THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN G~lt!RI Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. Mlail and Ex.....,350 Mail-______8 43 N. Y. Special.. 5 00 N. Y. Special--- 7 3t0 Eastern Ex-5- 0 12 N. S. Limited...- 9 25 A. Mi. Pacific Exs--11 57 Atlantic Ex__-7 47 P. sM. D.N.Espress .... 5 40 Western Ex-5__ 00 G. R. Express --- 1 05 Chi. Nt. Ex.-5_.0 28 G. R.Ex--- 5 57 0. W. ERosOnEs, B. W. HAYES, G3. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Aen Arbor [r ta 1 A, 3B RAILROAD. Time Table, Dee. 0, 5895. e NOnTn. SOUTH. -J 7:37 a. m. *7:40 am. *12:25 p. m. 1:30 a. m 4:155p. m, 9:00 p. M. All trains daily except Sonday 5Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledoi ol. R. S. GREENWOOD, Ages) W. B. BENNETT 8. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895, Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:10, 8:45 ad 11:00 a. in.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, 6:45, :15 and 10:45 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor JunctIon, 7:40,9:15 sod 11:300a.m.: 1:15,2:45,5:00,7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 p. m. SUNDAY TtME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress S., 1:00,3:10, :90,06:30 and 9:00 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 and 9:0 p.mi. Cars run on city time Pare: single trip 1 ceats: round trip tickets 25 cents. p WM. P. PAuRKE, Sopt. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad -+ Ticket + Brokers. Money to loan on persoonal property. RANDALL Phoograph er 15 Washington Block. ~ CO 26 18. 'STATE v r Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolatee, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. ",FLAG PINS" AS USUAL. We also haves afne line W of imported -"SrTEINSI5" WMt ARNOLD'S Jeweliry Stoe. III NflTEFR r2rr CAEREiR, W MACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9 E, LIBERTY ST. Skates Conclaved. Experimental Work. Request Readers of the flaily will con- fer a favor on the Editors by men- tioning this paper when dealing with advertisers. TICKETS TO CHORAL UNION. Hereafter in the Choral Union con- certs people will be obliged to show their tickets at the bottom of the hll stairs before they assend, but tickets Will not be taken unltil tihe doors are reached that admit to the hall. L. D. WINES. SIIENAF C1OCKVJ COTJ1G6ASS, JAPANiSE GOOOD Beautiful Lamps, Crope' Paper Lanmp Shades, Chinaware,. Toys in Great Assortment, Furniture and Draperies at special prices for four days. MAI &OOMPANY, Funture. 56, 58 and 60 5. Main St. F. J. Glen,, The State St. Tailor. DO YOU KNOW? That we con save you crom S3 ts $10 oo every Sole or Overcoat b~ought oc s? WW do. We were brought optsn tbe business, andknow wh~ereocfsse speaks. 'Till pay y:ou to look at our samples before buying elsewhere. 20 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR. T.0. &C. By. K. &M. Ry. Solidlihroughs troies tetween Teledos, Ohio. an~d Charleston, W. Vs., via Columb~us, the short and oniv direct route. Toledo, 0. Findlay,,O. Renton, 0. Coltunbue, 0. Athens, 0. Niddleport, 0.. Pomery, O0 Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va.. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfork, Va. And all southleastern points. Elegant draning room ears on all titeogh trains. Per further information call on your local Ticket Agent or write. MOULTON HiOUE, GCmi Pass. Agt., Toledo, 0. W. A. PETERS, Michigan Puss. Ag ent, Detroit. Mich. ITRĀ±LP"A"N"S 1 I AN ALL-WESTERN ELEVEN. I stc., wshs canijstsly dispute-,lte lliso to (is:'vatriousIposiltins nlicltTtthe 2-lore In One Named By the U,- ocC. writer can~ only sssy11t1ath li ~ss.tot Weekly. oeein Ile e teamts platy, andielserefute The University of Chicago, Weekly canniot lpresumle to ,jutdge' of iseoti. ls soelected an all-wstsern cle-en, Newsperl slr eportts aee rtovrttidaly in- chostenift-sitste ive teamts ahisc-Ihlsavetorrt-l, asdtt ooithler d1at1:are tattini- 111ayedin10C(hissago duniing ft-eseaison able. of 1815. The followsintgittli weie Attendance at Universities. ptlaced sit it: Einds, Ste, -lil., .a11d H~arrison, Mlisnn.; tacekles. iHt'nnintger, Thse last volstns-ic f (te Mister- Mich., anti\-illas,'it-I.; guartdis, tall, va," Publlished;I :iissstislly ini "emtttiy tiels., asLit asrsonl, Min.; centter, Al- gee ls'f lostgsll(lt- bead lilt, ~ ~ I~~i17 C..istts ~tk nlp ingthetltt' tyst unstiversitit-s, of thec (fltt.); t~tf atks V~ttIlstot'- 111wot-ldlwisiels leadine oin 01t f 1tlend- totter, othi of Nothtlw-esern;I'fill suice: TheueIekly say~s of sottse of thse ~ ~ - - - ,1- lMitligatn isen: 4. Maist .............