THE U. OF M. DAILY. A. G. SPALDING & BROS Football Supplies a - Specialty. Every requisite for the game. Jackets, Pants, Jer- seys, Sweaters, Shoes, Caps, Belts, Stockings, Morrill's Nose Mask, Rubber Mouth- Piece, Shi Gsards,E ead S ' uratness. Spadag Oficia mutultercolite P ootbaii rust be used in all ath Games. Price, $5 00. Spading'sOfficial'Football Guide-New Rules-Pictures of all the Leading Players. Price, 10 cts, Handsomely Illustrated FootballtCatalogue sent Free. Sew York, Chicago,. Philadelphia. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING, Twelve years of teaching in Ann Arbor ith a rol of 5 pupils st season are a stffciast goarantee as to our ability to teach dancing as it should be. All classes are n- der the personal instruction of Air. and Mrs. Ross Granger. Members of the American National Association of Masters of Dancing. For information regarding classes and terms call at the office, ground floor 6 Maynard St. Circulars at Music Stores or Mailed. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S.MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF UNIVERSITY-TEXT - BOOKS New and Second-Hand. Note books and other Students' Supplies Fountain Pens, Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which they oger at the lowest prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 50,000. Surplus, 150,00. Resources,.$1,10,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of thins State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. Ormsns: Christian Mack, Pres.; W. I.) Harriman, Vice-Pres.: Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier: M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. 06 . STATE OP&COl STREET.+ Call on them for Fine unehes, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. ANN ARBOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Gloss and Domestic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 28S. FOURTH AVE. A Request. Readers of the Daily will con- fr a favor on the ditors by men- tioning this paper when dealing with advertisers. SUITS91 Overman Wheel CO.'s Gym- nasium Suits are ac- knowledged THE BEST. All grades and sizes at the lowest prices at, M . Stubgers C ,e Emporium ii W. Washington St., Ann Arbor, NOBLE'S STAR I QCothing 3House 35 S. MAIN ST. B ard on the pocket book to py ~ _ Fm 5 for a fashionable Derby. Why not bay our Imperial for $3.00.- C( REG/S TER ED , Wehave just received the latest N8 1I 7.227 shapes and colors LA PS That have perfect combuStion and do not smoke or smell: The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfection Stu- dent, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all nickel plated, with latest improvement. We sell what we advertise and guarantee quality of goods, and are never undersold. DEAN & COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I LECTURES MONDAY. Mass meeting at University Hal to- Dr. Parmalee Will Enter Upon His sight. Work Then. Hugh Keegan, '95 L, has returned for a few days. Dr. A. H. Parmalee, the newly ap- Cecil Page, '98, has entered the Uni- pointed professor of obstetrics and versity of Chicago. gynaecology in the homeopathic de- Miss Mabel Colton, '95, is teaching . . at Menominee, Mich. artment, wdl deliver hisfirst lecture C. H. Morse, '95, has returned to before the students of the department take a post graduate course. next Monday. Yale defeated Brown at New Haven Dr. Parmalee was a member of the Wednesday by a score of 4 to 0. class of 1870 and lie also graduated Castalian hoard meeting tomorrow from Hahnuemna medical college at evening at the Daily olice at 8 o'clock. Hairry Nichols, '98, has a position in Chicago, after which he went to Belle- Chicago, and will not be back this vue hospital, in which institution he year. spent three years. For several years F. N. Freeborn, '97, has just been he has devoted himself entirely to elected captain of the Cornell 'varsity gynaecological work. He Will not re- crew for '96. He rowed in the Henley regatta. side in this 'city, as his