THE U. OF M. DAILY. CUSTOM MADE PANTS Jos. WN. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, "has on hand the Latest Styles in Goods to select from. Call and examine the same. 10 E. Washington St., UP STAIRS. yWe IYoung Men to ditibte eeosooouensoooo~o~~n~~.our050adretis- tsets Isnpt paysent fooahihbgaoAeto bicyle, wie end thetosappooval.No wokbdose utilte Ibicyce arives and peves Young Ladiessae tems. If boyso git ppy tey usttbe wel recom- mnded. Write fo partuslar. ACECYCLE COIPANY, E LKHART, IND. I A. G. SPALDING & BROS ~' Fotbl1 Supplies a SSpcialty. Eery requisite for th gme. Jlacht, Pnts, Jer- :' t sys, Sweatrr, Shoes, Catt, ' bi~its, Stocig, Morrill's - Nioo Mu~hsi, bubber Moth- 'liee, 5htGars, tied i arness. paldig'sOffci' _ tttercollrgiate Football +_7 must be used it all Match Gomes. Prce $5f 00. Spadig't OffiilFootball Guide New Rles-Pitures ?.r, of ol the Leadig Plyr. o- - Price, 10 tt. badsomely Ilustrated Football Catalogue sent Free. Newn York Chicago. Philadelphia. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOt. Oranized 1863. Capital, $10,1. Surplu and Prefit, 40,000 Transacts a geeral boking business. Fooig. echangeu bought and sold Furlsb letters of credit.. P. BACH Pre. . W. CLARKSON Cashir, THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS ANK Capital Stck.U'h. Srpluns,$100. Resoures, $1,10,. Organized under the Geeral Bakig Laws of this State. tReceies deposits, buys ad tells eshasge o the pricipal cities of the United States. Draft cashed upn proper idetificatio. Safety deposit boxes to ret. 01rosEns: Christian ach Foe.; W. D). Harrima, Vice-Pres. Chas E.iucoc, Cashier; hi. J. Frito Assistant Cashier. We are up stairs, and we are up in all the New and SandarltDances UNIVERSITY 5S10O f DANCING 44 AND 40 S. STATE ST. ON T"rHE B3UM. Possibly your gym. suit is in that condition. If so exchange it for a new one at M.M SEO'S Cycle Emporium 11 W. Washigton St. ANN ARBOR. Noble's Star -Clothing Hou~se, s. "an Corduroy Vestj THEY ARE A perfect dresser's wardrohe is incomplete with- out it. $3.00 to $4.50. CORDUROY PANTS We have them, iii all sizes, with the proper turn up at $3.00. EEDLE r ter. ¢ '.1 " ... ti.AM50EL _ Do You SMOKSE? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - C c 7 Full Value Cigars for - --- ---25C 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25c 4 Owl Boquet Cigars for- --- --- 25c N Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 25c Lowest Market Price by the Box. Ste DEAN & COMPANY.1 ,tee DEAL'S 6 N. M~ain st 4 44 South Main! I ZZ NVIA.Vii . Cain NY IUaN+ ' 1 - UNIVERSITY NOTES. Sophloimore 11011tcmoorowe silgit :a GraniigWs. Ia. I'. Gras-es, '917, int, left csllegs' 01 CALENDAR. Wed., Dee. 11, Granger's Academy- Sophonmore hop. Wed., Dec. 11, 8 ip. iu., livsiocy 11a111-ix-Se. John W. Foster, S. L. MOORE & WETMORE 65S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,, CORNER OF WILLIAM, The _N^Jlster society aretlr~t'll;llT hulirs., Dec. 12, 7:30 p. in., Barris U IEST ET-BO S fir an o0100nIlleetillg to bes held inl Ihe Hail.-First H~oba;rt Guild reception. New ad Second-Hand. law lecture ro10)ber. 15. Thuris., D~ec. 12. 8 p. Iii., Discipules' Note boicossd other Stsdents'Supplies. ,t .ta-sh ertlyo i l church--tilaund League course, coiccern Fousntaislens, bite Stationsery, Sporting H. A Daisthe.see Lay ofthe00)Goods, etc., which they offer at the lowest lawClas lst ear llI§ Itlit eenunder ditrection of Prof. Francis York. prices. i~1s Aso lotyea, lossilit tt'ci1 Fri., IDec. 13.-Regentosnicer. aduiltted to practice in AitoonI'll P. F'ii., Dec. 1:3,(Grailger's Acadeimy.- Call and see us before Purchasing. 'hec lirot of tic series cf ttobart 1iiisociail.________________________ Guild recepioncls will he riv-cit l Fri.. Dec. 13, 7::,0 p. ni., lciltiin I~ari Haf hurda evnig, a4 taiil.-Womiati's Leagule Christmlas DO YOU DANCE? inlg fr'omi 7:30O to 11:3,0 ocloclk. cly 1-ri., Dee. 1.,iTl chil:-7 os.Acadeimy, lMr. and M1rs.MOBs Granger invite those The Festival of Htolidays at Hlarris Ic trot--larety ; lee. lis l~d considering the subject ohdacleiong to call at 11,111 will close tdy andtoih Maiidolin (Cub' first appea;raniee. the Academy, 6t Maynard st., opposite School toda, i~lililiof Music builinog. No stasirs to mcount; there osill he alb extrztsica01l('11 ol) Sat., Dec. 14, 8 p. Ii., Univ-ersity Hail Office ansd Dsncing roosm on ground floor. gramo furnished t-- the tuniveroity --btedpatk Concert Cc., S. Lc, A. curse. ________________________ Orches~tt51111., Dee. 18., 3 p. Ili., Newvberry " lH." LC JvE8 Clrehsina.hall.