- -5.82(9 Probltsy3tise best ptair of tacekles it 5. -Nap~les- - - - -S........ it.)501 the Wtst ate, ''s iltSand telttittger, 0.IMoseow- - - - -....4,115 bthsof Michtigatn. Itennintger-is t 7.Busdapest- - -.., ...-. 382 waosilte-bst thein tsois, Villsa. Tla st- 'sAtnliis- - - 1::2 tee altssia shattetielst of 11itt in f-' 1. - - --.. .23 1( f etsivi', tasIeninilger in de'fentsive11. Oxftord- - - - .25(1 play, bitt with. or wiltoutt. tilt'aItstn12.' ltanteset-i - - -2(X thley tie' coni tiultly it the gltttle. 'they- 13 t Leipzig- - - 2,157 site v-eel-strong,a-eeryIheavy fis tlackles14 dibrh, -15. 4Cali ridlge- - --.. ......2.891 ft-it. Either of thtemtwotultd le ae end- 17. St;. i-te'isbiurg- - 2.804 it toi any teati itt Americst. 185. litltigtttt- - - -_..,2,1772 Of couse Seter, of Mlictigsan, tmay 1iS. liije'w- - - --........ 2,417 201. inttsylvsttia- - -2,400 1:1111y clstimtsoitbe te bt''t enllii _____________ Amtseiea.tisis yeare. lHe playe-d all-Wateid-Somneonte to piatei'anoitI sarosundIsiashppotnettit in ttavard foer3:Ut-c.itsg in t-xclssttl;gcftorrootm gooe, s h di 1 fct n eery .iereitt. iteat :ttnillight furniishied. 45) C-slceits te lit in sic utexee 'siti' l'istt lw tve. of ti' seasontt. ite wetights i17 5th 1'. 2"'ol-ent-Larige' sun0117sute(, Isot siuti is a-ely fatstiled stronig, treakt uptil-iicoltd wat11r, batth, fiirnasce 1:ge tel-feence' lttselousl3- -tiSalsvays sinli-e rooim. 28 S. Divisionit c. 70 gptaiswiltClii- ball. Hits Cftslt stins155 TO Ititt-tOne suite Wilji ftnrtstce to be sloswness iii followinglkit-ks. hIt itdli bath1*11)-Moroe t5. 71. At full batck tichsigan agasinDtatkest Subscribe for tihe Daily. preeetce. Blooingstgon htas. all tit_________________________ qulitie'- thtmlse silta- strbiack. 'iUSIC ON PliHE ICE+. IHe is shorC tisti strong, quick sit his feet, keeps. hislheailbtteer thtatn tl- mtost itny3 0110else atidl -tilsvery low _- - atiildi.-ti. His putintg is not sinifoi-- ly goeod; it will p~rebalyl average thity7 yairds. Ie liss- putedtlsixty-list'. a Larson, of Mtinnesota, antiHltl, of Michigan, lalt'lpe'rhatpsOas good tepir of guiardls as could be seleceit. Hatll istro Crinetldosly l3- Itavy, aeig rii 'og 223 - 5ioullii, buit te is aictive, breasks thlroutghiwel, anld is ass sbsolute Stlte waal on tlie defense. Rtefert-iug to the difficsulty of sellt-l Skating at the-Atleteic Fieldl itier- tug ait all-wveotern eleven, the Wet-Isly noons and evenings untfil fsurter no- says:. - tice. Admiission 10 cesits; children Yit- Petliaps these are players on the der 10 years, b cents; seas-ontsIis Cs2. (rants oPf Illinois, Purdue, Griunell, 1'". CWRINIIRIC 14 wf 12 0 The modern stand- 2ard Family Medi- scine : Cures the 2common every-day ills of humanity. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. 'UTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. We Don't Guarante to give you an art supplement witlh the U. of M. Daily every dsay in the week, and we do not olfer any forty-eight page edi- tions at our present rate of $2.5a year. We aim to give a thor- oughly representative, up-to- datie University newspaper, cov- ering nil departmenits of the University and all the student organizations. WNe Do Guarantee regular deiivery of the Daily at your door until the end of the college year, furnishing y on prompt, accurate and compete reports of University events faculty and class notices, a bul- letin of the dates of athletic games, entertainments, etc-the BOws of your own and the other departmnents in such a tmanner as to enable you to keeli posted regarding everything htappening or pertaining to the University There's- no Contradiction to the fact that the U. of.1M. Daily is the only paper which can make you this offer. It has no competitoir. If you feel -any interest in the University you will receive more than your money's worth fronm your sub- scription before the end ni -the football season.