mus- eonm, Gifts Bulletin of. the University of Califor- nia. (Geol. Dept.) Gift. Bulletin ole Universite dle Lyon. Mo. Gift. Bulletin of the University of Wiscon- sin. Gift. Bulletinio della Coinmissione Areheo- logis., Comniunale di R~oma: Caliifornial Musical Journal. San Frasa- cisco. Mo. .Gift. Cambridge Plailosoplk:ical Society. Transeations. Catholic; Univelsty Bulletin. Wmush. Quar. rGift Otatholte World. N. Y. Mo. (To be. continued. tomorrow). A very desirabls suite, ,hot and. cld water, bath,.gns, electrht light5 furnace heat, , and all modern, Inmprovements. House new Cor. Huron and Division e ta.