THE U. OF M. DAILY. For a Styl sh Noble's Star Clothing House, S. Rin. FULL DRESS OR TUXEDO F rC rsu a .~ ~ .- CALL ON o h it a Jos. W ,. ola f Fine Neckwvear, rich material, latest dlesig;ns. Silk wand W4ool ±L~iiiLLI~ Mufflers. Gloves for Dress anti Street Wear, also Fur Gloves Merchant Tailor, and Mittens. Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, the finest quality.- i Strictly high grade work at moderate prices. 10 E. Washington St.l 4% We 0. Emp'oy -- Young d~ jMen tto distribte met i art paymenetoe OnbgodeAot biycle, mwhi o ee heo qqapel.N omit doe util the biyeai esrives and proess saisfacory.4 Young Ladies sae ACME CYCLE 'COMlPANY, ELKUART, IND. A. G,~ SPALDING & BROS. Football Spplies a }Specialty. _Eery reqoisite foe the Ione.Jcket, Pants, 3r- ,,Seters, Soes, Caps, "H Iet', Stockings, Mcmrii's Nose Mtas, Rbber Moth- must ho used to all Match Games. Price, $5 0. i Splding's Official Footall u Guide-New Rules-Pictures 44J r '- of all tho Leading Players. Price, 10 t, Handsomely Iustratted Footbal Catalogue sent Fe. Newr York, Chiago, Phladlphi. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Oh' ANN ARBORl. 0rgantezed 183 Capital, $00,000. Surpls and Prfits, $d0,00 Transacts a general banking business' Foreigs exchanges bogt and sld. Frniuh letters of credit. P, BACH Pres. . W. CLARKSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stork, $50000'Surplu, $1t0,000 Resorces, 81,100,. 0rganied undt'rkihe General Bankn La of tiis State. Receives deposits, kys asd sells rscltanige on te prittipl cities of the United Sates. Drafto cased upon properI Identifiation. PSfety de~osit boxes to rent. OrICItt: Ctristian Mlack Pres. W. .' Harrimatt Vice-Pres.; Cias E. Iisoc, Cshiet: M .ihtzoAsitntCsier H-OLI DAYS. The Utiv ersty SIkool of Dancigill giveaiforma prtyeseryMotday evenings durtng vscatott Studetst remainingtin gown cordialytinvted. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 AND 4 1 S. STATE ST. ON TI-LB ~BUM. Possibly your gym. suit is in that condition. If so exchange it for a new one at M. SIBLEfIS Cyce Emfporium 11 W. Waohoigtou St. ANN ARBOR We have cheaper ones also. Canes and Umbrellas, singly or in sets, either no doubt wotld le aipreciated. DO) YOU SIAOKES? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - 5c 7 Full Value Cigars for---- -- -- --25c 6 -Prodigy Cigars for - - - 25c 4 Owl Boquet Cigars for------ -- -- -----25c 3 Royal Banner Cigaro for - - - - 25c Lowest Market Price by the Box. DEAN & CO:MPANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prof. Ang-ell lectures to the biaw cliiases totiy. .Al11 'tork in theis' by ie'larlmni ilss'shu4eeneinog. 'Thi litrariy socii's will it hoitd iwtil thIis; wek. Alt: a, ielite ug iofliii' seniort Itorlics it osas ideciided t o' 1 a. ';l "Is15 s Rtobert 1. Ilnidil Ii w11 lecelit o i- tniglit in liii'Y. 11. C. A. cours-e att tht Presbiyteriant -hiirih. 'ili'e33will lie a ineeimn of liiiw fri-sit- 'intl Ubanjos slubiiiin RomiL4,1, l* s- sily Hail, aS55) p. 111. tltsy-. Thlomas E-. Munitist, 'li-i11, fo-re-lys with 11. 'P. '0yalt & Cos., of Aidrian, Tic lt.,111s gonet'oils lesitiostNorith- tille'. Sltdent- rei'iiiillfo(1e1 tiuritig -cit-- Lisot art. invitied toiatinti he bslsidty ev3eninig ittrti'salit hue Utiversity Schiool of lDuciiig . li-of. kvillitii A. Lairy-, '81, has julst iiol'lolos-'at Notllioisit i 'cissi'- sily'. Ite' las beenifrofessor of liii' sesulbjecitit Litlake Forst i'nivti'.- i113- ALLAIiC. Dni'iiug tie secontdsieiester a oite- liouit'cout-se will tic offerein iiArabic (Set'Alunuouneentp11,14). It is offer- ed for the iirst lime antd is recomi- tmi'idesd to stutdentlsof ilangtoges aind to thotse wh-io expect 10 lake Ilebress- 01' Assyrinit. Srver'al stuidents 1113vi alr('tadys'xpre'tssedi ua uesiret' otjoin t'e class. All stdeiits wholio sh.iito bll ille classaie iequseid Ic seid therir natmesi'bto cte intlrsigiseti, 00sliii books mistobe ordetred beftore kteiooh- daiy s. JAMRS A, CIIAiG, 44 Itadisonl of. NOTICE TO) S'PIItR+NTS° GOINGI 1101t1 FORIHOLIDAYTS. Tue M liiiaiinetral R1'y7toill sell to students lpresentint5 certificats of niembei'mlii tticet'sat one and cise- third fare for the roinil trip, Selling en Dee. l19, 2('Y asntl21, limiited So re- tinn' until Taso, 7, 15:3(1, 'The Yale Glee aud llanjo Clubs will alppeal' iiitDetroit iomorr'owts' night., CALENDARI. Tluus., Dec. ill, S, iF 1riteze Iall. -I.3eillly concert, 'Tlsurs;., Dee. 1), .S p. io., Presbsytei'- ian chitrchi.