l e . a A VOL. VI. No. 57. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1895. FOUiL PAGES-3 CENTS. MICHIGAN IN CONGRESS. SONE GUITAR OUR UNIVERSITY LEADS THEM I1 Is enough for one person to AL _IRPRSETAIOS j ply o atonetime. One 4 Cushman K. Davis and Calvin S. I guitar is not enough, how- I~ ~t4 I?'Brice in the Senate-Many Other IN ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- i Prominent Men In the House. S dents. That's why we have I__ 1 constantly in stockt several Fromt the long existence of ilarvairt dozens of guitars of various NI andYal son holnaturttiiy say that makes and prices. N 1 t~iaduties froin those institutions woold. BETR LOOK AT OUR be in te majority in our contgtress leg- U.TTE M. GUITAR. islature and indeed almost all the irs- U tO s good as its name. I fessions of life. 'I TH N ROROGNC1 But such isinot ihe case, and the THE AN ARDORORGAN u.,~inexpected is just whast happeno. To- S. MAIN ST.- daty the University of 'Michtgttn letids toe Attericoaneducatiotnalistitutiois tn itc mntibersitip of tite Fiftyv-fourth HOLDAYCongrecs and souse tave loitg beets OLDYOPEK*N (11 mient inembers of ta ~snby -AT- HERBERT SPENCER Is the Subject or the Principal Ar- ticle in the Review of Reviews. The subject in thtis itonths's char- acter sketch in the Rteview of Ret- views is Mr. Hierhert Spenceer. The sketch was writiten by as iintimte friend wise ideittity is inot disclosed.. ft is thse itost coitplete record. of thte great pitilostltle-'s life anti achieve- iseitto litiattas yet nttpetared. Thse writer tells its thatt "Social Statics" could not finitiSpuiblishted in 1850, so tt Mr. Spteicer wae obliged to prit it at itis own cost aind sell it on coms- itissin.It.i took: foturteeni years to tdis- isose of thte editiots of 730 coplies. L"Prittciples of Psycihology" hadt a like Lexperience, while Mr. Speincer wais kept otit of pocket for thte capiial sutnk its thtese twvo. ventures. It was the E iiesota: graduated from tli.e literary de I same wit-il ills otil"er pliilosopincal SHEEHAN'S You ars invited to our hook party to see our new Holiday Gift Books in choice bindings. ART CALLENDARS FOR 1896 Oxford Teachers' Bibles. All the itew books of the soasoti can be seen at our store and will be said to student at whtolesale prices. Beautiful Gift Bonks 25c each or five for $1. SHEEH.AN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Book- sellers. -WILD, THE LEADING .TAILOR AND IMPORTER. The latest and most Fashionable Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. The Largest Stock in the City. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST,, NEAR MAIN. WI L D AT WAHR'S ptartmetnt of thte Untiversity inthte class of 1857. tIe wtts a cltassmsate of ex- tot.gresstsan Levi T. Giriffitn,tuttge Getotrge Ltaidont, of Montroe, Erwin Palmter, of Detroit. Jerotti' W.'Tirner, of Owossot, ttid manty oterpromtinent Stentotr Catlvin. S. Bice, of Oioi, woo4 a student.intshft"lass- ieiattts ;jt u st tfterthfle wtar. C('iresusait Jothn C. Tt'J'rsiney, of Missoutri, htts hbtetntiatmett- bttr of thte itouse tsrithtclat six ytears, tatt wtas a cltissmti of Jutdge' Edwin ltstrliitgtittt, of Glrantd Etpitis. L. T.' Diurtand of Sttgintaw, tand Juttge A. V. Me.Aivtsy, of 'Mtnistee. Ctttn- stsait JonTiti .Shsafotit. of Dtenver'. entttreth ie Uttiverotty it te agte of 18,ttnttt sstcitsted wi th itmit deritug iis College (days scer" ,itttgte feiirgi S. tflsttet-, of Deettit, P'trifesi- son Debts Fail, of Albittt, tatd Profes- sor ,-acirC'. Vautatt, now tdea:of th tttetialdeitartmtettnt. f ts"etnive'rsity. storks it first, anid in thte course of 135 years Mr. Spencer lost itore thtait £1,100. Ct wttsitot till 24 years aftetr iie begati to publish thtat hte was fuliiy ttbreast of htis losses, or, its outher wortds, just whter' e he tad sttarted fitttancitally. It is sotite coosilationtiot knsow thtat itt recentt yetars Mir. Sietucer's intt'omet htts bien fttIrlysat- isfactory. Pror. Htnsdale at the Alpha Nu. 1'r( f. insdasle uddressedthe(tt Alphat ut socity Satrdtty itgltt it"'itie Functtitin of ltselLitertary Society itt a College flducitiiC.'He '~spke o(f thte delinue of te litertary socites tnd t- - ributted it tosite iilcrsostttg interest in olter'linets, sitihtIs joturntaismtt. Ite