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January 15, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-01-15

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I + +
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
OFFICE: Times building N. Main st.,opposite
post office.
C. D. CARY, Gr. L. J. F. TOMAS, '57.
S. E. KNAIPEN, '98. G. R. SIMs, '99.
I. C. FAULD, '99 M.
G. B. HARRISoN,'55 L.
L. C. WALKER, '96.
L. A. Pratt, '96. G. M. Heath, '96 P.
C. A. Houghton,'96 D. Susannah tich'dson,'98
W. W. Hughes, '98. E. L. Geismer, '98 L.
R. C. Buck, '99 M. H. B. Gammon, '98 M.
F. A. Miner '96 H. R. R. Reilly, '99.
G. E. Sherman,'99.
The subscription price of the Daily has
been reduced to $1.50 in advance for the rest
of the year. Leave subscriptions at the
Daily office or with P. C. Meyer, U. of M.
News Stand.
The Daily today begins the publica-
tion of an official list of the period-
icals received at the General Library.
During the past year there has been
great need of lists that could be keptt
by the students for reference and con-
sulted when they desired to know
whether a certain magazine was taken
at the library. Owing to pressure
from other quarters, such a course was
Imposible. Its is hoped that the publi
cation begun in this number will obvi-
alte this difficulty and at the same tie
furnish a means of bringing our valu-
able collection of periodicals more
prominently before the public. Theo
entire list, comprising some 450 publi-
cations will be continued in consecu-
tive numbers of the Daily until it is
finished. It is hoped that those who
use the library will take notice of this
publication of the periodicals and keep
the list where it can be readily con-
The attention of the Independents
of the University, especially in the lit-
erary department, is called to a few
pertinent facts. The Daily was organ-
ized as an Independent paper and
was published on that basis for several
years, but it Ias now outgrown that,
and can claim to be thoroughly repre-
sentative of all interests of the Uni-
versity. The admission of fraternity
men to the Board has proved a suc-
cess in every way, and has materially
benefited the paper, as a comparison
of this year's files with those of any
previous year will readily show. The
basis of fraternity representation is
similar to that of the different depart-
ments-in the same ratio as their num-
ber to the entire student body. The
fraternities are now represented by
the full number of editors allowed
them by the constitution governing the
publication of the Daily and there are
several competent men desirous of
election to the BoardWle are thereby
barred. According to the rules of the
Board there should be three additional

Independent editors from the literary
department, yet the competition for
these places shows a lack of interest
on the part of the Independents whichi
is not commendable. Many students
have the mistaken idea that previous
newspaper experience is necessary in
order to obtain a place on the Board.
The rules of competition are not
severeaand can easily be obtained at
the Daily office any evening. No work
is expected from an editor which will
interfere with his college duties. There
are also vacancies to be filled from the
law and medical departments.
Treasurer Hughes' report makes an
excellent showing, especially when the
advance which has been made in ath-
letics in the last year is considered,
The expenses of the different teams
have been large, and the directors
have been obliged to work under un-
favorable circumstances. The ex-
penses were heavy for each home
game of the last football season and
money was lost on a majority of these,
while bad weather on the date of the
Minnesota; game at Detroit made the
receipts from that game fall consider-
ably below the estimate. The Iar-
vard game caused a large part of the
deficit shown in this portion of the
report. But the result is a full com-
pensation. Michigan's stassding in
wvestern athletics is a sutficient com-
mendation of those who have had
charge of these interests for her. They
have done their work well and should
recive a substantial support from the
faculties and student body during the
coming season of baseball and track
wvork. The advance sale of tickets
for the Remenyl benefit concert should
be large enough to insure an enthus-
iastic reception for the famous vio-
It Has Now All Been Hung In the
Library Building.
The Lewis collection is finally all
placed. There are about 500 paintings
and 50 pieces of statuary in the col-
lection. Four hundred of the paint-
ings have been crowded into the space
upon the art gallery wails. The re-
maining ones are scattered in various
places about the library walls. Some
of them are in the librarian's ron,
some in the reading room and some
in the east room. None have been
taken out of the library building as it
is the most fire-proof structure upon
the campus.
It is a matter of sincere regret thn
the University has not a suitable place
in which this valuable collection could
be hung with some regard for effect
rather than for space. As it is, they
are "skyed," "floored," "cornered," and
placed in all manner of conceivable
positions beceause of the lack of the
necessary space. The statuary is ao
very much crowded and the aisles
have had to he made very narrow.
However, notwithstanding these dis-

advantages, the collection is becoming
a great favorite with the public. The
average daily number of visitors is
well over a hundred. Some of the'
paintings that attract most attention
are the following. "The Twins, by
Baugnereau; "The Baby's Breakfast,"
Bogereau; "The Retreat, Sehreyer;
"Sheep in a Storm," Sclerch; "The
Knife Grinder," Massani; Grace Be-
fore teat," Rudolph Jordan; "Sur-
render of General Lee," Guillame;
"A Lane in Mangy," les Hamen, Bon-
It is one thing to be a good dancer,
another to be a good teacher. Mr. and
Mrs. Ras Granger have studied the
art of teaching dancing twelve years
and have now perfected a simple
mothod, wiereby the average pupil
will learn the standard dances in one
teil. Pupils received at any time, tihe
term starting with first lesson. You
learn without embarrassment as no
visitors (parents excepted) are admit-
ted. Granger's Academy. 74
Lost-A Waterman fountain pen.
Finder please return to 28% S. Fifth st.
The ice on the Athletic Field skating
rink is now in better shape than ever.
Skating afternoons and evenings.

Fri., Jan. 17, 8 p. m., University
Hall.-Choral Union in oratorio of
Wed., Jan. 22.-Regents meet.
Thur., Jan. 23-96 Social at Gm'an-
ger's Academy.
Fri., Jan. 24-Rev. T. DeWitt Tal-
mage in S. L. A. course.
Wed., Jan. 29, Granger's Academy.
-'T social.
Fri., Feb. 14--First Semester closes.
Fri., Feb. 14, 8 p. m., University
Hall.-Hon. Henry Watterson in S. L.
A. course.
Fri., Feb. 14, Waterman Gymnas-
ium-Twentieth Aniual Ball of the
Palladium fraternities.
Mon., Feb. 17-Second Semester be-
Sat., Feb. 29-Boston Temple Quar-
tette in S. L. A. course.
All students who intend to take
Latin 30 (The Italic Dialects) next
semester are requested to notify me as
soon as possible, as the books for the
course must be imported from Ger-
many. JOHN C. ROLFE.
This space is reserved
for the Grand Opera,
If you want good reliable life insurance call
on Fred T. McOmber, office No. 1, S.
Fourth ave.

Your Money's Worth.
The editors of the Daily desire to call special attention
to the fact that the paper will be issued ip to commence-
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
the examinations of the second semester can have the
Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange-
ment enables them to keep fully informed on University
affairs during commencement week.
The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to
the whole University and gives the news of every depart-
ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs
covering everything of news interest relating to this insti-
tution and happenings in the college world.
The Daily will be delivered at your door or mailed to your
home address for the remainder of the year (until June 25,
1896) for $1.50. Leave your subscription at the Daily office,
at Meyer's News Stand, 46 E. William, or with any member
of the Editorial Board.

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