THE U. OF M. DAILY ~'2ifI ~(c) Eliat it embiody the results of (d) That it be published iin the Rug- Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during fiisilangtu'age. the College year, at IV Nite of the prizes shall lie di- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGiAN, QFeuxim Times building N. Main t., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LuRoy, '9, Managing Editor. B.GiR. Sao, '0, Assistant. C. I). CARY, Gr. L, Asistant. . F. THOoMAS, '97, Assisant. S. E. KNArEN, '5, Athletic Editor. L. C. WAKER, '9. Business Manager. R. C. FcaUL,'99, Asistan. Anociate Editor.a L. A. Pratt. i. A. K. Petrie, '9. C. A. Houghton, '90 D. . M. Heath, '90 P. Katherine [eed, '97. H. B. Cmmon, '98 M. W. W. Hugies, '9. R. R. Reilly, '99. R. C. Bc, '99 M. Susannah lich'dson,'9 . A. Miner 'N6iH. . L. Oismer,'95kL. The subscription price ofgthelaialy has been reduced to 159n adance or the re~t pg the year. Leae subcriptios at tie Daily office or with P. C.SMeyr, U. of . News Stand. The ssbscripiona price of the Daily for the reamaider of(le year is $1.0, delivered y carrier. We desire to cal special attention to liar fact that tae Daily will e ptbised until Col- aene agnent this yer. Sobries leavinig for 1home(' iialtey att' thae examiations can have tiieir paer amailed to taean without extra cost. Sachoriptiosais yaab'hi left at he Daily oilie, at Mleyer's ies stold, ar with ally mieiaser of tieBoard of Elitor. Loubat Prize. Prizes aoutig to at leat $1,40t are to he offered iinder the direition of C'oltimibia College every ifth yeas' eginuingsiti 1tt8. 'they are to e knsosvnis thle Lobat trizes id are subtjet to lila folwvig regtlaiions: 1.Vswo plands, vizga ist prize of not lesa n 11o11011'tsousani, andna ecoiid prize6 of not less tian foir huandreud dollars. to e kiown as (le Lotiat Prizes, shall e awarded il the yer 1893, aninu every fifth yer thereafter, to the author of the best works on the hisory, geography, ar- cheology, etinology, philology, or numismatics of North America. The~v coispetitiou fr these lanes shall le openc to all persons, wether citizens o the United States or of any othe country. St. For the prpose of the award the subjets ahve miaaied shall te di videa inhto iwo groups, io svlieh tit awnaral shll e miade lltentely, viz. (a) .history, geographand nasl aliis asintics. (b) Archeology, etinology and p1il1 otogy. The awards to e iade in 1.898 af be conferred for works reatin to suh- jects of the second group. ItI. 'T"he conditions of comipetiio shall e: (a) 'T'hat the( work fall within liha group) of sujecs designated for tae current quinquennial peeld, anal ha it be publisheoad within thatperiod. (b) That it ho written by one per son. , i 1; I; , IIIi videa. V. A Coammiittee of Award, on- sisting of three imemsers, shall be ap- pointed at the beginning of acti quin queiinial period. t shall be appointed andaallni vacacy oeeari'iig tereii shall be filled, by a ominitir" coi- posid of the president of Coluambia C'olege and thae deans of the faclties of the Poltical Science anal-l'hilo- sapy. 'lThe t'ommaittee of Awarat shalletermnaendasanaanouce, wittiai twvo months ater its appoitmaent, whaat further conitions, not iicn-~ sitnt wilthiar purios of fhae i'ndas' mnit, shall be estalised for tae cur- rentaquinquenilip~erioa. n partiti- lar, thi ssuaittee nmay i'reomnda oe or more siseeal topics of iaesi- gation and linittir awrds, primar- ily to works 0110011such (topc 01' tCopies. V'. Te committee sall reasrt to liar president of CoumiataColege not later than May 1st of te ear desig nated for the award. f special toics of iivestigationshsall have been sarc- onielnedealnadalno work upon (thee topics shall apear wrthy of ai prize. the eaanaittee slalh have toser taa confer thae prizas uponi tea ltalrs of tie most nmeritorius works faliing within the provisins above ladosw-i in Paragraph IllI aa, andpulise with- in the precednig 'ten years. Stfiut a siage work 1u1o015a susggesedsic~it shall1 appareni'ortly of at priz, tie coinaittee shall have power to awarS Sle second prize oiatae broader basis of conpetition above idicated. f 110 works, or butaa single work, be fsunda worthay of ain awarad. bola or eihar of the tarizes ay be withteld. [I. All1 works sbhlitted iii eoaa- petitioni shall be placedafter the awar,aia in the library of Coumiaia Col- lege.'T'he recipient of a prize is re- quested to preseat five opis of tae prize work to (olubia Clege, which coiies shall be distributed in acesd- - ainee with the conaition presrbed -i A .r. Loubat's deed of gift; anad it Is re- aiuested