Published Duly (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
Deelmn Times bulding N. Main t., opposite
post olie.
J. A. LeROY, 'O, Mlanaging Editor.
G. R. Sos, '0, Assistant
C. I). CAY, G. L, Assistant.
J. F. TOMSe, '97, Assistant.
S. E. KNArPEn, '9. Athletic Editor.
L. C. Wn,eo. 'lii. Business banager.
t. C. PFABLIDSO'9 . 'OlAssistan.
Anooiate Editors.
L. A. Pratt.'T. A. K. tetrie, '0.
O. A. Houghton, '061. G. MI. Heath, '00 P.
Kaherie eed, .0. II. 1. Gammon. 'OS M.
W. XW. ughes,'0. tR. It. teilly, '99.
it. C. Bc, '01 A. Ssanna llc'dson,'05
F. A. Miner .006I. . L. Geismer, '8 L.
Tbe subscription price o the lDaily has
been reduced to 1.0 i adance foe the rest
of the year. Leae sbc riptions at tin'
Daily olie or with P. C. Mlyr, U. oglAt
News Stand.
An iportat ilieillg of liii'Ed-
torial Board of thie Daily atithlii'oier
at 7:30 o'clock this eening. Editos
willYfail to le presitxwiil e ci-
sideredl s desirig to be dropesd fron
the Board, tiiles a vlidl excse is
sent ill Ite naiigiig editor.
If (le followoigiea, tprptosd 11y
the Salt 1La1k0 'ribunlie, is ated lt
Mieliigai, the miotero and. sisters of
fur "minerucs blcsmiihs ad hik-
wosuolen" of this infittion ccii af-
ford to correct the loter's "rencess"
through stbscitionis to the Bosol
"'[le Yale oad Prineton footal
gameion isSatroabro keeiittedt .$25000
to the two teams. 'The Sringield
Reputblicanl sggststhealtillh9' give
half the amount to the cae of 'In.
cation iii the Soth. It is a 9g0000
stugestion btt would it ot 1be more~
app~lrorite for til'sccssful teams
to focus a hospital for the ae of
Inilnetl fooball players, anti for pe-
plaons to tle(,iiollers and isers of
fooball playeiswoi lose tei'rclives
ill defese of te( pigkin? The S11u01
is 1100 especially gratefsl for gifts
frosi tile North; ioreoer. whei a
young manil who osgtf9to e tie 5011-
prt of ae moother or sister is 1011101
in a football gameor.wiy should lot
the gne be assessed for pensions?
A Nnw Journal.
U. of C. Weely
The first nmber of Terrestrial Mla-
Letinii. an inernatioal quartely
journal, putblihdi nrteil1111 a Orlusies
of Itye-n Phlysicl Labortory, will
appear Ihis imoth It is edited by L.
A. Baur, withi the c-oerationo of a
Iellarkllble staff of associate eitor,hr-fu in umeepsnig
the seholarshilo of the world as de-
velope ini the sudy of terrestrial
Inagletsn and its allied subjets, such
aerh. currents, auroras, atinospheri
eetriciy, etc. This jonal, like the
Amercan Journal of Socology, in uni-
que in it field.
Subscribe for tie Laily.
GRADUATE CONVENTION. cidental culture which a Enrope010 eds." We trust that amiong the mnaty
- ~trill gives an American stuident, lie good results of thiso convenition tile
Michigan'n Delegate Gives a Full
Report of the Proceedingso advantages for seriotis anod thorotugh fact that lady delegates worked some-
gr'adutate. work, hi 0.greaot lmany lhues crosrfolly osode bysidle sitlihmnwill
The following repoort of thoc conven- t leant, and opportnities for direct_ loot escape the notice of our ison-co-
lion of Gradtuate Clubs 11011 recenitly and11 intiate contact svithoproofessors educational institutions.
at P'hilatdelphlia, 0islade by MNr. J. E. are quite moo good, if not better, in CLNAO
Latitner, -Micthiganl's Idelegate: Ameocica,0111011inl Europe.