-Dr. Boone,' address to S. t0'. A. D~r. Boone, of Ypsilantii, willniceak tAlia., Dcc. 1.6, 8 p. iin., Ulnitariciani be'force the Students' ('il istiahih Asso- ectireli-Prof: J. IV. Langley, of Clev-e- OPERA HOUSE JEWELER ciationt \ eostorry 1.11ilex,, 50u1- loud, "is Rlectricity in itosInfahncy?" daty at 38p.11n., iiistead of 4 p. Ili., tile Unilty Club coulrse. PINS:-U. of X., A. A. H. S. usual:1 hour. Tues. Dee.. t'i'. i1... hiss loe"r.. The finest in the city. Come and see, moiti1, ilial ii';--societys debate?. 'Thie Gradute10 Clt'u'Ibhsill muect at the Tu'es., Dee'. 17. 7:3l0 p. iii., Prcs. Ali, re-sieec of Pridicent Aiigehi iiext geil's residec~ce-Ileetiug of (ironhoate Tuedayewtn~ig. rof Spldig wll'hCuts. P'r'f. Spalding on "RIlxc'liletl('11 SHAVE YOURSELF? read is paper' oii "Expc'imieutal 1-isciii-Evo~ltioiit(ofPlan~ts." Thiurs., hDec. 19, 8 p. Iin., Frieze tHll. Let us sopply you with a sazor, ion cf P1'its 'strap,1mug, bsush or scap. A 'th io lllle. n tetllo Faculgy eCoicert. good assortment atall prices. I~Thl'ecorsne'ril c inste iInlic'd 'hur s., Dee. 19, 8 1p. 11., IPresbyt-icu- PALMER'S PHARMACY. Legu ous wllbsgvn ln h inchurche.-RoboertBurcdettc'. Y. A.P. 46eltS. State st. Chulrchi of Christ 'lThulrsda1y cveninig A. leturt'ecouc'. Lose your orders. here for Hiack c iand osill b hc'ontcliirt oundi'r the dirce, - Fri., Dec. 20, evening -Christmlasren- and )1 cggare. Ws-n'phoor. toHlolmes' I ti~i o lrif.I-'lclc'i Yck. essbegon.Livesy. You cun depend on thsem. j Th Wnins Lage il gvea Turn., Jan. 7--Uiversity opens after " 'd''1""'''®'0 ' d 'rue ouii~ii'o Icogu ro-il i Charbistmsas reeess. ____________________ (Chiristmias party 11ridlay ehhiiug;", hDc. Fri., Feb. 14, Wateruoan Gynonas- SPECIAL. 13, at 7:300c-ock prnompttly, in Ptc- iumo-Towentieth Attinoal Ball of the_______________________ MN1iliauo hail, to wshichc all imemibers of Palladhiuim fraternities. ( M.SMATITN, Funieral Dirertor, Cloth I '.7. and Meitallic Caskets aid Common lie League ar)' invited. Leagioe tick- TiHE OHtO C.Ni'l'tAT. J1lLEAGE Coilins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 1? E. rio admit. 'I tI.Washingtot st. The i'ooiiio of the Young Woimen's If you tras-el cOe thouo'aud miles -r OF 00. SITAYING PAR OORtand l~athe cuilug thoe year you still solve'mnoe- " roomo. All siuuoitmenlS first class. Chnistiaii Assoo-itiolui, os-er the post Imported and domeatic ricars. Ladies' artis- by pur1chasing a thlousandO(1 nile tic-loch, tic hair dressiog and bathing parlors. J. It ofcdie osill be open afternoons uutil The best in the inarke't'inc those is- Trojanowski, 305S. State st. Chiistmoas. A couvenlient place ini sued by agents, of Ohlo CentraelLtnus. THTtEN YOU WsANT yoor clothes rlrsrsd, owhieh to osait for the caon or rest froiu Wiey ane good over all the imnportant WV premsed, relined or rebound go to Mrs. r, sstes inludng theentre 3. &OFisgerbe, over Sheehan's boot store. Lab- ot shiopping ! expedition, auld a goodnytosicungtoetre1.&0 oratory aprons made to order iiiic t ecise heret f te auiis-systenswosrt of Pittsburg, the Big plae t tse~laeth ret o te ffl-lyFosir, etc. See agento of Ohio Central NEW STYLES IN COLLARS AND CUFFS. os-ile you iuake that Chistmso pres- Lines before purchasing. Price $20; Especially strihing in their unconventio)n- cutgoodone ear.ality are the new high-bandi collars, which ______________ _________are_ ne oe all the rage.. The "Keleta," foe that is the name of the fashionable high-band Skating at Athletic Field. today, of- One suie and one single room, fur- collar, is from Earl & Wilson. The cuff to lernon nd e-cung. andos-il b inn~shd, ighto~dhaib $2and 1.2correspond with the "Keleta," is called the :teroonandeveing.Ban wil b innishd, igh an bat; $ an $125 Chonuego," and is also an Earl & Wilson attendance every night this oseek. per week-2O S. In,, is ot., 5as ntie. The harmony with Slit high-band ef- __________________________________________________________ fect is in the lsng, deep, graceful Slap, with ito slanting edge. The high-band collar ho TTJ$ LA ,CHIA C OCK WRGHT KA C0 not yet worn wish conventional evening TUB LAR CHIA COCK ~ ~ f~J( dreon. For that purposn this fiom maher a SuitaW RIGfor CHAPTERU closed-front colar about two inches high. Suiabl fo CH PTEknown an the "Swatara." For evening wear HOUSES. DETROIT, ARE SOLE AGENTS. c Pff OdeauflisthenEarlb&Wilson, patented r l