THE U. OF M. DAILY. .XJGHIGANeCJETR-!SILVIB ARECOC, CUT GIASS, JAPANESE GOODOS, asIa W BA IJ Time Table (REA sd).ayW9,S8. ___________________________________ Mail andEx--350 Mail -8____--A 43 Beatiul am s Cape Paper Lamnp Shades, Choiawae, Toys T. 0. & C. Bty. K. & M. y. N. Y. pecial... 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 i 'etAsortment, Furniture and Draperies at special prices Soithugtscc loeTldOl A. M. Paciic Es__-i1,57for for day. and('ee eoc. avia C olembus, thSi Atlantic Es-...7 47 P..short adnly drettrout . Np Express .... 5 40 Western Es_. 2 0 . (19P N , u ntue G.R.Eprssl h. Nt. Es__._I 129 & TWFir G. R..Es pess ...l 05 5 57 - .Toledo, . 0. W. Uens, i. W. fIAYE 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St.Fida,. G. p. & T. At., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor 'idaO J. Glen, The State St. Tailor. enton, . ~ P.j. iieu iji ~tae ~. iwor. Columbus, . __ _DtOU K O ?Athens . S Thoat we ciii ae yo from i$3 to $10 cii every Siit(or Ovecot bogt of ns? We~ do. Pomery, 0. W iee bioushtctipon the busicssctittknowowherofoe pcai. 'Tilipiyyo tlat Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. oci sampccs loforebyig cisewericmod..a RAILROAD. _ 20 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR. Pictmnbr Va. Time Table, De. 8, 1895. NORT. sU~a UNIERSTIE OF ALE. Ig te ta ts. nmberof ote byOld Point Comfort, Va 7::1T . mSO":T0. UIESTISOmAES.og(ielretinie f'itlyWilliamsburg, Va. '1:25 p. m, 11:30 a. m. -toreli 1skill reeeiiectitis gift. liheVa 4:15 p. m. 9:00 p. m. Items of Interest Concerning9 Col- Newport News,V. All trains daily ecept SndayleeLfThr. suetoftee erigdpt-NfrkVa .Trainsseon becweeo AnnsArbor and Toledo 119ALfeThreailloitsouieitheasteg elor- rforks Vleant only. . mcolotloosve bee utluppled ithw otir~g dall rocso alletrugh tan.l R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent The oliveecijties of NFWtosle silat - r further inoatin cli on yorlical W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . -- tblaik iaod itei.iit et iitooalf(11Tice.Agnt or wriel. iiii curoiittts leaturesco he ii'At i v t- 'ricety fore votitg toitytic'sc- MOULTON IHOUK, Usool'ls. At., ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. oi'eiiioy ii ii.Nos vi l i c .iioiiei 'o ,Mcigs o Aed,0 Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. ( fireeoa u-tr liiici cl fecnyi itiu'rottoolshut of tiec ncoigiice- Leave Ypianti from Congresc st., 7:10, :45: liffirtuot systemtofroototeoe-igs fi g earie to itthealiiiy otofiec and 1:00a.m; 2:45,2:15, 5:tO,6:4.5, :1 cod 1this contvey I" "C 10:45 P. m.IPAN'Soar Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 cod tonite ootnhe_____rt uct- ddes 11:30 a. in; 1:15, 2:40, 5:30, 7: 15,:43 and 1:5 tte f Lig lii4itr-itli blsinrAdes m. SUNDAY TIME.,ltttcoiat sio iloli 1v i t tsolattciia- eot The modern stand- Leave Ypsilanti from ocoreoc t., 1:00,330, .5.1 liieidsiT he iii hi n iversit is if Idia, til gist. iii tiltittoc to eNice- :1 6:30 and 900 p. m. lil~r Ocrsryhadiadf r er alSidy tn ',o l n FamilyMe- Leave Ace Arbor Junction, :00, 4:00,:30,itii) .Xtryet)ttou(ioifaciityou 12m 'lirtMd- 7:10an d un p m arrnciciy time Ftare: single rip i i'cifieii- foit~tti i iiti iilttoi li(id --1 e c1ie : Cures the cents; rounod trip tickets 25 ens.c11 Wm. F. PAKER, Sopt. Wjode. 'lhese itic itteotilio Northalti asti . i t he iii lii atht h e Croin()1- W Dots.