'The oecond annal convention If til he 'llfternoon session of the conven- Fri., Jan. 10, -Granger's Acadeny.-
titraclute Clutsts,15li'll Hous~ltlon~ tioni-svas occuie~td choiefly by the ad1o1- '98 social.
ff01, 'hlalO'tllllh luui 3 It5505 il iouh f he 'ootiotiuu 'rieolief Fri., Jaun. 10.-Sale of reserved seats
eso aldyfrm1 . m.till 0U1 fp. nesfor Otay Festival begins at School of
soscion ull tlly frfllt11)ea.of Otis constituotiono as finally music.
ill., wsithly 11'atont an hiour for 110011adop~ltedl are: (1) 'fle orgauiationi Sat., Jauu. 11, 8 p. ino., University
interumission.tDelegates fromtuowtsenty' shal esi I'knho as thle "Federation of fll-Sir Michuael Mleyeuooorff, '70, icc-
insituion wee peset..Pro. Fl- radnate tCubs;" (2) A tresidlent, tore on "Rusosian Prisons and Siber-
ho''touo, vice' presidenut of the ULois'ersity' vice-presoieuts, to recoroding anid hOhoItalc
of Pe'1nsylvauna, gavei'thle odrisa ,Ifl,; ansi_ -Fri., Jaun. 1,5'h.I.,"uioeot
o'oullonltihugscrofty ,anl trea o- Hahl---(horal Union in oratorio of
Wvo'couio'. tHe svas very etiolusiotic uer, shtall constitute the otticers, or "Elijah."
ov'er Otis news'e'ducation'al noos'etItelx'clutive board, (3) A comniotte on . Wed., Jamn. 22.-Rtegents neet.
a0111 believesd thatothoe coaloig togethier pulth~ication compolosed of onie editor-inh- Wed., Jan. 29, GrangersAcaudetmy.
of relrese'ttsives frouml 'll the leallini" --'07 sociaL
unliersitie's o 011an6' ul dm cholfao 11 ou eitrfo lli Fri., Feb. 14, S p. i.,FUiverscity
of lluliss''uhl 10 olccnltribll~ilsg istitustionho soe Iduty tllh.-Hton. Htenury Iatterion in S. L.
to coutnhteruct the local sentlimienots n isalletopblsullhnbok
01s pub l t lislhe lllllodo A. coturse.
und~lue particuularismoi develop~ed by coh- gradtuate stuodies anhdl ma~ke suclh pubt- Fri., Feb. 14, Watermian Gymunas-
logo'athletiI's. Edoucationl is onoe ad l lcuoion as it loaiy deemiof inluterest to iim-Twentieth Aunnual Ball of the
nlot unutil wve'are wvillinog to aodvanceth'e11' Fedeoraotionu.'Mr. Luiuheeu', of Col- Palladinum fraternities.
edoication b1eyound the hllrtictuhar 01111unuibia, wsas elected hpresidlent, outd Mr'. PIZIE FOil SHtORT STJORtY.
locaol interests of our various seats of Duniwvay, of tHarvarod, wa~s reiustated Tihe '90"les tlestuae" Board offer to
learing socw hopte to gattoer 010s-cash peize of $13 for the best short
learmoluogas eoditoi'-il-chief of the BHaodbooks.
rihslri.ofe h ddress of th nmoe-story on a ,legal subject. Contribn-
richest i-olt. ftertheAmoug hg eilhlliclhtiolOs fort' mer tilols from all depoartmnts are iunviteol
ss'eheomoe. te convetitioni proceeded't ship iii the F~edelrationu were Wellesly, oaoo the ;Bloau'd reserse thte right to ouoe
illule~iloI't t tll~liI55 '[id OutColumubia lX\ashliuigtsui D. C.), and 1iall manuscript submitteod.
