THE U. OF M. DAILY. For a StylishGREA SIT ALE Closing Ott f ULL DRESS OR TUXEDO Include all the Latest Patterns in Fancy Bosom Shirts-. N alt sorts afi c of CALL ON - .. - .... , Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, Strictly high grade work at moderate prices. 10 E. Washington St. Fancy Bosom, 81.50 Shirt, now - - 81.19 Fancy Bosom, $1.25 Shirt, now - .98 Our 50c Unlaundred Shirt, now - - .39 The largest line in the city to select from. D. A TINKER& SONS, No. 9 South Main Street. 6tH N~r { N~sN~lN / iON N6 Ml+ *11N fIf you ae it a b~urry: Ride a Bicycle. If you are in a great burryt RIDE A VICTOR. The strongest light wheel on the market. 0 Its simplicity of construction renders it also the most easy r unning. - We ose poonds of crucible steel where others use oooces, sod the w VICTOR costs more to bud than I soy other bicycle. OV ERIoA1 WHEEL CO. A Botce. New Yort. Dlener. 1Detroit ¢PacifihCt:11 _ Los Angelee. San Francisco. Pcrtland. F FIRST NATIONAL BANK.' OF ANN ARBOOR. Organized 1810. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Prefits, 140,000 Transacts a generael banking business. Foreign exchanges baught andnsold. Furnsh letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. 5. W. CLARKISON. Cushier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock. 150.000. Surplus, $150,000. tResources, $1,100,000. Organieed under the Geeral Bashing Laws of chin State. Rleceivs deposits, hays and sells exchange en the principal cities of the United States. Or-afts cashed neon propnr identification. Safely depnsit bases to rest. OFricFns: Christian Stack tres.; W. D. Harrinman, Vice-tees.; Chas E. stiscock, Cashier: A. J. Frito Assistant Cashier. comE TO US the rest of the year and learn to dance in the latest styles. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 AND 40 S. STATE ST. B3UM. Possibly your gym. suit is in that condition. I so exchange it for a new one at M. STA[8L[R'S Cycle Emporium 11 W. Washington St AFINEARBOR. DO YoU MOKE ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - 7 Full Value Cigars for - - 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - 4 Owl Boquet Cigars for - - 3 Royal Banne Cigars for - - Lowest Market Price by the Box. DEAN 8& Cs 44 South Main Street. 5C -25C - 25C -25C 25C C M P.ANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Regent Hackley Resigns. TheicUnisersity Y. M. C. A. wilt hold The risttowsiiig is te re igilalioli of Is iregulari-Sundsay lafterinooin meetiig ('lax. It. IHadkley as regeoif til1 in the pactlrs of Meitlail ]ilall Itolnor-IVisiversits' ra sleit 3. Subject, ''Tile Citliaii "Deaii Siir,-Wiii grc al regret I sub' Moeveielut illIt thi'l vs vil ;". init liy resig-nation is re-elit of the 4:1005 W Kno, 'l I, 1. I. 'fIoriiversit'. I M11ill eplyt sensileicof the obligatlot I 1almiunde1r t1h'ieopole '196 I, and Firalik llilteoti,'l t C, of this stite for electing111eIatilte e v- harrverired fromill 1lst11501, il l., ilisile offie, aniotthatiio, trivial where they asist~ed initliitig areaosoin ehlt lo prevail 1ilein layinig chalptel' of Ptil'(hi fraternity at Norti-'dowoni,lat 11istimne,1110eltiust esileit- tetr.tdt e ic iyeetohw O\'e0, unofor'eseeii and unavidle tuili Cradluates o1 Universities, lies of a piersonl characniter have fallenl uIponine111-'ohiclipic's'it osut of illy 1111 foloihniio s a list of tie' tena11(00we1 to 1:1001 1111(1 lsclltl CO theo' dl Amersivcani oslles 111d11 iviersities ties of regent wit such'i:li:tiy as inl havtigthe'lhrgest nnbor of brotd llmy ililgillenisto(111e 1tothes'ele'51, 1t) lion: lilyosoiatesO and' i 01(11toeo' 11101':"~t loitelb iii tottoldo'o' ioytreiigualion ii No.0o tin:foetantoplie nk rsgntin nFd.i radualtes(1110u to 11i11-at thtooearliost toolsottlo i. ilolesard ___ ___. 3 090 1 11011t,'itOo te e ht the1 111 11'v110':1e5' M. Yale-- - - -- -- - - -10 1i .tools'. of ieoo syle -7401 ic 'i'ay be 11110ed 100 0011 (lscotlul lay' 4 'alovof AMietiga;an--_S1 3,0)tm i'c.1' h sneewse o .5. 