THDE U. OF M. DAILY. If you sar i) a bIurry, IRide a Bicycle. If you are ieq asgreat burry, IRIDE A VICTOR. The strongest light wheel on the market. Ils simplicity of construction :enders it also the most easy ronning. We use pounds of crucible steel bere others se ounces, and the whTO costs more to build than Iany other bicycle. 0OVFRJvkA? WHEEL CO. Bosone. cwVor. Dlener. 'Detoit. raciic Ccat ! LoceAgelee, OSa rocisce, Prlnc. £ A. G, SPALDING & BOS. f?- Football Supplies a Speialty. Fi ryer1, iite for the schets oLa, otst, e- - ' .S trots, Shoes, tps, I;ets Slioetgs, Merrill's N;oo Me, 0. Rbber MItn- l'u cuSin Gards, Head I Harness Salding's Oii' Inte lter ollegite Footbll mst beised nee sall Aatch 1 " Gme, Prie, $5 00, p sldi g Ot ici o F otball Oide-Ness lloes-itures of 'li the ledig Players. '0 P~lrce, 10 ctn.,lHandomely Illustrated Football tataloue set Free.j Drew York, Chiago, O'itedrphla.i FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR Organized 13 Capital, $100,00. Srpus asS Prefit, $40,000 Trasact a general bankif husness. Foreign exchanges bogt'nd sold Furnish' oetter of ced~'it P. BACII Pres. 5. W. CLARKSON Cashier THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK Capitl Ste, .0,00. Srplus, 8510,00. Resorces, $1,100,000. Organized ndertle~esera Baing Lawn of this State. Receves deposits, bys and sells exchange ono the principal cities of the United States Draft cashed non proper Identificainsaty deposit oes to ret.) OrescEus: Christians Mach Peon; V. 0. Harrimasn, ie-re.: Chas E. Piscogh, Cashier: M. .1 Fritz Assistant Cashier, We are opt stai, and we are p In all the ew and Sandard Dannces UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 AND 40 S. STATE ST. ON Posibly your gymf. suit is in that condition. IfI so exchange it for a new one at Nt SIABLE'S cyce FEmpoium II W. Washington St. ANN ARBOR. Noble's Star Clothing House, s." Dollar Value Is what our~ new line of Neckwear is. (Special Holiday Line). Our Price 50e. Umbrellas Sold here and raised everwhere. N~ice Holiday Presents. NEEDL E -HAi'5 ]DO "YOU SMIOKIB? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - 7 Full Value Cigars for - - 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - 4 Owl Boquet Cigars for, - - 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - Lowest Market Price by the Box. DE AN & CC - 5c -25c - 25c -25c - 25c BEAUS +6 N. wCain. st MIVPANY. 44 South Main Street. i UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALENDAR. Tiii board of regetis,: in se'ssionii i., Dec. 13.-Rlegents meet, todaly. Fi., Dcc. 13, Granger's Academy- Rx-Setry 'Feeler sa s -i::tr as.99 scil the ibray toay.Fri., Dec. 1, 7:30 p. i., Mle-iill Mh'lblr' ola.llil.-Woelln's Leaigule Chrisltiss Prof'. Angell will lecture to thit'law Yparty'. class looy andsi SturslIy. Fi.,, Dee. 13, S 1p. ii. ttomiii I+IE- L. CI. 'lritlil, )SI,. hiaisleiii lii:,' ieios'sing building.-Eiigiiieeriii"so- l'ri,, Dc. 13, lersshsS to oweskdciiis. 'Thie Woiiiiiis Loerue olds a g:'ril 'l'rDec : 1I2'" 1 "('hrsiias Port-" thiiigil t t t i Manolilins Clubs' first appea.rance'. 1,i1i 11al, Sat,, Dee, 14, 0 p.,Un5l'iveersity tall The W'ebstrs' oie'ty will hold its --Redpolt: Conceit Co., S. L. A. course. i'li'itiion ost iificers lit liiieldusiness Sisi., De.15, 3 p.)i., Ne'wberi'y Htol.-Dr. Bdoonie, laddlress to S. C. A. ilisl lu IsllitilMoen., Dir. 16, 5p.i. 11.0111.,Rom24.- Prof. Huiicbhis will Five illsasdressE xainiaioio of ronditbotto for fresh- befoire lie 'lsstes'ioicietysionighitosnImaln glee clsit. liii siubect, "l"'bster, as a L~aswye'."j Mon., Dec. i1l, S p. 10., U'nitasrianl church-Prof. J. W. L~angli'y, of Clevec 101cndya5aw0tsswl olln, "Is Electricity in lbs Infanty?" a met'etinig Soatiriday ilis~iig in Room: 1Uniiy ('lub course.' I foir tiiiepurposle'of tertiugthirT u'tes. Dtc. 1.ti, 1: iill. iv iselecir,' 'lose oficer. rolomis ii ii.'tr-stocieitysdeate. Tiii'Alhisasu nda Adelpiii socjiibs: Tuses., De. 17, 7:i0 p. so., Pres. As - osillIholid thisir lcillls stigli1t ow-gell's residesc-'Meeting of (ir~islsssle ('Clssb, P'rof. Spalding en "Experimsenltal iiig to thiceentrrtainmencit en the S. Es7olsslloi of Plants." L.. A. couse saisrday niglit. Toes., Dcs'. 