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October 04, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-10-04

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Manufactured for the present season, are only sold by us.
PRICES: Suits from $15 to $20. Overcoats, from $15 to $24.
E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Cutter and Crossette Neckwear, High Class Furnishings.
Tie abe Reled)Ma 1, 50. Some of the Features of the Coursew
EAST, WET. Thie Year,.
P. M. AM O
Malland Fx.-_3 50 Mall _____ _ 8 48 Young T. 0. &C. B3y. 1K. &L M. Ry.
N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Spectai_-- 7 30 The Unity Club, whose excellent -,e~
Eastern Ex -...10 12 N. S. Limited,. 0 25 ."1SldTruhtan ewe oeo ho
A. M. Pacific Exa-_11157 C )orses have never failed to please lbe aid iChalete bet.ee Tialmbus 0tIa,
Atlantic Ex 7 47 P. M. tn ditribute shedt sbarles let Wmaute. lmbsh
0. N. Euprese...- 5 40 Western Ex __2 Wa students and, pulic at large have me-4s ' acOameufrb aerode- m
Bp . R. Exprese --1l1 05 Chi. NI. Ex . 1--10 28 t icycle, Whch eB seed them cc appral. Na ]BETWEEN6
Gl~. a R.E 1_---57 again selected an interestilig and in- worktdcce ctil the bicycle arrives and proves Toledo, 0.
0. W. RuaaLE6ce H. W. HAYES sreiehrcai twilciss aifaay
G.P. & T. AgC., Chicago. Agt., Ace uArbor Ytntv io~at twl oss aifcoung emadies e ongthe Findlay, 0.
imainly as follows: IbYugLdssm er ms etn iI oso ilts applythey mutbe wellrecoin- Keton, 0.
An ro ala- Two lecturec ait thriee Shiakespearean mended. Write for particlars. Columbus, 0.
u Taking effect Sunday, April 7,1804. plays, by Janmes Tiny Alplebee, of AC ECLRT CID. Y A ideport 0.
Trains leave Ace Arbor on Central Stand.TLHIIN.Mdlpr .
crd time. Macclastn. ___________________________ Fenr,0
0:7a4 . 011 .m Edwin Waldo Emerson, of Macton, Pt, Pleasant, W. Va.
4:15 p" m 9:00 p.m soii of Ralph Waldo Emierson, will Rihod a
SUNDAY TRAINIS. deliver Iwo lectures aii Art. Petersburg, Va.
Going North atl9:15a.i.
Goiccg South at 0:15 p:. mn. A lectore, illustrated by electricity, No. 2 Improved Old Point Comfort, Va.
Trains Suinday -rue between Toledo and -- Williamsburg, Va.
Homburg Junction silly, will be given by Dr. Harold Wilsonl, *NeprNwcVa
'Trains run between Ann Arbcr and Toledo of Detroit, On thle subject, "'The ye- A m ricanlh -epr~wa
Alli trains daily except Sunda.. e.8 lationi of color to enmotion." Adalsuhatr ons lgn
H.S RE ,OAgentAdalsuhosrncll.Eeat
a, . E TG.P. A. Tldo O. drawing rsom ecars on oil thrcoghc traics.
WH.ENET---sa- Rev. Mr. Whiitford, of Saginaw, will Q (®dj aor fuither infarmatian cll an your local
"O UU icket Agent ar write.
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. give a lecture onl Dante. MOULTON HIOUK, Cenl Pas-. Agt.,
Rev.__ Lee McCollecter, of Detroit, will Typedo O* W .PTRMihgnPs.Aet.
TieTbe a 2,19. dlve nilcrte etr n"Od . ie Detecit, Sigh.
TmTalay2,19. dlvral11rtte lcueo"OdLeave Ypsilanti from Congress at., 6-:00,8;00 Camlbridge and Concord." -DON'T BUT A
and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45,215,5:00,6:45, 9:3 and
11:00p" m. AnrbrRev. John Synder, of St. Louis, will IS3 NOW READY. ID 10c T IO0 N A R Y T
Leae AnAbrJunction, 7:00, 0:10 and :0a . :5 :5 :0 :5 00 n 10 iea'etr n "h vlto.o
P.tl .ml111:05:07:5100an110gveaecoeo"Teeouinf The lateat model of the first success- till you see
SUNDAY TIME. Aemerican hunior." fol low-priced typewriter. THE STANDARD.
