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December 11, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-12-11

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If you are in, ta burry,
Ride a Biczycle.
If you are itn a great b~urry,

NL4oble's Star Clothing House, s. in.I
i' , t THY ARE
Corduroy VeTHE ~RAGE
A perfect dresser's wardrobe is incomplete with-
out it. $3.00 to $4.50.
We have them, ini all sizes, with the proper turn
up at $3.00.

! The strongest light wheel on the
It siplcity of cnstmction
tenders it also the most easy
We use pounds of crucible steel
where others use ounces, and thep
VICTOR costs more to build than
any other bicycle.
BOst. ee Yorkt Dtoer. Detit.
~Longeles San rnsisco.tPrtlnd
Football Supplies a
Evr eqisite for the
y f gie Jackets, PasTr. o-
ti "y Sweter, Shee, talr,
18 PirCe, Shin Guaris, head
iarnes. Slaldisge. Oliea
intercollegiae SFootal
rutbeued In all Math
Games. Prie, $5 00.
Senlding'Oiial ootiall
j terGude-New 1tlcsnie tuPesne
Y _ of l the. iedn Pay rs
Prile,10 ts lnddro eely
thou'rted FootballOCt.loge ent ree.
Nest York, Chcag, Pheaes'ph.s
Organed 18063.
Cpital, $10,0M. Srplusand Prefit, $0,000
Transsats a geseral asing buses.
Ftoreehacge oghet asd sold Fri
Cepital Stock, 50,0050. Srpus, X150,05
tieroueees., ,00S,00.
Otfeaned unele the Generali Baning Lws
of tIs Stete. tReceie deposits. uesrend
selsexechange othe principal itie of thee
Unied States. Dtcshsed non proper
Identifiction. Seefety deposit boes to ret.
Osrirecese (ChritianSMaek Pes.; W. 1).
Horrimn Vie-Peer;ChsE. F iseset,
Cashies: MitJ. Feito Asstnt ashier
We roi)aissed we aeup in althe
eew and SandardlDaces.
44 AND 40 S, STATE ST.
Possibly your gymn. suit
is in that condition. IfI
so exchange it for anew
one at.
M.MSIEBLO'S Cde Emporium
11 W. Washington St.

1 --1
BEAL S ain st.

4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - C c
7 Full Value Cigars for- --- ---25c
6 Prodigy Cigars for - . - - 25c
4 Owl Boquet Cigars for- --- ---25c
3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 2c
Lowest Market Price by the Box. OM TT
44 South Main Street.


