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October 05, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-10-05

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Manufactured for the present season, are only sold by us.
PRICES: Suits from $15 to $20. Overcoats, from $15 to $24.
E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, -Cutter and Crossette Neckwear, High Class Furnishings.
Time Table (Revised) May 19 1894. Colleg-e newpapr1 worik is to count y VM*W VM*I 1*1MM CIEYM
EAST. WEST. hereafter foi cedit in Eniglishi at Bo-_E po
Pal M._A o avlSt on .and Ex-...at50Malt - 54...ity. You3g". C. &C. By. X. & M. y..
N. Y. Special-- 5 0 N. Y. Special...- 730 Captain Thorne and Mrpy are the Men *Sidirsi ssibeenTodoOi.
Easters Ex---1 i2 N.S. Limitd....95- 9l fruhranbtce TodoOi;
A. M Pacite Es__-ii 1 57 only regulars of last yer s Yale eleven Ead tele Iann W isa via tCisambslie
Atlantic Es 7 47 P.M.todstibte ho rtadol ietrue
D NExpress..-. 5 40 Western Es-a..t2s6oto return this fal. er aieetise- soran lydecrut
G.. R. Express 11.l055 Chi. N. Es--- 1 28 Dr Elliott F. lRogers, of Chicago, an mleisicprspaesend hi onadeoac.NOBTeE
G. REx - Si - bicyciwor doeutil ich le arrthem s apesEs"TWE
. W. liutins, . XW. HAYES, instctor in chemiis~ry at Har-ar, satssss lstbcyiosrssya.psv Toledo, .-thG.P&T.AtCiaoAgAnArrcmitesuidWdedy.Y ngLde Im trs. Fnly,.
The Harvard falty have decided Icasoysee eliappitier mssie el esesm- Kenton, .
Ann Arbor Railway. to prhibit the college dranstcadmesded. 5~rie foepaticans. Coumbus, .
Taking effect Sunday, April 7,894. imusical organiations from giving , AMI YLEC "lAY Athens, .
Traina leave Ann Arbor n Central Stand- efraicatlypaetoyieith ELKHART, IND. Mddl ot
sadNORT. SOUH. men cannot go aiid return on te saiie _________________ Pomery, .
8i:07. . 513 a. In x":15 lay. Great displasre hs been x- The Ne Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
:lpm1:0m. ctdamong (le stndents, epecially ii Ne4 [~~e Richmond. Va.
SUNAY TAIS. . among Hasty Puddiing aiid Glee Club Petersburg, Va.
tGoing sothofl:15 P.cnn -n- mten.Tils nieans aiieid to tHasty No. 2 ImprovedOlPonCafitVn
Trains Sindy rn beween Tledo and l'tnddiig operas 211 New York, andt Willimsburg, V.
Hamburg Junction osly. ° Newort NewsVa..
'Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo Ciristiiias jaunits for the Glee Clnb. .A mi-erican 151
only.-CLNA Norforl, Va.
Altrsdaiy . gS.uREnda CLEDAAnd allsonutheasern psinsl. leant
R. St.BENETT00.P.W.old0 Agent Ot. 5, 2:38)p. In -arsity vs. Or- drawing seem cara on ol b ruht iixit.
$8a.0Lke0 (~UJJTicket Aent orsrie. o aloyu oa
ANABR&Y lANISR, Oct. 6-9 Newberry Hall-Bible Ii- MOLTON BOCK, Genl a-, Act.