(Cetntrtl Walis0101di-Souto W aes ore tooat litli h o If e 110001and y Common every -day THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL ili the ordritolaiil. Juiereisi110 tier- Rligioinof te Iitiolco." ls of humanity. WHOLQI.ESA.LE CIG.ARS mtorio7 ift iii toteof tioct, :iothl : Ito TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. odudolit lietiliire gis lii .0 boarin~ttg I ARABglii e(ii .iicieI 000 Railroad +Ticket + Brolkers. iitses, ini oitli 1 ty lmusit b teinit uciOcseeosil'eoferl rai Money to 10a05oon pesoa propierity. (olot-c ah itro ght. In tlote ats, -iel (Se Anlonlemen~it p. 1). Iis o ffeir- a fist exastioctuiolur ep ratory c oitd - ii for thoe lst timte 000010 s ireoilt R 4.AIN DA L L gr.e.., e0 was, heli. Oeftioietenth I ii 1110)-dotio tulodntcof ltnga~gesan vsei oto boOid ot t e(lgici es. :Net, to those oswio cectto t ike Ilebre or Asyrianu.Sersctuoodnutoisae P hoto 2); 1)gr17apher C h io vose, tosttuent) 001y3taketh e li a(ileady e~ xpiressed a direiot toin001tic Bieott 0B.. fter- ot lb is+. lii et'yearscltss.Allstudonts whsli siloto joiin 15 Washington Block. suc to otolpllciogcttiif citix 10Vtorl ilt c lae( requoledto endoSthe' tli'o' ixoooiioot tou.ame sO~ to leooundesignedi, as the This space is reserved flflD:4..1 -U TATE (o dt io a~ilss benidot ootot, ot bootois lutt be ordredt bfore to'hoob for the Grand Opera. ITETUfadasUI L . RIG al ntemfrthe ruts re so strict tat eopeso'o.- 44 Mdiioon sci. House Fine Lunches,tlsosof opoiootooexos -aoooot eyou Fine Chocolaten, cyttk t (':-t erio 11io citait:iots Stooo oouden ersof Sle Poliica and Bakted Goods. Scinco Asocitationo call gelliiie pub- _l'[ohr rectaotions areocaieoon 10 i 110g Try Our Lunches. eatooos 0thOey coeitl00 by etllilg lie, taltiooough.l sho iiis fitole tlan if0~ at room It1, TappaooiHatll, tt 1 a. mi. C i at n1 h tel('stuleuts. Tdioklees odiffr iiin oilmy by exeptStra.Fv C h fn is e ifrent lotalitiiethliiplorest itlh Inumbe se lowecullt1and1aasixthico- RENTSCHLER, W Oclock Te betlseig foundl iu.inte noh , voted to city governmiet, is triiutyg U. OF . PINS. Will Prosecute Them. liouations, iscopenoo all stens ,.V $ ANN ARBOR. MICH. WMt ARNOLD'S * ____ a year. ____________ Aorooy (lo'ii'ctl Moloneo, , of 11- CHALE~ltlS H. OtEY T l E T Jewery Store11110(, haiscoont sworod to fir. 1. Baker, Trasurer. STLD N P 01 L i>Asln,.,',secrtar of he satf yoawant good relibe life hsr ouiecal HA GTRECATERER ofLiPog cotor u hoHl'trofesor Hindale has just entered on Fred0ScOmS r ofieo.1oIs H2N0ERE~s E.Washing,bordofhealtih, thiat iseth1 con- uo rFourlcic fOtucnST E t Se NEW DMACHINE SHOP ion. Tho lectures come Tuesday Take ycr odk Work to HUNTER ROS, 9 E. LIBERTY ST. hrs 0and uumehaicstpyis0000102cuiania WdesayaOhusdyao3o'lokat Toppan BStall, TEPOORPE) ppnHl.C 8ISkates Conclaved. s o tuli 10r hadiei'it uiersity itIB. A. HIJNSDALE. Satisfaction garanteecd. .Iliron St. Experimental Work. iudoubtedlys regtullrlyoraniedtinu16,000 MILES. d______________________ er the lawos of Illiunois athoougho ao - 1~e -etefoto-l o'lolh'h ot Always a leader, the Ohio Central lflEp5Qy R stop o their promoiseioos graunting of ins is the best. Covering (le i Readers of the Daily will con- diplomonas, Four, . & ., C., SH. & D., Ohio Ce- Yug fer a favor on the Editors by men- tral and inunuerable oler systenms, itMe tioning this paper when dealing The M~ost Popuar College. is the favorite Travelers' Companion. idselne Wanted-Sonleonie to play the pano menn in ars paymet frn high grade Aei The Lodge-Davis Machine TooltCo. Sia4enie. e nsend shem on appoval. INeo Lowney'S Chocolates. of Cincininati, 0., oill present a nickel Io uusat u xlnuefrroui~ikesfacory. 75ariesad roe and ent.Heatand light furnished. 45 Younog Ladies emly ee nhe andLu chs.goldplated oolroonilathe, val- Iwastenw ave. naby rqr pl hymus ewl ecm- n ed at $1,500, by popular vote to a Tomettag ouuysie otadnended. wrie fn, parinuarss. technical or nmechanical cool iuflus cold wtr ah unc oa.Lre-ACME CYCLE COlPANY, TUTTL.E'4sSSttS. country. The fortunate school receiv- sigle room, 28 S. Division sit. 70 6 E LKiJART, IND. j