'TeVolWeeii'eaeegeis1nieakieie'er- Wed., D~ec. 11, Graenger's Acaemeey- 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST.,
range. lecees for i "fliriolinleet'aly' NSophieimore 1101. CORNER OF WILLIAM,
a. MeMillaeee blei, Irieleec cveiiiig. Woed.,tDec. 11, 8 p. Iii., loiser'sily
,elles Weeeee eee' tin T in leeli Ex -See. "Jhln W. Fostrl S. L. HAVE A corIPe E SOC O
ane tno h seir( seoeeutions dele- ..ceourse'. UNIVERSITY - TET-BOOKS!
''heceS., Dec. 12, 7:130 p. mi., Iteerria EX
ieeeiiig lie' feeeoetba ell'lb 'lescrileall.-First SHobeert Gilde cceplion. New and Second-Hand.
nid reeoliiii." Thuers., Dec. 12. S p. lee.,tDiseiiples' Note beeeeoksendtheer Stuentces' Supplies.
All eIeca wheeeae ce' ed e1thl le'chch'i-tIinlndee L eagecouerse, ceiliert. Poseetolee tees, Piee'SteetierySpeoetieng
Goeeds,eco., whliche thecyoffer at tie loesrt
'98 feootblliieamein aiiiregieiar geillee euder direcionl of Piref. Franciis York. pries.
Frl il., Dee.1:3.-tRegetsomeete.
wiltliele ileeeiei m1)eet 4p. ill.* NdFi.,1Dec. 13, Granegr's Acaemciy.- Call and snn us before Purchasing.
ilereiey, tDec. 11. '97 soclil._______________________
flee' craiieieioee ef canideieiis feoe Fri., Decc. 13, 7:30 pt. eel., M(-Millii
the' freshmaneeii lanejeeclbswill he' lueS leell.-AWoinian's b Liea-e Cirirlei D YU VANCLE-
lee Rlheeoi 4. iesisl gI leel, at -1;30 Iiebty
Fri.. Dee. 13,l . in e., Romee10, Eel,- Mll.sendltr.Iloss Ceaeeer ivesl.those
iree. aieb . gir llieeei-ig celeleg lieli r e e oede sS()e-eeee 0elIii eeisri
''iee'seeiiee-H teos-will he- giec ilr' ~yine(ie'eiigthe Aceedemy,6 Maeynaered st., opposite Sehool
,(of Mseuledeeeineg. Nee seeairsoeeeunt;
leecg-iolt el 51relleee. nlic receceei- ee F ri..te'-50 eietreD2 el~eeer OfficendiDSnisngefreeomeeenigreeund flor
leas iaeeceomepile e -leie rnrle'iilrand 5 e1leolt -'Virocig C'zile(' OIlaen .e) __________________________________
ieee ub lelthliiiaffaire will ke'epiup th. e'1t,leliii eIlbs' pufr nt.,Upeli.ece. C - ( ' 7 B
lelilelaiticeetSlet :'ltseerrtaelliollcl. Sa.De.1,5pti, iserigtel
-- tdieii Conert tee., S.. A. eorese. fP R C S E E E
'iceheiaieve' seeldele-l. Sune., Dec. 15 , 3p. le., Newssecrry
A vaeelulei'dietiieis tothelibe-rry Stall.-tDe.Bolocne', a-eire'rr to S C5 A
hair reeceetlyg1 erebeeelideitile' slineelte' ee., Decc. 16i, S p. tee., Uitarianie PINS:-U. of M.,e A. A.. H. S.
eel the revrcseetiionee i.ns'eFeechurieche-Pr'of... Lan~igle'y, 0f Cleve- Thae finest in fle city. Come and see,
e gieiccc~a. lie eviieel oe eecdoleaned, "IsSElecricity lee110tseIfanccy?"
Uiiy Cleb course.
uer he' 1c'directionii cf Iliceleos Kedleleico lh'c. i. i .e. 1-ior'leclsre
Adaesicerc,csieet cithe1cc'tieilcersily of recomde Fieccl llc'e.o(e'et%. ebto' nte
Wiiceeiolin. Tiue's., tDec. 17, r7:30 p. ic.. ircs. tAn-f VV L
gelloS reriecee' Seeling oct racirect' We haerus eeriedanextcra
LADIES' MACKIN'rlStIES. Clb, ref. Spacldineg cell"E~xpe'rim ceeal lice lene of Pcerfues. All the'
Ladlieso'ibe;, ilitary CaeMaterkinr- cfieeeo. erw ocer is netpiehrler esad
Lv oltion f I hntoilk. Calcfn and get a freA
Cobh, in blue-black only, $2.65. Ledies' "lecur., 1Dcc. 11, S p. een., Friez~ eell. ,ample.
tDoubtle Tcxture Mackinteohes, worth .SFacilty conert. PALMER'S PHARMACY.
$11 at $48. .adies' All Weedl Mack- Tis.. Dec. ill. 8 p. in., S'reberiglc Fotefincst ceutters an-d hand-
lealoslbes at $ ). Big beareaseeiesLeeadies' ach lurche.-Rotbert Buerdette, Y. Mt.tC. ,somest hcorses, 'phcoeelsc' Livery.
and Gent's Silk t'eebreileeis. A. leeture couerse. .wt Asr' I
MKACK &s COMP ANY. Fri., Dec. 20, eveolug-Chrisitnas cc-
tlt)LSDAY RArEFS ON 01H10 GEN- cess beglies. SPECIAL
'TRAL LINES, Tiues., Jan. 7--U~niversity opens afte___________________
'Tickets on rate Dcc. 20I, 25 ahid 31. Cbrisoleaa recess. SIM. MARTtN, Fueral Director, Cloth
Also ott Jceeuaty S.LSmelt for return Fri., Feb. 14, 1Walerieran Gymnran- "cndueS talclic CaslceresanehC(msn
('ollins. Embalmiog a Specialty. No. 12 E.
JTaee. 2, 18(96. tec'OeeFare ated a iTani-TwethiethAnnallel Ball of iii' 'Wasinhgtos st.
Third forcooled tiplebetwocen'ill- sin-Palladiluimrfralternities.
tionos. See Ohio Cetrlal Agets for l . OmAl. SAll Nspeieerst S iet ecs.
full partictelaers. TIlE OHtO CEN, '1R AL MILErAGE Imported asd domestic closes. Ladies' actis-
_________________tihahnh dresrieg coedheathing parlors. J. nR.
littssiceeh.--F. Steihubaurh, NXi Ps ii I oe rvlsa tnrheiiPei, 'rojanosokoi, ;MoS. Stnte ot.
'98 D, tachier of Stanjeels, Mandolin Ifyutalondrgthy
derhgseyear }gosh will Seive'minco 1TIEN YOU SWANT yesr clotlees eled,
and uitr. AnnArbr Ogan o. resed,relihned oc rebond genes.1rs.
anbuleAseAbr(ca oOy ptee''besiica thosnudecesi- chile lice-hr. PiagerO, over Sheoecsn's hookstomre. Lab-
ties. 7 tlland of. 40-sminute lessonrs The best in the iaerkc'i ti,.rre ia sse i -oratory aprons meedeto erder
50 cis., 6i0-mnteee lessoens 75 c 5. hiuld by a,,eets ot Ohio Cente'el Lines.
One .suite andI one single roonm, fuer- They asegof over all lbs important NEW STYLES;4# >CQLLARS AND CUFFS.
niched, light aned bash1;$2 antI 1.25 sy>siensincleidin,, the entire B3. & .t , spechally striking in thceir unose oc-
)er eek20 . Ic~als t. $ecity are the sew hih-h'ad colhsrs, wrhihh
pe1 ek-OS.ttl t systene west of Pittsburg, the Big arecenial the rnge. The "Koheta," for that
.is the some ef the f'shhonabie high-hoed
Skatling it Atlhetic F ield today, af- Feoer, etc. See agents of OhioCentral eolai. ' s from Earh a Wilson. The cuff to
eronand ev'ening. Band will ho in Lhne.; before purcihasing. Price $20; corr eod with the "Kelet'a," is ealled the
ternoon Chenaee, an od h iseoan Eachl& Wison
attendaeece ev ety ight tbis week, goohd one year. style. The harmony wih the high-hand ef-
fect is ha the lsng, deep. gracefulohfSop, with
its slanting edge. The hih-bad collar is
TU U A H M L C S ID AY W C not yet wern miii cenventhenal evenaing
TUB LA CH ME CLO Kress. FoKYr U g thpupoethis fSea mahes a
Sutbe fr C A T R '11coe-retcla bu we .inches high,
Suitale fr CH PTEknewn os the "Swatora." Floreveenhng wear
HOUSES. DETROIT, ARE SOLE AGENTS. thefpeepercoff is the Earl &Tiso, patented

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