gacve itt is iopiiotist at te liteirtry socetiiestart'asemiuch. nesed toidty atierctatiidttttheluy formtttil imtatiitttt sidie if coliege life, On With the Festtval. FOR THlE CHICAGO DEBATE. OUR REPRESENTATIVES WILL SOON BE CHOSEN. Some Probabilities of a Union of the Societies and Oratorical As- sociation-Men All at Work, Thefuntil inter-society debtet cotest will be hsild Ttiesdtti' eventing, Diec. 17, ini the law lectnre roomti The speakers will be salowed twelve mittutes each save the first affirmtative, who wviii be given tetcinuntes. to open. and five itmintes to close, Tile subiject will be "Shtonldsthet stale railse its reventue by a gradunate Iroperty ttax?" 'fitspseak- era will tippear a-s follows: Aifirtia. tisne, Vect, (li'iter, Eu-tng, Cttrmtody; negative, Eatliers, fHarrisoit, Block, Albrightt. TIMnt tinisu tccessftit esatestauits will contstittthetti trio to tateet tite mttei frotm Chicago Uiniv-ersity in the idebtate to be hteludits Ansn Arbor its Januiary. Strong efforts are being made to get use debtatiitg intie-ests itiited with te or-atoricalth interests tunder (lie Ortstori- cal Associaltiois'fits asocitationc offers to let thte societies contiutthelt'lre- litttisar-y cottests suitfturther'' tgrces itat itly iuessbers; of thes societies shtallite eligible to enster (tetprelitmin- ttries. Thtey further agree to icfer a li-in of $50 os' nore to liie three site- csooft1ilisens. The societies wvill etachs be allowved ti s-it- eeitatise is ths'etissisitteehitS- It,- chtarge' of debtsitng interests. As this is all tse soch-tie's isaste uskedit i is v-ery probasbhlethat i tshe twoisterests wtill be united. It is urged. iy iorttty thsaf if btacked biy (hue Ortourictsl Acs- eiationsths'eittbate swill bicomsets greait- er ftactor thatnu it casus hope' to tie utudter tht socis-fit'salosss. A Ktnd Invitatton. Dustingthss tiuci'of use footbiall teamusitsCi'cago ai tt thse ''isTankgit-ing; Dtty gameti, ('spittiut lenisuhgec use- ceived aIsintvitattistisfrostsHftrrisons '. Wiolfe, istisager- f1'"Te Cosicsan ('sugrecstttn Edgar Wlson., of Idathio.- ihf~utted ft-ousmislawt-deparlttet. _n '('isoFestit-ai of fHolidiay-s sill cots- 1884, aisd Cougcterutt n Kirkpalrick,tusetitynsitourstttiars of Kttnsas, wsa seutbo , of (ie h'latw5titg eltsrote ( det't tituutdnsaswl stonpol. lp gressmsan Joestht .Itt. idatil. . fier is set-sed et-et-yeveninug at 6 fet-uckiey, is a io-stttte.' of tisoFif't, -o'clock a st"''ttihsixisghsoinud toscus Cotgns'e. it~ ~ i lisht refreshmtuents ate set-seldtill theti Special saletisswseels, ucstht Ff mr.- tet sorrosv evusgits'heiutsicalpart of fooftallfeato i attil ill 1boay, Thte Ittei.ejotu, of Nt'1ts:tsts sa ins-its- Illustrated ie ~ s ts-caso St Ittsst hts'p'ogrsus still lie furnutishesdbythelte atty stichlwst-uegistes its thtsters ~ sstsisus sst tctrfI. itUstnivsesity tOrehitet. hus ieslutAnnsAnrion, Satuurdiay uiguit, G I T B O KSl ~ihhlswsIoetL le, -hcg eatr hsn Fist'. '10. t'tftnatettly mstsof (ise - tfuskiout.Chigo ebatrs hose. tealns stats ousttf townstus thue tisse, Standlaud and Miscellaneous Boioks, wiocdpytatseatinsthes, int'Con-Tu Muetutneti isgessasttheutlCupa.itutugnsitutr- Callens and Ditsries for 1896. ss sitra: utp an setuwits s il e rest st ti5~f'o ttto otnsus(t'e''hs'i'tttsisuut os-rtl Juvenile andtioUsy Books, t'" td vCs'itss-l teIbn hsf lii-tgo-1fuclstgtut stvbtts. Tih' pnhtlt- Teacher's Bibles. Largest IPr,htte, of I'tttsissttlia audTheout-inti'itvsbsittht(io'lag Prepare for the Glee Club. stock in tho city, 1,000 ptopi- bldt, Otjeut, of W .s~ubolts Micit- utvniy ts lets 1ugct, Extb'nite-epaciustotint'are )iti 1st- books at 25 cents each. tk tit utesn. 1"ipe-tt' slush ltt-si'iisil t'ua-et'tfttit isDtti st'su'trs lutt si-s-vrdlidtar tiecidedsito 'play isl'lasgao inithts comtinsg sbatd-. '(hen' lstscof (tt' Uts ivc'neiuy Olee, Lilujo WC A H it S ftr no fototballgamss t ifllti- is soetut'ttlksof tte Ciratlgo tit-tttiutg tut ~udtuiolit cistite!it s utjseuuts' Us Townt. fliton Toe's, leitclutis on othserotn-coitatlit' etttq'tustiontits tll (01s' Ftt5stA'tti'tty sext indtuy. A topi still be ttivs'ety noostore, Opposite i'ouutttoase tas.Ui-niybfn sc'it iti~t isu utrst osit -105. State 5St. 0N.M ns r ita mst.s II::ic1ct beoem eiglili l gi naf r"he ocr.