gije IL. f DNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1896. Fiouit PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. NO. 68. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WE] #4 G~ " "Ix s Ta 1" T MAY GO TO DETROIT. DOME TAKEN DOWN. GEN. ALGER WILL PRESIDE. ~ONE GUITAR Its Removal Accomplished During- B ILL REMOVING HOMEOPATHIC the Holidays. ACCEPTED INVITATION TO BE ~DEPARTMENT DECLARED VALID. HERE AT CHICAGO DEBATE Is enough for one peson top) The order of the It gentsi has bsen NN play on at one time. One N Decision Rendered by Supreme Has Notified Prof. Trueblood-Chi- if guitar is not enough, how- 111 Court-Matter In Unsettled Con- flfilled anustheii doue orf tuistelsity cago Does Not Want Debate in 1I4 ever, to supply 3,000 st- 11 dition-Appropriation Said to Be 11311, that has so loug lent beauty to January-No Date Yet Arranged. dents. That's whly we have l Insufficient for Removal. the building and to thle camipus. mat constaitly in stock several !h! eeii resioveud. Thie remoal uisI estoa G41. I. A. Alger has aeptes the ~e dozens of guitars of various The upreme court of Michigan has viairtopedettl ebt WI makes and prics. . declared the aw valid protdinig oat cagenthopaace fteiildinig anis by my is regard- -with Chicago. Prof. Trueblood has SBE TIER LOOK AT OUR the111 remioval of the lomioipathic de- s ssrpsugi fi il rht recetved the folosing ltter: IU. OF IM. GUITAR isrtuidnt to Detroit. Ti aistl-tetural beauty, bti ush s u-"eriDe 3 85 Wteste'd on the grotusdthat tie bill "Miy Dear Sir: It's good as its name. I piet h etnn tdnsa h could inot becaume t la, not icisi )10t li'r'uiisg't cil i is Yois sots ' ofiltis ist.asking se THE ANNeORGANry (overtor Wllswihins tar scaffoisig plasced trund ~tii the- sie tesise at the(' osiig orsiorscs S MAINBr . days fte heajormetoftebefore vacationi wst suffsticissnt war- coitest btween' istheis lseus of the NIII r.and Sthat.ts ssitrtieadoirtseitofuethe oades-of tie Iege-is Mligsuiiast (Isiesago Ulviaerstis s legislature. -'-'s-to bsa'oce -nil oussshas'e eiacsivesd. Nstting unifore- 1Tue ostosoc of te tsatter is ill " t "e~ ~ sessljpre eatiniig, I sall te haptply to d o~l ~f Q tobt, sissce it is still coteissedt Wol ast aeb'sssgi~tdo asoyoutasisis. SIMLDlfl tehisiu oSleesl i i -silil- s'dstcly after' the sdjouriiselit for Witls te c-smpsliests of lise ea- t Educational t ionual body over whishetseuseislaturee scsiabtttls'cstiisc sil f55,t555 "AIHL[TIC b nr , , hsno otoll. To fsrcesi settlsemes'it lst"Irt.w'sk Aessst is' or- So-rclyyelss Souvenirs of " sIcisl-tsrt uposnswictsisthe iistettly wr:cmltd heewsvr it as yet,.ut itt psis Poale aill 1s~t-sty timsber issdsms t h e ssinsal cs TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINE~SS i sitependenstfor finaisssal s lstt. itb tri hsmnh istnlof ue sdoe'andissiPewi(as a-(k- so s'siiis it sus s TWENY YARSIN BSINSS lts isssisly asibtriss ilyliste1111 awi tilammer uisndssa rssos-edtit TRIP WASSUC SFL A comuss e t tusete tosnse a-lslIt=uut- uothisuig einuite' sall itsesdue iithe i __________~naiyelt ieeb ieev~thu iieiy heeteMuia lusWn 5111 be sellS tolily asdas sin ath ietmIal~tters' util it is c-nsiseredl byli'ite'isitcc'a-lsstiflllt. Whr the MsclCusWn Sares astanasd aupons terecelsiitt 10Te cornesr ssu'ston tf i slassity hMtil During Vacation. cenitslgstgsets t thseir usex msetinlg, Jal.s sa asss isshill 1871, asittr itostte' leg- A. G. SPALDING -& BROS., 22. T led' s'"sssnts ts'e itttis lesubtsilcts-'tr itty'rhtsTs-scs it' Varity iGlee, IBsnjsoeanssiMas- Ness York. UChicsag, I'liIaIeSpiia. isreoftuityeraal'ganedaluhwee,that ll'sithoalh ail bs co-isclb eure uda on Largest Stasusauelacs 51 Biyces atd Ati- stapprorsitsi st$7500t utttt isust usesssi-sissshustliet'issssiussc- cut- totst i hic surtdtd tested. ttio i s um r i sun e us-sst sut utssiishts's ilhug fi-u l s'tsir Cssistms ri pu. They nT iu f E ATAllHOfURS N umeus prat icltalsobtectinssate usti tse hlegtlalstue sit15721h;1st ciplutsta most ss-us-stushtellsas sasl ITLUNCHUES AT ALL (UU elitpre;hestedits'lustcthlest'rotslant edtisth ua uit issiaut ttrial ttn ouf asssatvry ejoyable t iss. T'l ist ht Chocolates and Candies remisvasl. lT'ssussitf5000, uhuless-$20). T he ' s'ottf t1115silotiteeni re- concetof iithu ti-illasivegnssatIlls1- -ATs-iprite-si by-the is'ltsheortss-hliss use-Ygtdidussweaigilihte turlrttl thtieil'sisg oih-Friauy.Its-u. 2th. Thseniee-the asetghitttstesoutt'renduieesdit siul- .J 0L.'LY S2 . CO B.S uttos'istlsearlinsuffic it.Itt. hi hci'5 sis. hit-sit s remol.