TmTalay2,19. stitute. W..Nweiy al 7ie A. PETERS, Michigan Pas Ageit,
TmTalay2,19.'Octt, 9:13 a. mNebryvin, y ew~rit rlDetroit, Mich.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., :00.10 rsiet ntl'tanaladrsO 3N'T BUY A
and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45, 2:, 5:00, 6:d5, 9:30 and Oct. 12.-"4arsily vs. Olivet.ISN W EAY DICTI0NA.RY
1:0p.m. S O RAY
Leave Ann Arbr Junction., 7:00,:30 and Fri., Oct. 18, 4 p. in, Athletic Field- I 0T1
11:30 a. i.; 1:15, 24, S:i, 7:15, 1:tt and 11:00 Annual fal field day.Th laet odl ftefis suc s-ilysse
Leave Ypsiantl from Cngress st.,1:30,1:3, CRNTRAL MILEAGE TICKET Nwidas m 4ovd ostuciobther HDop a card or rallosi J. T. Midgiy, 15
:00, :313 an:00 p. m. - ctia.ipoe astot Traves t.,ENorils Side. Agentor isateaw,
Leave Ann Arbr Juncton, 2i00 4:00,5:30, Coers iiore mileage than any tiket finish, asd geatrspeed. Sod by the ask- Oakand and Macmb counies
7:00 and 9:30 p. m. -rs direct at a price sigty above the man-___________________
Cars run os city time Fare: singe trip 15 in the market. The only book good aatrn ot edfrctigcadlt
cet:rsdtiMtces2 t.F.RESp.atuigotSn octlgenet , '
We. . Paas, Spt.on entire B3. & . system west of er writtn witii it. FA L& E 1G
Pittsburgh. It also includes the Big Filn- Io order 413.5t so: Oveccatsis S
MAMMOTH PIPE SATE 4 tsystein Get it and have an evei AMERICAN TYPEWRITER COU., Clrt1eanin. yelTnmeinie $Pessin and Repaiinisic
MAMM T IPPSre $2t~00; good one year. Apply Room 27, 265 Broadway, N. Y FORDHAM & GLEN,
-A-- to Ohio Central Agents, or address - erhant Taior, 20 S. Stte s., Ann Arbor..
JOLLY & CO., SMoulton Honk, G. P. A., Toledo, 0. LOST-$15 in bills on or near the_________________
Removed to 18 S. State St Sage iBlock A ery pleasant suite of rooms for campus Wednesday Roward for its (rood Bond $2 per week; 7 Mlaynard
SHt aidCold Lunchr" at AllRouns. $2 stoc heated, Is for rent at southl return to 4 Benjamin St. 23 St. Try my bord. 24
west' coiner of Monroe and Tayer
or 42 S Thayer.- 27 Courses of Study for University Students.
RIPANS Suite, suitable for two or three, ai
-46 E. William. Ldies preferred. UDER5TEASPICS OF
Q] A choice home table at 15 Forest+ +TH BI ECH RS+++
The modern stand- ave. NO
llard Family Medi- Trade at Schallers Bookstore, 19 E.
cie Crs h Washington St. 2 The following Courses will be offered during t e year-:
-1. The Life of Christ 7. The Life and Lettes of Paul:
cornmon everyday 2. The History of Israel. 5. The Maccabees and the Herods.-
ills of humanity. 3. The Gospel of John. 9. Early Church History.
4. The Book of Ats. 10. History of Missions.
91 Bo Ti pce]4rsevd5 The Epistle to the Hebrews. 11. Normal S. S. Class.
Ths pcei rsrvd6. The Philosophy of Religion. 12. Christian Ethic.
0 for the Grand Opra The Bible is the greatest text-book of cvilzato. The Iteret In its tudy grown
hous e. with time and was neveegreater than at presen. No ones edcatio is cmplete without
at least a general knowledge of tiestid of God. The relizatone of this fact led to the
founding of the Bible Chairs. Casses wil be formed in the above Corss, in Newbry
A~vertse YouHWant at hur to suit the conenieneeof students. For fait lnfomsaton, call at the S. C, A.
g~vetiseYourWans Buldin, frm 2to 4 P. M.. or addesthe instructors.
G. F. COLUM, 6 Sauth UIniverity Ae..
ini The Daily. C. A. Y0OUNG, 4 Madsoteet;,.

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