toic for discnusionh s a closer fed- Northosesternu. These applications NOTICE.
erati ofthegrauat clbswh sv er'e referrood ta thoe executive botoro:, Thor Castalian wvill offer eithoer a
hadinumterestedn theomoselvssill thle1oput- sshichis 011cotisidier thoe ittiifica- o'ashiseulrof mot leso thn tell dollrs
licaotionh of thoi'"tlHandbtook of Grauoate or a series of hooks of eoqual value
Coors's" euouiiterovo 0010for liielulOerslitI. for thoe bestupoeum submoitted ono or
aiosliute intheeveoimg tor raouat Clibbefore January 15. Poemos pertaining
to rawup - cnsttuton.In heof thor I'. of IP. glove a banquet dl)-to college life preferred.
utoaotnr hi'cohomtimoOouirlitel ho sstiogoeleaos o omsla Guitar for Sale-A Grand Concert
svithm discoussionso of sitandirdsior fee on splareod to foorniuhoeveryhinog tat Washburn Guitar for sale cheap. For
higier degrees, hionotrary degrees. atollo'sen a faostideoos plalte miogit dieire, furthoer psarticoular's apsply at the tHnb,
thoe rellublid'lliou of thorhndo-ook. bust thor conootitoutiomo of their club hro'- 3 and 5 It. Washington St.
Ana-teI ws ad o hag stemoeteod thiemofrom oprovioino shot A nicely fourniohueoifront suite, three
~~~~~~~~~~~~gwhtresolutioni, pub~lishein Oth Hoidbook hu u mat ooihf hceoo-soumthh ssindosss, register in each rosin.
last yneikeurmpetetheenjy-Reasonable ploner. 5l! E. Washing-
uhullearunquaifiedly ceomnuing the mtof souelo festive occasionss, it., tns.7
givinog of hionorary degrees, tothoe of- thed presence of svertsmoliug "co- A rtiei ~eDiy
feet thmt college facoulies mioghtitn Advertise__________________in_____ the_______Daily.________
certaimn excetptionllcast's grant hou-
oraory deo(ro e. W'ileio'heliiprooseId
ouutrudment oiod mot meoetwis tsronig orirMuley's Worth.
opphostionfloe mooatter svas odisposed
obyappuointling a comomitto'e to ini-IN
vestigate tewoeqeto fsad
mads for degrees. tProf. Lalolberton,
dean of the faculty of philosophoy of
t~he U. of P., ss-hoo haolparticiptediat
length ino thoeoisecussion, wvas miaode
cha~irmuan at this coomittee. Thteir
retoort, at tho rrconmmhendoation of Ohie
oonvent~ion, is to be emibodied in next
,ear's handbook purovidied the oesred
sipace can be socured. On floe lues-
tian of migration of studenits from one
uiversity to anatiher the tone of flue
convention seemeod to be rathoer pa-
r iotie. lMany slurring remnarksswer
dr'opped concerning the value of de-
grins of Phi. D. from Germnlaunuiver-
sities. Somoe wvent so far as to sy
that Obey had ample proof that Phi. 0.
wvas not unfrequently given ssitouot
examinatiou, amid one speaker affirmed
Iliat he horsy of a Geman professor
wvito had given a Phi. D. to a student
wh'lom he had never seen. On the
wshale the opinion of those who bad
had experience on both continhents
seemed to he that aside from the in-
to the fact that the paper will be issued up to commence-
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
the ' examinations of the second semester can have the
Daily mailed to them. without extra cost, This arrange'-
ment enables them to keep fully informed on University 4
affairs during commencement week.
The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to
the whole University and gives the news of every depart-
ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs-
covering everything of news interest relating to this insti-
tution and happenings in the college world.
The Daily will be delivered at your door or mailed to your-
home .address for. the remainder of the year (until June 25,
1896) for $1. 50. Le eve your subscription at the Daily office,.
at Meyers News Stand, 46 E. William, or with soy member
of the Editorial Board.