THE U. OF M. DAILY. jXIOHIGANGC.iiALSuin1n#,B[ IOCu, CUT Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. P.lad x__ 3M. i AM------ 3Beautiful Lamps, (Drape P, N. Y. Special-_.. 5 00 N. Y. Special-... 7 30 in Great Assortment, Furr Eastern Es---10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 235 A. M. Pacific Ex---11 57 frfu as Atlantic Es --7 47 P. M. frfu as O.N. Expres.... 5 40 WestersnEs. 00 G. It. Express ---.11 05 Chi. Nt. Es.---10 20 X.& & 00 G.REx.----557 0. W. RtUGGLES, H. W. HIAYES, 56, 158 and 60 S. Main St. 0. P. & T. Agt., Chicaga. Agt.. Ann Arbor Q, 1DO YOU That we can save yes from $M in $10 onen We were b~reucht up is thle husiness, and kaow + our samples before buying elsewhere. RAILROAD. 20 Time Table, Dee. 5, 1595.I NORvH. SOUTH. FROM CASPAR WHITNEY, 7:37 a.m. *7:40 a. m '12:25p.m. 11:30 a. m. 4:13 p. m, 9:00 p. m. A General Review of the Past Foot- All trains daily escept Sunday bl esn *Trains run between Ann Astor and Toledo aiSesn y R. $. GREENWOOD, Agent ('aspiler Whitney in a recent iltilltI W. H. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. of lltersWNeekly 13.llll0tile all- ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Amnerican football eleven as follows: Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Brooke, Penn~sylvaia1 full ioacek; Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:10,8e:45 Ti'lore'.Yaile captain), :ad C. Brlewe, and 11:00 a. in.: 12:45, 2:15,5:.00, 0:41, 9:15 and i-Iarv'ai, half backs; Wyckoff, Corell'i, 10:45 p. m. Leave Asn Arbor Jsnction, 7:40, 9:15 and quati'er ak ul euyvna 11:30 a. in.: 1:15, 2:45, 5:30,7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 rbie;bst'nsy':ii, p. M. center; Whareton, Peiiioyivanii, :11111 SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st..1:M., 3:30, P,1i)0 , Prinll'toi, ginir:Is; Muripiiy, :00, 0:30 and 9:00 p.m.Jucin2:040,3, Leave Ann ArborOnto,200 053,Yale, :111d Lea, teineon, taickles; GOe- 7:00 an 9:30p. m. Crraoncity time Fare: single trip 15 :et, Penbeeyiv iiiial, 1111d t'abot, 11:11- cents; round trip tichets 25 cents. Ws. F.P. Anaan, Spt. vaird, ends. Substitotes, woodru~ff, THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL. 1Pennslyvanlia, Bechami, Cornell, (C110:1 Nvick, Yale, ad Churech, t'riiieelcoi, ill 'WHOL.4ES.A.LE CIGARS the line. mlindis, Pennsylvania. King , 'ASS, JAPAN[SE 00008 oapex Lamp Shades, Chinaware, Toys iiture and Draperies at special prices MIANQY, Furiture. Mtate St. Tailor. IKNOW? every Suit or Overcoat bought of us? We do. wwhereof ace speak. 'Twill pay you to looka at S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR. COMPtLIMERNTAIIY TO SIHLIN PIANO. Secretary Clemient of the Ann Arbor T.O4. &C.By. K. &X.RBy. Solidlthroughc trains trtwreen Toledo, Ohio, ancd t'corirstec, IW. Va., via Coilumbs, the short anid only direct roate. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 1O. Renton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Xiddleport, 0. Pomery, 0. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfork, Va. And all southceastern points. Elegant drawing rmom cars on all thcroughc trains. For further information call on your local Tichet Agent or write. MOULTON HOU1K, Cmni Pass. Age.. Toledo, 0. W. A. PETERS. Michigan Pass. Agent, D~etrocit, Mich. 1 1 TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Money to loan on, personal property. R~AINDA L Photographer 15 Washington Block. loop & C 1>620 8. STATE Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. Chafing Dishes 5Oclock lea Kettles U. OF M. PINS. WMt ARNOLD'S Jeweelry Store, ~rrn CATERER 2 ..Wsig HANG 10ton t NEW M~ACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9GE. LIBERTY ST. Skates Conclaved. Experimental Work. Request Readers of the Daily will con- fer a favor on the Editors by men- tioning this paper when dealing with advertisers. Lownoy's Chocolates. Hot 'Lunches. 