'Unit'. 0 ty of N. Y---'1531 12, 0 l '''' T 11 tl 'il~O ~oo' o 6 livl. ofl ----' - 125)10,"0theo'ince'sliig inosoeily and11 useful- 7. Princeton -------76 7.,1 8. i)artelotil..... - 169 5300 ilISS o1 1110Uiver('sity. 9. B roer ..---------------- 1701 ,50108 10. Roscdoio ----------------791( 440 I reminotlvery trouly yeave. From11tillaove it will be 5001. 111:11 CiIAiIES It. lIACKLEY. tile ier'sity of Michiganli-W105 or.. NOTICE TO) ORIATOIIICAL CN g'aiiiceo 100 years lrger 11101al ' of TES'TANTS. lietbr'o siisrsi t's ii~t ~iik 1050'Alt persoois desirieg 10 enter thielre. thiellr coiitest:, of tile Oratoriocol As- it ini numiber01'of gradulatesandellit 111ay'sciation emlit handt in1their linimeOs, also bt:aedll th(' antlthIj iii'orsito'11hasoiubject of oratioi, odepartieent ni 10 larger ilnmber of ilulii living class before Fob. 1, Ia Bell E. Niis titan anly of theiotiler institoutions. baumil, 801 N. State st. Three type- written copies00115stobe halndedsiniibe- 10,000 MILES. fore Feb. 10, Alwvays a leader, the Ohio Central BE+ r ii . NCLSSBAL'M, Secretary. Linensteileage ticket, with latent addi- tios i th bet. oveingtheBig Student meenbers of the Political Four, B. & 0., C., II. & D., Ohio Con-SceeAsoato cagt110p- tral aned innumerable other systenms, it lications as thyiomye011 out by calling i5 te faorit Trveles' yroomidayi11Tappan H'aul at 11 a. i. is hefaorleTurelrs Cmpnin. on ayca except Saturday. Five TICKETS TO CHORAL UNION. nunibers are nowy out and a sixth, dn- Hlereafter in thie Chieral Union con- voted to city goverunent, is priulinug. ceris people will be obliged to nhoow Membership, which includes the put- their tickets at the bettom of the hall lications, is open 1o all students cit $1 stairs before they aossend, but ticketsI a year. -- WRITING TABLETS whichs can be closed out as I- folows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET! 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FO O Goal WRITING TABLET, - 8C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. Thiio stock will not ho replaced. Coino quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. MOORE & WETMORL4.5 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and SecondHand. Noote oots ad oher Sudets' Supplies Fesltais lens, ine Staionery Sparting Goods, etc., Ohich they offer at tile loet price. Cll and see us before Purchasing. NEWT + TERM IN DANCING. GRANGER'S. 011 atoile, raOnger's Academy groundfoor,'6tysard St. C. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. Tho finest in 1110 city. Come and see. Corkscrews A go~d one for 10 cents. The fiest tiing oii the markietleerI55 cents. PALMERWS PHARMACY. 0 SFor a seighiiig sry come 101 and telephoieeHolmes' Livery. SPECIAL. &ITSS SCHAN sell Sats and ats alt prices to suit everyody se alan do repal ncl caing ad ressing. Wofrh called for and deivred. No. 4a . ate St., e cold fler. . MARTIN, Fneral Director, Cloth and letallic Cakets- and Common Colins, Fmbalmin. a Specialty No ItoER WOashington S. U. OF M. SAVNG FARILOR adBath enem. All wppointmees firt class Imported and loinsticg'r. Ladies atio- tic hair dresing and tatiiig prirs 4_R Trojanowsi 360. State St. W TiIES TOHAT yeurclollhes dleasnd Vpressed, rtined or rebound go to Mrs Finger e, csh'r Sheehan's oot store Lab- oratory apros made to order "' $LI NARN*' - AND- CUFFS' III\I ~,*ALWAYS GIVE 6ATIsFACTIOI "THE BEST MADVI will not be taken until the doors are reached that adnilt to the tall. L. D. WINES. To RentOne suite with furnace beat and bath. 3 Monroe st. 71 Subscribe for the Daily. CHARLES H. COOLE, Treasurer. A very desirable suite, hot sond cold water, butt, gas, electric tight, furnace, heat, and all modern improvemeus. Houwe new,. Car. Huron and DivisionI sts. There is no stock in the State WIH, Q(iadfwi h ntdSae to compare wit DETROIT, MICH.