THE U. OF M. DAILY It 4 cit. REDPATIJ GRAND CONCERT (Continued from First Pane.) Published Dailby (Sunda y excepted) during the Gollegs yearat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Orrimn Times building N. Main st. opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LFtisy, '00, Managing Editor. G. it. Sims, '99, Assistant. C. ID. GARY, Gr. L, Assistant. J,. F. TisoxlAS, 'i, Assistant. S. E. KxAYrrnx, '98, Athletic Editor, L. C. WALKEis, 'lii. Bssisess Manager. R. C. FArLiSs, 90 aM, Assistant. Associate Editorn. L. A. Pratt, '96. A. K. Petrie, '408. C. A. iHoughtosn, '96 D. G. M. Heath, '96 P. Katherine iReed, '97. lI. 1B. Gammon, '90 as. B. B. Metheany, '99. Pt. R. Reilly, '9 R. G. Buck,"59951. Susannah iis'dson,'iO F. A. Miner, '96 i1. E. L. Geismer, '980L. W.XW. Hughes, '90. The price of the Dully will remaint as here- totore, $2.505 a year, invariably in advance, notwithsstanding the fact that publication will be continued until Gommsnsemnent. wcsoel she plays" but "ion x qu!'X(t15itely it wats rendtered." She alwvays selects such music toat is intereatili to her audience aund not sucs as to show the skill of the per- fiiriier. Tothis fasct alone sile at- tribsutes her greeat success oni (le hiatp. Lunt bill by noo isious least is 'Mr. Rutdolf Von Scairpal,(lie -woniderful] pianist. Mtr. 'Von Searpsa was borii iii Austria iiid at (lie city of Vienna le estub. lished his repustaitioni. tislplaying is confiinsd to 110 speial clais'ssif msusic', bsut Iis chief suicscsss lii's in tse (ites'- lsreta'tioni of Chicii's conllosil~tions. In (isis lie mily lie justly comiparieds with (lie celebrated Vhadimir lie lacl- niclin, womolsAnin aibor hadikss'th elas- sirs'oflhesarinig (two yess agos. Mi'f. VossiSisis pa is lssy~ond ei tic-isis Yale-Princeton vn, Memphi., A joint eleven miadle up ot Yale ansi. P'rincetosn football players Xiii play thle Menipisis Athletic (ceii at Memptuis on Dec. 260. The follooing is lice an- nlounlced Iiiahe-up of the Vol-Prilice- kiln team: Ends-Cochrane, of Princeton, and 'l'eatlosay, of Yale. 'T'ackles-Church, of Princeton, and B rowan, of Yale. Guoards-XXlieeler aissd Riggs, of Princetoin. Center-Cross, of Pile. Quar ter back-P'oe, of Prineton. HA~IL' backs-bc ttoil host Jerreins, of Yanle. Futll backs-Pope, of Priiicstoil. 'lUG 1 OkIADAYS AT GitANCO2OkS. (Csisses ho not sneertsit Grnlg-er's As',ss'imy dsiig Ills' Iolislny s. Thses os-i.ti slgto joiin lie cilste 110owsass doi s515finishinthitermcciiillMasrchi. 'liii annuaisl iolidasy party viii take plac'elDe. 27, thei'Fristly betweeni ('listsias ansi'New Ye'ar's Daiy. Slti- sdtits oandl triendts ainivitsi tosit- tsend. C;1 XVANTI2). Three stusdents.00willssonic experience ill lt".spalps'i'woik six re'port'e'rs. 'osi- tioni temipoirary. WXorker-s ondy. Act- lress 's tatling expecrie'nce'. 1". C. D., UT. of M. Daiily. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of - - WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as folloXws: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR DOC GOOD WRITING TABLET. - 8C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Comne quick for ist choice, Argus rrimting House. p This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS andli is a wosrthy mieimlier to the cx- c'elle'nt cuoaiiny liso'repsresentss. Please a Large Audience at Detroit Last Night. bask eXelig thes'lisnisseStly gMs'1155 bilijo slubss gsivs'all 'xhsibitionisati S41Talissbirgi' lls, Dtriioit. Thss'hlll swas tilisci tolotstuttermsost by one of Detissit's best iiiiieict's. Nss ef'tsishai el ;j51st~lre'othsl leptofi the oluniusi to imake thei' ntel'tliiiiienl a gissnd successxbohissto 0501'boys indt thecir asodieces. There isas not niii empitty chirin i the- hiocise ahoistevsey box wsis ocesiied. The Alicisigalo iMilitarey Atoisesly ci Orchssrsd Lk' hail ess'o'ith(le vests on (lie left ositheis'haill suitdrecsss'dlin tbill' solstie uiflorsprle'xtstdlct- 5155lc isli liciii'iirals-i. '1[she boys oend esi i'peoglilis with thalt faim~iliar but popularin'song, ."'fle' Yelsosw'ansi tBl'," sshlichsbrousghit to the millets of ths'oldlsunithelie icu- 017 of college dasy's, thsose slays of all thse best., Tule 5iil ruecived, a tremeni- dostuncre'aiidthe banijo rchbpe- sentest itself ii aswXer to tii'ero,tisse. The next fesitures of the ivenoilig was1 'Mike Mcirtry's Wske" byt(hi' tlcs club follow~sedl ty imandtolin clcub in "Orientsal Es-hoes Msr-li." The 110o sppular selections of tse evening owere frothi De tioven. ate. bilk - - -ul i tisapsrslis', Ass. 3 i he.s"511o-cilelsIi (loitifeolid ., .......... - Fnflsis ''cisiuplcsle, so. 194 .11's8. Btiihopi. t\'ti'l