-Tlhe-isros-stila-llusut asi t ieutiuito(rRais slsert' a 20 5.Stiate St.,5ingercBtoack. tisosiedthttthlissamutswouttsldti liiprobiably hystiasngedshsct sing. reu-etin sais given-in iithisi- hontin i Large nineusor Fine pipes. Tobsaccos andts oerteepnslfcn ____of hafenoan aquta h C.irs. POUR GA MES ARRANGED, teuitu-istutaissltit tth' sliTst-s ueesossy laoratoes and thctie l'Pnsulasicls ustsastletheit' orus-stAt - YY L[ IDS1 - I tllitils siti-cessiry t iput this'sschsesth'Varsity Will Meet Chicago at Least G1ad R 115 r"th h clu-buts disandeds'u, te in cussut eusiustig usulue.Four Times. uu'slse uiu stii -siusiussa THE LEADIG TAILOR DATES ARE FIXED. IBaseball Manassssger Slitsis hasiasr- Isir liiielhtliasys. 'lusy tust sgtiuast r-sas'ldgfumsiaitthssicgot. fTsToldousu ost'e. ,, anthasits-u'the cust- .AN.D IMIIPORTJEiR. Announcement oh May Festval asill fiteliplaedto isis (~'itsgtgrosussu-ds et ases'es'stelsisss'at a hop gi-en The latest and insst Fashionablo Concerts.oiMa9an.1.AthrwilbbyfrsG.N.Brn, thersdne Foreign Fabrics for Men's West. The dhates sit the 'May Festvasl hueia-c ye11d1hee SAsy 21)or 21 asud lthe iio('sshhigaoavueSa. Au-as'Yers The Largest Stock in the City. besess deinily settledchas Mys 21, 22 fourths aill bst the Decousassions DsayIlit a oileti-f av- gia-en at A unsr, 22.Tiee awill he ist' roncerts in gameiat'Ditrotusit. Istl. At ht. Wsayneitrsc uepstio us-t NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN . If this-si'gms suult ii it ti' a 1ail. The fBosthons1hiestial Orc-hestra ift -lus-c-udhreJued h s vnii this' uftenssn sat Ei'e'ii W IL1,D- asill hltsy at sll cotncserts 151d1till'full stl'i'tget'i wItaill efcectuaslly shts'iisss'Bensce of Judsge Chaptii, nsimt uuius list f saloists andisilan5rsigI'siitof col-tit' qustionts ts therelstie Of this' t'uissssitytandst lsrg' bsall hu UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. i-cts asill be giv-enu nextvek. stentlghlof the is'ises. tliivi' gaust s t'WsaynesclubP-liss __________The__ sle o reseredu seatsfoth Convention of Beta Theta Pi. t-ord;t sWayne the sclus west ft('old- ILLUTJSTATIVE CASES Flt itval asillbeingtsSaturday, Jn 1 't' snl.tlll watsSltt itliti t le, whrais ecepionat-its n at 1tt a. uss. at the Schol of Music, A-saati hue MfSishot''.'h -ON-- 'IItush VIII sof B t hit Iset Phasis te oeof Rbrts h stated iii the :annsounucmen'st ue price hldhttta illst oc'sr tis tihriws astAdrians ofrnnnm*e wafswinnbe$1 rnTs d- ahifl s(isosuie.T'hee iust sufsIntart Stra vnnadfo hr v lUl1 htLI Iatu~e ssale of sealits beens fisusuicthe clubss retusnedtsuto AmtssAs-lus. elue iiithe t t'rS'a thethi h sitaitlss Selected by Prof. LovinT. necessary' is order to glveethis' holdhes of MiestgauC(hicisgo, r~aosaIi This'l(Ruitoiofstmandlinsthllclub fiss of thuLaw Dpart- of seasons tickets ass oportunity of re- disnt i, Miestitt, Iowaa, Niietsvo'its-iiymuarliss tprvesdltageast sattsseton. Griffin, ~~~~servisig seats foe theseslves anduit'uiveu'ity, at hDe'atuaa-l, 1 s-'t'sc usehsl ouu sssoadot mnfrienods asd that lt' numsuber of tickets Iystt, Wsabash, Knot, Beloit andsHt s- thtsutis- susics's'sve-ary- wahse.SlThe NIn 0e I' letnaddition to the teaxsia-ition of gist-usFails. hll. -AT- ties can he known.s It is absoutey osuadeable business, a banqcuet sass aur nadr 7 aItcessary to ascetain these facts be- hel at whiieh Juius E.hBeal, 82osi 'X J' A H ~t fore any arrangements can be msade Ann Achbr, sted is toastmsaster Col. 'T' Jaiuary numbser of the hulander a ith reference .to "advertising thtu Festi- I. IT. liott, 61, and It. W Dun"u, '95 ill be out sale sabotas. 1. All thp Tows. Dows Tew, val throught the state and that the difi- I, delivereut addresses bfore the con- minuscI it it must be hade!' In fis llnhverlty Bookstre Opposte Curt House ute fls a abs vie, vnin ek hi S. State St. 4 N Main S. cstisoflstyarmy b vii, vuto.aek s s W