THE U. OF M. DAILY. For a Stylish GREAT SHIRT SALE FULL DRESS OR TUXEDO Includes all the Latest Patterns in Fancy Bosom Shirts. CALL ON Fancy Bosom, $1.50 Shirt, now - - $1.19 Jos. W. Kollauf Fancy Bosom, $1.25 Shirt, now - - .98 Merchant Tailor, Our 50c Unlaundred Shirt, now - - .39 Strictly high grade work at The largest line in the city to select from. moderate prices. D. A TINKER & SONS, 10 E. Washington St. No. 9 South Main Street. If you are io a burryt Ride a Bicycle. If you are i a greatlburry, RIDE A VICTOR. The strongest'light wheel on the market. Its simplicity of construction renders it also the most easy running.- We use pounds of crucible steel where others use ounces, and the VICTOR costs more to build than any other bicycle. ObEIRjfAJ WHEEL CO. Boston. New York. Deaver. Detroit. PaciscCoast. Los Angeles. San Francisco. Portland. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organised t1863. Capital, $100,000o. Surplus and Profits, $40,000 Transacts a general bankin business. Foreign exchanges bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. S. W. GLARKSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $,i00,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OFFcERS: Christian Mack Pres.; W. D. Harriman Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. GOME 'TO US the rest of the year and learn to dance in the latest styles. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 AND 46 S. STATE ST. 1ON BUM-- Possibly your gym. suit is in that condition. If so exchange it for a new one at M1 STAEGLEB'S Cyle Emporum 11 W. Wa-Iing-ton St. ANN ARBOR. DO You SMOKEr? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5c 7 Full Value Cigars for - - - - - 25c 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25c 4 Owl Boquet Cigars for - - - - - 25c S Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 25c Lowest Market Price by the Box. DEAN & COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. COLLEGE MEN IN CONGRESS. Otis Maclay, '97, and C. P. King, '98, A List Giving the Representation have gone to Nortliwhestern Univer- From Each University. sity to complete their course. According to the statistics in the The address before the Engineering New York World Almanac there are ,society tis eveing will be given by 243 college men in the present con- Mr. E. A. Lyman on "Abbreviation gress, the senate having 48 and the and Approximation in Computing." house of representatives 195. The fol- The Standard English Dictionary has lowing is a summary of the colleges been presented to the library by Funk represented and the number of men & Wagnall, the publishers. lt will be from each: kept on the dictionary desk in the University of Virginia .............15 reading room. Harvard......................14 Captain Ross Granger, of the Light University of Michigan ..........i..1 Infantry cordially invites students of Yale........................ 10 ZPrinceton......................7 the University interested in military Dartmuth work, to visit the armory Wednesiday Centre (Ky.) 5 evenings. Inspection in guard mount- Western Reserve. ..............4 ing by the major of the tirst battalion Washington and Lee....... ... takes place Jan. 29. Columbia......................4 Iowa State .. ..................... 4 Intercollegiate. . amilton......................4 Animerst........................ 3 Tue college catatogue of Princeton Kentuckey University.......... for 1895-96, which has just been is- University of Georgia ..............3 sued gives the total enrollment of that Cumberland.................. 3 institution as 1,088. Forty states and Georgetown....................3 Union....................... territories and fourteen foreign coun-in. 3 M ercer -----.--............... ... 3 tries are represented. Virginia Military Institute. 3 The income of the University of De Pauw............. ......3 "Chicago during t h past year was Jefferson.. $520,000. For the coming year it is Nineteen other colleges have two expected to reach $603,000 and the dis- each, and eighty-eight more have one bursements are estimated at $582,000. representative each. The total of the The faculty contains at present 157 above table is 247, four of the college members. The students in the gradu- men having attended two colleges ate schools numbered last year 534, in each. the divinity schools 281. in the colleges NOTICE TO ORATORICAL CON- 772, a grand total of 1587. TESTANTS. The value of the property in pos- All persons desiring to enter the pre- session of Yale is $5,500,000. liminary contests of the Oratorical As- sociation must hand in their nanses, Lost-A canvas telescope grip subject of oration, department and narked W. H. Buttolph. Whoever has class before Feb. 1, to Bert E. Nuss- the sdme please notify the baggage. baum, 36 N. State st. Three type- man at the Michigan Central depot. written copies must be handed in be- For Rent-Two furnished suites, bath fore Feb. 10, and furnace healt, corner of Division BERT E. NUSSBAUM, Secretary. and. William sts.017Musical.-F. Steinbaur, Xi Psi Phi, To Rent-One suite with furnace '98 D, teacher of Banjeau, Mandolin heat and bath. i Monroe st. 71 and Guitar. Ann Arbor Organ Co. Wanted-Another steward. Apply Res. 7 Volland st. 40-minute lessons to Mrs. H. C. Eames, 7 N. State at. 50 ets., 60-minute lessons 75 cts. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of - - WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP.3 FOR I0 GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350 WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST, AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, RAVE A cOMPLETE STOcK or UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note books and other Students' Supplies. Fountain Pens, Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which they offer at the lowest prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. NEVI+ TEIRMVI IN DANCING. GRANGER'S. Caii at office, Granger's Academy, ground or, k Baynardt. C. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. The finest in the city. Come and see. Corkscrews A good one for 10 cents. The finest thing on the market for 75 cents. PALMER'S PHARMACY. For a sleghing party cmie In and telephone Homes' Livery. SPECIAL. DIETAS & SCHANZ sell Suits and Pants atpric es to suit everybody; so aso do repairing, clenng and ppressing. Work ca led for and delivered. No.4 S. State St., ,econd toor. EM N Funeral Director, Coth and Metalic Caskets and Common Cofigns. Embalming a Specialty. No. 12 . Washington-st. U OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- U rooms. All ,ppointments first class. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hair dressing and bathing parlors. J. R. Trojanowski MS. State st. WTHEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaend VTpressed, reised or rebound go to Mrs. Finger e, ov r Sheehan's book store. Lab- oratory apros made to order .-LINEN .' COLLARI - AN D e- ALWAYS GIVE SATISFACTIOI . " THE 99TMADst There is no stock in the State and few in the United States to compare with WRIGHT, KAYU & CO., DETROIT, MICH.