course only The last of the Women's League and detains him one day of each week. S. C. A. receptions to college women New Officers of Athletics. is to be held at Newberry Hall this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The board of directors of the Ath- C. H. Henderson, '95 L, after in- letic Association met last night and specting the law schools of IIarvard, made a number of important elections. Columbia and Yale, has chosen Mich- igan for his post graduate work. Harry Weare, '96, was rmade perman- Let everybody interested in the sue- ent secretary; E. C. Shieldo, baseball cess of Michigan in football this year manager; J. D. Richards, '98, assistant turn out to the mass meeting in Uni- football manager; L. A. Pratt, '96, and versity Hall at 8 o'clock tonight. H. Helfman, '98, directors; J. H. Pren- There is talk of organizing an In- lander club whose object will be to tis, '96-,+. C. Shields, '6 L, J. C. bring those interested in literature Condon, '96, and J. D. Richards, '98, ist o be held at Newberry Hall this were elected as the four student mem more closely in touch with one an- bers of the Board of Control.- other. The particulars will be an- nounced in a short time. At 4 N. Fifth ave., very nicely fur CALENDAR. nished front suite rooms, furnace heal Oct. 3 and 4, 6 p. m., Newberry Hall and bath. Also table board for a lim ited nuniber. - -Woman's League and S. C. A. re- ie ubr ceptions to college women. Fine U. of Al. Stationery at Schal- Oct. 4, 8 p. m., Newberry Hall-S. ler's Bookstore, 19 E. Washington st. C. A. opening reception to all stu- 22 dents. For the biggest (360 pages) 25c note Oct. 4, 8 p. in., in University Hail tiook go to Schaller's Bookstore, 19 E -Mass meeting of students. Washington at. 21 Oct. 5, 230 p. m.-Varsity vs. Or- Lower suite at No. 3 Thompson chard Lake. street. Furnace and bath. Oct. 6-9, Newberry' Hal-Bible In- Single room and three suites, No. 2 stitute. Thompson street. Furnace and bath. Oct. 0, 9:15 a. m., Newberry Hall- PresdentAngel's nnua addess Good board at No. 29 E. University President Angell's annual address. Oct. 12.-'Varsity vs. Olivet. avenue. Fri., Oct. 18, 4 p. in., Athletic Field- Newly furnished front suite to rent Annual fall field day. at 4 N. Fifth avenue. Gunther's Chicago Candies at A. E. Room for light housekeeping, 49 S Mummery's Drug Store, corner Fourth University avenue. ave. and Washington s. Whisk Brooms for 10c at Mum. We have the celebrated Swan Linen nery's. paper and envelopes to match. Fine toilet goods and brushes of al GEORGE WAHR. kinds at Mummery's Drug Store. Trade at Sehaller's Bookstore, 19 E. Room and board at No. 8 Forest Washington st. 23 avenue. t t s. ) i i 3 I ' 1, t '' , Take A Look AT -A erviceable tylish -- wift elling hoes' 6 NMANST, L.AWBOOKS! Buy all you can afford, for present ard future use, at our LOW EST PRICES We shall be here for a few days only. Callaghan &Co. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. AT SCHLEEDE'S 50S. STATE ST.,A" OPERA eOUSE W AMYSTORE General stock of Watches Jewelry and Novelties. Repairing of Watches. Jew- elry, Gold Pens, Rings and Spectacles a specialty. Cash paid for old gold and silver. C. H. KEYES. IOU . Find they treat you right at Palm=er's Phsx8maoy 46 S. State St., Ann Arbor. HNGSTERFER CTRR I ton9t Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. L; SPECIAL. OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- rooms. All appointments first class. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- - tic hairdressing and bathing parlors. J. a. Trojanowski, 00S. State st. W THEN YOU WANT yourclothes cleaned, pressed, relined or rebound go to MIS. Fingerle, over Sheehan's bak store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order. JSCLEEDE makes a spee'ialty at F. e PFoutainPenn, Students' Note Books, and Binds Books from lic upwards at 60 S. StateSt. 1JE .5' your account wit the -tate 5 v- L' iings Bank.- -4 t- t Suite, suitable for two or three, at 46 E. William. Ladies preferred. I