9TUTTLES,4 8 s. State St. We'stt'Point,, ilncke. Y:le le We'igt- Inli eviesviiig lihc'foo:ttball seasonilof 1S)5, Sir. Whil11iey saiys in thee c'cier:'ut ntumbc'r of Ilcai-per's W'c'i: "l'.n- duibtecily'Michiigai:, t'licalglloandilin-tll nc'ootai plalyetlie lust footibta li ha: I1'est 1last seasoui, but tPucrdueme adeisc'a sple'ndiii sia::ssiiagain~llst licliigin aftc's'tiell' ililc'Ss sronlg gamell' g-ilist lc'su11115tillthe 0season11a5Ofollosws: "Glenecrallyy speaciu;ig hesesonw' notalefre :'spore'adlof thec'tamle. W'l i4',mcittSooth the'esoe'mourc' tec': u t,on11 he01:'fieldlt11a11eve'r is'- fore' and cas'ery'dectiudedleissenling of cillleees~siiry rotighness cud consider- able implirov'elre'nt in the' seientific tde- velolsileilt of the' gamne were illltie'- alle. 31:117'iiistiluiiic's stili evinice a stralaac'y igioaneiic andciperv'ra''te'dic'om- prehliaion of th~e atiritosito' of an havse tirossnmiasitde'entirely Ihe 'in- represenative tams and used thelir influniae in. iseesuailig oth~ers 10 dcl Aiiariy. We' have11h11 severl lmost noisomel'examiiple's iof se'i-p~rofe'ssin- ahabs in the West antd in thie South too, but as the year closes there' is a ltteri'undersanduinmg, of tilesu matters 11111liiiatparenitly honest effort to lift their sport to a iaroiier basis." Sir. Whitney ciassitics Ithe leading Eastern elevens of '95 in the following, order: Yale, Pennsylvania, Princetoni, Hlarvard, West Point, Mrowvn, Cornell. Lafayette and Dartmnouthi. To Rent-Large auniay suite, liot and cold water, bath, furnace heat. Large single rom. 28 S. Division at. 70 Oi'gan Co. has receiv'ed tile following testinmonial from Ruidolphi vein Scaija, who apearedl ii to' S. L. A. cosurse Dec. 14, with the lledpaibl Concert Co.: "Anna Arbcor, Sich., Dec. 15, 1815.5 "Ste. JLewis H. Cleentn, .11gr. Anni Aerbor Or'gacn Co., "Dear Sie,-Will y0o1 permit 1110 to exprcess 1to5you liy thanks f or syone kindiness ill lcn' ing loaued'titile leblin Granid Pianso for tlie concert at Uni- veesity Htall oni Saturdlay evenaing Dec. 1'li. It gas' enmchd:ileisue tc hiaveb the opportuitiy of b'c'mlinlg ac- quallinted1 withl the merils of Ithat cx- cellent incstr'umient. Its c's ii action and fine resnlat tont' affored me the grea'test satisfaictionl. "Againa teneri''ng liy sinceest tlllnks. foe youre cortesy, I reminl, "Yours respectfully, THE OHIO CEN''I;.AL. SlILEACE 'it' I I t."l If you travel oil-o tlhousand miles cuinmg the year you will sav'.'eonuauy tiy purchasinig cc thosals111:10 titcbet. The best in the mart a re iliose is. sueld ly agents of Ohlio CentraiilLilies. They are good ovee ill the imupot.'nat systemts inacluding the entire 13. & . . system west of P'ittsburmg, 0110Big' Four, etc. See agents loE Ohio Central Lines before purtclasinlg. Price $20; good one year. Studeot milmubers of the Political Science Association cami gel ilie pub- lications as tilly com~esuit by clling at room 11, Tappan Hlall, at 11 a. in. on any day except Saturday. Five numbers are now cot amid a sixth, lie- TL L. a 0 RI-P-A-N-S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House RENTSCHLER, PH0T0CnPnEn! voted ts city government, is printing. ANNK ARBOR. MICH. Stembllership, which imcudes the pub. lications, is opema to all stidents 4 t $1 STUIDE NZTS T a year. If you want5 geod reliable life insurancle call CHIARLES It. COOL.EY, on Fred T MicOmlier, office No.A, 5. TEreasurer. Poseth ave. Profesoor IHinsda~le has juls1 entered S U D N S upon his annualh series of lectures en- titled, "The Influence of ('hristianiuS Tate your Kodak Work to Upoic Ancieuat an!MaiSediaeval Ecluca. LBE fri AN j [ PHOflGOOF tion." The lectures come 'Tuesdlay, t Lli1 TH OORPE Wednesday and Thursday, at 2 o'cloch Satisfaction guaran teed. GOR. Huron St. at Tappan Hail. B. A. II SD)ALE+. 10,000 MhLES. E po Alwaya a leader, the Ohio Central i p Linea mileage ticket, with latest addi- Young tions is the best. Covering the Mm'- Men Four, M. & 0., C., H. & D. Ohio Con- ___________ tral and iunuimerable other systems, it "-- -- t--- * u avetie is the favorite Travelers' Companion. bicyle, which w send them onsapproaNon ____done__until th icycesarrives, and preves' satisfacory. LaisWanted-Sonmeone to play tile piano Young Laisemldnthterms for dancing it exehinuge for room Iheeie.apneystewlec- rout, Hleat and light furrntshed. 45 mended. Wrlteforpartiulars. Washtenaw ave. ACME CYCLE COrIPANY, NLHRubsoribe for the Daily. .." E HAT, IND. ""jI