17.-Orascle on sle. Sast., Dei'. 14, 4:30 p. 10., Roo111 24.- STt'DEN T''I OILIIDAY VAs.(A'rI ).N. IxI assisiatioss of casodlilatles for fs'eli- The Annl Arbor Rauilroadsslwill sill 111010 basijo cluib. excursl'ionlticktt o bestudc~entsholing Thiirs.,De. 11), S 1p.11n., Friee 1Hall, proper rertiirte ,lDec. Itt, 20 and 21, -Facuslty ronscert. wsith rleturnl limilt t0 anod iscludinig Jan. Thuirs., Dee. 19, S p. in., Pr'esbyter- 7, 18963, ito0115'dsoilnie-thsirsd lowet 1010 hurc.-Robert Msrdette, Y. 5. C. firstctss fasre for thie We A. lei'tsre course. will sell ho all pointls in Mishigais and Fri., Dec. 20, es'osilg-Cboi.sthliao re- 10 all poilnts in the ('elntral Traffie ress beginis. teritory. Ois the lilies of our connie- Tus., 2110,7--Uhiv'ersity speiss aftcr t1(111 01e havei the shortest mil'ltge to Chrielnos recess, Danville, Decatur anod Springfield, Ill., Fri., Feb. 14, *Watermnani Gymnas- St. touilo, o., usCpointssouthl 01103 uzoTwentietlh Aunnual Ball of thei southieast hod soosthisveeet. The fiac'. Is Palladiumr fraternoities. evident also tietd-we can hiandlie Chi- rago busiiieso..Ally' ilfol'iatlonhleer- XCIIANGED. fully' giv'iei at tiscket office, Aloe'Frlid'iysevening at genrl library', rates still011111y't10forhmal senttis 'a: besa'y'roughblbacks overcoat swilta wseltl110 P. of M. pair of kid g;loves and a creahm coloresd R. S. GREENWOOD, Ageut.limuffler ill the poecets.Recturn it to Persian Attar of Ioeo in an 0th- 08 E. aoshhlgtonl st. for re-exchange en~tal bosttle is Ithetiest Clirintusas pro-hod receiv e reward. 60 eub to get. Imlported by .. C.Hal- HOLIDAY RATES ON 01110 CEN- plian froma the Orient. For sale at 52 TE.AL LINES. S. State St. $1 per bottle. I5 Tickets on sale Dec. 24. 25 and 31. Musical-FP. Steinibaur, Xi Psi Plihj, Also on January 1. Limit for return '155 D, teachler of Banjeau, Mandolin Jan. 2, 1805. SBate One Fore and a anod Guihar. Alln Arbor Organ Co. Third fsr round trip between all sta- Res. 7 \'olland st. 40-minute lessons tioss. See Ohio Central Agents for 50) cts., 50-minute lessons 71 cto. fnll particulars. MOORE & WETMORE 65S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note bsosksod other 'tudestes'upplies. Fountasin Pes, Fin~e Stotionery, Spsrting Goods, etc., which they ohier at the lowest prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. DO YOU DANCE? Mr. and Mrs. these Graniger invite those considering the subiject of danscing to cal l at tie Academy. (; Maynard St., opposite Sehool of Music building. No stairs to mount; OfficeondboAcue roomo routndfloor. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS-U. of *.L, A. A. H. S. The finest in the city. Come anod see, SSweet Sents WevsIie josh receved an eelr ine lene of Perfuts. All the n derss sneat paickages asd inbl.Call in andSfget a freej S sample.r PALMER'S PHARMACY.0 For theefinest esitters sod band- somest horse, 'phoneHlmeo' Liery. SPECIAL. 0 It . MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth 0. ensd Metallic Cankets aned Cowmen Cofins. Emtbalming a Specialty. No. 11 E. WaVshigtonSat. T( OF M. SHIATING PARLOhR and Bath- V.. rooms. All appointments eirst clas. Impsrted antS domestic elears. hadies' artis- Trojanowski,.3MS. State St. IATIIHEN YOU WANTr your elothes eleaesd, VS presord. relised 01' rebsund go to Ms. Fingerl e, over Sheehan's bools store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order NEW STYLES IN COLLARS AND CUFFS, Especially strliig in their unconeention- -ality are the new high-hued collars, which see sow all the roger. The "IKeleta," for that is this name of the fashioeable high-band collar, Is from Earl & Wilon. Tke cuff to correspond with the "Keleta," is called the "Chenaingo," and in ulso as Earl & Wilson etyle. The harmony with thie high-band ef- fect is in ehe long, deep, graceful flap, with ito slanting edge. The' hIgh-band cellar is sot yet worn with convrentional evening dress. For that purpose this firm mahes a closed-frost esther aboeut ewo inches high, known as the "Swatara" For evening wear the proper csff he the Earlff& Wilson, patented cuff "Odesa.' TUBULAR CHIME CLOCKS SutbefCATRHOUSES. DETROIT, ARE SOLE AGENTS. I