Leave Ypsilanti fram Congresst.,l1:30,320, The course will be openled by the New ideas, improved construction, better Drop a card or call an J. T. Sidglcy, 18
:00, 6:30 and 0:00 p m. Traiver st., Norb Side, Agent for weotenaw,
SLeave Acn Arbor JunctIon, 1:00, 4:00,15:10, Ypsilanti Orchestral Society 5111 a finishi, and greeter speed. Sold by thic mali- Oahlaiid end Macomb counties.
7:00 and 9:10 p. m. ers direct t a price slightly above the man-
cnts rundo ct tri e re: sigl cen i5Ldsqatts. hag f rf OlOCtueu cast. Scud tar ctalogue and let- /
carts rand anrity timket Face:tsinlrp1 ais o.re ncsc fPo FALL GB.EE 1fTI1G.
WMn. F. PAnKEn, Supt. Gxareissen, of Ypsilanti. fcr writteis withit
G. . I. eenig t chrgeof vnramn~n Sutn ito osrad4r 41.50 up; Overcoats to
A U. . R.evenng t chage ofAMERCAN YPEWITERG0. arder $13.50np treueis to losder $375.
MAMMOTH~~~~I PIE SL o. hls leaning Dyeing, Preuuing, and Repairing
MAMMO T PIPE. SAE Warjlk;er and Mrs. Stono, of Kal- Rom2,25BodaNFORDHAM & GLEN,
y. ansazoo, will give a lecture on "Tbe Merchant Tailor, 10 S. Slate St., Ann Arbr..
JOIlY &Zt CO . hl Lnid gp. LOST-415 in bills on or near the ________________
HolyLan andEgyt."campus Wednesday. Reward for its Good Moard $2 per week; r Maynard
Removed Is 18 S. Stale St1, 5ager Blash. Rev. T. Ye Hutchinson will have reuntr ejmnS. 5c.Tym or.2
Hat ad eid nncrs t Al Hnrs.charge of an English evening, pastry
and sang. Courses of Study for University Students
RI*P "ANS Praf. Jahn W. Langley will lecture
- on "Electricity in England." -UNDEiR cT AUSPICEu OF
lUMr. J. F. Soith, of Ypsilainti, will+ TEB L HIR.++
in The modern stand- give a violin recital..+TEBBE HIS
12ard Family Medi- Hion. E. 1P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, will
cine:" Cures the lecture on "Thle Greatest American." The following Courses will be offered during the year:
Lecture are also expected fomn 1. The Lifa of Christ. 7. The Life and Letters of Paul.
>common exrery-day profs. Greene, Dock and W.A. Camp- 2. The History of Israel. 8. The Maccabees and the Herods,.
ills of humanity. bell, of the University. S. The Gospel of John. . Early Church History.
OC4 The'Book of Acts. 10. History of Missions.
pJ MhuAll track athletes are requested to 5. The Epistle to the Hebrews. 11. Normal s. S. Class.
Z ~ report to me at the athletic field be- 6. The Philosophy of Religion. 12. Christian Ethics,,
O tween 3:30 and 6 every day to work
for the fall field day, October 18. The Bible Is the greatest text-beak of civilization. The Interest In its study grows
Mitt D. . STARTAsI. Capt. with time and was never greater than at present. Na ones education is complete without
D. S. STA T, at least a general knowledge of the wrdt of God. The realization of this fact led to the
Course It (in Latin writing) will be founding of the Bible Chairs. Classes will be termed in Ihe above Courues, in Newberry
-~ Sal, at hours to suit the convenience of students. For toll Information, cali At the S. C. A.
Advertise Your Wants gvnTedyadTusa t1Bidnfo o4P . radesteisrcos
The aily o'lockinstad f atILG. P. COLER, 56 Sata University Ave.
flITh aiy JOHN C. LIOLrE. c. A. YO1UNG, 48 Mradison Street.

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