that all subseaunt eitins of Ithae work bear upon tir title-ae the wvoras: "Lubat Prize, toluiibia Cl- *lege is the City of Nesv ork" sih the date at which the prize was coa- ferred. VIII. To isurne consideration oi _their works, author are ivitedt send three copies of earls work to Slit Ipresident of Coluisbia College, not later thou Apil , 198; but the awar shall not be limited to works so sash aitted. Copies o works sbmitte 1shall be placed otertar ownd, in tht Library of Coluambia College, eThse Coammittee of Award for 1898 c onsists: of the folowigeabes Professor H. T. Pek, Colimbia Col tlege (hihasa; Profesor Daniel G MenoInvrtyof Pennsylvania -antd W. J. McGee, Esq., Slitlsonal Institution, Wasiingion, D. C Prof W. A. Locy '1. Prof. W. A. Los , at present pro- fessor f animal morpology at Lak Sorest t'aiversiy, ha~s acceptiedt ol offer froni Nrthwesterna Uiversity of the chair of aaiialaSisarpology as tatt institution. P'iof. Locy was graduated fioms Mihiganl withs thaa class of '81. He is considered an authority in bio-1 logical wor.E Thae Lake Forest Stentor says of his contribttions in thse hie of iis wonc: "Thar results of his study have bei F puablishsedhfroamatiamsa'to tinar ispeni- odicas both in Aisarica and (ermany. Amnong these articles tie most im- portant are tae following: "Vie Priasitie Segmsetation o thse Vertebrata' Brain" "Contribution0 to liar Struture and Deveopmenrlt of ltar Vertebrae Head""'"The Deriva- toas of the Pinieal Ey;" "ltetarnenc Segmasrttionsiniasthae Mduslary(Fols and Emabynic Sill;" (these last too publishin a the Gerillin Journala of Asiatomay) "On Teaching Zoology to College (lsses," in Education;t "oes oat the Drvelopmeinst of Agelenaa No- vica," publishedu by Sarvard College, sad a sumber of otaers. Vacancy in Board o Rgent. H~oa.('has. i. Hackley, of Muske- gos, whose termi as iReent of lae Last v ersity baganl Jan. 1, las giena lis resignatiosi to (Gos-reaon Rich. His successor lass nat yet beai apointed bit numaerous caiatelas are amaei- tioedi for tireposiion, aiiog thasa beinsg Thoiaas J. ttamsell and tJudge Aaron V. McAhvay, of Mtaniste, (Geo. IA. Farm, of Grand a ven, . . ros- venor, of Jsnesville, VW. H VWiting- ton, of Jacksoio. Thte tiran is for ight years, as11 six of thar sevean rmaainsg masarsas lise east of Grand Rapids it istprob- able that M1r. Stedy's stccesor sil comairfroaa te swesterna part ofthae state PRIZER t SHORST STORY The '0it "ces Geste" Bad offer a casts prize of $15 for the best short story on a legal subject. Cotribu- tions frons all deaatalests are isvited anad th Roardh reerve he right to use all manuscript submitted. NOTICE. The Castaian will offer ritben a cash prioreo4 not less than ten dolars or a series of books of equal vaue for the best poem submitted on or _before January 15 Poms pertaining io college life preferred. fStusial-F. Steinbaus, i Psi Pi, r'98 D, teacher of Manjeau, Mandolin eand Guitar. An Arbor Oran Go. tRes 7 olland t, 40-minute lesson' 1509 et., 6-minute lemsons 75 ts, Guitar for Sale-A Grand Concert tWashburn Guitar oe sale cheap. For e further parthculars apply at the Hub, S and 5 K, Washington st. g A nicely furnishaed front suite, three -south windows, register in earls oon. i_ Reasonable price. 85,z E Wasing- ton st 79 For ent-Two furnished sutes bath nasse furnace heat, coner of Division and William ss. 67 Cltosing Out We have eft a fair stock of ahl sorts of - -- WRITING TABLETS which can be cosed out as folows: MAMMTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C G000 RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR O 3000 WRITING TABLET, 81B1 RANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15G BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock with not be repaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. . This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. or aderts-t meats in part payment fra hih rae Aces bi sysle. whiheSwe sead them on approal. 5N5 aordoneuntil the bicyeasa rriea and poves satisfatoy. Young Ladies eame~eeh _fby Igrs pl hymstb elrcm mendeS. writ fopartacular.~IAY ACME CYCLE 0PAY ELHART, IND. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOCnAPHXE3. Y ANN ARBOR. MICH. STUDENTS T I you want good reiabe ie Insurance call on Fred T IcOmber, office No. , S. Fourth ave. Tahe yer Kodh wor to BERRYMN, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Satsfaction guaranteed 6KE.auron St. A BOX OF CIins'Chocoates wll sweeten tho smlile of the swe etest girl. Send her a ox and you wll e sur- prised. 30c, 60c, $1.20, $3.00. CALKINS' PHARMACYil