l e . il. 1c lz . VOL. VI., No. 59. UNIVERSITY QE MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1895. FOUR, PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 59. UNIVERStTY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1s95. Fouo Pxoocs-3 CENTS. IONE GUITAR , Is enough for one person to } 41 play on at one time. One I111 gnitar is not enough, how- l1t0 101 ever, to .supply 3,000 Stu- S dents. That's why we have constantly in stock- several} }1 dozens of guitars of various 110 1 makes and prices. 0 SBETTER LOOK AT OUR N U.OF M. GUITAR,.11 } It's good. as its name. 10 THE ANNARBOR ORGAN CO., S.MAIN ST. I -HOLIDAY]OE N SHEEH w ANl'S Yen ore invited to our hook party to see our new Holiday Gift Books in chioite hindiiigs. ART -CALENDARS FOR 1896 Oxford Teachers' iles. All the iiew hooks of the season can 1)0 seen at our store and will he sold to students at wliolesale prices. Beautiful (Gift Books 25c each or live for $1. SHEEaHAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Book- sellers. - ILD.% THE LEADING TAILOR AND IMPORTER. The latest and, most Fashionable Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. The Largest Stock in the City. js ' s i Xt EX-SECRETARYJ OUR FOOTBALL MANAGER J. 0. RICHARDS' IS ELECTED TO THAT POSITION. His Work on the Team-Has Had Experience as Assistant Manager T-'r. \-Other Athletic News of Interest. Atliii' iieeliiigof the a tltic hoard } Ial iiighi., .r. t). Ri-hoird , '918, woo electedl fooltball ili zgl I' for 1896~l, anid hiewill suicteedf 10 Mooi- 'rBaiird's ptoitiottile htotif Itiosiory. opi'ovil of t'o 'ithole l'nivei'.'it y. Al- ci \" 1 Ihotillitis is butt TI liv'hlyi s' se- itid yer lien.,lie lois a Ihostotf01 10- ol 1frieiids asidle 111011 Itle l)oltiliii'- Itfylie 1li4 -0iied lttiii his pliying . bltek lost ye'trll.,l ltids ytear tetinie ( d (luii t'i'-iin. iiseerl of the ;giiiileo a15: ell. Tool sl ping hle "woo>iilltd' .ltSisllil fIttihol~ll ioiiogr oid lhis fOHN W. FOSTER. been________ 11(1liii'clost' t'tiiiliti 1111(1 ivle liie'utnantoii m r ar drn sute liatlli. Mr. Ith(lus'0ods ofttis thegil ii.steiii'tl iosed01 11 hontly'trelul Aflet'his leel olliii' teol f lit',ll ol in tiling ol-ohis l c tion ctie h woldti r.oetl 11.1s' Ii Ilno it l. uie il' i li tl3 'ottie 11111of th foreit gk-il Iii.itlli11) iis tat lhe tuills i tlilto.elto i touchetl lt'lssutn 'toi ralalit tui'dig aprlile .itluyitritt i t ihi: Afettrutiisl titit ishettiotee ' t' lo tt tt this hil t will11101 h Iiktititulog Man- EX-SEC1{ETA1{Y FOSr~TR IN THE S. L. A. COURSE TONIGHT ON "ASIATIC POLITICS." A Short Sketch of His Life-His Record As a Diplomat - What Munsey's Says of Him. ii is kilet ter tllittI lit giilk till "AticPotl itit's e In. Gil siljAt. liii'e111101 le ilresitll itl'.11,t:s bjecs fitlionisy lii 11111' ii isilli it INigh i I ., . 4 inti'rn tioll~l 111