-Robtti'Bturdette, Y. 31. C, A. letutre eoiirse. F~ri., Dee. 20, eveninsg-Chsristmuas rc- ress begis. Satf., tie,:.21,, _Iti-lodist Stavonttoli, itefotre l rslt'yin Guiiltd. Toes, Jan. 7--University opeits afier Chirismas recess.' li-i,, Jan. 10, (hI'itteu's Aetitlinly.- '188 sot il. Fri., Feb. 14, Walernio-s Cysonas- hue'Twentieth AinalitB all 0f tie' tPalldium fraternities. Sf hIRNT'f 5'IICLIDAY VsACA'iION. seursionstfict-is totuentis hliiig ptrttobeCr erilieotro,Ites'. of, 20 atit 21, wsili'tiriounulitit10otitd ieclidiisg ian. 7, 18961, at otee aittontthlirtlowerst. lurst class ftare forthit'roundltcrSip. We will sorliltotill points in lichiganiiiiid tt allItoints, in thit'e('rltil'iattic tt'rritotry-. (On St'elines of ouir cotoit't- tiono s't' hove Otie shotetw ilet'le to Danville, Decatur and Spiringfilcld, Ill.,, St. tLouis, Mto., tand cpoinits south antd aoutlit'lit antd southwsest. Tue fact, is evideint also that we't'a('till leleCl- cen otiusliess. Any iiiforimatioin cheer- fully giiveni at ficket office. Abtvet rtlt(es 33ill atply to Normnal studteiits as we(ll ao U. of 11. It. S. GlRENWvOOD, Agent HOLIADAY RATE'S ON IO CRN- VTRAL LINES. 'rickets on sale Dec. 2-0, 215lantl'11. Aloo on Jaiiuary 1. Linoit for returtn Jan. 2, 1896d. Rate Oiie 1Fore anda 'ird for rotns trip betwceen all sta- flees. See Ohio Ceintral Agento for fill particularo. Lott-Fi'idtiy, Dec. Si, oin Wauolington ttr State ot., a pocket book containlIng itout $5. T'f linhuer 35ill please leave at 'ialir's hook store, For Pent-leasanut, well furonishied suite of roino on firs floor. One block from canipus, 90 E. Wtisliing5 oii 4. $2.50. 57 Wanted-Someone to play for danc- ing a half hour a day in exchange for use of piaino. 41 Washtenaw ave. Wanted-Anothier stew'ard. Apply to Mire. 1. C. Eameo, 7 N. State sf. BOSTON BEAL'S N.t MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand Nsotteoks ted otesdens sp ies Ftontatin Pents, Fine satiosery, Sporting Gtttds, ek., whictleshey uffer at te lowest prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. DO YOU DANCE? Mrl. and Mtrs. Ross Grager inite those cotnsiderieg te subect Of danitng to cal at te Acattemy, te Itaynard St., Opposie cool of ttlsic buildieg. No sttrs to moot; Oficet and eDancing, ons on grondflinor. C. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS-U. of M., A. A. H. S. The finest in the city. Come and see, $sweet Sents $] "Vshave justreceivdanrextra ] itte Isetof Pefuens.ssAll te newstltrt ineaudpa kafsean #]] PALMER'S PHARMACY # Fore ieticutttersutediatd somest ot es, 'pitoneHlomes'Ltvry SPECIAL. 0 l I Mt MARTIN Psunrasl Diretor, Cloth 0. aldtllicetaskels and t'ommtn Cottihs E mbatlming a 5Secaty. No.h2 E, Washingttkon t. U OF M, .SIHAVING iPARLOR aed lBath- . tt All Nhappoitmentsxftst clats. Isteorted ted dorestic ir - I Ldirs' sets- -te hatir drexoi't gaed bathking parltors. J.I. TrojIanowski, W05. State S. "'THE~N YOU WSANT your coties leed, VV p-essed. reited or reouned9gttoMrs. Fisgerle, over 5lteeian's itto store. Lab- oracory apruns made tu order NEW STYLES IN COLLARS AND CUFFS. Especially striking he their us onventiots- alicy are the new high-bantd collars, which use eow ull the age. The "Keleca," for tat is the name of te fassisoable high-and cotlor, is from Eusl.4& Wilson. The 'oif to correspond with the "Keleta," is called the 'Cbs Isigo," end is lso n Earl & Wison style. The hursmony with te highs-buhd ef- fect is in he lng, deep, graceful fhap, with to slanting edge. The high-band cnllar is nots yet worn withith conventional evening drs. uorta espose his eirm makes a cosed-frontcolraouaot two incies high, known s tise "Owatra." For evening wear the proper coff is the Earl & Wilson, patented'0ea. There is no stock in the State RG o Q&C0 and few in the United States opr ihDTOT IH